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Please fix WvW exploits


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1 hour ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

This one is legit possible. LB has an arc to its arrows that fly past the listed 1500 range. They can get to +1800 range if not more if there is a slope/elevation difference in their favor. Untamed has a 900 range teleport on their bar as well, so it could just be that you misjudged the initial distance some and that while you were in the dismount animation they closed the distance with swiftness.

Yes. As a longbow soulbeast main I pull off kitten regularly that I guarantee has people thinking is a hack or exploit, when actually it's just knowing all the idiosyncrasies of the class and build after playing thousands of hours on it. I've dismounted players from beyond the listed max range so fast that if they had the slightest lag it would appear instantaneous. Also desync happens very frequently which I strongly suspect is the explanation for a lot of the claims of players teleporting. For example sometimes I'll be shooting at a player who's like 500 units away and getting "out of range," then a few seconds later they'll seemingly teleport well outside of my range. It's not a hack, it's just a desync.

Edited by Elricht Kaltwind.8796
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1 hour ago, Cuilan.7091 said:


rocket boots is coded as a jump, combined with jump casting you can effectively double jump

paired with the velocity you can wallride certain bits of geometry tf2 style. You can look up the map data on thatshaman's Tyria 3d to see in detail what slopes and nudges you can get on. 


also without 50+ players slamming a lord, the health scaling is akin to a core tyria champion (which isn't a lot). during the flip that you saw I was using a burn build that melted the lord faster than the video (and reaper that just stood still and ate the cleave)

I didn't see anything.  I was commenting that there is a program tons of players have been using since launch that allows them to play outside the game rules.  Good to know that the people flying in golems and the players just appearing at tower/keep lords (in towers/keeps that have never been attacked since reset) is just rocket boots.  And that scaling is the reason people regularly see players walk through walls, fly and move faster than rollerbeetles using speed bursts.


I'm relieved that it's nothing to be concerned about.

Edited by Ubi.4136
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7 hours ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

This one is legit possible. LB has an arc to its arrows that fly past the listed 1500 range. They can get to +1800 range if not more if there is a slope/elevation difference in their favor. Untamed has a 900 range teleport on their bar as well, so it could just be that you misjudged the initial distance some and that while you were in the dismount animation they closed the distance with swiftness.

I'm no expert by far so I believe what you day is true.  To give an example of situation.


Fire keep. We are green. I'm top of the steps by the sentry facing away for an easy escape, but panned back. I see half a dozen leap down from right above the gate. The distance is a catapult range if you can picture it. I start running the moment they hit the walkway. Take two jumps, then ranger dismounted me. Then I teleport 1200. 


The #2skill had already been used to dismount me, so that takes care of that 2000 range ability.  The distances involved just do not add up.

2000+1200 is the range + my teleport. My assumption is he already teleported to get into 2k range. 

His is 1800+900 then, and if he already used his 900 teleport + 2k hit then there is still no way he could have teleported onto me.



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11 minutes ago, Jitters.9401 said:

I'm no expert by far so I believe what you day is true.  To give an example of situation.


Fire keep. We are green. I'm top of the steps by the sentry facing away for an easy escape, but panned back. I see half a dozen leap down from right above the gate. The distance is a catapult range if you can picture it. I start running the moment they hit the walkway. Take two jumps, then ranger dismounted me. Then I teleport 1200. 


The #2skill had already been used to dismount me, so that takes care of that 2000 range ability.  The distances involved just do not add up.

2000+1200 is the range + my teleport. My assumption is he already teleported to get into 2k range. 

His is 1800+900 then, and if he already used his 900 teleport + 2k hit then there is still no way he could have teleported onto me.



You aren't taking into account the ranger having quickness and possibly runes of speed while running towards you while unloading with his LB during the dismount animation. He also could have started in GS for Swoop to close on you before swapping to LB to dismount you.

