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With the Balance Stream this Friday. Tell me your realistic expectations.


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It seems that druid and spector are the center of attention this time. So I expected only very little changes for Warrior. 

I think we will see Group Barrier on Maces. It will be weak however. Something like 1k Barrier on the last Autohit. 

They will put the Quickness role into an elite spec. But it will come at a heavy cost and won't see play because of it. 

More Core Warrior nerfs. That's a given. 

Berserker nerf in Wvw. 

Some random change to bladesworn that doesn't change anything.  Something like a trait that gives group boons to bladesworns utility skills. 


My general bet is that Warrior will have one of the least amount of text and half of it will be nerfs. 

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Based on the screenshot, I expect:

  • Minor Ranger Reworks, possibly spirits and torch
  • Thief Signet/Specter/Thieves Guild Reworks
  • Mirage Mirror adjustments (Or perhaps mirage trait adjustments)
  • 'Perhaps' an adjustment of Signet of Humility, depends on whether that Pink Moa is there as a joke or is just the ranger's pet

Based on previous balance changes I expect:

  • Sustain nerfs on Bladeswon
  • Sustain nerfs on Virtuoso
  • Additional cooldown changes that affect reworked recharge reduction trait

Probably, but not likely:

  •  A balance adjustment on zerker that makes it harder to play for no reason
  • A balance adjustment on engineer that makes it harder to play for no reason
  • Actual impactful catalyst balancing
  • Power Mesmers becoming worse for no reason

Moved to appropriate forum. 

I don't expect much for warriors this week besides some bladesworn adjustments. They seem pretty happy with spellbreaker and zerker is approaching a good-ish place too, so we may not get much else right now. Hoping to be pleasantly surprised by something but not holding my breath. This seems to be the thief/ranger/mes show. 

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
Didn't notice these were warrior forums
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lol my expectation after years of keeping up with balance updates for warrior.

bladesworn sustain nerf, expected.

they are alwasy very quick to nerf what needs to be nerfed for warrior

and never quick to buff anything that needs to buffed, maybe 1 year later

so bladesworn goes back to unplayable tier like the rest of the warrior elite specs.

and all of 3 warrior elite spec disappear in pvp for 1 year to finally receive some sustain buff again...after they got nerfed now.

that's just what they do with warrior, nerf sustain, unplayable for 1 year, buff sustain back, nerf sustain in 1 month, unplayable for 1 year.

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@felix.2386 to be fair I dont wana get sustain buffs or overall more defence. What warr need is some QoL changes like Adrenalin health Trigger in use not on hit (Same for Berserkers Power) also made going Off the berserk mode baseline. If this 2 simple changes coming im pretty happy. 

I mean i wouldn't mind to see Axe mh burst skills in Berserk Mode and core get Finaly DMG again as Well as breaching Strike cause all of this skills arent that good DPS whise but pretty sure they will not touch them at all ^^

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My main wish is Arms traitline rework, especially grandmaster traits. 

Example: Leg Specialist in Arms so I can immobilize with Blaze Breaker/Hamstring/Savage Leap/Impale and get the added benefit of Opportunist/Deep Strikes traits, all in the same traitline. Furious Burst getting a lower cooldown.

Sword getting a lower baseline CD while being removed from trait, I wish Shield would also get a lower baseline CD which it didn't get after the Defense rework. Overall Anet did state they will remove traits that lower weapon CD and reduce baseline skills instead, so I expect those changes at least.

Sword offhand changes...are due...

But we will probably just get something for Bladesworn, something that doesn't matter at all.


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Really hoping they go after an Arms/sword rework. Warrior has very little condi presence in competitive modes, and our core condi weapons and traitlines help that not at all. 

Arms, sword, and mace stand out to me as the parts of warrior needing the most redesign love. LB and Rifle could also use help.


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I still 100% think Adrenaline as a class mechanic for Warrior needs to be modernized for where the game is at right now. It worked early on but it does not anymore, at least not in competitive modes. Blinds, Blocks, Invulns, Evade effects, Dodges, all negate this class being able to use its class mechanic effectively and its sustain, and damage buffs are all essentially baked into this stipulation they've applied to the class.

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Breaching strike’s damage mod gets a small buff to 15-20% so that it’s not the silly 5%. 

Spell gets GM trait rework to give three distinct play styles built off of the current functions of each GM trait (MBT remains, improved revenge w/ transfer and real damage mod, idk for the third).

Counter Guard now applies protection to allies.

I am not a very realistic person. 

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26 minutes ago, oscuro.9720 said:

Breaching strike’s damage mod gets a small buff to 15-20% so that it’s not the silly 5%. 

Spell gets GM trait rework to give three distinct play styles built off of the current functions of each GM trait (MBT remains, improved revenge w/ transfer and real damage mod, idk for the third).

Counter Guard now applies protection to allies.

I am not a very realistic person. 

