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What is the point of Bladeturn Requiem (F5) now?

Lonewolf Kai.3682

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On 7/25/2023 at 5:27 AM, Pengu.7481 said:

you are right that virt doesnt have cleave, it does however have 1200 10k+ unblockable F1's , couple that with other weapon skills and u have enough burst to 100-0 a guy and invuln for the stomp.


You basically said if a virtuoso builds for it, then the virt can put someone in a downed state by using multiple weapon damaging skills. Well hahaha  yeah. 


But by burst? No. Not unless you are fighting someone who is a complete novice amd has no idea how to run any defense. 


Yep. I agree. Anyone class built for it can do that. I've never seen a 10k+ F1 hit Eeeeever.  But if someone builds for it, then I do not see why not......

But it still does not match the dps ranger burst nor that warrior thing that has hit me for 19k and change in one shot.

Edited by Jitters.9401
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On 7/26/2023 at 8:26 PM, Mell.4873 said:

and I would disable them while she one-shot them with F1. 

2vs1 then. Well sure. 2 people can coordinate to down someone insanely fast. But even with the 20%damage boost, unless someone has a low hitpoint base and no armor/toughness, then no. No one shotting anyone will occur. Close to perhaps... but actuality.. no

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1 minute ago, Jitters.9401 said:

2vs1 then. Well sure. 2 people can coordinate to down someone insanely fast. But even with the 20%damage boost, unless someone has a low hitpoint base and no armor/toughness, then no. No one shotting anyone will occur. Close to perhaps... but actuality.. no

People told me that too but it did happen. I also got called a liar for saying it was a one-shot build. But the very same thing exists with a confusion F2 build for Virtuoso. It could easily one-shot Elementalists. 

Lock people down and CC them simple as that. 

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On 7/25/2023 at 5:27 AM, Pengu.7481 said:

was winning 1v5's on cele virtu in wvw because of defender runes healing me for 1.5k everytime i blocked, and we blocked ALOT.

1v5?  No. This statement tells me you do not play virtuoso. Maybe tried it, but no. You did not play virtuoso to any extent amd are just repeating what you saw elsewhere. 


The heal is from the defender runes has a 1 second cooldown which is is great, but against 5 people you are only getting one block on one attack.  Then it takes time to fire your blades in order to get another aegis, but while that is happening you have 5 enemies continually hearing you with damage. Your F1 is a 3/4second vast... F2-F3 1/2 second casts.. F4 and F5 have no cast time... but then you have to look at the cooldowns on those abilities. 

Even if you run heal on shatter and heal on blade generation,  it is not even remotely close enough to what you'd need to counter the damage output of 5 different individuals.....

For the damage you are hinting at, you would be running "Dueling" for the "superiority " trait and "Domination " for the "Mental Anguish " which means no healing traits. Spectacular damage... but no real healing.


1vs1 or 1vs2 I bet you'd be scary as hell with your build but vs 5... no. Sorry. Not happening.  You just don't have the healing or defensive capabilities to do it (amd I am adding energy sigils as well)


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38 minutes ago, Mell.4873 said:

People told me that too but it did happen. I also got called a liar for saying it was a one-shot build. But the very same thing exists with a confusion F2 build for Virtuoso. It could easily one-shot Elementalists. 

I think maybe we have a different definition of "1 Shot".

I currently run a condition virtuoso and have gotten up to 32 stacks of confusion on an enemy. An ele, if it didn't cleanse would need to perform 2 actions to (potentially) go down. I call that a two shot no matter how fast they performed the actions. I know some folks consider a fast weapon rotation a "1 shot". Like even 2 attacks in 1 second. 

That 32stacks degrades super super super fast, but once I got a scrapper with it and he performed 2 actions before he hit the downed state. 

kitten it was funny. 

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2 hours ago, Jitters.9401 said:

1v5?  No. This statement tells me you do not play virtuoso. Maybe tried it, but no. You did not play virtuoso to any extent amd are just repeating what you saw elsewhere. 

1vs1 or 1vs2 I bet you'd be scary as hell with your build but vs 5... no. Sorry. Not happening.  You just don't have the healing or defensive capabilities to do it (amd I am adding energy sigils as well)


well it happened, multiple times. ofc they werent all skilled at fighting so it was essentially 1v2(with 3 of their npc like teammates) 

if anyone equally skilled i could mostly do 1v1 / 1v2 . 

