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The new reward track vials are amazing


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1 hour ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

What is the estimated time to complete a reward track with all boosters now averaged across Wood through Diamond Completion at T6 participation?

The fastest a reward track can be completed is 3 hours 45 minutes, assuming every available booster, amulet and guild buff, and the wxp buff from the rare event when it happens.  Otherwise, it's around 4 hours 30 minutes with all the other buffs/boosters.

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Here is an example:
- Receive 11 pips on average
- Diamond chest requires 55 pips to complete
- Diamond chest will give 1750 progress reward in 5 ticks or 25 min
- Participation T6 gives 195 progress per tick, or 975 in 25 min
- That's 2725 progress every 25 min
- Full Reward Track requires 20.000 progress
- 20000/2725=7.33
- After 2h 55min (7x25) you get 19075 progress and need 925 more
- To finish the 925, you can get 5x195=975 from participation in 25 min
- That means another Diamond chest with 1750 progress
Full Track in 3h 20min (or 200min), with 1800 extra (21800 total)
Average 21800/200=109 progress/min
20000/109=183.5 min (3h 4min) on average to finish a track in the long term

195+100% with Reward track modifiers (I didn't include the Black Lion that's +25% more) you get 390 progress per tick instead.
390x5=1950 from modified T6 participation every 25min
1950+1750=3700 combined with the new instant rewards every 25min
round up, 6x 25min=150 or 2h 30min for 22200 progress
3700/25=22200/150=148 progress/min
20000/148=135.1 min (2h 16min) required on average (long-term) to complete a track with +100% increased progress
This is assuming the potions are unaffected by the modifier

Edited by ManiacMika.9851
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I'd say that more than makes up for the lost daily potions.

The only people who would obviously have a problem with the system change are the pve casuals only there for the GoB, or casually working on the wvw legendary(which actually is sped  up now too).

My only worry now is the new system "forces" those old daily hunters to sit afk in wvw taking camps every 10mins for skirmish participation, and clogging up map space, while before they would do their dailies for the potions and be gone until the next day. We already had those players that were casually hunting for the wvw legendary armor that way, but now they'll have the GoB hunters afk next to them. At least the legendary hunters will be gone next year when they finally bring out the overworld legendaries. 🤷‍♂️

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This change probably helps veterans, and hurts the casuals.  The casual PvE player is not going to be getting 11 pips/tick average - they are probably getting closer to 6-7 pips/tick.

Looks like the repeatable diamond chests also contain that reward track boost, so those that play a lot will go through the reward tracks even faster.


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You guys must be completely insane. 

Imagine, getting a huge boost to rewards (relative to prior the changes), and starting to COMPLAIN about it? congratz, go on. make ANet remove all the nice things from WvW again. Hey, why not take it further? let´s bring back repair and upgrade-cost. remove siege from reward tracks, so WvW becomes a gold-sink once again. 

If you want to have the nice rewards, you need dedication. period. 

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13 minutes ago, Custodio.6134 said:

You guys must be completely insane. 

Imagine, getting a huge boost to rewards (relative to prior the changes), and starting to COMPLAIN about it? congratz, go on. make ANet remove all the nice things from WvW again. Hey, why not take it further? let´s bring back repair and upgrade-cost. remove siege from reward tracks, so WvW becomes a gold-sink once again. 

If you want to have the nice rewards, you need dedication. period. 

But did this really help the dedicated or the AFKer?

I think they missed the opportunity in defining active and inactive. Simply speeding up the rewards tracks all they do is aid the inactive more than the active at the expense of when active players spend the accrued currency. AFK faster thru your tracks, versus adding a more active system that the more you aided your side the more you gain. I think a better system would have been in the more and varied activities you do while active was the biggest gain. Sure this change helped the active, but it also just helped the inactive and didn't further aid the active. Same with dailies, if need be add more daily activities that require people to be active or at least more boons to those that are versus the lotto chance the new system has. WvW is still a gold sink last I checked a month ago if you deploy siege. Checking while havocing it was still about -2G per hour for a havoc of 6. Mind you I am not looking to bring back the old system where we had to PvE to play WvW but I think a system of both the increased in instant pots, the old pots and more daily objectives and or a bounty system that encouraged more active play would be better. 

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On 8/23/2023 at 7:27 PM, Zebulon.1850 said:

Anet buffed the vials you get from pip reward tracks by 10x. They now give 250 each instead of 25. At diamond that is 1,750 each time you get them.

This actually might be one of the biggest buffs to WvW rewards ever.

We should not forget that about 1/4 of the total https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Instant_Reward_Track_Progress reward from all chests is located in the Diamond chest (42 out of 158). The vast majority of players missing the old WvW potions don't even get close to a Diamond chest. Can you make the calculations for getting e.g. to Silver and compare that to getting two or three "easy" old potions each day (dollies, veterans, sentries, camps)? That would be a better comparison, IMO.

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On 8/25/2023 at 2:34 PM, Gorani.7205 said:

The vast majority of players missing the old WvW potions don't even get close to a Diamond chest.

Many of the changes with this expansion are targeted to make playing harder for those who can only get on a couple of nights a week. Why would a game out for 10 years suddenly do that? The weeklies and dailies in this new vault are the same unless you get lucky. So yes all the WvW lifers will think its an improvement, but for casuals it is a nerf.

