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Secrets of the Obscure Launch Week: Thank you!

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9 hours ago, Arianth Moonlight.6453 said:

yeah... I also spent 60g on it... =:/

But... why? You didn't have to do that. They didn't make you do that. You were just given an option and the possibility of an additional reward for it. Completionism is not your friend. I would recommend sparing yourself the heartache by considering what's important to you before doing stuff like this when you're supposed to be having fun. Personally, I've had a skyscale for a long time. I did the SotO masteries, and I'm ignoring the collections (for now, we'll see). As someone already said, the 300 acclaim isn't worth the time and gold you're putting into this, unless you're doing it for a "gotta catch 'em all" sort of reason. And if that's the case, I don't think it's ArenaNet's fault.

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I've spent  the last three chapters chasing and closing rifts, an annoying, boring, and repetitive experience.

I've abandoned the main story because of that, it's unbearable, just can't swallow it anymore.

EoD had a decent story, then the living world went to s...

I like the relics and the weapons idea, will stick to PvP and EoD's strikes , but for sure I'll go for FFXIV as main game, that's a game with good story. Ah, BD3, rings a bell? New standards?

This is not acceptable, for a multimillion dollar enterprise.


Edited by anna.5487
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Most people having a positive experience are busy enjoying the game and not coming to the forums to complain, which is why it "seems" as though a high ratio are complaints, but in game chat we are all loving it.  I for one and loving this expansion so far.  Loved the story, love where it's going (was getting bored of the dragon drama) love the maps, love the wizzard's vault and new daily system. As a very casual player, I also love the new slow drip strategy because I always feel left behind as it takes me a while to get through content.  And I love that for the first time in 10 years of playing, i may finally go for my first legendary.  However I do agree with the feedback about the daily system, more choices would be better.  I like to have pvp/pve/wvw all selected because I play all, but what I play depends on my mood that day.  So having more to choose from so that I can do all pvp or wvw if that's my thing that day/week would be great.  Also, you can't pay me to go near a jumping puzzle, so if there's one on the weekly, there goes my bonus, cause i ain't doing it.  But if we have options, then I can avoid that travesty.  Oh and one more thing, the yogo dance we all have to do, at the top of the spire, is....... weird.  I'm not going to hate on the game over it, but.... someone had to say it.

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I’m having positive experience and enjoying SotO so far. The archipelago grows on you. I love Gladium and Skritt (don’t have the name down yet). I’m intrigued by the voice. Very close to getting mount updraft, and eagerly anticipating it. Have had a lot of fun on my griffon already.

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I absolutely LOATHE the new Wizard Reward system. I FAR prefer the old daily system. It's like no one thought about how long the minidungeons would take to complete versus amount of play time that folks have. There is little to no reason to bother trying to do the dailies for 1 gold when they take all of my evening play time. The rewards for the collection are not appealing to me, either. I have no idea how long I have to get 1300 points, before it resets and I lose what I have collected. I made the mistake of including wvw and pvp options, and now I can't do the weekly ones either; one is an entire 2 hour meta and the other is wvw that I can't get because the opposing server keeps spawn camping and killing the squad -  there's no way I can take towers solo! We used to be able to choose between all three options, so that if something was nigh impossible, there would be other options. Now, it's do it or don't, and that is a pain in the jack. The new map is interesting, and I hope that navigating it will be better once we get the masteries completed, but at the moment I'm not holding out much hope for that either. I also think that there should have been a lot more effort for the new skyscale - one of the things I liked about GW2 was that legendaries and really cool stuff took effort to get and weren't just handed out. That has been wiped for the new expansion, and I think that's an abominable shame.

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- story is alright 

- i like the new daily system / vault thing a lot more 

- having fun with weapon master 


- no hard feelings but, the maps are not good at all. Reused assets just thrown randomly on floating islands. Oh and the wizards tower, wow. Idk how heart of thorns can look so good and this straight up looks like its and asset flip from the unity store. 

- open world metas and even normal events are somehow more boring than in other expansions.

- Rifts, when destiny 2s seasonal activities are 10x more fun than yours, you know you kittened up. Might aswell just send me to any of the starter zones to kill 3 boars would be more entertaining.

If I would have bought this dlc on steam I would have refunded it by now tbh. 

All the people here commenting talking about ppl enjoying it instead of commenting on reddit I ask, where? If the meta isnt active I see maybe 5 other players. 

Now anet knows how little they can sell you, because you guys got content starved for so long you take anything you get and praise anet to the skies. Get ready for the destiny treatment,

gl guys. 


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After finishing the first part of the main story, i come to say thank you to arena for this (first part) of the new extension. Of course as some other, if this extension was a little more longer it would be better but since we was knowing that the new extension will be released into various part over time, i'm nor complaining.

I really enjoyed the story, the map are beautiful (specially the map 2 and 3 for not spoiling people).

I love the mystic, mysterious, magic ambiance that we can feel and love the music too. I enjoy this (first part) of this extension more than eod but it's because i'm happy to see something else than dragons (as i was really enjoying pof)(and because i love magic things, mystic ambiance in game/movie etc probably).

