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First Contact: The Kryptis and Rift Hunting

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  • ArenaNet Staff

Hello all and happy Tuesday! We've got some more Secrets of the Obscure information for you today!  Click here to read about the demonic forces awaiting you--the Kryptis--and the rifts that they come from. Once you've read through, let us know your thoughts!

Oh, by the way, I've got a few extra pieces of information for you about rift hunting! (These will make more sense after you read the blog, so maybe do that first.)

First, rifts do not have cooldowns, so if you want to set a personal best for Number of Kryptis Destroyed, we've got you covered.

Second, you can begin a rift hunt in any map that has rift activity. If you happen to be in a map that does not have rift activity, the Heart of the Obscure will help you find one so you donh't spend valuable Kryptis-destroying time searching.

Third, there are multiple tiers of rifts. The first and easiest tier is intended to be completed by a solo player. (Second-tier rifts are potentially soloable as well, but it will certainly be a challenge.) That said, rift difficulty and rewards scale with group size, so you can always take on first tier rifts with a group if you prefer!

I hope you're looking forward to this part of Secrets of the Obscure! Thanks as always for reading and for sharing your feedback!


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40 minutes ago, WeightTrainer.3219 said:

Not feeling the hype. Might just be me though.

Yeah, for now I'm not a fan of that idea, looks like most of the time it'll just be another zergfest activity where nothing will matter beyond tagging the mob/boss. "New" way to draw people into certain zones each week, but probably with low gameplay value, so to speak. Sure, the events will scale and in theory you can just do it in smaller groups, but lets not fool ourselves, it's ow, it's doubtful those events won't just be ran over by zergs all the time.


""New"" because it might as well be a reskinned https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Defeat_the_invading_Awakened extended to other zones? 🤔

Edited by Sobx.1758
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1 hour ago, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:

Hello all and happy Tuesday! We've got some more Secrets of the Obscure information for you today!  Click here to read about the demonic forces awaiting you--the Kryptis--and the rifts that they come from. Once you've read through, let us know your thoughts!

Oh, by the way, I've got a few extra pieces of information for you about rift hunting! (These will make more sense after you read the blog, so maybe do that first.)

First, rifts do not have cooldowns, so if you want to set a personal best for Number of Kryptis Destroyed, we've got you covered.

Second, you can begin a rift hunt in any map that has rift activity. If you happen to be in a map that does not have rift activity, the Heart of the Obscure will help you find one so you donh't spend valuable Kryptis-destroying time searching.

Third, there are multiple tiers of rifts. The first and easiest tier is intended to be completed by a solo player. (Second-tier rifts are potentially soloable as well, but it will certainly be a challenge.) That said, rift difficulty and rewards scale with group size, so you can always take on first tier rifts with a group if you prefer!

I hope you're looking forward to this part of Secrets of the Obscure! Thanks as always for reading and for sharing your feedback!


weird portals opening up around Tyria
this is the return of our Mysterious Temporal Adventurer, Auris Weirdbringer?

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Nice ! Bounties were a lot of fun (still are) ! 

Something alike over the rest of Tyria sounds interesting. And different tiers from solo to big group is fair for everyone.  Me and my friends are sharpening our blades to hunt some demons ! 

I am feeling the hype for sure 😁

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My main concern is that maps are going to get even more timeline messy with yet another type of invasion event. It's not a major deal, but with Watchwork invasion, Awakened Invasions, Kralk Rifts - we are just throwing in another round of the same sort of thing with different enemies.

We'll see how it plays out. The rifts are one of the least interesting parts for me. I'm more interested how rammed full of content and explorables the new maps are. 

I can se it being a good guild activity though they way it is tiered. I hope there will be guild based events for them at the very minimum

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8 minutes ago, Randulf.7614 said:

My main concern is that maps are going to get even more timeline messy with yet another type of invasion event. It's not a major deal, but with Watchwork invasion, Awakened Invasions, Kralk Rifts - we are just throwing in another round of the same sort of thing with different enemies.

