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What Comes Next? - Who Knows? Anet Won't Tell Us...


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Oh, the sound of silence surrounding us poor WvW orphans! There's been a fierce debate raging in the SotO sub-forum since the coming relics were first announced. Anet heard the uproar and responded to it with this...

On 7/12/2023 at 1:49 PM, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:

Hey all, I have asked moderators to leave this thread open for the time being--I recognize that this is a topic of great interest to those of you participating and I want you to be able to have a place to discuss while we work on the blog post for the 18th--but please avoid the personal attacks. You can have opposing viewpoints and disagree on how you feel about game methods and content without engaging in that. 

(i.e. Don't make me turn this car around, y'all. 😉 )

Then, yesterday, when Anet realized their promised announcement would be coming two days late, they said this...

On 7/17/2023 at 12:17 PM, Branded Employee.5397 said:

Hello friends,

I'm here with an update that the blog is coming on the 20th. As we said in Rubi's original post, it takes us time to lock text down and get it through our publishing pipeline. Please accept my apologies for the delay from our communicated schedule. 

It has now been almost three weeks since Anet deigned to tell us WvW outcasts that they would give us the details on the next WR Beta in "a week or so". PVE's announcement is going to be two days late so they get an advance heads up about the delay and why it is happening. WvW's announcment is almost two weeks late and what have we gotten but The Sound of Silence...


Edited by Chichimec.9364
To further clarify the sad story of Anet's latest broken promise to its WvW orphans...
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  • Chichimec.9364 changed the title to What Comes Next? - The Disturbed Sound Of Silence in WvW...
On 7/7/2023 at 9:18 AM, Chichimec.9364 said:

It's been eight days since that was posted so I do hope we'll be hearing something about this soon. 🤞

EDIT 1: It's now been 13 days since Anet said they'd be giving us those WR Beta details. A reasonable definition of a "week or so" is 7-13 days. So' unless they come in with a late post today, Anet has once again missed their own deadline. And this one was only for an announcement. Sigh... 😧

EDIT 2: It's now been 20 days since Anet said they'd be giving us the details on the next WR Beta in "a week or so". Today Anet dropped posts about the Festival of the Four Winds, about some balance changes, about some changes to BL chests and about new items in the Gem Store. The next WR Beta? Nope, not a peep about it. 😭


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6 hours ago, Chichimec.9364 said:



Because it's one of those things my mind does while trying to seek balance in posts and why it takes me time to see points that at first make me say did they mean this or these, or were they actually making the same point in a different way, please...was already an awesome video and you lead me down the rabbit hole that made me lose an hour on video suggestions and now its even way later then when I opened the post as I had to recatch other awesome performances.  Spare us poor ADHD gamers and the trap that youtube is lol. 

All that said, agree, I think they should take more of a Bungie approach, which they used to do, to just say here is what is up this week even if its a work in progress. It would keep WvW players more of an insight of what's in work or not.


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8 hours ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

...was already an awesome video and you lead me down the rabbit hole that made me lose an hour on video suggestions and now its even way later then when I opened the post as I had to recatch other awesome performances.  Spare us poor ADHD gamers and the trap that youtube is lol...

roflmao - Actually, if it's any consolation, I caught myself in the same trap and literally fell down the rabbit hole when linking that video. This video was a suggested link and when I made the near fatal mistake of watching it, I got dragged into a whole series of other suggested vids from the Sixties, the days of my youth. It was almost an hour before I managed to drag myself back out of that rabbit hole.  🤣

(This post is totally off topic, but I just couldn't help it. Sorry! 🙃 )


Edited by Chichimec.9364
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18 hours ago, Chichimec.9364 said:

Oh, the sound of silence surrounding us poor WvW orphans! There's been a fierce debate raging in the SotO sub-forum since the coming relics were first announced. Anet heard the uproar and responded to it with this...

Then, yesterday, when Anet realized their promised announcement would be coming two days late, they said this...

