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Literally the only reason I play GW2 is that there is no battlepass...looks like those days are over

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1 hour ago, Ryou.2398 said:

I dont think many realize how many people have criticiized dailys in nearly every mmo and still do, I personally cannot stand them much either, there is real psychological reasons behind such a decision you know, most people do not want to feel forced to login for rewards, also its a mobile gaming concept in the first place.

The funny part is that Anet originally denigrated dailies as a concept and threw a bit of indirect shade at companies that used them instead of engaging content to keep players interested.

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On 8/15/2023 at 5:12 PM, Einsof.1457 said:

It introduces fomo into a game that has never historically had it (since OG season 1, anyway). 

There has always been some degree of fomo in this game.  Didn’t login to the current living story the month during its release?  Now it’s 200 gems.  You missed the latest gemstore sale?  You could have to wait for a year or more for some of those items to be back again.  You missed your daily? No gold for you. You missed your weekly raids/ key run/ guild missions/ strikes/ fractal dailies/ weekly wvw pips/ seasonal pvp pips/festival? No rewards for that week/day/season. Now obviously you shouldn’t get rewarded for things you didn’t do, but the reality is, there’s that perfect world where you never missed a reward and gotten the most for never missing a deadline. We live in the world where you have only received a fraction of that 100%. That is fundamentally because of how the game’s rewards are structured. It rewards you more for doing certain things periodically at certain points in time, rather than when you have time or when you want to do something. 

I’m not complaining. I love this game. I’m just saying fomo is a fundamental pillar of how this game rewards its playerbase. 

Edited by Tom.8029
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37 minutes ago, Ashen.2907 said:

The funny part is that Anet originally denigrated dailies as a concept and threw a bit of indirect shade at companies that used them instead of engaging content to keep players interested.

No argument from me there friend.

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I can't understand how I missed this news. I don't know how to comment on this nonsense. Well, I suppose I'll just say that the time spent in the game was some of the best. GW2 has given me a lot of positive emotions. It's a pity that it all ended this way (I'm trying to stay away from games with a battle pass in any form). But at least now I understand what the developers were busy with all this time and why they didn't fix the bugs – they were developing the most user-friendly cosmetic battle pass 🤡

Edited by Antrix.4512
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9 hours ago, Ashen.2907 said:

The funny part is that Anet originally denigrated dailies as a concept and threw a bit of indirect shade at companies that used them instead of engaging content to keep players interested.

Do you have a link to that? I assume it must have been before GW2 was released since this game has always had daily achievements. I didn't follow news about GW1 as closely (I only found out Nightfall had been released when I saw it in a shop) and it would be interesting to see what they said.

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Considering how many games have battle passes you'd expect people to know what battle passes are, because based on this logic the weekly festival achievements, the WvW weekly are also battle passes.

Since all the "exclusive" rewards will be moved into a different tab whenever something new comes around you can't complain about FOMO being introduced since even dailies have FOMO, WvW has FOMO, at the top of the page there's literally a list of FOMO already in the game.
There is no paid option, which is  a pretty big requirement of battle passes. Another requirement for it to be a battle pass are tiered rewards, which I don't remember seeing, correct me if I'm wrong on that one.

Just because you get a list of objectives it isn't a battle pass. I've seen people complain that Anet wants us to tell what to do with this system, while dailies already technically do that, yet that's fine.

I know it's Season of Get Mad At Every New Feature considering SoTO is almost here, but this seems to be the last thing to get mad about.

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59 minutes ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

Considering how many games have battle passes you'd expect people to know what battle passes are, because based on this logic the weekly festival achievements, the WvW weekly are also battle passes.

The thing is, that from what battlepasses I saw, they were all linear ordeal. You accumulate points and when you reach tresholds you get predetermined things (alternatively instead of points you get linear set of tasks to do).

Meanwhile Vault is asically a new store with rotating stuff in it, that uses unique currency being given for daily/weekly tasks.

PvP/WvW reward tracks have more in common with traditional battlepass, than Wizards Vault...

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38 minutes ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

Considering how many games have battle passes you'd expect people to know what battle passes are, because based on this logic the weekly festival achievements, the WvW weekly are also battle passes.

I think it depends a lot of what games you play. I don't think I've ever played a game with a battle pass (certainly none that called it that) and the only type of season pass I've encountered is an option to pay up-front for all the DLC a game will get, on the promise that eventually there will be enough to justify the price, which is very different from the Wizard's Vault. (The only one I've bought was Breath of the Wild, but I got it after all the DLC was released so I knew exactly what I was paying for, they just kept calling it the season pass.)

