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In 1 1/2 years after an expac release, you only added a single map with 2 metas?

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On 7/15/2023 at 3:58 AM, Kozumi.5816 said:

Can we expect beter from SotO? I sure hope so.

No we can't because they alread said we get 2 maps on launch and 1 map later at some point. 

Edited by DirtyDan.4759
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11 hours ago, Obtena.7952 said:

Just imagine if they had to actually pay fair market value for the content we DID get since EoD.  Just wait until he has to PAY for the content they do add.

There is no need to wait. Because the sum of all players/customers already pays in full for any content that Anet creates/adds. There is no other source of money for Anet. And Anet makes so much money from GW2 that they could (and can) put some of that money into other non-GW2 projects.

Just imagine how much more new content we would get in GW2 if Anet put all the money Anet makes from GW2 back into creating new GW2 content.

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2 hours ago, Zok.4956 said:

There is no need to wait. Because the sum of all players/customers already pays in full for any content that Anet creates/adds. There is no other source of money for Anet. And Anet makes so much money from GW2 that they could (and can) put some of that money into other non-GW2 projects.

Just imagine how much more new content we would get in GW2 if Anet put all the money Anet makes from GW2 back into creating new GW2 content.

OK sure, but that has nothing to do with what I said so ... not sure what YOUR point is now. Again, my point here isn't about how much money Anet gets from selling things and what they do with it. 

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6 hours ago, Zok.4956 said:

There is no need to wait. Because the sum of all players/customers already pays in full for any content that Anet creates/adds. There is no other source of money for Anet. And Anet makes so much money from GW2 that they could (and can) put some of that money into other non-GW2 projects.

Just imagine how much more new content we would get in GW2 if Anet put all the money Anet makes from GW2 back into creating new GW2 content.

I'm not sure how much control ArenaNet has over the revenue Guild Wars 2 produces.  ArenaNet is beholden to their parent company, NCSoft.

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5 hours ago, Kozumi.5816 said:

Achievements have never been, and never will be content.

They are tied to other content that you have not finished playing yet. (Otherwise the achievements would be completed.) For WvW it is pretty weird though. People get almost no content updates there though (new loot and infusion getting added also is no content since it is only cosmetic stuff) ... and that leads to them calling the fights against other players "content" lol. (When the actual content is the game mode ant the map ArenaNet created - where they are playing on.)

I actually wonder how they want to "finish" the game. Can't give upgrades endlessly. (Otherwise it always will be harder for newer players to catch up and they will have to make adjustments that makes the older content "faster" taking away it's value a bit.) I mean ... there should be a state where we can say "wow ... I can play t his for ... like the next 5-10 years by repeating different stuff from the existing content every now and then - this seems finished and I don't need more content updates".

That "endlessly making content updates" thing only seems to work for WoW lol. (And there even people wanted a "classic" thing back I think. I think they also had to make earlier content more accessible - especially since WoW has a gear treadmill newest added stuff might be dead of old players leave and no new players get the best gear to play that new content.)

For now it seems though that they plan to make faster upgrades. Splitting the expansions by design in smaller upgrades and then already bringing the next expansion 1 year later maybe. (They could have tried this with EoD lol. Instead of releasing all maps at once ... the maps every 3-4 months only. That would have given them more time after the last map. Smaller gap until the upcoming expansion - if you premakde all the stuff ... then release it slowly  on purpose to keep players happy for a longer time - until the next expanions are ready already.)

PvP and WvW should have the most focus though. (More focus on generating interesting PvP stuff - WvW should be put into legacy mode just left for the people that like zerging.) There is where you can get "replayability" cause you always play vs different enemies. (Vs just pressing 1 at the open world boss from the latest map.) Does not work without interesting gamde modes and maps though.

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On 7/15/2023 at 4:02 AM, Astralporing.1957 said:

Yep. Because, unfortunately, when after content drought for HoT they managed to finally set up their dev teams to work on both expansions and LS at the same time, the first thing they did after PoF release was demolish that setup (by getting most of their devs moved to other projects, and ultimately getting a lot of them fired). Apparently GW2 team is still way, way smaller than the one that was working on LS3 and PoF. Even though supposedly Anet should have similar amount of devs (if not more) as then. WHich means that, again, most of their effort and resources is likely placed in non-GW2 projects.

LW3 to PoF to LW4 was truly peak pacing.

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On 7/17/2023 at 3:05 AM, Kozumi.5816 said:

LS1 was a massive waste of resources and put the game into a 1 year content drought twice. It's a baffling decision to re-release it.

