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I need something randomness, you?

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GW2 is great game and  all. But after some time I am getting slightly bored with same fights in PVE, and I hate PVP (PVP would be fun but I am awful in PVP).

Only thing in PVE that could be added (In my opinion) is some meta map, or Instance like fractals , dungeons or raids, where there are no predeterminated battles  and loot.
So like, Randomly generated map, bases, capture points and stuff - or even better instanced items (at least if few slots - weapons and trinkets, or anything) with completely random stats or even abilities. And more randomness - the better, and better group or meta is doing (Does not even have to have a boss, could have points for example) better reward (Just gold or chests that can be sold on trading post for example - with limit on how much you can get if needed).

I don't think should be to hard to make, and I would play that for hours if it is done well, cos every meta would be different - You could even add something like Steve from mad king festival, mobs with random size/outfit/name - could be inspired by real people or movies...

In short, please add some random thing with huge amount of randomness (Please), I don't think should be game breaking if that map, even if it does have instances items, serve only for gold making. I think this game lack of randomness (Which can be good), but if you add just one map or anything with lot of it, I think you could get new people that like that.

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3 hours ago, Margites.1759 said:

is some meta map, or Instance like fractals , dungeons or raids, where there are no predeterminated battles  and loot.

Not gonna happen with GW2's Spaghetti code.


3 hours ago, Margites.1759 said:

or even better instanced items (at least if few slots - weapons and trinkets, or anything) with completely random stats or even abilities

That would completely beat the purpose of horizontal progression. Everybody would just hang around there trying to optimize their build to get the best items possible.


3 hours ago, Margites.1759 said:

In short, please add some random thing with huge amount of randomness (Please)

You know, what you are looking for is something like Diablo II / III. They fulfil exactly what you are looking for. As many other ARPG's do as well.

Guild Wars 2 isn't Diablo though.

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30 minutes ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

Its almost like some kind of PvE/PvP hybrid mode where objectives shift hands constantly and players get involved in unpredictable large scale battles would be a good idea for GW2.

No, it wouldn't be a good idea for GW2.  It runs counter to the entire game's design.

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7 hours ago, Veprovina.4876 said:

Why? They add things all the time, why couldn't they add some roguelike dungeon or something?

See the current game situation. Anything more difficult, and they've already had issues with event/npc scripting breaking under evrn a slightest touch (often to something seemingly unrelated). What do you think might happen if the map layout, event progression etc were procedurally generated instead of completely static?

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It's not easy to create an in-game rogue-like.  Essentially it would require creating hundreds, if not thousands, of rooms with different events and layouts, then assembling a program that can put them together without unintentionally making impossible combinations  That said, Dungeoneering was my favorite part of Runescape, and is the only thing that would pull me back there.  That was an in-engine roguelike.  

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12 hours ago, Linken.6345 said:

Not really since what Dawdler.8521 describe is wvw and very much is in the game.

Precisely.  We don't need the proposed content changes because the content sought already exists.  I'm thinking the the OP doesn't want full-on WvW though but some sort of OWPvP mix.

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5 hours ago, kharmin.7683 said:

Precisely.  We don't need the proposed content changes because the content sought already exists.  I'm thinking the the OP doesn't want full-on WvW though but some sort of OWPvP mix.

WvW is already a mix and always has been

18 hours ago, Doggie.3184 said:

I want the mini dungeon in Dragon's End sewers to be expanded into a randomly generated deep dungeon idea.

The only thing random about that is the which of several different enemies you fight as the last one.

12 hours ago, Blood Red Arachnid.2493 said:

It's not easy to create an in-game rogue-like.  Essentially it would require creating hundreds, if not thousands, of rooms with different events and layouts, then assembling a program that can put them together without unintentionally making impossible combinations  That said, Dungeoneering was my favorite part of Runescape, and is the only thing that would pull me back there.  That was an in-engine roguelike.  

Simply going back to how instances were in GW1 would be more dynamic than what we have now. Those didn't need procedurally generated maps.

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On 5/28/2023 at 12:25 PM, Justforvisit.3709 said:

Not gonna happen with GW2's Spaghetti code.

Which is pretty much why Guild Wars 2 will always be in a status quo state, its item shop in the core of everything. The other essential aspect is the story, but from what many players report and from what I've experienced myself so far, it's getting worse and worse.

Maybe they could play around with a stronger weather system, RNG world bosses, housing customization, more relevance to mini-games that aren't necessarily mount races, more wildlife. I don't really know.