But from what I've heard this is different to a battle pass in three important ways:
1) It's free. You don't have to pay to access the system and there's no option to pay for progress.
2) You can choose the rewards you get, instead of unlocking items in a specific order.
3) The exclusive items will always be available. Admittedly we don't yet know what they'll cost (either when first released or when they become 'legacy' items) but that's still better than only having a limited time to get them.

Overall WvW reward tracks (especially the festival ones which are only available during festivals) seem closer to battle passes, except that those are also free. (The nearest you can come to buying one is buying an expansion which unlocks some.) Or the Skirmish Reward Tracks, although those are the same every week (and also free).

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51 minutes ago, Danikat.8537 said:

I think it depends a lot of what games you play. I don't think I've ever played a game with a battle pass (certainly none that called it that) and the only type of season pass I've encountered is an option to pay up-front for all the DLC a game will get, on the promise that eventually there will be enough to justify the price, which is very different from the Wizard's Vault. (The only one I've bought was Breath of the Wild, but I got it after all the DLC was released so I knew exactly what I was paying for, they just kept calling it the season pass.)

But from what I've heard this is different to a battle pass in three important ways:
1) It's free. You don't have to pay to access the system and there's no option to pay for progress.
2) You can choose the rewards you get, instead of unlocking items in a specific order.
3) The exclusive items will always be available. Admittedly we don't yet know what they'll cost (either when first released or when they become 'legacy' items) but that's still better than only having a limited time to get them.

Overall WvW reward tracks (especially the festival ones which are only available during festivals) seem closer to battle passes, except that those are also free. (The nearest you can come to buying one is buying an expansion which unlocks some.) Or the Skirmish Reward Tracks, although those are the same every week (and also free).

It's a lot closer to Warframe's Nightwave, since both are free and award currency you can spend on rotating items, we'll see how good the items will be, since in Warframe's case it's mostly meh.

I had the "fortune" to experience battle passes in Apex and Destiny 2(Season 8-11), I played other games that had battle passes, but, I didn't play those games long enough to bother even looking at them. 

I'm sticking to my opinion that the new system is not a battle pass. Of all things it's like WoW's system, which is not that bad.

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1 hour ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

It's a lot closer to Warframe's Nightwave, since both are free and award currency you can spend on rotating items, we'll see how good the items will be, since in Warframe's case it's mostly meh.

Nightwave's primary rewards are still milestones for accumulating nightwave levels - those milestones occasionally awards currency that can be used to buy stuff that used to be sourced from alerts which were removed from the game. Wizards Vault have none of that.

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3 minutes ago, Lord Trejgon.2809 said:

Nightwave's primary rewards are still milestones for accumulating nightwave levels - those milestones occasionally awards currency that can be used to buy stuff that used to be sourced from alerts which were removed from the game. Wizards Vault have none of that.

I know. Nightwave still has a store and still has daily, 3day and weekly objectives, similiarly to what's coming to GW2.

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8 hours ago, Antrix.4512 said:

I can't understand how I missed this news. I don't know how to comment on this nonsense. Well, I suppose I'll just say that the time spent in the game was some of the best. GW2 has given me a lot of positive emotions. It's a pity that it all ended this way (I'm trying to stay away from games with a battle pass in any form). But at least now I understand what the developers were busy with all this time and why they didn't fix the bugs – they were developing the most user-friendly cosmetic battle pass 🤡

In a way, a lot of the weekly tier systems for PvP and WvW are more battle pass like than the upcoming system. Where have you been?

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As others have pointed out there has always been some degree of FOMO in this game, missed the free period for a LW release?  That is going to cost you some gems.  The worst offender has been the gem store, where a skin could be rotated out for a year or longer, never knowing if your when it will reappear.  This really isn't FOMO, because you aren't missing out.  A cosmetic will always be available on the legacy tab, yes it will cost more than when it was part of that season, but it will be available.  Unlock other season passes or battle passes this isn't being monetized.  You can't buy skips and you can't buy a premium tier.  This a revamp for the current daily system.

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This isn't a battle pass. It's a revamped version of the daily/weekly system we've had, but with better rewards and ways to obtain the rewards we could get before. Nothing is seasonal about it either; everything they release will be available forever. 

In every way, this is healthy for the game.

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On 8/15/2023 at 5:54 PM, Einsof.1457 said:

Okay I'll spell it out. There is a time period. A season..during this season you do activities that earn you currency. You spend this currency on stuff. Two major problems.

1. The currency itself is fomo based

2. The post season price increase is fomo based. 

These are not good. 



This is nothing new to the game. Those Black Lion weapons we can purchase with Black Lion tickets cost 1 ticket when they release. If you don't buy them before the next set rotates in, the ticket price goes up.

