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MAG: So what do they do differently that the rest of us arent doing?


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mag actually doesn't do anything even well. it's a rather low quality server. they live off the fear and uncoordinatedness of NA population

like, if u don't want to fight them, just go not to EBG. with 40 people not clowning around they cannot do anything anymore.


ofc, if u queue EBG but afk at spawn and have 20 people against their 30+ cloud, and your 20 people are just pugs on pointless classes like ranger or roamerbuild anything, you cannot win. that's literally what the mag cloud practiced for years probably, and the random pug quality on NA is basically as good as any beginner after one year can be, so yeah.

like if u run with 3 ppl into a 30ish cloud full of dps, some oneshot u, then 5 more of your random pugs try to res, get also oneshotted by some more ranger/thief/dps engi clowns, and that just repeats and is easily cycleable with cooldowns

like, most NA servers have guilds, but mediocre ones only. yet, if u stack 2-3 of those on ebg, means pugs who aren't in these leave the map to not queue it, then this "mag cloud" playstyle is pretty much nothing.


like, EU clouds are far better at the clouding game, but the pugs and even casual guilds are better at countering clouds. idk why NA doesn't get it done and instead posts like every other days some "help mag stole my lunch money, lunch box and school bus" on here...


like u ever heard of gw2mists? idk if fully updated with vindi builds etc, but tons of basic builds to group-play with more effective things than the mag clowncloud uses lol.

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Maguuma has an actual community, people feel like they're on the same page in terms of playstyle, people respond to call outs, etc. Most servers are carried by one or two big comp guilds (cough BG cough) and fall apart when there isn't an experienced tag online. Pugs don't trust each other to play competitively if there isn't someone at the helm. On Mag you can trust other players to fight. As someone said earlier, if you jump into a fight outnumbered, you can be fairly confident that more players will jump in to help. 

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8 hours ago, Xenesis.6389 said:

Yup, ran into boon ball guilds last night, let out a disgusted sigh, but then I chain moa'd the commanders, and pulled some off a wall out of the objective, and watched them all follow to save their buddies, about the only joy I could find in that whole disgusting scenario anymore.

Some of my friends and I did this-- then the fight guilds threatened to report us for .... playing the game?? Not to mention that Anet actually buffed Signet of Humility so what were we supposed to do?

Anyhow, don't play Mesmer. It's against the rules apparently.

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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Mag embodies my preferred playstyle, but I just don't want to deal with the internal environment they've created.


Other NA servers are way too deep into the Great Man theory of WvW where this or that commander carries a whole server and no one bothers to do anything when he's away.  That's not to say that these commanders aren't doing great work, just that the server is a lot weaker when work can only be done when commanders are present.

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Anyone who has played any other RvR game and knows about the "zerg realm" understands Mag completely.


The lack of tags and coordination is exactly what makes them strong, since without guidance the players naturally band together into large hunting parties and this gives them insane coverage. Their entire tactic is playing lots of ranged classes ("Legolas" archer stereotype, especially), and clouding forever.


What do you think is more effective:

- A squad of 40-50 players hitting a single target, and sometimes failing to take it.

- A bunch of 5-player parties hitting nearly every objective on the map simultaneously, purely as a result of being so disorganised, almost to the point of being random.


Its normal for coordinated servers to be the underdogs, because this kind of skill-based and team-based gameplay doesn't attract as many players like being a mindless zerg realm does. Coordination also tends to pool your resources into a few specific targets, and you lose coverage as a result.


Its something that's as old as online video games.


So why does this happen? Well, the first and biggest problem is that squads have a 50-player limit. If they were limited to only being as big as raid squads, WvW would change very quickly.

Edited by Mariyuuna.6508
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1 hour ago, ArchonWing.9480 said:

Some of my friends and I did this-- then the fight guilds threatened to report us for .... playing the game?? Not to mention that Anet actually buffed Signet of Humility so what were we supposed to do?

Anyhow, don't play Mesmer. It's against the rules apparently.

Yeah I've had a particular one in one of the groups message me about "get a hobby" and go elsewhere for harassing their ball with pulls, and then when I get linked with their server they asked me if I was that guy that moa'd for this other commander, then told me to leave the server cause they thought I was following them. 🙄 The nerve of these guys, so full of themselves, I happily moa and pull as I now know it gets under their skin. 🤭

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The difference I noticed is that Mag is usually weak when fighting equal numbers. I remember last week when they had almost all the structures/objectives. We had a 10ish equal number fights outside their tower and they got floored. Then more and more ppl from Mag came as fight progresses (like 20+ Mag) until we got outnumbered badly. Probably Mag from other maps responded as they lack content from other maps.

