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First Contact: The Kryptis and Rift Hunting

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While I enjoyed the bounties featured in Path of Fire, I found them to be a bit too repetitive due to their reliance on ley-line instabilities. I hope these new bounties will be more like unique bosses with intricate mechanics that show the best of Guild Wars 2's combat system, including break bars, telegraphs, dodging, and jumping-to-dodge.

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2 minutes ago, Kilty.4906 said:

While I enjoyed the bounties featured in Path of Fire, I found them to be a bit too repetitive due to their reliance on ley-line instabilities. I hope these new bounties will be more like unique bosses with intricate mechanics that show the best of Guild Wars 2's combat system, including break bars, telegraphs, dodging, and jumping-to-dodge.

I agree in theory. I would love to see a variety of boss-types that can spawn in the final round(s) of the new Rifts.

And then, to add: personally, I don't like the jump to dodge bits since lag can be a real pain, especially in bigger events. Missing those jumps could end up having zero to do with player skill and I generally find the jump-to-dodge mechanics to have a less forgivable reaction time to the other ones mentioned.

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8 hours ago, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:

Hello all and happy Tuesday! We've got some more Secrets of the Obscure information for you today!  Click here to read about the demonic forces awaiting you--the Kryptis--and the rifts that they come from. Once you've read through, let us know your thoughts!

Oh, by the way, I've got a few extra pieces of information for you about rift hunting! (These will make more sense after you read the blog, so maybe do that first.)

First, rifts do not have cooldowns, so if you want to set a personal best for Number of Kryptis Destroyed, we've got you covered.

Second, you can begin a rift hunt in any map that has rift activity. If you happen to be in a map that does not have rift activity, the Heart of the Obscure will help you find one so you donh't spend valuable Kryptis-destroying time searching.

Third, there are multiple tiers of rifts. The first and easiest tier is intended to be completed by a solo player. (Second-tier rifts are potentially soloable as well, but it will certainly be a challenge.) That said, rift difficulty and rewards scale with group size, so you can always take on first tier rifts with a group if you prefer!

I hope you're looking forward to this part of Secrets of the Obscure! Thanks as always for reading and for sharing your feedback!


Honestly waiting for something that actually brings excitement back into the game. 

The team is taking away something we already have and claiming it is "new" because they moved existing functionality to a new gear slot. No acknowledgment of the legendary relic until the backlash. Announcing that it won't be ready at launch is problematic as there is no mitigating feature provided for people with the current rune flexibility.

We are now seeing a seemingly reused event strategy for awakened portals and rifts. Can we at least get a little variety like having them require flying mounts like the pylons in Dragonfall but actually have us exercise some of the new mechanics on mounts or maybe even show that we are going to get a rework of the gliding skills to be brought into greater parts of Tyria instead of just two maps (one of which is just a boss fight...). 

Feeling really lackluster on what this expansion is actually able to bring to the table. I hope the story writing is at least thought out better than some of the current design choices.

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Let the grinding begins! 

BTW, didn't we already have this "rift" thing in the game, I remember that I needed to do something to open up a portal/rift, goes in there to kill some monsters, I can't recall what it is, not many players are playing it, and its really hard to find, because it was a pain to do and not fun, I did it for some achievement for precursor crafting, i think, can't remember .

Edited by babana.7521
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11 minutes ago, babana.7521 said:

Let the grinding begins! 

BTW, didn't we already have this "rift" thing in the game, I remember that I needed to do something to open up a portal/rift, goes in there to kill some monsters, I can't recall what it is, not many players are playing it, and its really hard to find, because it was a pain to do and not fun, I did it for some achievement for precursor crafting, i think, can't remember .

You are thinking of the branded rifts where you enter, kill a branded rift stalker and exit the rift in a diff map. It was added with an ls4 episode (Ep 4 I think)

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30 minutes ago, babana.7521 said:

Let the grinding begins! 

BTW, didn't we already have this "rift" thing in the game, I remember that I needed to do something to open up a portal/rift, goes in there to kill some monsters, I can't recall what it is, not many players are playing it, and its really hard to find, because it was a pain to do and not fun, I did it for some achievement for precursor crafting, i think, can't remember .

Yea if you scroll up to the first post on this page you can find the wiki link to  said content.

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3 hours ago, sylphmoon.7890 said:

They must have hired someone from Trion to recreate "Rifts" as an expansion for GW 2.



This is along the same lines I was thinking as I read the blog post. Or were as close to outright copying that formula as possible without being accused of plagiarism. 

I'll admit to being a bit gobsmacked over how blatant this seems, at least with what they are revealing so far.

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11 hours ago, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:

Hello all and happy Tuesday! We've got some more Secrets of the Obscure information for you today!  Click here to read about the demonic forces awaiting you--the Kryptis--and the rifts that they come from. Once you've read through, let us know your thoughts!

