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Does Gw2 Feel More Toxic Lately?

Gw2 Player Toxicity?  

356 members have voted

  1. 1. Has the majority of the Gw2 community seemed more toxic to you lately?

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1 hour ago, Anvar.5673 said:

 I sincerely think that the team could think about removing the confused reaction (and maybe the other ones, just keep the likes), like Youtube removed the dislike option, as it exacerbates tensions.

The conversations would be healthier and the work of moderation could be lighter.


This is your opinion.  Others disagree.

You have no evidence that removing any reactions would make conversations healthier and less work for the moderators.  I'd imagine it would be more work for the mods as they would then need to police each and every post for infractions.

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9 minutes ago, kharmin.7683 said:

You have no evidence that removing any reactions would make conversations healthier and less work for the moderators.  I'd imagine it would be more work for the mods as they would then need to police each and every post for infractions.

As I saw it everywhere, for me the moderation team already do a very good work with the moderation outside of some emojis' considerations.

However, I am convinced that removing tendencious emojis would fit more with the openness philosophy of the studio.

That's why only the conduct of real tests for some months could bring the evidence of the efficacity of that action.

Edited by Anvar.5673
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2 hours ago, Anvar.5673 said:

As I saw it everywhere, for me the moderation team already do a very good work with the moderation outside of some emojis' considerations.

However, I am convinced that removing tendencious emojis would fit more with the openness philosophy of the studio.

That's why only the conduct of real tests for some months could bring the evidence of the efficacity of that action.

You saw what everywhere?  What evidence do you have that removing emojis from the forum would have the result that you claim?  And, as I asked in the other thread, what studio philosophy are you talking about and how does it pertain to this topic?

Edited by kharmin.7683
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It genuinely depends on your playstyle & mindset...

If you enjoy copy & paste meta this is probably the most relaxed community there is besides FF14.

If you enjoy making builds & being creative this is by far the most toxic community in any MMO I've experienced. While other MMO communities are reluctant to try new ideas. GW2 is the one where people will tell you that your idea doesn't work because its not on their go to build sites or doesn't conform to their version of the way the game is "supposed" to be played.

You pair that with the 2 years running of bad balance patches, its almost impossible for anyone but conformists mindsets to enjoy this title. 

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7 hours ago, kharmin.7683 said:

You saw what everywhere?  What evidence do you have that removing emojis from the forum would have the result that you claim?  And, as I asked in the other thread, what studio philosophy are you talking about and how does it pertain to this topic?

I speaked about the good moderation.

I think if Youtube did it, that's for a good thing. Youtube is a lot more successful and smarter leading company than ArenaNet.

But hey, at this point this community is just an immense circlejerk.

People with thousand of comments like to nurture their ego with dumb emojis instead of helping to enhance the game.

The most successful topics are the most useless and stupid ones. People can't read more than the title or 3 lines of a topic without giving their opinion.

The people here don't like the Guild Wars franchise and don't want to enhance the game. The dungeons, raids, WvW and the PvP are dead and get no more content because of the community here. At the end, the community deserve it.

I hope the next unannounced game will allow to the studio to take a new departure and let that community behind for the better.

I really understand why the developers don't read those forums and don't listen the players here. That's a waste of time. Focusing on new players on social medias is the best strategy.

Edited by Anvar.5673
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I don't understand what people mean when they talk about the "community". It makes it sound like there's a big club where everyone gets together and agrees their agenda. The reality is there's just a whole bunch of individual players with different views and opinions on what direction the game should go in. The forum is not necessarily representative of the majority of players, and the developers know that. They aren't going to change course because of a 100 posts or emojis here; they have many more meaningful metrics to base their decisions on.

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9 minutes ago, costepj.5120 said:

I don't understand what people mean when they talk about the "community". It makes it sound like there's a big club where everyone gets together and agrees their agenda. The reality is there's just a whole bunch of individual players with different views and opinions on what direction the game should go in. The forum is not necessarily representative of the majority of players, and the developers know that. They aren't going to change course because of a 100 posts or emojis here; they have many more meaningful metrics to base their decisions on.

I agree. The visible part of the community on the forums and even reddit is a minority and doesn't deserve to be listen more than the real monitored actions of players in game.

At the end, the studio owes nothing to his consumers. I'm impatient to see their next innovative projects.

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1 hour ago, Anvar.5673 said:

The people here don't like the Guild Wars franchise and don't want to enhance the game. The dungeons, raids, WvW and the PvP are dead and get no more content because of the community here. At the end, the community deserve it.

