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Will Relics invalidate legendary runes? [Merged]

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5 hours ago, Dualumina.1760 said:

I wouldn't be surprised if folks who had multiple sets of the same legendary armour weight felt this annoyance back when the armoury was released, but as someone who won't have to feel unbridled disdain for Nightmare runes again, I'm not against this change.

I think that an important diffeeence between the multiple leg armor set owners and what we are looking at here is that the rune situation involves taking mechanical components of a character's build away from them in order to sell it back. My main's DPS will be lowered by this (I will leave aside any arguments about whether or not that is a good thing) and I will need to reacquire what I already had via whatever means ANet determines.

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Maybe like 3 weeks ago , i crafted 7 Legendary runes. Now with this relic thing i feel that my runes will be downgraded .... all my effort and time worthless. Looks like i will have to grind again to obtain something that i ALREADY have. i sincerely hope that A.net will offer some compensation or something .


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9 minutes ago, The Boz.2038 said:

What if your legendary rune got replaced with a legendary relic?

If they give me the legendary relic when they change the system and retain my legendary runes, then I'll have the functionality I have now that I specifically grinded to have.

If they leave me with just the new stat-stick runes, I'll have effectively one entirely invisible piece of legendary armor worth of stats that cost more than an entire set of legendary armor costs.  Assuming they don't realize there's little reason not to fold stats from runes and stat infusions into the base stats of armor down the line and ax them completely.

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2 minutes ago, Essence Snow.3194 said:

Only if that relic retained the same functionality that we currently have, but since they are splitting runes.....that's not possible.

Ah, so some sort of "I bought this and it is now written in stone and never to be changed again" type of stance?

Can't say I vibe much with that viewpoint.

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5 minutes ago, The Boz.2038 said:

Ah, so some sort of "I bought this and it is now written in stone and never to be changed again" type of stance?

Can't say I vibe much with that viewpoint.

So you wouldn't mind if you bought a car to drive it. Then they removed the ability to drive it and introduced an option that lumped in the driving feature with self driving that you'd have to buy to get the ability to drive it back? It's a main feature.

Edited by Essence Snow.3194
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3 minutes ago, The Boz.2038 said:

Ah, so some sort of "I bought this and it is now written in stone and never to be changed again" type of stance?

Can't say I vibe much with that viewpoint.

Where did you come up with this idea?  All people want is to avoid having something they invested a lot of time into (or spent a good deal of actual cash on) taken away from them.

Imagine you made legendary armor, and they announced "Starting with the new expansion you will only be able to change half of the attributes on your legendary equipment."  Would that not make your legendary armor meaningfully worse?  Would the new legendary armor still fill the purpose that motivated you to invest time into getting it?

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18 hours ago, Moira Shalaar.5620 said:

After the update I will have that functionality for STATS but will have to keep or acquire a durability relic, scholars relic & diviners relic to be able to make the same changes AND keep them in my inventory for any future changes.

legendary relics incoming ... 😎

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17 hours ago, Endaris.1452 said:

I'm sitting on legy armor skins that cost me about 1.8k gold and I got no compensation when armory made them useless.

Nothing was taken away from you (or me) or from your legendary gear when the legendary armory was added. They continued to work with the same stats.

But with the addition of relics, some of the functionality and stats of legendary runes will be taken away from players that already have them.

I don't have any legendary runes but I can understand why players don't like this change.

Edited by Zok.4956
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15 hours ago, Ashen.2907 said:

You are fine with Anet taking away something that people have already worked and paid for so that they can sell it to them again?

At this point, I am fine with anything that isn't jade-tech nor Gyala Delve. 😆

Also, we don't know yet how the whole thing will be dealt with by ANet for owners of legendary upgrades, so in the wake of all the positive prospects from last night's blog posts I am just chilling and waiting.

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3 hours ago, Eclipsiste.3251 said:

Access should not be quick, but AUTOMATIC. Once again: for every current AND future relics.

The relic idea is great, don't get me wrong, but should not be imposed to the detriment of players who trusted the leg runes system.

It would be a very bad sign if Anet engaged on the road of making people farm again to re-obtain a feature that already needed months of grinding in the first place.

I agree.

When I said "quick access" I meant it to be done without any grinding or time gates.

I am perfectly fine with INSTANT access: in the end, if you have 6-7 runes you already have access to the second perk of the 6th rune (aka the special effect). If ANet steals that from you that is super bad, Destiny 2 levels of robbery of content.

But I am a bit flexible. For example, I would find acceptable a couple hours completing a certain quest to get the Legendary Relic, which could be as a pretext to introduce lore and important NPCs.

