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Upcoming 1/31 QoL WvW Update Guesses


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3 minutes ago, Xenesis.6389 said:

That's not the point. You want to place optional pvp in maps where it's all pve players, you'll end up finding even less pvp players engaging in the option than in wvw. At least with Wvw maps it's mostly players who wants to pvp, minus the couple deadbeats only there for a gob. Not to mention no one is going to run around that many maps looking for action, they'll all pick one or two popular maps and sit there looking to gank others.


Feel free to enter pve zones right now and get your loot and chat if wvw is dead for you.


Nah that's me having a bit of fun, blowing the load is you and this open world pvp suggestion you keep trying to push every chance you get, even though there's been like what one other person that might like it? We've already had this discussion, which you didn't even want to answer my questions for it, so I guess enjoy your load by yourself.

If everyone's cool with what we have now like you're suggesting, why all the crying in this forum? 

Flagged open pvp has worked fine on other games and people aren't doing much on the maps we have now outside of prime time and then you have to hope you've made the queue.

WvW is dead to most people, according to this forum. And no, you're not just having a little fun in those threads, you get butt hurt enough to go round after round with people. I would imagine if WvW were lit you wouldn't be so salty with people on the forums. 

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7 minutes ago, kash.9213 said:

you get butt hurt enough to go round after round with people. I would imagine if WvW were lit you wouldn't be so salty with people on the forums. 

I feel like you're reading someone elses posts in those threads lol. Nothing for me to be kitten about in those threads (you can accuse me of that for boons and thieves though!) I'm not in even on Mag, I'm just laying down the truth to ones that actually start those threads, you know, the actual kitten people playing against mag, running from mag, dying from mag, dropping tiers from mag. You seem kitten over my push back on your idea though, you didn't even answer any of the questions I had for you on it.


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18 hours ago, dizzy.9263 said:

I have it blocked. Animated GIFs, scrolling text, and autoplay videos are examples of things that annoy me while I'm attempting to browse a forum. And for that reason those annoyances get blocked. Unfortunately it does mean that from time to time I am out of the loop for some threads (like this one).

With the staff being desperate to seem like they're "engaged" with the playerbase, that Twitter feed's annoyingly one of the only ways to get an idea of what's going on.

Of course, 9 times out of 10 it's them retweeting a generic video or some art work with a tenuous link to the game, but...uh...come to think of it, why do i even still look at it?

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19 minutes ago, Xenesis.6389 said:

I feel like you're reading someone elses posts in those threads lol. Nothing for me to be kitten about in those threads (you can accuse me of that for boons and thieves though!) I'm not in even on Mag, I'm just laying down the truth to ones that actually start those threads, you know, the actual kitten people playing against mag, running from mag, dying from mag, dropping tiers from mag. You seem kitten over my push back on your idea though, you didn't even answer any of the questions I had for you on it.


"I'm not even on Mag". I know, that's why it's kind of weird.

"I'm just laying down the truth..." cringy but good looking out for the rest of us. 

I don't care what you think of my idea, but if you're going to make passive aggressive comments that are aimed at someone, why do you then pretend like a response came out of nowhere? 

You didn't ask any questions. You made statements and were pleased with yourself but that's about it. 

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WvW Quality of Life Changes:


  1. New Gem Store items for purchase, including some scepter skin and some mount skin.
  2. Fixed a rock texture in EBG.
  3. Fixed the other dredge turret.
  4. Added an additional queue that tells you how many people are queued on Maguuma.
  5. Server transfers gem cost increased by 40% (Developer Notes: We realized that in the latest WvW beta event that Arenanet would lose critical income if server transfers came to an end. So to balance this change the dev team have decided to make all server transfers 40% more expensive. This should even the playing field for our financial team and ensure we can employ our singular WvW dev team member for an additional 3 weeks! We will monitor this change and let you know if it needs further tweaking.)
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pretty sure 99% of the suggestions were better.   Clearly an anet Dev went to EBG and this was their experience:

1. got knocked off a Ram at SMC.

2. then went to a camp and there was no supply

3.went back to SMC to see the gate 100% and was unhappy it was fully repaired

4.built a balli to clear the cannon up top but lost to the player on the cannon

5.went north to kill a doly but their allies were faster and killed it before it could tag the doly for supply


6. Logged out and made balance changes

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27 minutes ago, gitssac.7302 said:

Legit ChatGPT could make better content for WvW.


I asked ChatGPT  "how could ANET improve WvW in Guild Wars 2 ?":


1. Adding more variety to the map: More varied environments and terrain would make battles more interesting and dynamic.

2. Improving the matchmaking system: A better matchmaking system would ensure that matches are more balanced and fair.

3. Increasing the rewards for participating in WvW: Greater rewards would incentivize more players to participate and make the experience more enjoyable.

4. Improving the siege mechanics: Updating the siege mechanics would make sieging more engaging and challenging, leading to more intense battles.

5. Providing more opportunities for players to lead and organize their own WvW battles: This could include introducing new roles and responsibilities for players, such as commanders, and allowing players to create their own custom WvW matches.

6. Enhancing the WvW community: Improving the communication and coordination among players, and making it easier to join and form groups, would help to foster a stronger WvW community and help to build the sense of competition.

7. Improving the WvW UI : Improving the in-game WvW UI would make it easier for players to quickly access important information about the match and make better decisions.


Then asked: "What if none of that work ? What else could they try?":


1. Introducing new game modes: Introducing new game modes and variations of WvW could help to keep the experience fresh and interesting for players.

2. Improving the performance and stability of the game: Ensuring that the game runs smoothly and is free of bugs and glitches would make the WvW experience more enjoyable for players.

3. Making WvW more accessible for new players: Introducing tutorials and other resources to help new players learn the basics of WvW would make the experience more welcoming for new players and help to build a larger player base.

4. Providing more in-game tools for players to communicate and coordinate with one another: Giving players more tools to communicate and coordinate with one another would improve teamwork and make the WvW experience more engaging.

5. Focusing on the social aspect of the game : Encouraging players to form groups, building communities and guilds would foster a sense of belonging and competition.

6. Redesign the WvW map: Creating new WvW map with new objectives and mechanics which would make the game more engaging and challenging.

7. Getting feedback from players: Gathering feedback from players through surveys and testing would give ArenaNet valuable insights into what players want and how they perceive the WvW experience.


Chat GPT knows what we all know except for anet lmao.

Edited by Kirevey.5079
Missing text
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On 1/27/2023 at 10:11 PM, Svarty.8019 said:

The changes make zergs more capable of capping stuff. I guess it doesn't matter because defending is nigh-futile anyway. 

Actually, having considered the changes, I now believe that they'll be good for the game as they'll make it more difficult for servers to lock down their T3 stuff for a whole week. 


I like the idea that T3s will be less defensible, but like I've said a zillion times, we need to boost the opportunities for little groups and hinder the giant zergs. I think tomorrow's changes do a bit towards aiding little groups, but I suspect that big groups will also benefit because bigger camps mean they can hoover up more supps, like some whale swallowing krill. 

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