It's so easy to leave the game if people don't like it.  Devs will listen to constructive suggestions.  No one wants to hear people call them bad, the game bad, etc.  Unhappy people should leave and find something else they want to play.  Spend their time doing something they enjoy because life is too short to spend it miserable.

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8 minutes ago, Tere.4759 said:

It's so easy to leave the game if people don't like it.  Devs will listen to constructive suggestions.  No one wants to hear people call them bad, the game bad, etc.  Unhappy people should leave and find something else they want to play.  Spend their time doing something they enjoy because life is too short to spend it miserable.

I somehow agree. Sure reading the WvW and PvP forums is a waste of time for that.

However, they have tools to look at the popularity of some contents in real time so why bother to read the forums at all.

Only following the topics in the bugs section and only some selected ones like they do for the Soto expansion is the best strategy to have and they do it very well.

Focusing their ressources on their programming tools, their games and future developments is their best decision.

Edited by Anvar.5673
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1 hour ago, Anvar.5673 said:

I somehow agree. Sure reading the WvW and PvP forums is a waste of time for that.

However, they have tools to look at the popularity of some contents in real time so why bother to read the forums at all.

Only following the topics in the bugs section and only some selected ones like they do for the Soto expansion is the best strategy to have and they do it very well.

Focusing their ressources on their programming tools, their games and future developments is their best decision.

My point is that the devs hear so much negativity everywhere that they probably cringe even to read the bug forum and that people need to just move on if they are not happy.

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32 minutes ago, Tere.4759 said:

My point is that the devs hear so much negativity everywhere that they probably cringe even to read the bug forum and that people need to just move on if they are not happy.

That's true and that's why the devs just moved off those forums too.

There will always be people who have the need to express their concerns or opinions.

For that, having some official forums where you can concentrate all the negativity is a great strategy. Blizzard do that with Diablo 4 too.

Keeping the bad influence in a restricted controlled place and also give the impression to the players that they are listened is great for the business.

A minority of players turn in circles on official forums and Reddit and at the same time the majority of the players get good testimonials of the game on social medias and from more  enthusiastic Youtubers and streamers (especially the Anet Partners).

In short, the studio handle very well the situation and I'm happy for them.

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Since my last post here, I am still yet to see this toxicity that supposed to be lurking at the game and forum. Haven't seen any. And I pug almost all of my runs. Only this way too cringy for my taste "UwU" behaviour. But generally, chill vibes only in both All walcome and high kp runs. 

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11 hours ago, Voyant.1327 said:

It genuinely depends on your playstyle & mindset...

If you enjoy copy & paste meta this is probably the most relaxed community there is besides FF14.

If you enjoy making builds & being creative this is by far the most toxic community in any MMO I've experienced. While other MMO communities are reluctant to try new ideas. GW2 is the one where people will tell you that your idea doesn't work because its not on their go to build sites or doesn't conform to their version of the way the game is "supposed" to be played.

You pair that with the 2 years running of bad balance patches, its almost impossible for anyone but conformists mindsets to enjoy this title. 

I mean while I sympathize the sentiment with the large amount of weak traits and skills limiting build diversity, I don't think that's very accurate at all.

There are plenty of low-intensity/Celestial "good enough" builds that put forth similar performance in all relevant metrics; and most people won't care because they can't tell what your build is, only the results you generate. None of these builds are meta, but in reality they complete the content so nobody has any right to complain against you.

The problem is when most people are trying to be "creative" they are not actually being creative. It is simple an extremely dull person's idea of creativity-- aka putting random things together that seems novel. Or even worse, just justifying what one has just because it is the way it is. It is no different to when people express their "hot take", eg. a popular unpopular opnion.

When it falls apart in practice, they get called out on it, and then accuse those people of being "toxic". The toxic allegation is also frequently tossed when asked to explain themselves.  Numbers don't say everything, but there comes a point where it just becomes pure cope when objectively speaking a build underperforms by an entire dight place.

This game has extremely relaxed dps checks. Even in the hardest content you could put forth half the performance as these scary "meta" builds.

This is not to say you can't improvise. It is perfectly logical to replace utilities and trait to suit the fight. But I find a lot of these subpar creative minds can't really explain themselves. I think that's kinda ironic that creative people would get mad when asked to challenge their minds a bit.

This is like an artist that can't hold a brush, or a writer that doesn't understand sentence structure. You need to understand the basics or else your creativity is greatly limited.

