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What significant life events happened to you since Alliances were announced?

K THEN.5162

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We have now entered year 5 since the unreleased Alliance system was announced by the former Anet employee, Gale Gray, back in 2018. A half-decade is a very long time, and any number of life-changing things can happen in such a period. So my fellow WvWers, what significant life events did you experience since we were promised a rework of our beloved game mode?


Here's how my life changed:

2018: Started my undergrad degree, moved countries

2019: Stopped regularly playing gw2 (thanks Warclaw)

2020: Start of the COVID-19 pandemic

2021: Completed my degree/started my master's, moved countries

2022: End(?) of the pandemic

2023: Completed my master's degree, moved countries

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2018: Dog died.

2019: Watched the last good marvel movie.

2020: Bought a hazmat suit, watched america throw it's future away.

2021: Watched Canada throw it's future away.

2022: Bunch of depressing stuff I don't want to talk about.

2023: Stopped playing GW2 near 4 weeks ago (thanks wvw and balance teams). Got confused bombed in the forums by stalkers. 🤭

2024: Still looking for a mmo that respects it's players.

Edited by Xenesis.6389
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3 hours ago, Xenesis.6389 said:

2018: Dog died.

Sorry my friend, lost my friend as well around the time. He helped me through c4ncer but I didn't have as many options when he had c4ncer. Creates a lot of questions, but OT here. Sorry for your lose.

Edited by TheGrimm.5624
c4ncer seems to be a nono word lol
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14 hours ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

Sorry my friend, lost my friend as well around the time. He helped me through c4ncer but I didn't have as many options when he had c4ncer. Creates a lot of questions, but OT here. Sorry for your lose.

Thanks Grimm, sorry for your loss as well, they can really be comforting in your time of your need, but painful when you can't do much for them. I'm assuming you beat your c4ncer. 🙏

Edit: wow woke up to a bunch of confused bombs, so which two nerds you kitten off to give me confused emotes over wish you well @TheGrimm.5624🤭🍿

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2014: Divorce after 16 years together. Aunt died of Leukemia. Close friend commited suicide. Moved back to the city.

2015-2017: Gran passed away. Dated a crazy and nearly lost my own mind.

2018: Learnt more about myself. Met my partner. Moved in together.

2019: Life in shackles. We fell pregnant.

2020: My daughter was born. Lockdown was tough. Parenting is tougher.

2021: Got no sleep.

2022: Still no sleep. Proposed. Father nearly died.

2023: Moved houses. Father moved in with us. 16 year old cat killed by dogs. 4 year old cat died in our lounge. Raising a toddler is far worse than a new born. I should be turning 47 if I make it to November.

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The more interesting question is which significant life events to you expect to happen before alliances go live 😀

I expect 

  • retirement
  • watch first manned mars mission in TV

before 🤔

Edited by Dayra.7405
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2018: My dear boy was born *proud papa vibes*

2019: Parenting is rough. Berry scented poops are the worst y'all 🤮

2020: America lost its mind but at least we got rid of that one guy.

2021: Life continued

2022: Moved up a staff tier at work

2023: Got a supervisory position. Got a set of hearing aids finally that I've needed since I was 17 (that was last Friday)

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2018:  Started a new job.

2019:  Met girlfriend, got promoted at work.  Guild more or less stopped playing the game.  Girlfriend got sick.  Had a breakthrough seizure after over eight years without one.  Close friends got married.  Got extra medication.  Things back to normal with my health.

2020:  A literal pandemic.  Was one of the few people considered essential to stay in-office and support remote workers.  Mass arrays of empty cubicles, made some very close connections at work as we struggled together.  Lived in a state that handled it well but some extended family members elsewhere weren't so fortunate and passed away.  Mom and Dad both retired.  Spent a long time away from my girlfriend as her family who she lived with kept getting covid.

2021:  Bought a house.  Tons of projects.  Pest infestation the pest inspector missed was a living nightmare.  Girlfriend moved in.  Girlfriend's sickness got worse with reaction to new medication.  Girlfriend got totally better with new different medication.  Got promoted again.  Began seeing friends again.  More close friends got married which we didn't attend wedding because of covid concerns:  superspreader event.  We got covid anyways a week later from girlfriend's coworker.  Hated remote work.

2022:  Pest problem resolved despite costing much of our sanity and a lot of cash.  Dad died suddenly.  Helped my mom with everything in the aftermath emotionally and physically.  Spent more time working on the family home than my own for her to downsize and sell.   Work occupied the rest of my time with most intense schedule year ever.   Sold the family home.  Moved mom into her new place.  Finally saw my sister and her husband a few years after them being overseas and unable to come home.

