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Literally the only reason I play GW2 is that there is no battlepass...looks like those days are over

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35 minutes ago, Batel.9206 said:

If that ever happens, players should call them out for going back on their promise:

Well that quote says that you cannot buy AA for gems or real money. I can imagine someone arguing that a booster is not directly buying AA and so is not technically covered. Not advocating for this mind you, just so many sleazy business practices in the gaming industry right now.

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35 minutes ago, Batel.9206 said:

If that ever happens, players should call them out for going back on their promise:

Well that quote says that you cannot buy AA for gems or real money. I can imagine someone arguing that a booster is not directly buying AA and so is not technically covered. Not advocating for this mind you, just so many sleazy business practices in the gaming industry right now.

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17 minutes ago, Ashen.2907 said:

Well that quote says that you cannot buy AA for gems or real money. I can imagine someone arguing that a booster is not directly buying AA and so is not technically covered. Not advocating for this mind you, just so many sleazy business practices in the gaming industry right now.

In that case imply buying SotO would be considered buying AA with real money because it provides additional ways of gaining AA.

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5 hours ago, Sarge shot Grif.6450 said:

I don't see the problem. There's no paid version, every unlock will move to a legacy tab and always be available and it lets us pick our rewards in the order we want compared to just logging in and getting whatever is up that day.

The issue is they wasted resources on this when it generates zero revenue and adds zero content to the game. It's just copying a trend without realizing why companies invest resources into it.

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2 hours ago, Ashen.2907 said:

Well that quote says that you cannot buy AA for gems or real money. I can imagine someone arguing that a booster is not directly buying AA and so is not technically covered. Not advocating for this mind you, just so many sleazy business practices in the gaming industry right now.

Hmmm... will they sell harvesting tools with AA-bonus, like the Unbound glyphs? 🤔

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17 hours ago, Mistwraithe.3106 said:

Pretty sure you will. From the article:

"You’ll continue to receive progress toward Daily Completionist by completing Wizard’s Vault daily objectives and achievement points from the Wizard’s Vault Daily Completionist achievement."

I assume this means you can still earn the 2 gold and 10 achievement points from Daily Completionist (since that's all the achievement does!)

CORRECTION: from another thread apparently Daily Competionist still gives the 10 achievement points but the 2 gold isn't part of it anymore and instead you can choose to get gold as Wizard's Vault rewards.


And thats not a good move. So we lose 2 gold a day, why? Why couldn't they keep the normal dailys alongside this? Its not like it takes more than 15 min to do. 

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1 minute ago, Tiviana.2650 said:

And thats not a good move. So we lose 2 gold a day, why? Why couldn't they keep the normal dailys alongside this? Its not like it takes more than 15 min to do. 

People are complaining about grind, and you want to have 12 potential "classic dailies" plus the new "WV dailies | weeklies | specials?"

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4 minutes ago, DeanBB.4268 said:

People are complaining about grind, and you want to have 12 potential "classic dailies" plus the new "WV dailies | weeklies | specials?"

Hyperbole much? you do 3 dailys of your choice for 2 gold, come on man. You cant see how this hurts players more than helps?

The 3 dailys was never a grind complaint...you know what is? People complain about grinds of doing metas over and over again , they complain about stagnation grinds. the 3 dailys were easy fast and rewarded gold materials shards etc and the log ins were also beneficial coins and clovers which you need a truckton of in this game, and a slew of other materials convenience items and laurels 

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2 minutes ago, Tiviana.2650 said:

Hyperbole much? you do 3 dailys of your choice for 2 gold, come on man. You cant see how this hurts players more than helps?

How does the new system hurt? You log in, do your dailies, get astral acclaim, buy gold with that astral acclaim. The difference is that someone who wants something other than gold can focus on that reward instead.

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On 8/15/2023 at 4:44 PM, Einsof.1457 said:

What you have to understand is that this is not CONTENT. This is arenanet DESPARATELY bribing people to "play" aka DO WHAT THIS MENU SCREEN TELLS YOU TO DO, rather than building out new good content that people want to do because it is FUN. That is my point. There is nothing FUN about this sort of mechanic. 

OK ... no different than dailies, etc ... yet for some reason you state that you are literally willing to play a game with dailies, but somehow THIS new system, no way! That doesn't really make sense. 

I mean, I don't get the problem here ... the issue isn't if you are feeling 'bribed' because the content is either value to you to do it, or it isn't, regardless of the 'bribes' Anet is going to throw at you. If it's not worth it to you, you simply don't play it. I mean, if SOMEHOW the content that rewards you in this new system becomes unappealing to you simply because it's part of this system ... that sounds more like complaining you don't like the system, not you don't like the content that the system measures you against to reward you. 

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40 minutes ago, Ashen.2907 said:

How does the new system hurt? You log in, do your dailies, get astral acclaim, buy gold with that astral acclaim. The difference is that someone who wants something other than gold can focus on that reward instead.

Are you joking seriously? let me spell it out for you, you get free gold everyday for looking through a vista, you get materials and items in chests for hitting a node a few times, you get mystic coins and clovers, you get laurels, you get shards and convenience items all for free for logging in. All for Free! but  now you can pay for your gold and everything else lol. 


Edit removed my sentences that were hurtful to the poster , i apologize. 

