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Lack of endgame content, update

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16 hours ago, AliamRationem.5172 said:

True. But more content is better and those bigger games do deliver a great deal more content.

Maybe so. But not often content I'm interested in playing. This game provides me with more content I want to play. Jumping puzzles, beetle race type stuff, minigames, a bit of story, exploring new zones, achievement hunting, crafting legendaries without having to do hard instanced content (though I've been doing a lot of that lately as well.).

I can't play a quest hub game again, because I cant' stand it. It feels like I'm playing a game from the 90s.  And I don't want to be channeled into Raiding or PvP as the defacto end game.  My experience with most MMOs are they're either too raid-centric or too PvP centric. This game suits me. There is more content I'd be interested coming out there than other MMOs I've played.


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6 hours ago, Ashen.2907 said:

All irrelevant to the fact that GW2 is competing for the same gamer dollar that those other games are. 

You're right about this. Guild Wars 2 is competing for the same dollar. And it does a better job of keeping me personally interested than alternatives. I not only can afford paying a sub, I pay more for this game than I would a sub game, because the money isn't as important as the fun factor. The fun factor goes and I go with it. I did it with WoW. I did it with Rift. Sometimes, I'll enjoy a game but something about it will annoy me too much to enjoy it, like ESO or TSW.  Sometimes it's the entire structure of the game and how you advance through it.

WoW doesn't make a better game than Guild Wars 2 for people who enjoy what I enjoy.  FF XIV may, I couldn't get past the early game enough to try it, because I really didn't enjoy my time there. But I enjoy GW 2 from the first moments I tried it.

The premise of the post is that there's a lack of end game content, with a very narrow definition of end game, being defined by other games. WOW is defined largely, at least in PvE, by end game raids. To me that's not all that much fun. I liked Lotro and TSW better than WoW.  And I didn't even play FFXIV long enough to comment on it, but I didn't have fun there. I am not going to pay a sub for a game that I don't enjoy.


These are my personal critera, at this point for a game, but it could change if someone does something better that i haven't seen before.


1. No open world PvP unless you go to a special server or area for it, like WvW is fine, and I enjoy it, peridiodically. ESO has something like WvW, but most games don't. I also think 3 factions is better than 2.


2. No quest hubs while leveling. This drives me nuts. I like a bit more freedom than running quest hub to quest hub.


3. Shared open world resources like nodes. I don't want to play a game where someone can steal my node, or tag a guy so I can't get credit. Nor do I want to be forced to group with strangers when I'm doing open world stuff.  I don't mind doing it for instanced content, should I do so, but for quests in the open world. Not worth my time.


4. I don't like gear grind and I don't like gear treadmills. 


5. I prefer an action combat game, where you can move and actively dodge and particularly something with platforming.  ESO has this but I feel floaty when I jump in that game, and even though I own it and I've played it, there's something about the physics that feels off. 


6. A voiced character. In TSW, which I loved, the main character is not voiced. Every quest was like a monologue from an npc without me actually responding. Drove me nuts.

This game gives me more of what I want full stop. WoW may or may not provide more content, but it doesn't provide more content I'd be interested in playing.  I can't say the same about FFXIV because I couldn't get to any content that interested me. 


Thus, this is where I decide to put my money.

Edited by Vayne.8563
wrong word
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This is an easy mistake to make if you come from other games to GW2. Log in and look around. That's all endgame content.


On a more serious note. Look at achievements. There's loads of stuff to do there. You can also make legendaries, play competitive content, or just hang out with friends. There is no treadmill, only trails.

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On 3/27/2023 at 11:27 PM, kawaiiboy.2685 said:

is arenanet aware that gw2 is better than WoW, BDO, final fantasy? 

there's a demand for more but ArenaNet is not doing anything they are ignoring the demand equals loss of profit.

Is it because the game does not have subscription like WoW? 

So you are full legendary equipped, and on 455mp? 

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1 minute ago, Val.7826 said:

I thought 90% if this game was end game content, am I wrong?