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4 hours ago, Mariyuuna.6508 said:

What do you think is more effective:

- A squad of 40-50 players hitting a single target, and sometimes failing to take it.

- A bunch of 5-player parties hitting nearly every objective on the map simultaneously, purely as a result of being so disorganised, almost to the point of being random.

I want the WR project to complete so that we can get to that which comes after. I am hoping there is changes to want more people to win so that efficiency has more value. Have seen tags be efficient and a lot just be lazy. Have seen main tags that know how to use their havocs and roamers as well and tags that take them in to use them to hit targets as they hit others. I admit I see less of that these days as there is no reason to win so get the most for the least play is the current rule. Server pride side over WR but I support WR hoping we can get back to some of that. Your example is great have been part of attacks where havocs were left to take towers, roamers to clear sentries and slow reinforcements and the rest to take down the keeps all at the same time. We probably won't get back to that overall but maybe it will help in the everyone in one ball and we will go round and round zerging we have.

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2 hours ago, kurogane.9681 said:

The difference I noticed is that Mag is usually weak when fighting equal numbers. I remember last week when they had almost all the structures/objectives. We had a 10ish equal number fights outside their tower and they got floored. Then more and more ppl from Mag came as fight progresses (like 20+ Mag) until we got outnumbered badly. Probably Mag from other maps responded as they lack content from other maps.

Mag senpai won't notice you because you are late gamer. Boon comped group need no skills. 

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5 hours ago, Mariyuuna.6508 said:

- A squad of 40-50 players hitting a single target, and sometimes failing to take it.

- A bunch of 5-player parties hitting nearly every objective on the map simultaneously, purely as a result of being so disorganised, almost to the point of being random.

It only takes one kill to destroy the 40-50 player squad, the commander.

The cloud never stops.

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2 hours ago, kurogane.9681 said:

The difference I noticed is that Mag is usually weak when fighting equal numbers. I remember last week when they had almost all the structures/objectives. We had a 10ish equal number fights outside their tower and they got floored. Then more and more ppl from Mag came as fight progresses (like 20+ Mag) until we got outnumbered badly. Probably Mag from other maps responded as they lack content from other maps.


Its a point that some of us have brought up that are not on Mag, and as other Mag players have said, they will respond to call outs. That's both a strength and weakness. If a server isn't using that fact, that's on them. If you have players that only follow a tag, and the tag feels overwhelmed and logs and that leaves people not knowing the why a tag did what they did, the tag didn't aid, it hindered. Now to be fair to those that tag, how many want to deal with losing peeps and seeing those not tagged complain in chat why did you get us killed!? Whereas the answer might be you were running the wrong gear for your understanding of the build you made or you were out of place. So there are many sides to that story. Mag doesn't have to deal with that as often since its more smaller scale based anyway. So, no tag, all the good. Unless their opponents adapt to the same thought they will get outnumbered because their server mates choose not to show up to the fight without the tags.

So yes many times Mag will outnumber people on EBG, but that's not a Mag issue. It's an issue that others choose not to show. Again, there are good and bad players on Mag, but Mag has many many more that don't need a tag to lead since they know people will back them. Unless you are ready to adapt to fight that or you if relay on tag to drive you, you are against the numbers on EBG. You would better of hitting them on the borderland if your server isn't willing to fight them on EBG.

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22 minutes ago, lotus.5672 said:


lmao even!!


Your reply explained nothing, gratz I guess. I will assume that the way you read Mariyuuna's reply and the way I did is different and I read it from the roaming view point. So to be fair, when roaming its easier to create a build that is strong and greedy that helps you and allows you to kill and live, it easy to design because you worry about you. When you adjust the build to havoc you do the same and add in bits to keep your havoc alive and start to fill in bits to aid where they miss, means you have to consider more what is their build, what's its boons and banes and how to aid. When you build for Warband and Zerg you take away more from yourself and group build more. Its means you are weaker alone and need more support to allow your group build to aid more and need more coordination from there but that makes the group all the stronger. You can hit bigger but can't be in more spots at once since if you do you forfeit that group support. Warbands and Zergs can hit stronger since they have builds that do more support and group builds and hence the boon balls. Mag plays to counter the boonball. As I have said a good counter to a strong zerg is more havocs and roamers. Mags has shown a good example of this. A zerg can smash targets but if countered by havocs and roamers at the expense of other objectives in trade. Right now though, 50 taking a solo objective is handled the same as the 3 that were needed to do the job, that's where we are out of balanced.

