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There is a cap for daily achievement points?!? wtf

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So, I just got info from Support that I no longer receive achiv points for dailies because I reached a cap... :C Why is it so? for long-time players to try harder?! Dailies are one of the things that keep me coming back to the game and actually help my mental health a bit. It's a thing where I can get my chest sooner or later without that much of effort when I don't feel like engaging much. I wish I knew there's a cap! How is it suppose to be a good idea for long- time players. 8 years and I hit a wall 😛 PFF.. what else is capped?


I feel completely discouraged from coming back to the game as often as I do every week because I can function well without a bunch of timber or some extra karma. Not only I've been receiving a lot of useless xp points in central Tyria andin the Desert for a while, now also Dailies are rendered useless as well. Is it to chase me to play the expansions more..? Well, very kitten idea. Am I dealing with an American Internet provider here?? Well, I'm European and I really don't like my caps on achievements for any reason, including that I've been playing for over 8 years and have all the expansions :// WTF, ANet?

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Yeah, the cap surprised me many years ago. Wondered why I was getting the notification that I received 10 pts only to notice that I didn't get any. Had to do some digging back then. But yes, it caps out on a certain combined number of daily and monthly points. Monthlies no longer exist, btw. To give incentive to do dailies they later added 2 gold for completing dailies. Otherwise people might play less.

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Just now, Vayne.8563 said:

It's because new players could never ever catch up to long time players if there wasn't a cap. 

I've  never understood this logic behind it.  New players still can't catch up to veterans that were here since launch due to historical achievements being locked and their inability to progress them.

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2 minutes ago, Epsilon Indi.2031 said:

I've  never understood this logic behind it.  New players still can't catch up to veterans that were here since launch due to historical achievements being locked and their inability to progress them.

They can catch up a lot more, though. And while I don't get the logical personally, I do know one guy that stopped playing when he realized he couldn't catch up.

I mean most people aren't going to be in the top 100 anyway. That's what I mean by catch up. But if I kept getting hero points I'd be getting an extra 70 a week, since i do them daily and that's 3600 a year or I'd have 20 k more achievement points than they do. There are people who see achievement points as points. And they're not looking to be top of the leaderboards, they're looking to be competitive at least. And if they can't get them they don't want to try.

I honestly have no idea how many of those people there are, but I understand why it would bother some people. They would feel like second class citizens. 

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The other argument I've heard is that for those that do have max points, they felt compelled to the achievements every day in order to keep max (or near) max points.  And that didn't create a good playing experience for them (imagine not being able to play for a few weeks for whatever reason, and now those points are ones you can never get).

I personally think they should increase the cap a bit each year - when they first put the cap in, the number of people with 15K points was lower, and to those who had got those had done dailies for a high percentage of the days.

I don't know exactly when that cap was put in, but it was long enough back that I suspect a decent number of folks are running up to 15K limit, and if the limit was increased say 500 or 1000 points/year, other people could still catch up. 


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Huh, I always thought getting achievement points was about opening reward boxes and getting titles.  I wasn't ever trying to compare my, "score" with someone else.  That was why I would get mad whenever someone suggested setting everyone's achievement points back to zero.  I wanted to open that next box.  I didn't actually care about the total number of points in my profile.

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9 hours ago, Vayne.8563 said:

It's because new players could never ever catch up to long time players if there wasn't a cap. 

New players never catch up to long time players just because retired achievements. There is around 8K AP unobtainable for now.


Daily AP cap should include amount of unobtainable at least. It's why i stopped trying to play in AP hunting and largely lost interest in this game.

Edited by Jampire.4593
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9 hours ago, Vayne.8563 said:

It's because new players could never ever catch up to long time players if there wasn't a cap. 

The current system does the exact opposite of what you said - it lets the veterans keep their advantage and prevents the new players from ever catching up.In fact, lack of cap just lets veterans stay ahead and keep their spot up top using far less effort than before that cap got introduced, because they no longer need to keep playing every day just to keep their rank.

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13 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

The current system does the exact opposite of what you said - it lets the veterans keep their advantage and prevents the new players from ever catching up.In fact, lack of cap just lets veterans stay ahead and keep their spot up top using far less effort than before that cap got introduced, because they no longer need to keep playing every day just to keep their rank.