There's nothing wrong with reinventing the wheel. There is a problem with rejecting the wheel because it is "meta" and then getting upset because none of the things one makes can move an inch.

For example, the writer e.e. cummings defied the capital letters meta. Does anyone think he didn't know how to use capital letters? Of course not. He added his own style to what we consider normal writing. I didn't punctuate the the last few sentences properly but I'm sure people can understand me? But if I start typing like "aM i creATive nOW?!" should I get upset when people call me out on readability? Maybe if I was a pug in this game.

If you ask me, the difference is this.

Breaking a convention you are aware of on purpose, with thought-- Chaotic Neutral (maybe good, maybe evil)

Breaking a convention because you are unaware of it, or just because -- Chaotic Stupid.

And honestly, it'd be fine in solo, but in group content, you are responsible to 4-9 people.

I challenge anyone to even provide one concrete scenario where one creatively adjusts a build and runs into problems with groups. It's not because I don't believe those examples don't exist. They do. But I'd like to witness someone using their creative juices for real once, or do I have to use my own imagination again?

Oh and btw I almost never play meta builds either. Nobody seems to notice. I do not believe in strenuous builds for farm content because the rewards do not justify the extra energy. So I'm not being creative, I'm just being lazy. Creatively lazy.

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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On 8/10/2023 at 3:47 AM, Tere.4759 said:

It's so easy to leave the game if people don't like it.  Devs will listen to constructive suggestions.  No one wants to hear people call them bad, the game bad, etc.  Unhappy people should leave and find something else they want to play.  Spend their time doing something they enjoy because life is too short to spend it miserable.

The more positive you are toward the product, the more likely you are to spend money.  It's not so binary.

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Yes, I think GW2 does feel more toxic lately. Not the community, though. The community is fine. It's the game!

IBS, with all those horrid those DRM things, should have come with a coupon for a box of sodium bicarbonate, aspirin, and anhydrous citric acid tablets.

I can't believe I played through that whole thing...

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3 hours ago, Tachenon.5270 said:

Yes, I think GW2 does feel more toxic lately. Not the community, though. The community is fine. It's the game!

IBS, with all those horrid those DRM things, should have come with a coupon for a box of sodium bicarbonate, aspirin, and anhydrous citric acid tablets.

I can't believe I played through that whole thing...

Topic means lately. IBS was released few years ago. Let this topic die or be closed already, it's already ran it's course several times and serves only as a bickering battlefield from time to time.

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4 hours ago, Biziut.3594 said:

Topic means lately. IBS was released few years ago. Let this topic die or be closed already, it's already ran it's course several times and serves only as a bickering battlefield from time to time.

while Microsoft news just announced today, "Xbox Says ‘8 Strikes And You’re Out’ To Toxic Gamers"

"We are constantly improving our safety measures and bringing more systems and tools in place that empower players to respectfully interact with one another – because everyone deserves a place to comfortably be themselves online, free from harassment and bullying.

Enforcement transparency is about giving players clarity into how their behavior impacts their experience."

Edited by Burnfall.9573
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I'll preface this by saying Guild Wars 2 has amazing casual cooperative pve and beautiful world design along with interesting mechanics.

But the gameplay has become bloated and stale. The playerbase has shrunk and become more hardcore. It's nowhere near as bad as any FPS or MOBA lobby. There are tons of players looking to encourage others.

And I think one bad experience colors people's views. A guy with a DPS meter making one comment is going to negate the 10-50 players who show up to an event just to help you complete it. You'll never know because they show up, do it and leave. But that's Guild Wars 2 at its best. By far the best MMO at being multiplayer where so many MMOs are solo outside of dungeons/raids and pvp.


Edited by Leger.3724
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1 hour ago, Burnfall.9573 said:

while Microsoft news just announced today, "Xbox Says ‘8 Strikes And You’re Out’ To Toxic Gamers"

"We are constantly improving our safety measures and bringing more systems and tools in place that empower players to respectfully interact with one another – because everyone deserves a place to comfortably be themselves online, free from harassment and bullying.

Enforcement transparency is about giving players clarity into how their behavior impacts their experience."

And why exactly you are quoting me here?

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36 minutes ago, Gravitron.7982 said:

Finally, someone gets it! I believe they call that gas lighting. 

-most certainly-


Gaslighting's Long and Toxic Reach


"Gaslighting techniques interfere with the healthy impulse to communicate and argue in a positive way, which can result in a social schism"

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