New players can't even do it because no is doing the metas. It's a failure, that they allowed to happen twice. This is why we learn history in school - to learn from our mistakes.

But I am a new player. And I am doing it. And very much enjoying it.

Perhaps what you mean is that as an experienced player, perhaps someone who did LWS1 in it's original form, you have no interest in it?

That's fair. But you can't speak for new players, and your attempts to do so have wildly missed the mark. As I said before, I'm very pleased they put LWS1 back into the game and it most definitely wasn't a waste of resources from my point of view.

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3 minutes ago, Mistwraithe.3106 said:

But I am a new player. And I am doing it. And very much enjoying it.

Perhaps what you mean is that as an experienced player, perhaps someone who did LWS1 in it's original form, you have no interest in it?

That's fair. But you can't speak for new players, and your attempts to do so have wildly missed the mark. As I said before, I'm very pleased they put LWS1 back into the game and it most definitely wasn't a waste of resources from my point of view.

It was worthwhile.  It needed to be done, especially for the new players.  But it isn't new content.  It's old content that never should have needed to be redone in the first place.  Mistakes were made and we can't change the past, but it's perfectly understandable that not all players were thrilled with the content this past year and the need to re-release LS1 is largely responsible for that.  If they hadn't needed to do that they could have been releasing entirely new content instead.  So, in that sense could reasonably be described as a waste of resources.

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41 minutes ago, AliamRationem.5172 said:

Mistakes were made and we can't change the past, but it's perfectly understandable that not all players were thrilled with the content this past year and the need to re-release LS1 is largely responsible for that.  If they hadn't needed to do that they could have been releasing entirely new content instead.  So, in that sense could reasonably be described as a waste of resources.

It sounds like you're saying fixing mistakes is a waste of resources. Like sure if they never made the mistake of releasing LWS1 as temporary content they wouldn't need to spent more resources re-releasing it later, but since they did release it as temporary content the only way to fix that mistake is more resources in the future. I really don't see any way that could reasonably be called a waste of resources unless you think fixing a mistake that literally deleted a massive amount of story content from the game is a bad thing.

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28 minutes ago, Serapis.7240 said:

It sounds like you're saying fixing mistakes is a waste of resources. Like sure if they never made the mistake of releasing LWS1 as temporary content they wouldn't need to spent more resources re-releasing it later, but since they did release it as temporary content the only way to fix that mistake is more resources in the future. I really don't see any way that could reasonably be called a waste of resources unless you think fixing a mistake that literally deleted a massive amount of story content from the game is a bad thing.

I don't think it's a difficult position to understand.  I've been bored with this game for a year and basically just logging in for dailies if I play at all because they had to spend that time re-releasing old content instead of putting out new content.

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On 7/15/2023 at 6:41 AM, Vayne.8563 said:

Sure only one zone in a year and the expansion is what? a month away?  Kitten kitten. 

This community seldom ceases to amaze me.  Finishing off the DX 11 and Season 1 didn't take any work at all I guess. Anet has been busy, and I've lost track of how many times I've seen requests for Anet to stop making new content until the fix some old issues. Some of those issues are indeed being fixed.  If that's at the price of new content, I'm okay with that.

The devs have been giving people everything they wanted but the forums still full of complaints. That is the internet I guess. 

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On 7/14/2023 at 8:58 PM, Kozumi.5816 said:

What did you even do the entire time?

I get the frustration, Gyula Delve had super questionable story and it's a pretty bland strip of content overall (even though the metas are insanely profitable from a GPH standpoint). LWS1 is just rehashed old content released over several months that we got a single strike from. It hasn't really been all that exciting this year for long term players.

However, this whole notion of "I don't like this content so you have just been wasting time" is a bit of a nonsensical argument. LWS1 may not have been a fun, new release for us veterans, but it was also 100% necessary for them to re-release it into the game for the sake of new players. For more than 9 years the story has been missing that section of story between core and HoT, and it has been a sore spot for new lore enthusiasts. Gyala Delve was far from a perfect set of releases, but it still gave us a brand new pretty map with an actually popular meta. On top of working on those two things, they've been working on the expansion and balance/QOL updates this entire time. It also took a fair bit of their time to implement the Steam release late last year, which led to a pretty sizeable surge in new players.

It hasn't been my favorite year of the game either, but to insinuate that they haven't done ANYTHING for the game and they're just twiddling their thumbs is just a huge disservice to the game development industry. Much more has happened for the game because of the things they've done than you give them credit for.