Wait what?

If I could keep going forever, that means I could keep getting dailies forever.  I'd have 10 years of dailies for new people to catch up to. It means that if I keep getting dailies, I will always be ahead of them in the AP you get from dailies. Forever. Becaues I keep getting them.

But if I stop getting AP for dailies, they can get the same amount of AP for dailies as I am.

I hit the cap, they hit the cap.  We all get 15,000 AP as a combination of monthlies and dailies.


In the past, new players couldn't get Season 1 achievements at all, but they brought them back even further closing the gap.

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I JUST WANT TO DO MY DAILIES IN PEACE! I pay to play this game, not the other way around. If ANet was too shortsighted that the game would run for that long, imposing an artificial barrier for whatever the kittenin reason is like a lazy solution! I hope you'll find a smart solution to this, ANet.


I know you want to get more fresh players, but clipping wings on long-time guys seems to be a taaaaaad unfair (??)


"We want to have GW2 running for years and years! BTW, we capped all the things at some point so you can't advance into infinity because that would be too nice~!"


Maybe let me get achievement from daily points once a week or sth? Would be nice to get an information at least, before just hitting a wall that I didn't know, was there



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9 hours ago, DarcShriek.5829 said:

All achievements have a cap.  Why should this one be any different?




(yes, what should be any different? everything is totally ok with everyone.... this is how things should be, let's don't have any thoughts about it ever...)

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5 hours ago, Zebulous.2934 said:

Huh, I always thought getting achievement points was about opening reward boxes and getting titles.  I wasn't ever trying to compare my, "score" with someone else.  That was why I would get mad whenever someone suggested setting everyone's achievement points back to zero.  I wanted to open that next box.  I didn't actually care about the total number of points in my profile.

I also don't care about the total number of points, I just want to get my achievement chests in more or less predictable manner. I have no idea about any scoreboards or whatever, I DON'T CARE. Just let me do my routine with more or less predictable chests that feel really nice.


I lost majority of my motivation to come back to Tyria for now, because I feel moderately betrayed. Capping things for long time players is lazy and shortsighted and definitely gonna need some more intelligent solution, or at least some kind of middle ground. I'm not a dev and it shouldn't be my problem! I play the game to have fun!!! I love fishing! I'm a freaking long time, loyal customer! (loyal so far! :P)

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This is a very long and exhausted subject which has been discussed ad nauseum over the years and one Anet have refused to budge on. The cap has existed for most of the game's life. Removing the cap now, means all those people who wanted it gone had years where they couldn't earn more AP. That's why the gold reward was added.

To be honest, I'm not bothered if they do remove it since its a negligible thing - and they gave up on the AP system a long time ago - but I cannot see it ever changing

Edited by Randulf.7614
spelling is hard
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4 hours ago, Avelione.6075 said:



33 minutes ago, Randulf.7614 said:

This is a very long and exhausted subject which has been discussed ad nauseum over the years and one Anet have refused to budge on. The cap has existed for most of the game's life. Removing the cap now, means all those people who wanted it gone had years where they couldn't earn more AP. That's why the gold reward was added.

To be honest, I'm not bothered if they do remove it since its a negligible thing - and they gave up on the AP system a long time ago - but I cannot see it ever changing

Different strokes for different folks I guess. I hit the ap cap a while ago but I still do dailies every single day for the two gold.  I hadn't thought about it before but the OP made me realize that the chests were not the reason I do the dailies, the gold is. Oh, and I realize two gold isn't a lot but the dailies are a quick, easy way to get them. I usually get mine done in WvW, a game mode I enjoy playing and where the squad I run with does the WvW dailies together as part of their regular run, so the dailies are no extra effort for me to do.

Having said that, let me add that this is only my own experience and in no way invalidates the OP's feelings. Sadly, I think @Randulf.7614 has it right. This has been raised before and there is no indication that Anet is ever going to remove the cap. Personally, I've never been an ap chaser but when I do have a bit of extra ingame time, I have been looking for achievements to go after. At this point I'm still gathering the low hanging, easy to get, ap fruit and it is only an occasional foray of mine but it does add an extra something to do ingame when I need a break from my regular routines.