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There's a warclaw bug I've reported a couple times over the last 2-3 years that hasn't been fixed. With supply, go to an enemy gate, use the 3 skill (chain pull?) followed by 2 (release chain) so as to not burn your supply. After doing this, your warclaw runs faster in the enemy territory. You can waypoint to friendly territory to retain the speed boost. If you capture the enemy territory, you'll retain the speed boost. I've left out some other details but there it is.

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3 hours ago, Sleepwalker.1398 said:

Salmon made this clip. How the heck do you even put a cata in there?


Was surprised when I found that a few years back too. Pretty sure that's no longer possible since the expansion update to water and fishing, and not being able to build siege in water anymore.

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Because of the many imbalances in WvW, I feel that defending an objective should be given priority. I mean when a smaller or less-organized group attacks an objective with more defenders then the defenders will come out of the objective and slaughter them just the same. So usually when a smaller group encounters a bigger group, they have the good sense to run.

But for a smaller group defending against boonballs or zergs, wich happens a lot more than more equal fights, these exploits are more important to fix. 

And yeah I have a major gripe with how catapults can be used or rather exploited because of how the aoe works. What I mean is that the aoe works through solid walls and can hit other walls that are vulnerable to siege weapons. The example I can think of is that in EB (Jerrifer's Slough) you can put a cata in a small niche on the west side and though you can't actually hit the wall you're aiming at, the aoe will do damage to the one behind it anyway. 

Also the common practice is to put catas against a wall which, if you think about it, is completely ridiculous. The reason that people do this is because when you just tap the fire button quickly and release it right away it does too much damage for the tension that you put on the shot. The normal settings for me are around minimum 4% and maximum 7%. But 4% for just tapping the fire button is a ridiculously high amount especially because you just have to deal with the 5 second CD and not the loading time of the shot. So actually you do more damage over time than when you fully load the shot for more damage. 

Oh and also...the cata is in its own aoe like that so I feel that catas should have either a minimum distance to an objective that's outside its own aoe or the cata takes damage from its own shots. But all in all  catas are exploits because of the way they work. They're ranged siege weapons that are used up close against walls. It's very strange to say the least, but I see it as an exploit. I mean it would be the same as not having a minimum range for trebuchets.

Edited by Gehenna.3625
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8 hours ago, Sleepwalker.1398 said:

Salmon made this clip. How the heck do you even put a cata in there?



This is where the catas used to go before they redid the water area, like 5-6 years ago.  Used to be small ledges on either side that you could get to by swimming and just climbing onto.  Ledges got removed, and Anet just Anet'ted the change.  Not sure it still works after the no water siege thing they changed last year though.

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On 1/8/2023 at 5:39 PM, Logan.4796 said:

There probably are legitimate hackers out there. But this specific line of Soulbeast to Druid then back to Soulbeast is something I do constantly..... For the record


And can you do that while adjacent to your opponent in the middle of receiving a burst of both direct and condi damage which is clearly reducing your health? Because when I say "in combat", I do mean in combat.

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On 1/1/2023 at 7:29 AM, ViperWire.4261 said:

Anet official response on the matter:

There is no report option for cheating because there is no cheating


Meanwhile videos showing people flying around, account names shown, cannot show more evidence than that and no action gets taken. Incoming cope from players that claim they do ban hackers but just do not announce it.

Actually there was an e-mail addressee to personal report stuff but they shut it down with the security guy leaving the company.

But even with this Arena.NET takes years to fix certain exploits , like people flying is deep stone or what they fixed last that you could jump into the cage with engineers rocket boots in the Underground Facility before the nerfed it.


Actually this is also a common theme nerf skills instead of fixing maps . Other example for this is the removed the fall reductions traits because you could jump on CS from top and port people from outside in with it. Traits that every jumping puzzle video recommend until this day.

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11 hours ago, Logan.4796 said:

Edit: Boonballs are overpowered and unstoppable if a havoc group is spamming boons and reflect in voice chat. Nothing you can do to penetrate those defenses unless you use overwhelming amounts of excessive force and players.


So if its OP in a havoc, is that not even more OP in a warband or zerg? I admit Roamer/Havoc here, but didn't want to assume you meant the warbands and zergs weren't also OP when more and more boon spam is applied.

