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I think we are way overdue for new playable races [Merged]

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Plot-wise, it would make no sense for new races to come out of SotO.


Remember, the group and everything they do is supposed to be a secret. If they let the people from those broken-into-reality fractals go out into the wide world, everyone will find out about the Wizards.

What's going to happen is Isgarren is going to realize what a problem those formerly "theoretical" people are, and put them into a shallow grave.


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On 9/8/2023 at 9:06 AM, Etaiver.9781 said:

I was thinking how cool it would be, in some update or future expansion anet to add new races or rescue the old race of dwarves, in the current expansion we have the dagda that is very similar to an orc.

isn't dadga an Jotun?

I never understood Largo's aren't they just humans with stingray wings??

Dwarves - seem like something maybe to consider with them being used in eye of the north and soto.

what about those frog people?

Or centaurs or Harpies 😄

Edited by Kelly.7019
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new proffs seem more likely then new races

i would think if they added(which they won't) new races they could come up with some BS as to why they haven't been seen anywhere in Tyria (like a whole other content the magically came into being). and no need to add them to all the old story crap. skip that. If they were introduced with an xpac their existence would start there.

Edited by Kelly.7019
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On 7/4/2023 at 1:04 AM, Linken.6345 said:

Yes and those allies can be npcs it dont have to be playable characters.

They already said, that a new race add very little to the game play wise compared the time and cost there is to implement.

If you want lore your norn, charr, asura, sylvari or human can experience it.

What to look different ask for combat tonics that work with mounts.

Well in regards to not affecting much i completely disagree! alot of players endgame is just WvW/PvP for example or maybe RP mine is WvW and everyone there is very into skill animations and kinda chosing per class wich race is most fun or flashy. adding a playable race will just means endless amount of content since for the past 11 years me and alot of players participated in this kind of gameplay, we can see this in how popular combat tonics are and the things we wish that could be done wile one is active like Mounting and stowing weapons also your legendary accessories not being visible i can go as far as to say that reaper shroud or mistform not adopting your actual appearance can be addressed 

Edited by Gex.6589
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At this point, I would rather them honestly just finishing up Dominion of Winds and releasing it in some form, expansion, or event , or anything.

Since Tengu were originally planned at the start, and I can't say for certain, but they pretty much share the same body rig as the char, a bit modified. Just like how Norn are just basically Large humans and Sylvari are Cabbage Patch humans. I don't think the actual work to make the race is that hard itself since the assets are there and they probably have an in engine character creator for all the races to save time on adding models into the game. 

The challenge comes more from everything else. Costs of VA for one, and animating a new rig, having to add a new personal story, leveling map from 1-30.

I would honestly say as a compromise, to add more race combat tonics. I still enjoy using the Kodan one on my Norn from time to time. I would just wish we can use them on mounts and have some added dodge animations. 

I mean if they REALLY wanted to, they can make them and add them to the Gem Shop. If they're going to put time into making and selling you EMOTES, the least they do is add Combat tonics. Doesn't even just have to be a race. I'm sure people would love to play as some of the in game characters. Ferin, Tybalt, Cannoc, Tiami, or Braham (lol)

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