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I demand my Inquest Mark I Golem back

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You took my companion Inquest Mark I Golem from me. Now the game is even more difficult than before. I got used to him, he helped me in the game. He was like a tank, he took aggro from the mobs and I could stand back and shoot the guns. Now he's gone and I'm dying all the time because all the mobs are attacking me. You made the game unplayable for me. Not only did you weaken my character's gear, but you also took my companion. Your worthless relics are supposed to be compensation? I demand the return of my golem companion.

P.S. To other players, especially tryhards, I do not wish to be insulted in any way in the comments. Any rude reference to me in a comment will be reported as harassment.

Edited by Darves.6798
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16 minutes ago, SnackParty.3178 said:

I wonder if they'll be added to legendary relics.

I hope that if they do add them back, they don't limit it to legendary. They were non-legendary before, and it would be a huge downgrade for players who had it to now have to do a ton of work just to break even with where they were before the patch. It's not like these have only been around a year or two... we're talking 11 years of people running this stuff. That would be kind of horrible for A-net to do that to them.

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Firstly, to all those people who found my post funny and marked the "haha" emoticon.. oh really? Do you find it funny that the game has become more difficult or even unplayable for me? It's embarrassing.

Second, I will getting my golem back. Fantastic. When? I need it now, not in six months or something. My character is supposed to die all the time now because the developers are going to rework? Really? I play a deadeye thief with two pistols, swap two daggers. I'm not going to change my way of playing. The game was advertised as casual friendly, "play like you want". So I want to play the way I want.

To the developers, give me back my golem companion immediately.

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4 minutes ago, Darves.6798 said:

Firstly, to all those people who found my post funny and marked the "haha" emoticon.. oh really? Do you find it funny that the game has become more difficult or even unplayable for me? It's embarrassing.


Second, I will getting my golem back. Fantastic. When? I need it now, not in six months or something. My character is supposed to die all the time now because the developers are going to rework? Really? I play a deadeye thief with two pistols, swap two daggers. I'm not going to change my way of playing. The game was advertised as casual friendly, "play like you want". So I want to play the way I want.


To the developers, give me back my golem companion immediately.


Noone knows if it will be back ever mate.

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8 hours ago, Darves.6798 said:

Nobody knows if my golem will ever come back? So as in the first post..


To the developers.. I demand my Inquest Mark I Golem back immediately.


As someone who had to suffer through the norn racials being poop, and the elite forms being made to be poop so you would not use them... I have to tell you. Do not get your hopes up. I also lost my rock dog.. so I.. I can relate. This is what they do. It'll come back as some selling point in the future.. just look how long it took them to give rangers their baby sand shark.

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I don't really understand why this specific companion effect is such a crutch for you that you can't play the game without it. 

But I do think that (part of the) the game is supposed to be fun, and fun temporary companions that people took along maybe even named for years and then took them away for whatever reason, that's kinda sucky honestly. (and sure there are some good reasons to do so which may or may not be perceived as such.)

But hey, maybe they will bring back Pets to take along as or instead of relics. Ofcourse who knows how long you'd need to wait for that one.

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I wonder if they could be brought back as skills?  Special action skills?  While special actions are getting used more and more often.  There is pleanty of time where the mechanic isn't used at all.  What if the temporary summons were the default special action, and got temporarily replaced when story or events demanded it?  Or Anet could just give us more special action skill... slots?

I am just not sure how we would aquire the skills in game.  What method would be used.

Edit: combat novelties? An endless consumable?  I wouldn't want them on bundles or on actual consumable items. Though that could be a karma sink. Idk

Edited by Zebulous.2934
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4 minutes ago, Nate Anabe.6091 said:

Switch to ranger temporally with a tanky pet, sounds like the golem was crutch more then anything else

If rangers had golem pets, or golem pet skins, perhaps that would appeal. 
Some of it is about aesthetics.  I can understand if a person feels the need to give a gameplay answer, because they don't think that aesthetics are a good enough reason.
Aesthetics are a perfectly valid reason to want something in a game.  
It could just be that they don't like the way ranger plays, or the ranger pet's constant presence is annoying.  A pet that only shows up for battle and on  a class that doesn't have summons sounds convenient. 

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Sorry to hear this has affected your gameplay. Though it may be difficult you might have to change/adapt  your playstyle in order to continue to play the game but this sort of thing has been a constant issue for many players whenever they make  changes in game. Consider they did not add it to the list of current relics it's either that they don't plan to bring it back at all, it requires crafting with special materials and/or methods, or it will be added later on (maybe weeks, maybe months, maybe even years).

Your complaints and demands via the forums may not be fruitful in getting the companion back so my suggestion would be to look up builds and/or other classes that help with survival. I know this may not be ideal but it's better than struggling.

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