I can't wait to continue the extension in a few month.

I think that it's important that you read positive things too from player because as some say, not all player are coming on the forum.

So thank you arena net.

Now time for collection until the release of the rest of the story.

A player since gw 1 (with a few years break).

Edited by Valaraukar.7652
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I did not even realise SotO had launched until I logged in on a whim to see what new BL items were available. I knew the launch was coming of course, just ... simply did not realise properly, that we were at the end of August. The summer's been absolutely glorious here, so I spent most of it outdoors.

What an amazing surprise this expansion has been! The story and lore is well beyond EoD, and everything so far has been superbly executed. This is my favourite expansion since Heart of Thorns. My only criticism so far is that off the bat, the danger in the new zone seems rather minimal. Even dropping myself to the bottom of the map just teleported me. Kind of expected the mobs to be more difficult.

Edited by nosleepdemon.1368
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On 8/26/2023 at 10:39 AM, anna.5487 said:

I've spent  the last three chapters chasing and closing rifts, an annoying, boring, and repetitive experience.

I've abandoned the main story because of that, it's unbearable, just can't swallow it anymore.

EoD had a decent story, then the living world went to s...

I like the relics and the weapons idea, will stick to PvP and EoD's strikes , but for sure I'll go for FFXIV as main game, that's a game with good story. Ah, BD3, rings a bell? New standards?

This is not acceptable, for a multimillion dollar enterprise.


Need to get into the instanced portion of the story or you'll be stuck on a infinite tread mill getting nowhere fast. The hero panel story journal is your friend. One good thing though is doing the metas, events, running around opening rifts and being an pain to the Crytis is that your dailies, weeklies, specials... just stack up. Took me less then a week to get my weeklies, dailies just pop left and right and specials also. 

I kind of a home body now so that might of helped, but just doing world completion goes a long way.

Edited by Widebody.5071
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On 8/24/2023 at 1:48 PM, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:

Hello everyone,

All of us on the Guild Wars 2 team want to say a huge and heartfelt thank you for making the launch of Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure such a success. We planned on having a lot of players in game on day one but you all went above our expectations—we had to spin up additional servers and crank out extra serial keys beyond our already-ambitious estimates to accommodate the influx. It was a huge thrill to enjoy the first impressions of so many people seeing the expansion for the first time.

For the next few weeks, our focus is on continuing to listen to your feedback in and out of game and ensuring the stability of new content and features. We have shipped two hotfixes to address issues you have let us know about, another is planned for today, and we’ll be keeping an eye out for additional major issues through next week. After that, our plan* is shift focus to our polish and bug fixing builds scheduled for September 12 and 26.

In the meantime, we’re continuing to closely monitor your feedback on all of the systems and content introduced in Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure. We’re tracking known issues here.

As always, it’s a joy to get to share the world of Guild Wars 2 with you.

*Note: plans can be disrupted by all sorts of things, up to and including acts of the Six. We’ll keep you updated if the plan changes

Thank you for all the World vs World content the expansion brought with it. World vs World is truly a cornerstone of Arenanet.

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I despise the changes to the daily/weekly achievements! By eliminating the daily JP, you have removed a social event with the helpful/friendly Mesmers...I was actually in the process of leveling up a Mesmer just for this purpose! You also ruined the revitalization of a central Tyria map for each day, allowing developing characters to participate in events for map completion and achievements without having to call in guild members or friends (if they even have these), things like Conservation of Magic, etc.

Next, the dailies are no longer friendly towards new players, requiring EoD and SoTO, rather than being based solely in Central Tyria. This expansion has created a lot of stir on the new maps, but ultimately, with your new system, I believe many maps in Core Tyria, will become completely dead...making character development something of the past, which it should not be! Like many players before me have stated, I feel pressured more and more to improve my build, my equipment, memorize the combat sequences for ALL my characters...it's not fun or relaxing anymore! It's dominated more and more by elitist players, and you are now catering to them with this latest expansion, slowly squeezing out your casual players. 

I am afraid that in the end you are going to lose, because while the elitists are on many of your planning boards, on twitch, etc...I don't believe they are truly representative of the majority of your clientele! I guess time will tell...as I begin my search for a new gaming home. :(

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3 hours ago, whitneyf.3419 said:

I despise the changes to the daily/weekly achievements! By eliminating the daily JP, you have removed a social event with the helpful/friendly Mesmers...I was actually in the process of leveling up a Mesmer just for this purpose! You also ruined the revitalization of a central Tyria map for each day, allowing developing characters to participate in events for map completion and achievements without having to call in guild members or friends (if they even have these), things like Conservation of Magic, etc.

Next, the dailies are no longer friendly towards new players, requiring EoD and SoTO, rather than being based solely in Central Tyria. This expansion has created a lot of stir on the new maps, but ultimately, with your new system, I believe many maps in Core Tyria, will become completely dead...making character development something of the past, which it should not be! Like many players before me have stated, I feel pressured more and more to improve my build, my equipment, memorize the combat sequences for ALL my characters...it's not fun or relaxing anymore! It's dominated more and more by elitist players, and you are now catering to them with this latest expansion, slowly squeezing out your casual players. 