3 hours ago, Jitters.9401 said:

Yep. I agree. Anyone class built for it can do that. I've never seen a 10k+ F1 hit Eeeeever.  But if someone builds for it, then I do not see why not......

tell me u havent played virtuoso enough without actually telling me u havent played it enough

now leave me alone, i have nothing more to discuss with you

Edited by Pengu.7481
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On 7/28/2023 at 10:56 AM, Pengu.7481 said:

tell me u havent played virtuoso enough without actually telling me u havent played it enough


We all know you do not play virtuoso. You are probably someone I obliterated because they thought I couldn't handle an in close super aggressive  melee.

But surprise I am built for it. Don't nerf me cause I am that good. You should Just become better. 

But you vs 5.... never unless it was 1 afk player amongst 4 guards... not in this life. 2 decent willbenders would annihilate you , let alone 5 pugs. 


I know virt inside and out. I literally obliterate any I come across these days.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 7/29/2023 at 2:31 AM, Jitters.9401 said:

I think maybe we have a different definition of "1 Shot".

I currently run a condition virtuoso and have gotten up to 32 stacks of confusion on an enemy. An ele, if it didn't cleanse would need to perform 2 actions to (potentially) go down. I call that a two shot no matter how fast they performed the actions. I know some folks consider a fast weapon rotation a "1 shot". Like even 2 attacks in 1 second. 

That 32stacks degrades super super super fast, but once I got a scrapper with it and he performed 2 actions before he hit the downed state. 

kitten it was funny. 

100% to 0% before they can react is my definition. I even used to root/stun players (on Druid) so I could let my Wife one shot them with F1 + Greatsword 4.

I guess it all took about 5 seconds. Again, people stated I needed to kill them in a second to count and do it solo with no help. Meh.....

Edited by Mell.4873
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Okay, so only viable way to use f5 currently is running into Zergs yolo style, or because it’s an instant cast during a stomp and hope your one block… blocks a cc that would have prevented you from stomping.   And that’s only if you use a trait for the aegis.   Either way f5 needs a buff.   No one cares at this point as long as it has ANY function.

Edited by dead.7638
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They could just move Bladeturn as an ammo utility skill-though increasing the damage and maybe give it a boon of some form and then merge the RoS and SoD utilities together 🤷‍♀️

Aside from as mentioned, I personally stopped using it after they got rid of the block on it.

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It was the nail in the coffin for me to be honest, as bad as previous balances were for Mesmers. This change was definitely the reason I stopped logging in. 

I have no idea why the Devs & Balance Team don't want Mesmers to enjoy their class, but here we are.

I went back to SWTOR for the time being. GW2 used to be where I dumped 80% of my gaming budget bc it felt so fun to run around and solo things like the Deadhouse event. So I felt like supporting the product bc of the lack of sub.

This one change removed that from being possible on my Virt build. If I'm gonna be stuck with an MMO where I can't feel like a hero, I'll at least go to one with a good story.

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I take the aegis on bladesong trait and generate blades on blocks , evades or dodges (unblockable), so I have constant blocks and constant blades ofc combined with evade, invuln and distortion frames, and extra util, and any other random Mesmer aegis boons, it works really well synergetically even losing the 5 bladesong block, but I'm only mainly talking about roaming and PVE, generally there's not enough or any boon removal to deal with the constant aegis 

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On 8/28/2023 at 11:46 AM, Lord Trejgon.2809 said:

Considering character still often shouts about being untouchable when activating bladeturn requiem it would be nice to at least have some sort of damage reduction rolled into the skill.

Or stun break... or actually do some proper damage. Something to make up for the loss of defence, projectile block even. 

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On 8/28/2023 at 8:46 PM, Lord Trejgon.2809 said:

Considering character still often shouts about being untouchable when activating bladeturn requiem it would be nice to at least have some sort of damage reduction rolled into the skill.

Nah mate, your character is actually referring to your target being untouchable by your useless f5.

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The dmg should be buffed.   The trait for aegis works but it’s not the pre nerfed version by any means.   You just have to use it wisely and that it’s an instant cast says something when combined with other skills like s/s for some heavy dmg.   But the skill it self isn’t going to make or break a fights outcome.

Edited by dead.7638
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