2023:  Back into medieval combat sports as covid almost totally eradicated from the region.  Nearly a thousand layoffs at my job with a lot of sad goodbyes to friends.  Mom finally doing okay with her new life and location.  House finally coming together.

It's been a crazy five years.

Edited by DeceiverX.8361
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20 hours ago, MarzAttakz.9608 said:

2014: Divorce after 16 years together. Aunt died of Leukemia. Close friend commited suicide. Moved back to the city.

2015-2017: Gran passed away. Dated a crazy and nearly lost my own mind.

2018: Learnt more about myself. Met my partner. Moved in together.

2019: Life in shackles. We fell pregnant.

2020: My daughter was born. Lockdown was tough. Parenting is tougher.

2021: Got no sleep.

2022: Still no sleep. Proposed. Father nearly died.

2023: Moved houses. Father moved in with us. 16 year old cat killed by dogs. 4 year old cat died in our lounge. Raising a toddler is far worse than a new born. I should be turning 47 if I make it to November.

Be amazing to your daughter, you've got this. 

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They also said: "For now, we’re addressing systems that will positively impact as many players as possible. As time goes on, we hope to dig into more niche areas of the game."

You can't blame the devs, because the pvp and wvw players are being a hard target group. If pve players are easier to satisfy then they will focus on them more.

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Not really a fair way to process that, since pve players are usually the biggest group of players in practically every single mmo out there, and also have access to the most content especially in different areas. Doesn't mean you should chuck a portion of your game in the corner for five years as you keep catering to the largest portion of players.

Also if we go by the how many play this part of the game theory, then you'd have like raids and maybe even strikes on an even lower priority than wvw. Last we heard raids only had like 10% of the player base, while wvw was more than 30%. 🤷‍♂️

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OK... I'll try not to go into too much details:

  • -65 Million BC: Dinosaurs went extinct
  • -130'000 BC: Modern human evolved
  • -5'400 BC: First recorded human settlement in Mesopotamia
  • -3'500 BC: First wheeled vehicle
  • -3'200 BC: First writing system
  • ....

Ah no wait, you meant to me, not to the world in general.

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4 hours ago, MarzAttakz.9608 said:

Thank you brother. Much wisdom in few words 🙏🏼

Better not to put too much wisdom, or whatever. Because then the next phase will come, that stuff we usually call adolescence. and you (parent) will not count for anything, indeed you will be just that great rabbit breaker, who never understands anything. Everything you've done for them before won't count for anything. Hopefully, something will come back to him when this fantastic adolescence is over, but I can't give you feedback yet.😉

What I know for sure (because I have 2 females and a male all at that stage) is that females are much worse. If you believe that you will find the right way to stay close to him, forget it, better to give up immediately. We boys are so simple and innocent in comparison.

Edited by Mabi black.1824
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Funny topic.

1 kid and one in the oven, build a new house, like 3 promotions at work where we also built a brand new factory (I was one of the project leads/leading experts) and are now starting the ground work for a second one.

But we dont have to deal with spaghetti code. 

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2018: Eldest daughter graduates from HS.  Bought a house.  Had to put an awesome German Shepard down (still irate about this today).  Found a really good insurance agent who saved me a bunch of money (not Geico).

2019: Manager made my life hell when they split me off from the rest of the team I was supposed to be on.  All because he thought I would have an issue with the manager the rest of my team fell under.

2020: Above managers quit, I get pulled back to where I belong.  COVID (yeah, no comment).  Working from home, so now I get even more accomplished.  Friend (and co-worker) in Napal nearly dies of COVID, as he cannot get back to the US due to lock downs.

2021: Ice storm takes out a lot of tree limbs and my back fence (no house damage).  Eldest son graduates from HS.  Had a great 1 week vacation (yeah, I do not do these very often).  Friend in Napal gets married (he was still stuck there visiting family), and is finally able to make it back to the US. 

2022: My youngest son decides that on-line school would be better than the HS he is attending (set to "graduate" with a 1.75GPA), starts HS all over.  Finally get the rest of the wood from the 2021 ice storm cut and placed in a wood shed I built.  Changed positions at work, while still doing my old job.  Started training new employee on my old job.

2023: Lost another co-worker to another company, took on their work.  Hired a new employee to replace them (about 2 weeks ago).

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