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5 hours ago, Xenesis.6389 said:

Yeah I've had a particular one in one of the groups message me about "get a hobby" and go elsewhere for harassing their ball with pulls, and then when I get linked with their server they asked me if I was that guy that moa'd for this other commander, then told me to leave the server cause they thought I was following them. 🙄 The nerve of these guys, so full of themselves, I happily moa and pull as I now know it gets under their skin. 🤭

Well, maybe you ought to tell them to stop following you, and maybe they should leave, since you were here first. xD Truth is, many enemy groups get aggrod on players like yourself and that's how fights start. Common sense... hah, guess not.


But this all sounds very familiar. It could be the same people but it seems like a lot of them share the same extremely narrow minded mindset and spewing the same boring memes. All very boring. For example, on beta weeks for EoD, you would see no experimentation-- they'd just all run the same boon stuff as usual because losing is scary.

It's also very funny that people think they actually are some kind of el dictator when they can just order people around. No, lol, they have no power besides maybe booting from guild or discord but that's about as much "power" as being a Reddit mod.

In most cases of human interaction, usually when one wants something from someone else they make a request or an offer. Most of them don't seem to interact with anyone irl, since usually the first thing that comes out of their mouth is insults or other kinds of assorted screeching, Then they get surprised Pikachu faces when nobody complies because it's just a joke.

It's almost as bad as them yelling at you for not coordinating with them. Well, gee, your tag is invisible; how am i supposed to know where you are? And of course, this following is selective-- the moment they don't need you they just tell you to gtfo but will come back you again because they don't scout and have no info and can't get fights.

So when they ask me where the fights are, I just ask someone to roll the dice and pick a location, since that's about as good info as they deserve.

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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5 minutes ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:


Your reply explained nothing, gratz I guess. I will assume that the way you read Mariyuuna's reply and the way I did is different and I read it from the roaming view point. So to be fair, when roaming its easier to create a build that is strong and greedy that helps you and allows you to kill and live, it easy to design because you worry about you. When you adjust the build to havoc you do the same and add in bits to keep your havoc alive and start to fill in bits to aid where they miss, means you have to consider more what is their build, what's its boons and banes and how to aid. When you build for Warband and Zerg you take away more from yourself and group build more. It’s ermeans you are weaker alone and need more support to allow your group build to aid more and need more coordination from there but that makes the group all the stronger. You can hit bigger but can't be in more spots at once since if you do you forfeit that group support. Warbands and Zergs can hit stronger since they have builds that do more support and group builds and hence the boon balls. Mag plays to counter the boonball. As I have said a good counter to a strong zerg is more havocs and roamers. Mags has shown a good example of this. A zerg can smash targets but if countered by havocs and roamers at the expense of other objectives in trade. Right now though, 50 taking a solo objective is handled the same as the 3 that were needed to do the job, that's where we are out of balanced.


let me step out of Rp for a sec,


It’s really simple.


clouding and using builds built for it is much more enjoyable and relaxing then boon spam zerging. When I cloud, I’m free to go where ever I like. I can respond to call outs, I can take a camp, I can find 1vX fights. It’s just the freedom that matters to me. Lastly playing like that solo keeps your awareness sharp.


since I’ve boon spam zerged more times then I care to admit, I can say for certainty that it dumbs down your individual skill and awareness. Almost makes you numb to your surroundings. On top of that, you need to be in the group as each party has a set comp. 1 person missing and that party is hindered. Then you go into the fact that each boon spam guild has 1 very good driver and 1 in training most the time. Or none, so now if that person isn’t on. Well it’s “no raid today boys”


Boon spam zerging is also tiring, boring and can only function for so long before it’s break time or end of raid. It’s a taxing way to play since it’s not any fun at all. Me personally I would get bored out of my mind after the first 30 mins and I loved the people I was running with.


plus I’m not a fan of sitting on tag as tight as possible to exploit the ingame limitations of how aoe damage is handled. 

so to sum it up, I think the longer the game goes on. There will be more and more people who will take on these views. To play a casual, enjoyable way to spend time. I’ve said it before, I treat this game as a call of duty hotjoin. I log in, get some kills. Some laughs and log out. This game is too old and too tired to take as serious as some of you guys do. That’s why the cloud is growing all hours of the day. More people are starting to feel the same or have for a while now.


enjoy and have fun!


Back in Rp


get gud is the answer. The mighty teapot agrees.





