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Stop going far unless you have mid


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Why do people insist on this? It's aggravating as kitten, and it's really starting to kitten me off. Do people like to lose or just don't know how to play or don't give a kitten?


You're not going to win with home and far without mid. The other team can easily recap far and it takes your team forever to run there, stop doing it. I've never seen it work, never. Literally never. Despite how many times I try to tell people, some moron insists on going far and doesn't listen and continues to go there. Meanwhile we're getting obliterated mid and the difference between winning and losing is literally up to that moron who decided to go far.

Edited by Deadmoose.6594
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it's depend how your comp is constructed

thers support/bruiser/dps/roamer


if you have too much of 1 role in your team, yeh your mostly screw if your not adapt your strategy


it's like 3 dps will engage fight losing 50% hp before closing gap to enemy, or 3 bruisers not having inaf dmg to finish enemy that have a support


some comps are better when your splited 3vs3 / 2vs2 if you not have support

like roamer+bruiser| dps+bruiser|roamer


Edited by Noah Salazar.5430
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"Mid is life" ..

Mid is not life my friend. If you're keep going to mid, without even know how to disengage, rotage, leave the fight to go elsewhere, if you stay in the middle of a lost fight and die everysingle time cause you have zero map awarness, the fault is entiere yours bro.

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3 hours ago, Deadmoose.6594 said:

Why do people insist on this? It's aggravating as kitten, and it's really starting to kitten me off. Do people like to lose or just don't know how to play or don't give a kitten?


You're not going to win with home and far without mid. The other team can easily recap far and it takes your team forever to run there, stop doing it. I've never seen it work, never. Literally never. Despite how many times I try to tell people, some moron insists on going far and doesn't listen and continues to go there. Meanwhile we're getting obliterated mid and the difference between winning and losing is literally up to that moron who decided to go far.

Don't want to be rude, but this is very characteristic for silver tier matches, which is why a lot of games there end up being lost, because people have this mentality of "must have mid!!!". Yes, having mid is nice and it gives you central control of the map. BUT, and this is a big but. If your team is very low mobility and more teamfight oriented in terms of class composition, you have the risk of getting outrotated by the other team.


You see, when your team lacks any real teamfight potential (a team with multiple roamers and sidenoders and for example no support), then you are literally feeding if you keep going to mid. This is what loses games, people not willing to adapt their strategy according to your team and the enemy team. The guy going far is someone that probably IS adapting. Because he realises his team doesn't have the dps and team support to win a prolonged midfight, he decides to use his mobility and kiting potential to play for the side nodes. Unlike what you are saying, this is actually a valid strat because it forces the enemy teamfight oriented team to split up. The result is that their dps will be forced to fight without their support at some point, which becomes an advantage for your team, which is probably better suited for small skirmishes. And if they do all fight together and zerg the map, just disengage and rotate, decap mid and repeat the cycle. 


Ofcourse you have the element of players not knowing when to kite away from far and end up getting zerged. And ofc sometimes you would have won mid if they were there (that's easy to say afterwards though) In those cases that's totally on them. But if you are the guy that keeps on throwing himself at a lost midfight and refuses to adapt because "MUST HAVE MID OR LOSE", then I'm sorry my dude, but then you are the problem. Maybe you have never seen the close/far strat work because you keep refusing to adapt. You have to be flexible. Often you can make a decent estimation pre match by looking at the teams. For example, if your team has a tempest/core guard support, vindi, cata, holo, and a necro, while the enemy team has a virtuoso, thief, untamed, spellbreaker and herald, then you have a much bigger chance of dominating the midfight just based on your team comp. 

Edited by Koensol.5860
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if you know how to play and have a good strategy to dominate far by killing 1v1 or 1v2 you can win without needing your team, since they will be vs 3 in mid while you can dominate far. 

it always happens that you give your best in mid but your team doesn't and you must change your strategy. 

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If you're losing the game, the absolute best thing you can do is zerg far while someone holds home. The enemy team will become entirely focus on trying to get you off their home node, and this will almost always turn the game. By trying repeatedly to take mid you'll end up with them pushing your home and getting spawncamped instead.


You have to be aggressive in PvP if you want to win, even when it makes you lose. Its 70/30 the game will turn because they'll throw everything they have at getting their home back.

Edited by SoftFootpaws.9134
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Feeding mid is far worse than capping far. Sadly most people dont know how to utilize a far capped node and the shifting attention of the enemy team, they straight run one by one into mid and expect miracles. Grouping up and rotating actively are moves that are too hard to comprehend for most of the lemmings playing spvp. 