In the end, it depends on the team and, correct me if I'm wrong, we don't really know anything about them or the company's business decisions.

Edited by Nethertale.9301
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I knew people would say it is not in the spirit of the game, or it is to complicated to make, or will be to unbalanced.

  • By instanced items I thought about Items that can be found AND used only in that map.
  • Those items would provide random stat boosts, but only like  5-15% total dmg or HP.
  • One Item would have passive and other active ability.
  •  Abilities could be on special action key, and would do significant damage or CC to a boss mobs.
  • And other abilities could be passive with random strength.
  • You could also open chests for materials to upgrade items (3 Levels or so), or infuse them with instanced infusions (With nice stat boost and bonus gold from random things and meta buff). You could also convert instanced infusion to real one (with normal stat boost) if you like it. You could also farm this random places to upgrade bases (Like WvW  and Drizzlewood coast Meta - I like those mechanics).

If it is to complicated to make everything random, it could be only few mobs and chests  at some intervals or so, maybe few more bonfires or other decorations - It could go well with story too, probably. Stuff could be added later if needed, and that kind of thing could be implemented in already existent not so populated maps, just to inspire people to explore map before boss spawns on random location (Could be like bonus - stronger boss ).


So, the only difference would be one action key and stat boosts on only that map. Everything else would seems normal.

The point would be to feel like it is  rogue like map (not sure what that means), so you can explore and stuff.

If some people just need meta, you could sell un-upgraded items or weaker infusions on trading post, so they can buy them. 


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A seperate, stand-alone section of the game with it's own unique layout, design, mechanics and items sounds a lot like a seperate game. At that point why not just play another game as well as GW2?

That's what I do. Playing just one game would get boring for me, no matter what that game is, and I've never expected any single game to offer everything I want so I've always been going between a few different ones. GW2 is one of the ones I've stuck with (or kept coming back to) regularly for years, over a decade at this point, and there's times when it is my main game. But there's also times when I really want something it doesn't offer me, and then I find a game which does.


The point would be to feel like it is  rogue like map (not sure what that means), so you can explore and stuff.

A roguelike is...pretty much exactly what you're describing. It's a sub-genre of RPG or adventure games which use procedurally generated content so the player never knows what to expect. It's named after the 1980 game Rogue, which was possibly the first procedurally generated game, definitely the most well known of the very early ones and one of the games which helped invent the RPG, action-adventure and dungeon-crawler genres.

The fact that it's a whole sub-genre means there's already a lot of games which offer this, with lots of variations on the theme and the design, so you can probably find one which is exactly what you're looking for.

Edited by Danikat.8537
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3 hours ago, Margites.1759 said:

By instanced items I thought about Items that can be found AND used only in that map.

Another bad idea, who would care for it when it only matters for like 0,0001% of the game? Not to mention the wasted resources that had to be used for programming stuff like that.

All your other points already fall flat due to the use of these things being utterly limited to one map.

What would be the incentive to be there are all?

Horrible idea.

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On 5/29/2023 at 12:30 PM, Khisanth.2948 said:

The only thing random about that is the which of several different enemies you fight as the last one.

Yes... that's why it'd need to be expanded.. into a randomly generated deep dungeon. o3o

FFXIV has Deep Dungeon mini-games like that so when I saw the DE dungeon it made me wish for more and better.

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On 5/28/2023 at 5:25 AM, Justforvisit.3709 said:

Not gonna happen with GW2's Spaghetti code.


That would completely beat the purpose of horizontal progression. Everybody would just hang around there trying to optimize their build to get the best items possible.


You know, what you are looking for is something like Diablo II / III. They fulfil exactly what you are looking for. As many other ARPG's do as well.

Guild Wars 2 isn't Diablo though.

Yeah, it's like a giant pasta bowl that keeps getting spaghetti thrown in it, and just when you think you've reached the bottom of the bowel....nope, more spaghetti haha

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On 5/29/2023 at 9:47 AM, Nethertale.9301 said:

Which is pretty much why Guild Wars 2 will always be in a status quo state, its item shop in the core of everything. The other essential aspect is the story, but from what many players report and from what I've experienced myself so far, it's getting worse and worse.

Maybe they could play around with a stronger weather system, RNG world bosses, housing customization, more relevance to mini-games that aren't necessarily mount races, more wildlife. I don't really know.

In the end, it depends on the team and, correct me if I'm wrong, we don't really know anything about them or the company's business decisions.

What housing? Guild Halls? I feel like that's as much of a player housing copout as Garrisons were for WoW. 

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