Edited by Clementine.3896
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  • WvW Daily
    • Capture 1 Camp Objective in World vs. World
    • Capture 1 Ruin or Shrine Objective in World vs. World
    • Capture 1 Sentry Point in World vs. World
    • Defeat 1 Enemy Supply Caravan in World vs. World
    • Defeat 3 Enemy Invaders in World vs. World
    • Defeat 5 Enemy Guards in World vs. World
    • Earn 200 WvW Experience
    • Earn 300 WvW Experience
    • Escort 1 Supply Caravan to Its Destination in World vs. World
    • Participate in 1 Defense Event in World vs. World
  • WvW Weekly
    • Capture 10 Ruin, Shrine, or Mercenary Camp Objectives in World vs. World
    • Capture 10 World vs. World Objectives
    • Capture 3 Keeps in World vs. World
    • Capture 5 Towers in World vs. World
    • Capture 5 World vs. World Objectives in the Edge of the Mists
    • Complete the Obsidian Sanctum Jumping Puzzle in the Obsidian Sanctum Map
    • Deal 500,000 Damage to Enemy Players in Structured Player vs. Player or World vs. World
    • Defeat 10 Enemy Supply Caravans in World vs. World
    • Defeat 10 World vs. World Invaders
    • Defend 10 World vs. World Objectives
    • Earn 10,000 WvW Experience
    • Escort 10 Allied Supply Caravans to Their Destinations in World vs. World


These are bloody easy to do, even easier than the old dailies which had keep and tower capture which have been moved to the weeklies. Most of these weeklies coincide with wvw weeklies as well. My only complaint would be the OS puzzle(I'm never touching that again), or the escort 10 yaks(you wanna put me to sleep?) at least there's some real easy places to do this fast, like swc to bay, and cap 5 objectives in dead EOTM, at least give people a reason to be in eotm these days....

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4 minutes ago, XenesisII.1540 said:
  • WvW Daily
    • Capture 1 Camp Objective in World vs. World
    • Capture 1 Ruin or Shrine Objective in World vs. World
    • Capture 1 Sentry Point in World vs. World
    • Defeat 1 Enemy Supply Caravan in World vs. World
    • Defeat 3 Enemy Invaders in World vs. World
    • Defeat 5 Enemy Guards in World vs. World
    • Earn 200 WvW Experience
    • Earn 300 WvW Experience
    • Escort 1 Supply Caravan to Its Destination in World vs. World
    • Participate in 1 Defense Event in World vs. World
  • WvW Weekly
    • Capture 10 Ruin, Shrine, or Mercenary Camp Objectives in World vs. World
    • Capture 10 World vs. World Objectives
    • Capture 3 Keeps in World vs. World
    • Capture 5 Towers in World vs. World
    • Capture 5 World vs. World Objectives in the Edge of the Mists
    • Complete the Obsidian Sanctum Jumping Puzzle in the Obsidian Sanctum Map
    • Deal 500,000 Damage to Enemy Players in Structured Player vs. Player or World vs. World
    • Defeat 10 Enemy Supply Caravans in World vs. World
    • Defeat 10 World vs. World Invaders
    • Defend 10 World vs. World Objectives
    • Earn 10,000 WvW Experience
    • Escort 10 Allied Supply Caravans to Their Destinations in World vs. World


These are bloody easy to do, even easier than the old dailies which had keep and tower capture which have been moved to the weeklies. Most of these weeklies coincide with wvw weeklies as well. My only complaint would be the OS puzzle(I'm never touching that again), or the escort 10 yaks(you wanna put me to sleep?) at least there's some real easy places to do this fast, like swc to bay, and cap 5 objectives in dead EOTM, at least give people a reason to be in eotm these days....

I mostly agree. But Obsidian Sanctum JP is an absolute pain with all the campers out there. Also, why the PvE stuff in WvW? 

Defense events are hit and miss. 

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Enter Simulation

  • +2 Bronze WvW Rank (150-619)
  • +1 Completed wood division the previous week.
  • +5 Your world has the second most War Score in the current Skirmish.

Total: 8 Pips / Tick

  • Participation T6: +195 Reward Track Progress Points
  • Guild Enhancement: +10%
  • WvW Reward Track Enrichment: +5%

Total: 224 Reward Track Progress Points / Tick


  • Goal: 20.000 Reward Track Points
  • Ticks total: 54
  • Time total: 4 hours 30 minutes
  • Participation points: 12.109
  • Instant points: 8.500
  • Pips total: 440
  • Chest rank: Gold 1 earned

That's if we start from scratch (0 pips earned, wooden chest 1) with a low ranked account.
That's way faster than the 8h 35min from prior to the update.

My previous advice to get Gifts of Battle quickly was to play WvW 4-6h a week with boosters, get dailies from at least 3 days, get weeklies, and that would be enough for 3 GoB in 2 weeks. Let's average to 1.5 GoB / week or 30.000 track points. Now you can get there with no boosters!
If you check above, the new results, that's almost the minimum you can get, and it gets easier to more you play.
With the above newbie setup, in 8h 35min by claiming Platinum 5 you get 42.600 track points. More than 2 Tracks instead of 1!

Edited by ManiacMika.9851
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On 8/24/2023 at 1:39 PM, XenesisII.1540 said:

My only worry now is the new system "forces" those old daily hunters to sit afk in wvw taking camps every 10mins for skirmish participation, and clogging up map space, while before they would do their dailies for the potions and be gone until the next day. We already had those players that were casually hunting for the wvw legendary armor that way, but now they'll have the GoB hunters afk next to them. 

Solution: bring back wall repair credit for defense events. At least would get those people out of spawn and into the map. 

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My recollection with the entire credit for defense is that they increased the rewards/experience for getting it, so people repairing SMC would gets lots of wxp for little effort.  But rather than put that wxp back to what it was, they changed the defense events so repairing no long counted and getting credit for defense events is now buggy.

I wonder if just removing repair gives defense credit for SMC, but does give credit everywhere else, would work out?


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