It has now been almost three weeks since Anet deigned to tell us WvW outcasts that they would give us the details on the next WR Beta in "a week or so". PVE's announcement is going to be two days late so they get an advance heads up about the delay and why it is happening. WvW's announcment is almost two weeks late and what have we gotten but The Sound of Silence...


Yea this is why I warned everyone before

And FYI I am not annoyed by delays. Stuff happens. It's just that it does little to inspire confidence in a solution. And the explanation seems really weak.

Even if you can't say the whole thing dropping some semi-concrete details can help. For every moment you fail to reassure people, they're going to start imagining the worst, and the longer it festers, the greater the chance of a permanent loss of trust happens.

And they've had a history of merely sweeping things under the rug.

For example, a long time ago people complained that the Watchwork Mining Pick was p2w because at the time infinite gathering tools were only supposed to be QoL and sprockets were worth quite a bit back then. In addition they were superior to other infinite gathering tools. That was just met with silence and then many years was sorta fixed with glpyhs while sprockets became less in value. But they pretty much ignored the issue when it happened.

I'm not saying the Pick was a bad thing, or even if they were wrong. But it clearly offended quite a few people and I felt that should have been addressed.

Another would be templates. Tons and tons of negative feedback. No real response, ever.

I really don't like to bring these things up because these are relatively minor issues. However, let it be known that actions (or lack of actions) speak louder than words. And sometimes it works to let things blow over. But you know, I have a pretty good memory here.

I feel that they are a little stubborn. They have this tendency to decide for everyone "this is the best way", and will stubbornly push through despite what anyone says. And this is good! You can't be controlled by everyone's whims, and yea some of your players are actual morons that would destroy your game if you listened to them. But you also have to look at the mirror. You aren't the hottest thing on the block anymore. Fresh players are not streaming in every day with thousands of influencers pushing them in.

Also, please. Stop listening to the yes-people and the kool-aid drinkers. Every fandom seems to have them. All they do is shut down criticism and tell you everything you do is perfect. While they sound pleasant, these are not who you can rely on. These will always lead to destruction. See, one thing I've noticed about these black and white zealots is they only have 2 modes: Hate and Love. So if some day the addition/attachment breaks, they will often do a very vicious 180 and suddenly blast you as the worst game ever. They often will just hang around game discussions  they've quit for years like vengeful ex's, essentially. (Example: Almost any former Blizzard zealot)

People that actually care about you will warn you if you're about to fall off a cliff. The ones that would still say you're doing everything great are the ones most likely to put a knife in your back.

So, tread lightly.

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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15 hours ago, Chichimec.9364 said:

roflmao - Actually, if it's any consolation, I caught myself in the same trap and literally fell down the rabbit hole when linking that video. This video was a suggested link and when I made the near fatal mistake of watching it, I got dragged into a whole series of other suggested vids from the Sixties, the days of my youth. It was almost an hour before I managed to drag myself back out of that rabbit hole.  🤣

(This post is totally off topic, but I just couldn't help it. Sorry! 🙃 )


🙂 Agree, awesome second choice there. Love that song. Mind you, at one point my tailor recommended that a jacket that hugs me back, make might make a good fit. So your mileage may vary.

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  • Chichimec.9364 changed the title to What Comes Next? - The Heavens Opened, Anet Spoke, But Not To It's WvW Orphans

Just in case you hadn't noticed, earlier today Anet posted an announcement about the relics coming in the SotO expansion. Now don't get me wrong, that's an important topic for all players. As someone with 7 legendary runes myself, I've been waiting to see what they had to say about all that. HOWEVER, it's now been more than three weeks since Anet said we'd be getting more info on the next WR beta in "a week or so". As a WvW main, I'm very interested in what Anet has to say about that too. Will they ever tell us the details about the next beta? I sure hope they do soon since this Studio Update said "We’re targeting early to mid-summer to run the first World Restructuring beta with alliances." Well, we are in "early to mid-summer" right now. Let's just hope they meant "early to mid-summer" 2023, not 2024, 2025, or later. ☹️

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I understand that wvw is very hard to balance out so everyone can be pleased , but anet need to step up a bit for its pvp player base , i mean sure the big content that makes their company is pve , but im realy sad to see anet being this ignorant and don't even bother to type something for us , dear anet , as much as we love your game , step up your stuff and improve at communicating with your playerbase , you might see a big improvement on both sides , but hey who cares we are just get ignored again.