We'll see how it plays out. The rifts are one of the least interesting parts for me. I'm more interested how rammed full of content and explorables the new maps are. 

I can se it being a good guild activity though they way it is tiered. I hope there will be guild based events for them at the very minimum

We've had a few Rifts and Invasions in the past and I never realy liked them. Adding another one isn't generating a lot of hype tbh.

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Defeat enough of them, and a more formidable champion will appear for you to face. Taking down the final Kryptis target will allow you to close the rift and will grant you Kryptis essence: powerful material you can use to craft weapons, armor, legendary armor, and bait to lure out deadlier Kryptis from rifts.

2 hours ago, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:

Third, there are multiple tiers of rifts. The first and easiest tier is intended to be completed by a solo player. (Second-tier rifts are potentially soloable as well, but it will certainly be a challenge.) That said, rift difficulty and rewards scale with group size, so you can always take on first tier rifts with a group if you prefer!

This makes me wonder if you need to complete the highest tier rifts to get whatever will be needed for legendary armor. More or less, I'm curious to see how this will work out in practice. I think a lot of this mechanic's success will depend on how well the scaling is handled (for both rewards and difficulty). I'm hoping this won't be a repeat of the negativity surrounding the DE meta.

Edited by idpersona.3810
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So... we need the rewards from this for crafting, but it's apparently a group activity to get the stuff that you'll need. Maybe you'll get some solo, but it sounds like you'll eventually need to team up with an organized group to get the more important rewards.

I hope I'm wrong, and you CAN get it solo, it just takes time. I guess we'll have to wait and see, but my hope is fading.

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All sounds so very, very, very familiar. There have been so many events like this in GW2s history. What happens if you don't close a rift? My guess is nothing.

I guess the fact that they're going to rotate throughout the regions will be a good thing.

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Sounds potentially fun, I do hope some of the champions (at least the bigger ones we get) will come with a bunch of interesting mechanics (great way to teach players some of the basics with spreads, stacks etc.)


Edit: Turns out Cameron Rich worked on that system before he left, now I'm definitely intrigued. https://twitter.com/SintorXI/status/1686416955723468806

Edited by NovaanVerdiano.6174
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Hmmmmmm, glad I am waiting on the pre-order.  I am trying to think what this content offers.  On demand bounties, basically?  I mean the bounty system was fine, but when I think about a rift, it should be a rift INTO another world.  To me they would be neat if they were like a Diablo 2 Secret Cow Level or something.  It would also be neat if you stepped into them and they were like a warped version of your current map.  Like a Rift warped version of Queensdale, like when Doom Guy steps into the underworld super dangerous, but also super rewarding.  Or for the soloable rift, like a certain part of it.   If it it just turns out to be another bounty system of just a bunch of mobs appear and you spam them down, that seems very lackluster.

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seems like a cool concept and a new iteration taking the good things from Bounties and the Awakened Invasion events and making them better. I do have a few questions though:

if I'm reading the blog post right, we'll see rifts around all the regions except the Heart of Thorns maps, is that right or is Heart of Maguuma now considered Central Tyria?

When doing these events will people who do not have the SotO expansion be able to join in? if I, owning SotO, open a rift in the Crystal Desert will my buddy that just has Hot/PoF be able to help out and get rewards?

When doing rift events in non-SotO regions will we only get mastery experience for the region we are in or will there be something to grant some SotO experience too (like an item as part of the event reward that instantly grants some SotO experience?)


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3 hours ago, WeightTrainer.3219 said:

Not feeling the hype. Might just be me though.

honestly i'm blaming it on being burned out on life. having trouble feeling hype for anything at all because all my energy is going to just surviving at the moment. really hoping that by the time the expac launches i'll be bouncing back a bit, because i want to be hyped. i'm just too tired 🫠

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