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8 hours ago, Vile.4387 said:

Looks like same trash game, was considering coming back, then I read this thread.


No game is still quite fun and worth the time. Forums are not the best advertising place. 13K hours in an there is still a lot of fun and constant action. When considering 24x7 365 days fights this is still a great destination. The forums though is a separate place where you will see many views and many of us are quite vocal and may not agree. Don't use that as advertising either. Since its B2P, if in doubt, don't use forums, login and give it a spin. Then you can come and play Forum Wars2 with the rest of us that would prefer to be in game but can't be for one reason or another. Either way, good gaming to you!

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2 minutes ago, cargan.5689 said:

Please,  a random horde of Skritt tunnelling into keeps and stealing all the supply with cries of oh Shinies


Off topic so won't go to far here but still think we need a tactic that can turn a supply camp into a sapper transport that would send yaks to enemy gates and if they made it all the way would do small amounts of damage to gates. Would further increase the value of defending camps that can't supply enemy objectives and add new tools to the Roamer/Havoc toolkit to assault deeper into the other sides supply lines.

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12 hours ago, Logan.4796 said:

That an ongoing issue that I too have noticed is this bad. That you got this guy that has taken their time out to write over 2,200 posts to GW2 forums. Literally has that as his signature. Calling out a very real issue. As well as basically directly calling out Arena Net for not properly caring about WvW Balance.

Why do I have this feeling of dread that this call out is going to have the opposite effect and get me in trouble instead. 🤭

Anyways glad you agree, but reading the professions forum and seeing the last few balance passes, they really don't, and most likely never will.

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On 1/10/2023 at 3:28 AM, deadlift.7681 said:

There's a warclaw bug I've reported a couple times over the last 2-3 years that hasn't been fixed. With supply, go to an enemy gate, use the 3 skill (chain pull?) followed by 2 (release chain) so as to not burn your supply. After doing this, your warclaw runs faster in the enemy territory. You can waypoint to friendly territory to retain the speed boost. If you capture the enemy territory, you'll retain the speed boost. I've left out some other details but there it is.

+endurance regeneration Buffs also work when your on the warclaw. Vigor+Buffood and you can Boostjump for days.

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13 hours ago, Visionary.1705 said:

The latest glitch/exploit seems to be to jump into Briar (SW) tower. In our current matchup there was a catalyst doing this two times in plain view of around 5 of us. Not at the gate though, as that is/was the common exploit, not even sure the warclaw was being used.

This one? Yep, caring level by Anet = zero.

The player in question knows that full well, hence why they do it. They're doing it to annoy people. It's not about capping or objectives or ppt. It's just about being as annoying as possible.

Edited by Chips.7968
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15 minutes ago, Chips.7968 said:

This one? Yep, caring level by Anet = zero.

The player in question knows that full well, hence why they do it. They're doing it to annoy people. It's not about capping or objectives or ppt. It's just about being as annoying as possible.

luckily almost no one knows about the Alpine garrison exploit. You can simply jump over the wall and straight into the garri. 😄

Edited by Sahne.6950
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8 hours ago, Logan.4796 said:

A balanced game means. Boonstrip cancels out Boonstacking if there is 5 dedicated boon-strippers versus 5 dedicated boon suppliers if all 10 people are equally skilled.

This game is not balanced. Instead requiring more like 7+ boon-strippers versus 5 dedicated boon suppliers. Potentially more.

Then because of their perfect defense they can basically 1 spam auto attack, run in circles, and drop condition fields to also do massive DPS.

5 Boon stackers with Condition damage stuff + Boon duration as their main focus:

Requires more like 7 boon strippers to nullify the group. On top of another 2 healers dedicated to cleansing conditions from all the condition fields. On top of another 2 people to actually do some DPS

See my point here?

I wasn't disagreeing with the imbalance between boon application and strip/conversion. If you see other posts you will see I say the same. I was trying to figure out why you think its more out of balance when talking about havoc groups. But either case its off-topic for this thread so will leave that conversation for other threads and we can come back to it.

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