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Not sure if this helps, but a bug seems to have slipped by for a short time that allowed a player to send another player an Alliance invite. It vanished after a post patch of the main patch was made without comment. Had a guildmate see this and raise the issue. After telling them to patch it vanished from their options. So take that as you will. Archon likewise raised it here:

Outside of that all I can offer is: 


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Maybe we should all instead hope they haven't made any announcement since they are trying to figure out where all the latency issues are going from. 

Was that too soon? Too positive?

Ok I am headed to my freezer and grabbing my ice cream and putting it outside to pay for that in advance to the karma gods. See you all later.

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World vs. World

...We’re targeting early to mid-summer to run the first World Restructuring beta with alliances. Functionality will be straightforward, but it should give guilds and alliances everything they need to manage their communities: creating alliances, inviting guilds, kicking guilds, and leaving. All players that have selected a battle guild in an alliance will be placed on a team together after the World Restructuring event...
From: Studio Update: Spring 2023, posted by The Guild Wars 2 Team on May 01, 2023


What Comes Next?

We’ll be back in the next week or so with details about the next WvW World Restructuring beta, which will feature the ability for guilds to team up in Alliances for WvW.

From Play the Weaponmaster Training Beta posted by The Guild Wars 2 Team on June 28, 2023

We're supposed to get the next WR beta in early to mid-summer and we were supposed to get more details about it within "a week  or so" of June 28. Welp, it's been a month or so since June 28 and we still haven't heard a peep out of Anet about any such details. Just for the heck of it, I asked google when this summer started and when it ended to get a sense of when "early to mid-summer" was. Lo and behold, this summer started on June 21 and ends on September 23. That means we are within "a week or so" of reaching mid-summer. And still, all we've gotten out of Anet are The Sounds of Silence.

What was it that @TheGrimm.5624 said? Oh yeah, it was, "For the WvWers, we are still watching and waiting......"

How many years have we been waiting for Alliances? I guess Anet figures a few more days, weeks, months, or years won't matter. 🤮

Edited by Chichimec.9364
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  • Chichimec.9364 changed the title to What Comes Next? - We're Within A Week Or So Of Mid-Summer And Anet Still Won't Tell Us...
51 minutes ago, blp.3489 said:

I wonder if the devs have been diverted to the lag issue at the expense of the beta.  I also wonder if the lag issue really is being created using overuse of rise as a form of protest.

So far I haven't heard a thing about why this delay is happening - and that is a significant part of the problem. Before I retired, I worked several jobs where keeping to a schedule was important for keeping customers happy. As anyone who has worked on a schedule knows, delays can happen for a variety of reasons. When they do, it's important to let the customers know what is happening, why, and when they can reasonably expect to receive whatever it was that got delayed. In the discussion about the new relics being introduced in the next expansion, Anet was two days late in posting a statement clarifying some details about the relics. They let the players know the statement was going to be delayed, why it was delayed, and when it would actually be released. Beyond that, Anet has been listening and responding to players' concerns about relics in an ongoing discussion about all that.

The contrast with Anet's response to the WvW community could not be clearer. The announcement with more details about the next beta is now more than three weeks overdue and we are now in the middle of the time when that beta was supposed to start. What have we heard from Anet? Nothing. Absolutely nothing.  @Rubi Bayer.8493 Can you please let us know what's going on with the next WR beta? You've been doing your best to keep people informed about the relics. It would be good if you could also keep us informed here about the WR beta.

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On 7/19/2023 at 9:01 AM, Chichimec.9364 said:

Oh, the sound of silence surrounding us poor WvW orphans! There's been a fierce debate raging in the SotO sub-forum since the coming relics were first announced. Anet heard the uproar and responded to it with this...

Then, yesterday, when Anet realized their promised announcement would be coming two days late, they said this...