Not by traditional thinking. What players like the op forget though is that endgame content isn’t really an applicable term here since what we have is continuous content, simply because the game doesn’t utilise outdated and annoying features like vertical progression. It just adds more of what it’s got


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1 minute ago, Randulf.7614 said:

Not by traditional thinking. What players like the op forget though is that endgame content isn’t really an applicable term here since what we have is continuous content, simply because the game doesn’t utilise outdated and annoying features like vertical progression. It just adds more of what it’s got


Ok got it. I actually prefer what they are doing now then a vertical progression, probably if they keep increasing level cap or adding more powerful weapons and stuff, I'd quit. The main reason for playing Gw2 imho is that is a relaxing mmo.

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47 minutes ago, Val.7826 said:

Ok got it. I actually prefer what they are doing now then a vertical progression, probably if they keep increasing level cap or adding more powerful weapons and stuff, I'd quit. The main reason for playing Gw2 imho is that is a relaxing mmo.


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12 hours ago, Ashen.2907 said:

All irrelevant to the fact that GW2 is competing for the same gamer dollar that those other games are. 

Oh, actually it is very relevant to that fact. Brand recognition matters a lot on a market you have to share with competition, because it can let you get a bigger share than the product quality might warrant. This converts into increased amount of resources you have available. And amount of resources you have access to significantly impacts the potential quality of products you can produce. It's a self-reinforcing cycle.

Notice, though, that understanding the reasons behind at least some of the quality issues GW2 suffers from compared to competition does not make those issues any smaller. It's not like knowing where they come from will make them go away, after all.

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2 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Oh, actually it is very relevant to that fact. Brand recognition matters a lot on a market you have to share with competition, because it can let you get a bigger share than the product quality might warrant. This converts into increased amount of resources you have available. And amount of resources you have access to significantly impacts the potential quality of products you can produce. It's a self-reinforcing cycle.

Notice, though, that understanding the reasons behind at least some of the quality issues GW2 suffers from compared to competition does not make those issues any smaller. It's not like knowing where they come from will make them go away, after all.

Thank you, someone finally gets it. As much as people HATE to admit it, GW2 was not a brand that put themselves out there much compared to these other bigger brands and companies. Certain mmos have been around solely because of their BRAND name and that is an absolute undeniable fact that people repeatedly keep ignoring for whatever reason.

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On 3/27/2023 at 6:17 PM, Ashen.2907 said:

I spend vastly more on gw2 than a sub fee normally runs (although I have scaled back of late due to the direction of development). I do think that the quality of the most recent content additions (EoD and WLB) prevents them from serving as end game content for me, but they do exist.


On 3/27/2023 at 6:38 PM, Mistwraithe.3106 said:

It's worth perhaps pointing out that if you would be willing to spend more on a GW2 subscription to help fund the game then you could personally put aside an appropriate amount of money to spend every month or two on the gem store.

the effort of some is not enough to fuel it, worthless effort. I will not buy from gem store with real money if gold can afford it. Everyone who plays the expansion with a paid monthly subscription can only allow this to happen. 

Edited by kawaiiboy.2685
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No, we have end-game content. The problem is that people don't play it. Maybe it's because it's either stale, not that interesting or appeals to a certain niche of players.

And, as others said, gw2 is small potatoes compared to WoW and FF14. It is a FANTASY to pretend that they're somehow in the mix.

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7 hours ago, Val.7826 said:

I thought 90% if this game was end game content, am I wrong?

Yes, no, and maybe. The problem is that people are terrible at communications and use terms like casual, hardcore, end game, etc. The terms are useless because they have a range of meaning depending on who you ask.

For me "end game" would be having things you can do when you are already at max level, have all the gear you need, etc. Basically when you are no longer doing preparation stuff. Under that definition yes 90% of this game is end game. Some people use a more restrictive definition. Unfortunately some of them also like being vague instead of saying what they mean.

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9 minutes ago, kawaiiboy.2685 said:

No. Definitely not. Look at WoW. Go study business in college you badly need it.

I think you're missing the point. Judging by GW1 & GW2's history, a great many people would be upset and likely leave the game if a sub fee was suddenly introduced.

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6 hours ago, Dreams.3128 said:

Thank you, someone finally gets it. As much as people HATE to admit it, GW2 was not a brand that put themselves out there much compared to these other bigger brands and companies. Certain mmos have been around solely because of their BRAND name and that is an absolute undeniable fact that people repeatedly keep ignoring for whatever reason.