Oh, by the way, I've got a few extra pieces of information for you about rift hunting! (These will make more sense after you read the blog, so maybe do that first.)

First, rifts do not have cooldowns, so if you want to set a personal best for Number of Kryptis Destroyed, we've got you covered.

Second, you can begin a rift hunt in any map that has rift activity. If you happen to be in a map that does not have rift activity, the Heart of the Obscure will help you find one so you donh't spend valuable Kryptis-destroying time searching.

Third, there are multiple tiers of rifts. The first and easiest tier is intended to be completed by a solo player. (Second-tier rifts are potentially soloable as well, but it will certainly be a challenge.) That said, rift difficulty and rewards scale with group size, so you can always take on first tier rifts with a group if you prefer!

I hope you're looking forward to this part of Secrets of the Obscure! Thanks as always for reading and for sharing your feedback!


I am loving these Blog posts. It gives us the players a slight view of the upcoming updates as well as don't spoil us. Less Hints give more Hype in general.

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Like actually a meme right? What part of DRM's and Bounties failed made you think Rifts would be good? It's like you turned the green portals in kessex hills red and called it expansion worthy content that we now are paying for instead of getting for free. You remember that 1 time there were portals across tyria that was like a week long event, well now instead of a week it's permanent and nobody did that event, nobody is gonna do them unless you have it tied to relics... Why can't you put people on things that would actually be nice to have that we've all been asking for instead of things like this where nobody wants. Legendary Under Water AquaBreather, New WvW/Pvp maps, Legendary trinkets from wvw/pvp ( aurora/Vision variants ), New Guild Missions/Guild Mission revamps, etc.

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10 hours ago, PathWars.9746 said:

This level of negativity over a fun wee teaser is crazy.

I'm super excited, let's wait and see, shall we?

Oh, and forced/toxic posivity isn't 'crazy' (not an ajective to just throw around) when it's very valid to argue that a certain type of event is being recycled? I'm always on the lookout to test out my builds, and yet this doesn't sound exciting on paper.

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1 hour ago, BATMAN.6794 said:

Like actually a meme right? What part of DRM's and Bounties failed made you think Rifts would be good? It's like you turned the green portals in kessex hills red and called it expansion worthy content that we now are paying for instead of getting for free. You remember that 1 time there were portals across tyria that was like a week long event, well now instead of a week it's permanent and nobody did that event, nobody is gonna do them unless you have it tied to relics... Why can't you put people on things that would actually be nice to have that we've all been asking for instead of things like this where nobody wants. Legendary Under Water AquaBreather, New WvW/Pvp maps, Legendary trinkets from wvw/pvp ( aurora/Vision variants ), New Guild Missions/Guild Mission revamps, etc.

Cant say -I want any of that and since the rift scale you can do tier 2 or 3 as a guild mission can you not?

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13 hours ago, Randulf.7614 said:

My main concern is that maps are going to get even more timeline messy with yet another type of invasion event. It's not a major deal, but with Watchwork invasion, Awakened Invasions, Kralk Rifts - we are just throwing in another round of the same sort of thing with different enemies.

We'll see how it plays out. The rifts are one of the least interesting parts for me. I'm more interested how rammed full of content and explorables the new maps are. 

I can se it being a good guild activity though they way it is tiered. I hope there will be guild based events for them at the very minimum

if they reduce the branded rift to one map, scarlet to one map and awakened to one map I think we might be okay for a bit.

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2 hours ago, BATMAN.6794 said:

Like actually a meme right? What part of DRM's and Bounties failed made you think Rifts would be good? It's like you turned the green portals in kessex hills red and called it expansion worthy content that we now are paying for instead of getting for free. You remember that 1 time there were portals across tyria that was like a week long event, well now instead of a week it's permanent and nobody did that event, nobody is gonna do them unless you have it tied to relics... Why can't you put people on things that would actually be nice to have that we've all been asking for instead of things like this where nobody wants. Legendary Under Water AquaBreather, New WvW/Pvp maps, Legendary trinkets from wvw/pvp ( aurora/Vision variants ), New Guild Missions/Guild Mission revamps, etc.

You act as if this Tyria-spanning content is the sole expansion feature then yes that would be horrid but when you combine that with all the stuff announced, the content coming later and stuff unannounced I think were in good shape. Would you rather maintenance mode and nothing at all?

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12 hours ago, Duglaive.5236 said:

This is along the same lines I was thinking as I read the blog post. Or were as close to outright copying that formula as possible without being accused of plagiarism. 

I'll admit to being a bit gobsmacked over how blatant this seems, at least with what they are revealing so far.

GW1 came out before Rift and GW2 one year after so WE would not be plagiarising anybody. They have elemental dragons also so I beg to differ.

Edited by HotDelirium.7984
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