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On 7/15/2023 at 5:29 PM, AliamRationem.5172 said:

To be fair, they're always "between schemes".  Consistency is not in this studio's vocabulary.  So, no, it isn't a weird time to judge anything.  The cadence is slow.  It's been slow.  And you're on the good copium if you think this latest course change (from "We're working on the next expansion!" to "Introducing: mini-expansions!") is going to result in more content delivered in less time.

Is it unexpected from an aging MMO?  Not really.  But as a player long invested in this game who has seen it in its prime, I'm always going to be disappointed when they deliver less.  I wish they had the resources to deliver more, but that isn't where we are.  It doesn't matter why.  It is what it is.

Nail, Head, Etc. 

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On 7/17/2023 at 4:04 PM, Obtena.7952 said:

OP doesn't think Anet added enough content since EoD.

They haven't. They recycled parts of LWS1, added 1/3rd of a map and a tunnel since EoD's release. Gyala was pretty much just thrown out the door as "it'll be fine", it was acceptable, the wait time wasn't, but then they decided to throw away all the potential they could use to tie back into Kanaxai, Luxons and Outcasts in favor of a tunnel 3 months later.

On 7/17/2023 at 4:04 PM, Obtena.7952 said:

Just imagine if they had to actually pay fair market value for the content we DID get since EoD.  Just wait until he has to PAY for the content they do add.

Imagine the outrage if people actually had to pay for this. Gyala overall is Champions tier, yet I didn't see people rush to Champions' defense with "but it's free", yeah, free, so was LWS2, 3, 4 and IBS(-Champions) and none of that was anywhere near this.


Edited by IAmNotMatthew.1058
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To be brutally honest the peak of gw2 was the Return to event we had before EOD release. I highly doubt we will ever see the game be as popular as it was during that, we had so much to do, all the zones were active, it was great fun, worlds were capping out so much in wvw the cap needed to be increased for the first? time (as usually they have been reducing the cap constantly). 

It wasn't exactly new content but it was a great revival of old content, better then giving us lw1 by far. And lw2 maps are so much better with mounts. Its rather sad to see how things have turned out since eod released, I saw more people doing the lw2 sandstorm then doing eod. I have no idea why they actually did think giving lw1 content was a good idea, as it was generally hated by so many people. 

Alas Return to, you were such a blast. 

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21 hours ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

They haven't. They recycled parts of LWS1, added 1/3rd of a map and a tunnel since EoD's release. Gyala was pretty much just thrown out the door as "it'll be fine", it was acceptable, the wait time wasn't, but then they decided to throw away all the potential they could use to tie back into Kanaxai, Luxons and Outcasts in favor of a tunnel 3 months later.

Imagine the outrage if people actually had to pay for this. Gyala overall is Champions tier, yet I didn't see people rush to Champions' defense with "but it's free", yeah, free, so was LWS2, 3, 4 and IBS(-Champions) and none of that was anywhere near this.


OK ... that doesn't change what I said. I'm not arguing with your OPINION if Anet added enough content or not. Regardless If you don't think they added enough content, just imagine if you had to pay for the content they did add. Realign your expectations. 

Edited by Obtena.7952
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12 minutes ago, Obtena.7952 said:

OK ... that doesn't change what I said. I'm not arguing with your OPINION if Anet added enough content or not. Regardless If you don't think they added enough content, just imagine if you had to pay for the content they did add. Realign your expectations. 

I did pay for the content they added. Many games out there require you to pay once or not even pay at all and offer a steady stream of content whitout forcing you to pay for all.

Not having to pay for some of the released content is not an excuse for lackluster content.

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3 hours ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

I did pay for the content they added.

Right so how much did you pay for the content released since EoD that you think isn't enough? 

See, again, you think I'm going to have an argument with you about your opinions about the quality and quantity of the content released since EoD ... I'm not because that's not my point. 

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I'm more annoyed that it looks like we're already done with the continent of Cantha with only a four map expack and a single small additional map. Its an incredible let down and such a waste.

I still can't muster enough interest to want to buy this next expansion, which is just as well in this economy.

Edited by The Greyhawk.9107
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On 7/23/2023 at 1:16 AM, Obtena.7952 said:

Right so how much did you pay for the content released since EoD that you think isn't enough? 

See, again, you think I'm going to have an argument with you about your opinions about the quality and quantity of the content released since EoD ... I'm not because that's not my point. 

~60€. I did also originally pay for the game when it released, so I technicall paid for LWS1 twice.

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