It has now been almost three weeks since Anet deigned to tell us WvW outcasts that they would give us the details on the next WR Beta in "a week or so". PVE's announcement is going to be two days late so they get an advance heads up about the delay and why it is happening. WvW's announcment is almost two weeks late and what have we gotten but The Sound of Silence...


They don't care about us.  😞

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On 7/20/2023 at 3:32 AM, ArchonWing.9480 said:

Yea this is why I warned everyone before

And FYI I am not annoyed by delays. Stuff happens. It's just that it does little to inspire confidence in a solution. And the explanation seems really weak.

Even if you can't say the whole thing dropping some semi-concrete details can help. For every moment you fail to reassure people, they're going to start imagining the worst, and the longer it festers, the greater the chance of a permanent loss of trust happens.

And they've had a history of merely sweeping things under the rug.

For example, a long time ago people complained that the Watchwork Mining Pick was p2w because at the time infinite gathering tools were only supposed to be QoL and sprockets were worth quite a bit back then. In addition they were superior to other infinite gathering tools. That was just met with silence and then many years was sorta fixed with glpyhs while sprockets became less in value. But they pretty much ignored the issue when it happened.

I'm not saying the Pick was a bad thing, or even if they were wrong. But it clearly offended quite a few people and I felt that should have been addressed.

Another would be templates. Tons and tons of negative feedback. No real response, ever.

I really don't like to bring these things up because these are relatively minor issues. However, let it be known that actions (or lack of actions) speak louder than words. And sometimes it works to let things blow over. But you know, I have a pretty good memory here.

I feel that they are a little stubborn. They have this tendency to decide for everyone "this is the best way", and will stubbornly push through despite what anyone says. And this is good! You can't be controlled by everyone's whims, and yea some of your players are actual morons that would destroy your game if you listened to them. But you also have to look at the mirror. You aren't the hottest thing on the block anymore. Fresh players are not streaming in every day with thousands of influencers pushing them in.

Also, please. Stop listening to the yes-people and the kool-aid drinkers. Every fandom seems to have them. All they do is shut down criticism and tell you everything you do is perfect. While they sound pleasant, these are not who you can rely on. These will always lead to destruction. See, one thing I've noticed about these black and white zealots is they only have 2 modes: Hate and Love. So if some day the addition/attachment breaks, they will often do a very vicious 180 and suddenly blast you as the worst game ever. They often will just hang around game discussions  they've quit for years like vengeful ex's, essentially. (Example: Almost any former Blizzard zealot)

People that actually care about you will warn you if you're about to fall off a cliff. The ones that would still say you're doing everything great are the ones most likely to put a knife in your back.

So, tread lightly.

Right on.  What I don't understand besides wvw, is they had time to nerf scrappers but no time to fix this. But hay the pve guys are whining rightfully so and they get instant service. hmmm

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Now it is August, they are probably focused on the mini expac with new PVE and story content coming out this month, bringing in some of the playerbase back to play the game again, until Starfield is out at least.

Still doesn't rule out a blog post announcement, of an imminent WvW alliance beta, even with the short notice. Hopium rather than copium though.

Edited by CrimsonOneThree.5682
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They had time to send this email https://i.imgur.com/VjL8BRk.jpg

But can't be bothered to write up one sentence on the status of the wr beta. https://i.imgur.com/OpguQIk.jpg

Went straight to the trash bin, where I'm close to also dumping this game to as well, can't invest in gw2 if they won't invest in wvw, pretty simple.

Edited by XenesisII.1540
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Update on Rune/Relic


A wonderful non-answer. It's so bad that I fed ChatGPT the info a few days earlier and got a better answer.

"Legendary relics will be introduced to Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure during one of the quarterly releases in 2024."

Aka, we're still scrambling to find a solution and hope you'll forget about it.

As for the only cool thing in the beta; being able to equip weapons on all specs? No plans in sight.

Look at this chart. They want you to spend $25 on it. Note that the core relics are just rune effects we already have that have to be earned again.

Imagine people acutally pre-ordered this. 🤣 I'm going to buy some quality toilet paper instead.

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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