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Is common strategy to even push far at the start.

one cap close the rest quickly go for 4vs1 on far, take that guy out and meet with close for 4vs4 in mid while one cap far.

if 4vs4 is success in mid all 3 nodes voila…

if you have a mesmer that can even portal bomb from far into mid after far push.

many possibilities all depends on comp and on the map you play on.

Edited by roederich.2716
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To give the OP some slack.... I will say that having one of your group go far, when the other team commits 4 to mid usually backfires in PUG games. (a tiny bit less so in Platinum ranked). 

Essentially there are a couple of outcomes....
1) the Far Superstar (FS) runs to far and does the wet dream gank of the poor sop trying to hold home.   Much Yay.  Then runs back to mid and not everyone is dead.  The FS swings the team fight and the opposing team QQ's and AFK's dejected and abased.
2)... all the rest of the outcomes.

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The far strat is wrong and incorrect in almost every single case, and I'll explain why you're all wrong. Just because there are a bunch of you that agree in home/far, doesn't mean you're correct. It just means you all need to learn how to play the game.


Sure you can win going home and far, but statistically this probably happens <10% of all matches. The winning strat will almost always be to send one person home and then 4 go mid and win there. You get two nodes immediately, both geospatially closest to your spawn so getting back to those nodes will happen much faster. Not only are you getting 2 points every 2 seconds, you won the mid battle so you gained ~15-20 points for kills as well. Reverse this to realize what you lost by losing the mid battle.


Going far is a losing strat as this is what will happen, you took home and then the rest of your team struggles to take far. Why? Because everyone has to run all the way there to take the second cap, which isn't even guaranteed because enemy reinforcements will go there and recap anyway. The other team is now 60+ points ahead of your team because every second that passes by of you running to their home, they are getting 2 points for for every 1 point that you're capping at home.


Meanwhile the other team has home, mid, and is dominating so much that they're now sending people to your home to cap. In a pug, nobody is discussing strat or trying to figure out how to salvage the match, so at this point, it's an L.


I would personally rather go with the statistically much better win strat than try to split and go home/far.

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6 minutes ago, Deadmoose.6594 said:

The far strat is wrong and incorrect in almost every single case, and I'll explain why you're all wrong. Just because there are a bunch of you that agree in home/far, doesn't mean you're correct. It just means you all need to learn how to play the game.


Sure you can win going home and far, but statistically this probably happens <10% of all matches. The winning strat will almost always be to send one person home and then 4 go mid and win there. You get two nodes immediately, both geospatially closest to your spawn so getting back to those nodes will happen much faster. Not only are you getting 2 points every 2 seconds, you won the mid battle so you gained ~15-20 points for kills as well. Reverse this to realize what you lost by losing the mid battle.


Going far is a losing strat as this is what will happen, you took home and then the rest of your team struggles to take far. Why? Because everyone has to run all the way there to take the second cap, which isn't even guaranteed because enemy reinforcements will go there and recap anyway. The other team is now 60+ points ahead of your team because every second that passes by of you running to their home, they are getting 2 points for for every 1 point that you're capping at home.


Meanwhile the other team has home, mid, and is dominating so much that they're now sending people to your home to cap. In a pug, nobody is discussing strat or trying to figure out how to salvage the match, so at this point, it's an L.


I would personally rather go with the statistically much better win strat than try to split and go home/far.

Who is going to tell him?

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IMO there are two reasons to go far when you're losing the map. One is to decap and save some points and buy some time when they have to recap it later which takes longer (usually with a slower character too). This is essentially damage control if you don't believe any other fight is winnable at that time (with or without your presence).

The other option is to go with a tanky duelist. If you don't believe your comp can win the big team battles this makes a lot of sense. Either they send 1 person who you try to duel and hold the node against or they send multiple people, in which case you leave the node and run around using kiting/jumping spots to survive as long as possible. This can take a lot of pressure off your team and cause them to win close and mid even if they do kill you at far eventually.

When someone goes far don't start using the teamchat but seize the opportunity to make a comeback for your team!

Edited by Zypp.7921
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It'd go a long way if people just communicated.

One decides to go far first thing, doesn't let anyone know, you think you've got four headed mid, then you end up 3v4.

Of course, I could always ask, "hey, what's the split at start?" but I don't. So I'm just as bad.

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