Third makes Dagger skills rip boons in an AoE on a critical hit.

Revenge Counter grants resistance, cleanses 4 condis in an AoE, and deals an extra 0.25 scaling per condis cleansed on the Spellbreaker.

MBT grants might to allies in the area per pulse and rips 1 boon per pulse on the target in addition to its previous effects.

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they need to put enchantment collapse into master trait

they should make it like bladesworn, master trait is all about consuming ammo for different buffs.

master traits should all about boon rip in differen ways. and grand master should be buffing full counter in different ways.

like seriously, the way it is right now is too limiting, just like how in tactic, if you want healing, you give no boon, if you want to give boon, you get no healing.

they need to separate those


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4 hours ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

Third makes Dagger skills rip boons in an AoE on a critical hit.

Revenge Counter grants resistance, cleanses 4 condis in an AoE, and deals an extra 0.25 scaling per condis cleansed on the Spellbreaker.

MBT grants might to allies in the area per pulse and rips 1 boon per pulse on the target in addition to its previous effects.

Ooh I like that for enchantment collapse. Scrap sun and moon style, work it into that somehow (like increased crit chance vs foes with no boons + crits with dagger rip boons?), then put current enchantment collapse where sun and moon style is?

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Dragon Stance rework and or/buff, also nerfing barrier and/or shout heals from blade. Zerker getting some QoL which will result in buffs, and maybe sword animation love/ QoL. 

Copium I know but at the very least Dragon Stance getting rework is my prediction. My guess is bare minimum stability access.

Edited by gmmg.9210
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6 hours ago, oscuro.9720 said:

Ooh I like that for enchantment collapse. Scrap sun and moon style, work it into that somehow (like increased crit chance vs foes with no boons + crits with dagger rip boons?), then put current enchantment collapse where sun and moon style is?

I think boon ripping in an AoE per hit should stay in the GM tier. Enchantment Collapse can be rolled into Loss Aversion.

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I might be wrong but the teaser screnshot show a specter for whom the UI have a greyed weapon swap... So I expect Specter, Bladesworn, core Necro, Reaper, Harbinger and Druid to lose the ability to weapon swap while in combat. Similar to elementalist and engineer. (FB will keep it's ability to weapon swap because it's a guardian)

The community's reaction would probably be funny if it truly happened.  😅

NB: If It's not a good thing, it's realistic.

Edited by Dadnir.5038
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8 minutes ago, Dadnir.5038 said:

I might be wrong but the teaser screnshot show a specter for whom the UI have a greyed weapon swap... So I expect Specter, Bladesworn, core Necro, Reaper, Harbinger and Druid to lose the ability to weapon swap while in combat. Similar to elementalist and engineer. (FB will keep it's ability to weapon swap because it's a guardian)

The community's reaction would probably be funny if it truly happened.  😅

NB: If It's not a good thing, it's realistic.

If that is the case the Firebrand would also be in that boat despite being a guardian. NGL though if this is the case then CMC and Roy learned the wrong lesson and people will be even more pissed than they were last year.

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31 minutes ago, Dadnir.5038 said:

So I expect Specter, Bladesworn, core Necro, Reaper, Harbinger and Druid to lose the ability to weapon swap while in combat. Similar to elementalist and engineer. (FB will keep it's ability to weapon swap because it's a guardian)

Did Junksworn gain in-combat weapon swap recently?

I haven't touched it since at least one week after EoD released, it didn't have in-combat weapon swap back then.

Edited by Fueki.4753
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11 minutes ago, Fueki.4753 said:

Did Junksworn gain in-combat weapon swap recently?

I haven't touched it since at least one week after EoD released, it didn't have in-combat weapon swap back then.

No. And since the Spectre has weapon swap greyed out in the teaser image (it does I just looked again) I do not think we'll be seeing weapon swap come back to BSW.

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11 hours ago, felix.2386 said:

they need to put enchantment collapse into master trait

they should make it like bladesworn, master trait is all about consuming ammo for different buffs.

master traits should all about boon rip in differen ways. and grand master should be buffing full counter in different ways.

like seriously, the way it is right now is too limiting, just like how in tactic, if you want healing, you give no boon, if you want to give boon, you get no healing.

they need to separate those


I have a thought for the making the grandmaster trait act like the bladesworn different grandmasters do different things with a mechanic. You could have each of the grandmaster traits do different things with magebane tether. The damage I'd leave it as is. You could have an enchantment collapse type one that steals boons giving them back to your group in aoe. I'm not quite sure what to do for a defensive one, maybe it transfers conditions from you to whoever is tethered and gives you aoe protection/resolution?

Edited by Red Haired Savage.5430
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58 minutes ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

No. And since the Spectre has weapon swap greyed out in the teaser image (it does I just looked again) I do not think we'll be seeing weapon swap come back to BSW.

It could also just be that the developers simply didn't equip a second weapon set. In that case, the button is grey, too.

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