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13 minutes ago, moutzaheadin.4029 said:


let me step out of Rp for a sec,


It’s really simple.


clouding and using builds built for it is much more enjoyable and relaxing then boon spam zerging. When I cloud, I’m free to go where ever I like. I can respond to call outs, I can take a camp, I can find 1vX fights. It’s just the freedom that matters to me. Lastly playing like that solo keeps your awareness sharp.


since I’ve boon spam zerged more times then I care to admit, I can say for certainty that it dumbs down your individual skill and awareness. Almost makes you numb to your surroundings. On top of that, you need to be in the group as each party has a set comp. 1 person missing and that party is hindered. Then you go into the fact that each boon spam guild has 1 very good driver and 1 in training most the time. Or none, so now if that person isn’t on. Well it’s “no raid today boys”


Boon spam zerging is also tiring, boring and can only function for so long before it’s break time or end of raid. It’s a taxing way to play since it’s not any fun at all. Me personally I would get bored out of my mind after the first 30 mins and I loved the people I was running with.


plus I’m not a fan of sitting on tag as tight as possible to exploit the ingame limitations of how aoe damage is handled. 

so to sum it up, I think the longer the game goes on. There will be more and more people who will take on these views. To play a casual, enjoyable way to spend time. I’ve said it before, I treat this game as a call of duty hotjoin. I log in, get some kills. Some laughs and log out. This game is too old and too tired to take as serious as some of you guys do. That’s why the cloud is growing all hours of the day. More people are starting to feel the same or have for a while now.


enjoy and have fun!


Back in Rp


get gud is the answer. The mighty teapot agrees.





But obvs we have spies everywhere cause we care so much. Obvs we hack to keep our place at the top... C'mon... I'm mag cause I'm too lazy to join a guild and play "optimally." When tf am I gon make spy alts?

Fight guilds were so tiresome. None of the freedom and 10x the commander aggro. I just wanna duel a couple guys, kill some yaks, eat some zerg kitten, frog tonic at red spawn. I'm a simple man.

Edited by DukeScuttle.1908
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What obs said is true. Guys, enjoy game. 

Boon ball meta builds are easy, but too slow, and you are useless outside boon blob. 

I stopped playing old school join discord join squad game play because I want to kill my targets. meta builds cant chase. always same style.

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22 hours ago, Logan.4796 said:

I thought transferring off Tarnished coast to lower ranking servers would have less toxic teammates overall.. I was VERY VERY wrong.

What Mag is doing differently is.... Everyone who is truly serious about WvW stacks on Mag or their competition

You shouldve taken the hint about TC the moment you see them constantly being crybabies about mag here the forums.

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From a serious perspective, Mag pugs, we’re opportunistic aggressors. I see an opening to attack and wipe the zerg, i will go for it because  the same people see what I see. We don’t get baited by cheap tactics like choke point baiting,  we are less risk averse, and we know how to move individually. We see boon balls like a herd of buffalos and we move like a pack of wolves to fight them. We will identify the commander, moa/pull or target them. If we’re srs, some of us will run builds to strip the boons autonomously.

As for linkings, we know some players from some servers with an experienced populations can cloud really well like AR. I know BG can do it sometimes too, then there are crap servers who cant cloud with us at all. 

you may not like our play style but it’s hella disruptive and fun to play. We talk alot of fun trash in team chat and call you out if you’re making stupid mistakes . 

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4 hours ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:


Its a point that some of us have brought up that are not on Mag, and as other Mag players have said, they will respond to call outs. That's both a strength and weakness. If a server isn't using that fact, that's on them. If you have players that only follow a tag, and the tag feels overwhelmed and logs and that leaves people not knowing the why a tag did what they did, the tag didn't aid, it hindered. Now to be fair to those that tag, how many want to deal with losing peeps and seeing those not tagged complain in chat why did you get us killed!? Whereas the answer might be you were running the wrong gear for your understanding of the build you made or you were out of place. So there are many sides to that story. Mag doesn't have to deal with that as often since its more smaller scale based anyway. So, no tag, all the good. Unless their opponents adapt to the same thought they will get outnumbered because their server mates choose not to show up to the fight without the tags.

So yes many times Mag will outnumber people on EBG, but that's not a Mag issue. It's an issue that others choose not to show. Again, there are good and bad players on Mag, but Mag has many many more that don't need a tag to lead since they know people will back them. Unless you are ready to adapt to fight that or you if relay on tag to drive you, you are against the numbers on EBG. You would better of hitting them on the borderland if your server isn't willing to fight them on EBG.

Since Mag got a decent coverage most of the time, it's tough to get into playing for wvw content aside from those easy dailies. They will respond into almost anything due to their decent coverage and boredom from other maps. Even if you move maps, the moment some Mag saw you, you'd be expecting they will be on the map any minute. Obviously, people got eventually tired since you get badly outnumbered fights most of the time. There are no close to equal fights anymore because that 10ish people taking a tower is the only wvw content for those 20+ Mag. Moving map is futile, they will follow you since you're the only current wvw content they have at the moment as they had captured almost every structures.

Edited by kurogane.9681
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