I am afraid that in the end you are going to lose, because while the elitists are on many of your planning boards, on twitch, etc...I don't believe they are truly representative of the majority of your clientele! I guess time will tell...as I begin my search for a new gaming home. 😞

You still got weekly jps

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I just completed the storyline for SotO and I wanted to share my experience and own feedback. I held off on buying it at first due to some uncertainty whether it would be properly put together or not. Some of the past story updates felt a bit rushed, and could've been more drawn out, but were acceptable. I'm mainly talking about the ending to the Icebrood Saga. While jaw-dropping, I did wish it had a more thought out finale but I understand why things happen as they did.

When I started the story for SotO I was a bit creeped out by our new big bad "Cerus". Though as the story progressed, I found myself becoming immersed and fell in love with everything. The maps are gorgeous, especially Skywatch Archipelago. Multiple pieces from across all the previous expansions brought together in one map. The nostalgia made me happy, thinking over how long I've played GW2 and why I fell in love with it.

The one moment in the story that really got me though - I even started crying after hearing the dialogue -


was when Peitha asked why we were mourning for Aurene. Only to be told that she had gone into a sleep and we don't know when she'll wake up again. Aurene will outlive all of the characters, including our own. It just felt like there's a chance she may not wake up in time before our character eventually passed away, and I found it heartbreaking.

I won't spoil anything else here, but the story was well done, and I honestly enjoyed it a bit more than some of the previous storylines with the Dragon Cycle. You guys did a fantastic job over there at Anet, I enjoyed every moment playing SotO, and look forward to future updates. Thank you for reminding me why GW2 meant so much to me.

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6 hours ago, whitneyf.3419 said:

I despise the changes to the daily/weekly achievements! By eliminating the daily JP, you have removed a social event with the helpful/friendly Mesmers...I was actually in the process of leveling up a Mesmer just for this purpose! You also ruined the revitalization of a central Tyria map for each day, allowing developing characters to participate in events for map completion and achievements without having to call in guild members or friends (if they even have these), things like Conservation of Magic, etc.

Next, the dailies are no longer friendly towards new players, requiring EoD and SoTO, rather than being based solely in Central Tyria. This expansion has created a lot of stir on the new maps, but ultimately, with your new system, I believe many maps in Core Tyria, will become completely dead...making character development something of the past, which it should not be! Like many players before me have stated, I feel pressured more and more to improve my build, my equipment, memorize the combat sequences for ALL my characters...it's not fun or relaxing anymore! It's dominated more and more by elitist players, and you are now catering to them with this latest expansion, slowly squeezing out your casual players. 

I am afraid that in the end you are going to lose, because while the elitists are on many of your planning boards, on twitch, etc...I don't believe they are truly representative of the majority of your clientele! I guess time will tell...as I begin my search for a new gaming home. 😞



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On 8/25/2023 at 3:31 PM, skyler.4986 said:

Glad you found some new players with your release - but you also lost one.

Don't get me wrong, i absolutly appreciate your work and effort in new content updates and expansions and keeping my favourite game alive for 11 years now, but the big problem with this release is, you're not encapsulating it and it has massive impact on legacy content.

I'm a Core/HoT/PoF only player and currently still enjoying Ice Brood Saga. My playing style and pace is casual and laid-back. Most of the time i only do dailies, home instance and some metas once a day. That means i don't have time nor energy to dive into new content or new mechanics for now (until i've done most of the content of the expansions i own). That also means, i don't want to get forced into that new content or even get spoilers!

In the past i had the choice to open myself to a new expansion and new mechanics were restricted to that new content/maps or even had advantages on legacy content (e.g. gliders or mounts).

Now you're introducing changes that i didn't ask for (yet), which are affecting my playstyle. You took the dailies away and force me into a new less fun, less social interactive and less rewarding system which i cannot fully use without SotO. You introduced some new build mechanics which, if i don't use them, makes my characters less powerfull compared to other players. You changed something regarding skyscale obtaining and i bet it will be unfair against players which are still trying to get it through PoF (me), but i can only assume.

You might say now "Yea, get out of your comfort zone" but no, this is a game, i use it to have fun and to relax and i want to have freedom of choice, when the time has come to change that comfort and open myself to new things.

My style of adressing this might be a bit subjective/selfish, other players might like the changes especially the ones who bought SotO full of anticipation.

But for me this is a show stopper.

Make your updates downwardly compatible not only to game machanics but also to players prefered playing style!

PS: And please(!!!) do something against these griefers placing objects in event-chests/ressource-nodes preventing interaction with them.

The vault is more rewarding than dailies and login rewards have ever been, you can use 3 relics that every of your character received for free in the form of choice chests to be back on the same level as others (relic of thief for power, monk for healing and aristocracy for condition) and nothing was *changed* about old skyscale aquisition, there is simply an additional method.

You leaving improves the game because you complain about things you have no clue about.


Edited by DirtyDan.4759
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On 9/4/2023 at 7:00 AM, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:



Aren't all those in the Weekly section and not the Daily one?

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