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1 hour ago, Meva.8327 said:

I agree.

When I said "quick access" I meant it to be done without any grinding or time gates.

I am perfectly fine with INSTANT access: in the end, if you have 6-7 runes you already have access to the second perk of the 6th rune (aka the special effect). If ANet steals that from you that is super bad, Destiny 2 levels of robbery of content.

But I am a bit flexible. For example, I would find acceptable a couple hours completing a certain quest to get the Legendary Relic, which could be as a pretext to introduce lore and important NPCs.

Or a token to redeem a legendary relic from an important NPC. That'd be fine. I'm not opposed to a lore-tied solution, like having a chat with a few NPCs while having the full set of runes equipped to unlock a legendary relic. No long grind or time-gated crap though...

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5 minutes ago, Eclipsiste.3251 said:

Or a token to redeem a legendary relic from an important NPC.

They can and totally should, do it much easier. Just add an achievement that tracks the number of legendary runes in ones armory. When the number hits 6, the achievement completes and rewards a free Legendary Relic.

And lets be clear, I want/expect my free Legendary Relic so as to restore the full functionally I have already grind out in making 6 Legendary Runes.

Wonder how long it's going to take Anet to respond to all this, or will they just ignore it?

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On 6/27/2023 at 10:34 AM, Farohna.6247 said:

Think I'll pause my crafting of runes for now 🤔


Same. I was preparing some provisioner tokens but given the current situation I don't think it'd be a good idea.

Need some stuff to be clarified. Are we going to be stuck with scuffed  builds until we can get the jewels, etc.

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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It's unacceptable to remove functionality of (Legendary) items! I really hope that there will be Legendary Relic unlocked in the armory for owners of Legendary Runes, that's the only solution I would need. I crafted Runes to have access to every 6th bonus in the game any time with ultimate convenience. Actually, if Runes didn't have 6th special bonus, I would never even craft them...

And how will people without Legendary Runes feel? Carrying few sets of runes in inventory, and then having to farm and carry more sets of relics in inventory?.. Will they have to forget all the time spent to farm (resources for) certain runes with interesting 6th bonus? 😟

As soon as I've read part about runes in the news article, my excitement about upcoming expansion was gone entirely 🙁 Which is a shame, because otherwise I would be curious about overland Legendary armor. I still need full medium weight, and I'm really burned out of all the PvP I've done for Heavy and Light weights + backpack and rings... But now I'm afraid to add any more items to my Legendary Armory at all - I need guarantee that any other gear won't be "reworked" in the future 😨

I finished crafting all 6 legendary Runes few months ago, and I have only recently gathered enough materials for the 7th rune (for Aquabreather). Full set of Legendary Runes was my next "quality of life" project after I have crafted my first set of heavy Legendary Armor. Over the time it took me to gather all materials for Runes, I've also crafted light Legendary armor, Backpack, all Trinkets and few weapons.

So, it was long and stressful process for me. But what gave me inspiration and willpower to complete crafting of all these items: I was sure that I can free my inventory from multiple gear sets forever, and not to worry about gear ever again.

I want to add my voice as very concerned player. I hope developers give everyone a satisfying solution, please! ❤️

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Assuming they will add another "slot" next to the "shoulder" icon on the Hero:Equipment tab, where you can put in those "relicts", I would think it is appropriate make us chose a relict effect when a total of seven legendary runes are registered in the armory, effectively creating a legendary relict for having all pre-expansion legendary runes.
I hold Anet accountable for "legendary items are and will be best in slot", in one way or the other (e.g. like the Conflux exchnage, although that way won't work, because there is no legendary rune item, as they are stored in the armory)

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If Relics render Legendary Runes less valuable, then the new Relic should be available for those having a full set.

We specifically grinded for the runes to not have to deal with crafting/buying them ever again. if now part of that benefit runes gives is taken over by Relics, then I won't be a happy camper if that means that to achieve the same as I have now with my 7 legendary runes, I again have to go craft/buy these relics to maintain it.

I do NOT want again an item I need on EVERY character individually.

You already made that mistake with fishing and jade bots.

Please not with Relics. 
DO consider the sheer amount of effort we had to get these runes for.

I am still holding off on buying the expac due to many unknowns.

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13 minutes ago, Gorani.7205 said:

I would think it is appropriate make us chose a relict effect when a total of seven legendary runes are registered in the armory, effectively creating a legendary relict for having all pre-expansion legendary runes.

Six legendary runes, not seven, because only six are currently required to gain the effect even though a total of seven are equippable.

No one made that seventh rune unaware of how little marginal utility it offers over six runes, whereas the runes under the current system are just shy of useless without a set of six.

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