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5 hours ago, Vayne.8563 said:

Wait what?

If I could keep going forever, that means I could keep getting dailies forever.  I'd have 10 years of dailies for new people to catch up to. It means that if I keep getting dailies, I will always be ahead of them in the AP you get from dailies. Forever. Becaues I keep getting them.

But if I stop getting AP for dailies, they can get the same amount of AP for dailies as I am.

I hit the cap, they hit the cap.  We all get 15,000 AP as a combination of monthlies and dailies.


In the past, new players couldn't get Season 1 achievements at all, but they brought them back even further closing the gap.

Previously, new players could catch up to veterans if the veterans happened to not play as heavily as before, because each time new player did their dailies and old player did not, the gap lessened. Now there's no way at all to lessen the gap created by historical achievements. Sure, LS1 ones were brought back, but only as a sideeffect of bringing the content back, which for most of what is left is not an option.

Basically, originally the chance to catch up was low, and depended on both working much harder than veterans, and on veterans slipping up, but no matter how small, it did exist. With the current system however that chance to catch up has completely disappeared. That's what really that "help" to catching up you mentioned achieved - it made catching up flat out impossible.

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17 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Previously, new players could catch up to veterans if the veterans happened to not play as heavily as before, because each time new player did their dailies and old player did not, the gap lessened. Now there's no way at all to lessen the gap created by historical achievements. Sure, LS1 ones were brought back, but only as a sideeffect of bringing the content back, which for most of what is left is not an option.

Basically, originally the chance to catch up was low, and depended on both working much harder than veterans, and on veterans slipping up, but no matter how small, it did exist. With the current system however that chance to catch up has completely disappeared. That's what really that "help" to catching up you mentioned achieved - it made catching up flat out impossible.

Oh, if that's your idea of "there being a chance!" then currently there's still that small chance because "veterans can always not do the new achievements". But lets not joke here, uncapped dailies made it impossible to catch up. If the problem are "retired achievements" then the solution is to bring them back, not introduce unlimited amount of ap (for repetitive, laughably easy tasks) that follow exactly what you're complaining about.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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Just now, Sobx.1758 said:

Oh, it that's your definition of "there was a chance!" then currently there's still that small chance because "veterans can always not do the new achievements".

Even if the won't, the gap will not disappear. Example? Even though i am significantly behind the top players on leaderboard, i can still catch up to them, because i happen to have all the historical APs done. The ones i am  missing are all the ones that can still be obtained. A player that lacks those historical achievements however? They can work as hard as possibly can (much harder than me), and they will still come to be at best like 6k AP short. They will never get any closer than that, irrelevant of the effort put in.

Mind you, i am not saying the cap is a bad thing, but let's not kid ourselves, the real group that benefits from it the most is the veterans, not new players.

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33 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Even if the won't, the gap will not disappear. Example? Even though i am significantly behind the top players on leaderboard, i can still catch up to them, because i happen to have all the historical APs done. The ones i am  missing are all the ones that can still be obtained. A player that lacks those historical achievements however? They can work as hard as possibly can (much harder than me), and they will still come to be at best like 6k AP short. They will never get any closer than that, irrelevant of the effort put in.

Did you avoid the rest of my post on purpose or what's happening here? Because I'm not sure if I'm supposed to just repeat what I already wrote and what responds to your, well, partial answer here or not. The solution to that problem is not cap removal. The removal of ap cap for dailies follows what you're complaining about -it simply counts on other players not playing, which is not exactly a reasonable idea for anyone to catch up.

33 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Mind you, i am not saying the cap is a bad thing

Ok, then what is this even about?

Edited by Sobx.1758
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6 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

About the mistaken idea that gets repeated every time the cap issue is brought in that it is there to help the new players in catching up, when in reality it's there to ease the burden on veterans.

Again: are you avoiding the rest of my post on purpose for some reason when it's already responding to what you're subsequently writing? I don't get it.
It is there to help new players in catching up, because it doesn't allow other players to infinitely keep the gap by doing same 3 easy tasks daily. The issue of missing achievments is a separate one. Dailies already consist of too high % of total acquirable ap for what they are anyways. 🤷‍♂️

Edited by Sobx.1758
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