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Player-driven sPvP balancing philosophy vs dev-driven.


Which one do you prefer?  

35 members have voted

  1. 1. Player or dev?

    • Player-driven
    • Dev-driven

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Player-driven philosophy:

  • Destroy that thing that is pwning me
  • Destroy that thing that is pwning me after the previous one was destroyed
  • Repeat ad End of Guild Wars 2
  • Repeatedly aggravate all players smart enough to figure and use pwning things in the process.

Dev-driven philosophy:

  • Get what we made for you and shut up your kitten, worthless pleb.
Edited by SpiderZ.9146
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the 3rd option would be the combination of both and that's what's also happening in most modern games that have a community, like gw2. The problem is that some communities are destroying the game themselves for whatever reasons... its like they want to riot instead of collaboration.

most modern video games are created by players and devs together.

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My preference depends on whether you have competent devs.   However, in general the correct answer is both driven.  Dev's should have a wider scope of knowledges with user experience litterally being a metric for their success.  So this is a false dilemma.

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player base? horrible idea. you do know a lot of the posts are from people having bad builds that just scream for nerfs for a class they cant kill instead of changing their own build. Sure there are problems but if you leave it up to the player base how do you know who  is complaining and who has legitimate  ideas? i think it would just be way to lopsided. 

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48 minutes ago, Stand The Wall.6987 said:

best way imo is to have a small team of devs who actively play the game and all its classes in all modes. next step is to fix problems same day or at least within the week. waiting too long to fix problems or not fixing them at all has been gw2s biggest problem with balance

You forgot to adressthe most important point; they should also be unbiased. And besides providing a fun experience have nothing to gain from pvp. 

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46 minutes ago, atshadow.8695 said:

You forgot to adressthe most important point; they should also be unbiased. And besides providing a fun experience have nothing to gain from pvp. 

being unbiased is impossible, people will always have preferences or consider some things more fun then others. thats why its important to not have only one person doing the balancing, but at the same time not too many people so there aren't too many biases to handle

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1 hour ago, Stand The Wall.6987 said:

being unbiased is impossible, people will always have preferences or consider some things more fun then others. thats why its important to not have only one person doing the balancing, but at the same time not too many people so there aren't too many biases to handle

Balancing the balance team 😂

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9 hours ago, SpiderZ.9146 said:

Player-driven philosophy:

  • Destroy that thing that is pwning me
  • Destroy that thing that is pwning me after the previous one was destroyed
  • Repeat ad End of Guild Wars 2
  • Repeatedly aggravate all players smart enough to figure and use pwning things in the process.

Dev-driven philosophy:

  • Get what we made for you and shut up your kitten, worthless pleb.

It needs to be a mix of both. 

"Destroy that thing that is pwning me" - > Why is it pwning you? Is it pwning you for a preventable reason that most, if not all of the classes in the game can adapt to or have an answer to? 

If not: change it.

If yes, but players refuse to attempt to counterbuild: slightly nudge the counterbuild's effectiveness.

If yes, and the counterbuild is useful and sees play+people are constantly showing players how to avoid or deal with the problematic build -> Get what we made for you and shut up your kitten, worthless pleb. 


players smart enough to figure and use pwning things

This is framed improperly because most of the pwning things are pwning things because they are easy to use/pick up and have a wide range of effectiveness. 


being unbiased is impossible,

I never understood this being a justification for allowing bias to heavily impact how you balance the game.

If you like a class and want it to be good, the best way to ensure the class is good for as long as possible is to ensure that:

  •  people of equal or approximate skill have fun fighting it
  •  there's weaknesses in the class that you can use to justify it being good in one or several situations
  •  the class is interactive (as in, players playing it need to actually do something skillful to win, and players fighting it need to do something skillful to beat it.)

I'm biased af towards warrior but I've never seen "warrior should be kittening immortal" to be a rational step toward ensuring warrior is useful, satisfying to play, and interesting. Nobody likes characters that never lose interactions, and the most boring stories spiral out from when you focus on Mary Sues. Even if things are a little unbalanced, people can get over it if the interactions are fun, but when you swing from  "This class cant die Mk1" to "this class cant die Mk2" over and over again, it gets frustrating.

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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The main point behind GW1 success was the dev driven balance and there was no official GW1 forum the best part. The PvP community was well and alive 8 years from launch in GW1 with guild actively seeking new players to train and join GvG mode and people on their end doing their best to get Fame Emotes....GW1 was a paradise

Edited by Arheundel.6451
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17 hours ago, Shagie.7612 said:

it was like, one of the WotC guys or something who said it best:

players are good at identifying issues
they're abysmal at actually solving that problem

Wizards of the coast is pretty bad at solving problems too without occasional community backlash so yknow

Grain of salt and all that. Sometimes the players have good ideas.

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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