They're ignoring it because it isn't relevant.  Everyone understands that games like WoW/FFXIV are popular, established IPs with a huge fanbase and that GW2 is not.  So what?   Is GW2 scoring "underdog" points for having a smaller studio or something?

In other words, if your position comes down to "Look at how great GW2 is working with so little!", the counterpoint is "Yes, but it's still producing less."  The fact that it produces less is the part that matters.  That they developed something great with fewer resources is a cool anecdote, but ultimately has no bearing on a player's decision on which MMO to play.

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45 minutes ago, kawaiiboy.2685 said:

No. Definitely not. Look at WoW. Go study business in college you badly need it.

WoW started with a sub. GW made its reputation by not having one. People are here because one does not exist. I guarantee you, put a sub in at this point and it kills the game because those players will not stay. 

I think any business college might back this rookie up on this one 😉

Also, let us not forget - Anet know their business, their game and the mmo market better than us and they have outright said they will not add a sub. If they with their vastly superior knowledge and understanding realise it’s bad for the game, then the matter is unequivocably settled.

Edited by Randulf.7614
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2 hours ago, kawaiiboy.2685 said:

No. Definitely not. Look at WoW. Go study business in college you badly need it.

No, it definitely would, because the business model for GW2 doesn't work like WoW, the customer base is already established and has expectations for the value the game dives and of all the people who know best how Anet should handle their business, it's them, not you or anyone else.

It's also not as simple as 'being more like WoW' and furthermore, there is no reason to believe that we would get more endgame content if this game was a sub-based business model. It could be completely reasonable to believe any increase in revenues could go to many other places in the game ... or even NOT in the game; it's not a foregone conclusion they simply get flipped into more GW2 endgame content. 

Also, anyone that would stay and be willing to pay a sub are also likely unwilling to continue patronizing the GS, where Anet has made a significant investment to to make its revenue-generating content. 

I think the best part is how ironic it is you insult people's understanding this business here when it's obvious you have zero. 

Edited by Obtena.7952
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1 hour ago, kawaiiboy.2685 said:

leave all you want but you are just the 5 percent of the might anyway lol

That makes no sense whatsoever. You have no idea how many people would leave GW2 if Anet went to a sub-based model. 

Edited by Obtena.7952
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On 3/27/2023 at 5:27 PM, kawaiiboy.2685 said:

is arenanet aware that gw2 is better than WoW, BDO, final fantasy? 

there's a demand for more but ArenaNet is not doing anything they are ignoring the demand equals loss of profit.

Is it because the game does not have subscription like WoW? 

Welcome to GW2!


Please familiarize yourself with the latest news and announcements that Anet puts out...


Studio Update: Guild Wars 2 in 2023 – GuildWars2.com


Best of luck starting your GW2 journey! 

Edited by Swagger.1459
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the heck are the OP talking about? 99% of the game is endgame content and even then there's not enough time to do everything... I have 3000 hours in game and still I haven't even tried doing fractals or pvp as I'm still catching up with achievements and leggo armor (not even talking about weapons and N+ skins)...

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28 minutes ago, Debesyla.7102 said:

the heck are the OP talking about? 99% of the game is endgame content and even then there's not enough time to do everything... I have 3000 hours in game and still I haven't even tried doing fractals or pvp as I'm still catching up with achievements and leggo armor (not even talking about weapons and N+ skins)...

What the OP is talking about is NOT that there isn't enough endgame content.

It's that he believes he will get MORE endgame content if we all just 'be more like WoW' and pay a sub. Of course that belief is based on nothing more than creative thinking ... but he has convinced himself nonetheless. 

Edited by Obtena.7952
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5 hours ago, kawaiiboy.2685 said:

I will not buy from gem store with real money if gold can afford it.


Then why are you concerned with "loss of profit"? 


Also, why are you asking for game updates if you barely provide financial support to the studio? Think devs are volunteers?


Not trying to be disrespectful, but you come across as someone who just wants as much of a free ride as possible, while everyone else pays for it. If you are really that concerned about "loss of profit" and lack of "updates and end game" stuff, then you'd probably support the game more willingly, without having some forced monthly sub.


And again, I would start following the dev posts so you can keep up to date. 


Finally, the lack of updates to the game after EoD was due to the fact that the devs started working on the next expansion right away. Fruits of those labors are detailed in the blog post I linked earlier. 


Have a great one!

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