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6 minutes ago, Tiviana.2650 said:

Are you joking seriously? you literally cant figure this out in your head? let me spell it out for you, you get free gold everyday for looking through a vista, you get materials and items in chests for hitting a node a few times, you get mystic coins and clovers, you get laurels, you get shards and convenience items all for free for logging in. All for Free! but  now you can pay for your gold and everything else lol. You dont realize when you are getting ripped off do you? I bet cashiers short change you all the time.  

I think the thing not being 'figured out' by people in this discussion is the following hot take:

No one should have ever gotten gold for 'free' doing these trivial daily tasks in the first place.

Then people wonder why they can't afford things of the TP. 🤔

Edited by Obtena.7952
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4 minutes ago, Ashen.2907 said:

How does the new system hurt? You log in, do your dailies, get astral acclaim, buy gold with that astral acclaim. The difference is that someone who wants something other than gold can focus on that reward instead.

I'm gonna focus on new professions and races and a dis-Order-ly path to Commander-hood. Seriously. Trahearnia doesn't have to join some dumb old Order and he gets to be a Marshall and Leader of the Pact! Boo!

/e queue 'Leader of the Pact' by the Charrgri-Las

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27 minutes ago, Tiviana.2650 said:

Are you joking seriously? you literally cant figure this out in your head? let me spell it out for you, you get free gold everyday for looking through a vista, you get materials and items in chests for hitting a node a few times, you get mystic coins and clovers, you get laurels, you get shards and convenience items all for free for logging in. All for Free! but  now you can pay for your gold and everything else lol. You dont realize when you are getting ripped off do you? I bet cashiers short change you all the time.  

Personal attacks are a sure sign that someone knows that their argument lacks merit.

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5 minutes ago, Ashen.2907 said:

Personal attacks are a sure sign that someone knows that their argument lacks merit.

Im sorry that was wrong of me I apologize . but it still dont change the fact we are getting ripped off in the end


i did remove my idiot words i should not have aimed them at you

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2 minutes ago, Tiviana.2650 said:

Im sorry that was wrong of me I apologize . but it still dont change the fact we are getting ripped off in the end

Apology accepted. I wasnt trying to goad you, I just think that the new system will have good and bad in it. I tend to agree that we will come out with less than we had. I think that the flexibility of spending AA only on what we want will be nice but I expect that the 5AA for logging in will buy less than what we get now. 

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I'm annoyed that they feel like they need to change things that weren't broken.
Dailies were fine. It felt nice to get rewarded for just logging in ... and then you end up doing a few fun tasks while you're there and get more rewards. It felt generous of them, not greedy.
I'm suspicious of this change and irritated that there is YET ANOTHER CURRENCY.

I think the people with a bazillion alt accounts were farming the daily log in rewards and Anet felt cheated on or something. 

Nothing we can do about this change except grumble and adapt. 


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Just now, Ashen.2907 said:

Apology accepted. I wasnt trying to goad you, I just think that the new system will have good and bad in it. I tend to agree that we will come out with less than we had. I think that the flexibility of spending AA only on what we want will be nice but I expect that the 5AA for logging in will buy less than what we get now. 

I understand and I am sorry taking out my frustration on you, that was wrong.

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1 hour ago, Tiviana.2650 said:

This is your take then. lol really just disregard all the mcoins and clovers we need a ton of and make them harder also.

Sure ... the take of people who understand the absurdity of just getting handed game currency and mats and how that's not a good thing for having a healthy economy. I didn't disregard anything. The irony being that Anet just handing those things for doing nothing is actually part of the problem WITH how hard they are to get. I guess it never occurred to you that just getting things for free isn't the only option to getting things we need a ton of ... and your posts are just a veiled complaint about not getting stuff easy anymore. 

But sure let's pretend everything is reasonably affordable in the TP for those people that convinced themselves that earning their keep from literally the most unbalanced rewards systems in the game is a good idea. 

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And so it begins! gw2, one in a long line of WoW copycats, is reduced to selling another currency and seasonal passes and passing it off as "content" just to keep the lights on. Just like the rest of these 'live services'. But people then say that these seasonal passes are "friendlier" or "not as bad", therefore that makes them ok...noted...

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40 minutes ago, JTGuevara.9018 said:

And so it begins! gw2, one in a long line of WoW copycats, is reduced to selling another currency and seasonal passes and passing it off as "content" just to keep the lights on. Just like the rest of these 'live services'. But people then say that these seasonal passes are "friendlier" or "not as bad", therefore that makes them ok...noted...

You can't buy anything...

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On 8/15/2023 at 11:32 PM, Parasite.5389 said:

you can now just buy them with the Astral Acclaim, meaning you could focus a whole months worth of currency to potentionally buy more than the 7 we could before

Could be but there is also the account wide bonus that was in the chest. I have to see the options and the cost of each item to see what we can get if we do a full month's worth of dailies.

Don't forget that quite a few of the chest that were given with the daily login have a gem value in the shop. And some others are very useful (laurels, legendary mats, account wide bonus) and we don't have a clear image if we can get the equivalent of each month's logins, or even less or more!

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1 hour ago, JTGuevara.9018 said:

And so it begins! gw2, one in a long line of WoW copycats, is reduced to selling another currency and seasonal passes and passing it off as "content" just to keep the lights on. Just like the rest of these 'live services'. But people then say that these seasonal passes are "friendlier" or "not as bad", therefore that makes them ok...noted...

This is wrong in so many levels, I don't even know what and if I can bother to answer to you...

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