Every festival has a meta reward for doing the Annual achievements. If you don't complete the annuals by festival end, then you'll have to purchase it next year with festival currencies.

Current dailies will reward you with 2g. If you skip a day that's 2g you miss out on forever.

So fomo and limited time pricings are nothing new to GW2. And without specific rewards/pricings, we have no clue how easy or hard it will be to catch up on missed rewards. Bear in mind "seasonal" items aren't the only rewards available, and we don't know if the pricing structure will force you to go for seasonal items or general materials. Maybe if you skip getting some mystic coins or clovers you can still afford the unique items. We'll have to wait and see, but these changes don't seem so drastic as to panic that GW2 is suddenly like "those other games" with "exploitive battlepasses."

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3 hours ago, almostdaft.4319 said:

In a way, a lot of the weekly tier systems for PvP and WvW are more battle pass like than the upcoming system. Where have you been?

What is PvP? 😁 But seriously, you are partly right - there's already a lot of FOMO in the game in its current state, but that wasn't enough for them, they decided to add a full-fledged battle pass. And you know what? I don't trust ANet, not a single word they say about the battle pass being cosmetic, friendly, without recycling, etc.

Unfortunately, developers of my favorite MMO (and honestly, not just MMO, but a game that has overshadowed some single-player AAA games) have undermined my trust in them. I don't believe them. I don't believe that the battle pass, in the form it is theoretically supposed to be released, will last long before some form of monetization is integrated into it. The game is stagnant in many aspects, bugs go unfixed for years, some "greedy" gems donation models mechanics don't change (like the Upgrade Extractor for example), and so on, such things can be listed for hours (literally).

But I can't say the developers are bad. They just make a lot of bad decisions when they shouldn't, and do nothing when they should. Therefore, with all my love for the project and the ANet, there can be no question of trusting the latter. I will be sincerely glad if this battle pass remains as they promise to release it. But I wouldn't hold my breath.

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17 minutes ago, Antrix.4512 said:

What is PvP? 😁 But seriously, you are partly right - there's already a lot of FOMO in the game in its current state, but that wasn't enough for them, they decided to add a full-fledged battle pass. And you know what? I don't trust ANet, not a single word they say about the battle pass being cosmetic, friendly, without recycling, etc.

Unfortunately, developers of my favorite MMO (and honestly, not just MMO, but a game that has overshadowed some single-player AAA games) have undermined my trust in them. I don't believe them. I don't believe that the battle pass, in the form it is theoretically supposed to be released, will last long before some form of monetization is integrated into it. The game is stagnant in many aspects, bugs go unfixed for years, some "greedy" gems donation models mechanics don't change (like the Upgrade Extractor for example), and so on, such things can be listed for hours (literally).

But I can't say the developers are bad. They just make a lot of bad decisions when they shouldn't, and do nothing when they should. Therefore, with all my love for the project and the ANet, there can be no question of trusting the latter. I will be sincerely glad if this battle pass remains as they promise to release it. But I wouldn't hold my breath.

Just because it gives you multiple objectives it's still not a battle pass. 

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4 minutes ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

Just because it gives you multiple objectives it's still not a battle pass. 

By directing players to various parts of the game with regularly refreshed challenges and rewards, the Wizard’s Vault system functions similarly to a seasonal content pass in other games (c) Arena Net

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1 minute ago, Antrix.4512 said:

By directing players to various parts of the game with regularly refreshed challenges and rewards, the Wizard’s Vault system functions similarly to a seasonal content pass in other games (c) Arena Net

You can swap out Wizard's Vault for literally any Festival meta and you'd get the same. I can say this and that is similiar to battle passes, but battle passes are giving tiered rewards, not what the Wizard's Vault is.
You could be upset if they charged money for a premium version and made rewards only obtainable when they are in season, the way battle passes work.
Being able to play the game like before, but choosing the rewards you're getting instead of the game automatically giving them to you is not a battle pass. 

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6 minutes ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

You can swap out Wizard's Vault for literally any Festival meta and you'd get the same. I can say this and that is similiar to battle passes, but battle passes are giving tiered rewards, not what the Wizard's Vault is.
You could be upset if they charged money for a premium version and made rewards only obtainable when they are in season, the way battle passes work.
Being able to play the game like before, but choosing the rewards you're getting instead of the game automatically giving them to you is not a battle pass. 

Well, I've already talked about this. I agree with what you're saying. It just didn't stand out as much before, and now they've decided to "legalize" all of it. They're not the first, and they won't be the last, to start down this path. I don't even trust Blizzard, there are already hints that monetization will appear in their tradIng post soon, even though they swore and vowed that nothing like that would ever happen. Knowing our dear ANet, monetization of their battle pass is sooner or later inevitable, that's a fact. 

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