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How the new daily system in Wizards Vault reduced my enjoyment of GW2 [Merged]

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For those telling OP it is them doing it to themselves, they did agree with that, their brain just reacts that way.

OP, I also felt a lot of pressure to get every bit of AA at the start.  I didn't realize how incredibly generous they would be with it (and I hope they never nerf it).  I'm struggling to find things I want to spend it on and every update they keep giving out more Special category ones for hundreds of the stuff.  I have all the skins, all the armor and weapons, all the cheap gold, just tons of stuff.  I might buy some things that are considered "noob traps" at this point just to burn up the AA.

Once you take a look at that, and do internalize that it's like missing out on one gold as you commented, you will hopefully be able to relax about it and use it as a guide to activities if you are looking for something to do or ignore it for a day or two if you have other projects.  I just spent my evening in WvW to finish getting the Tahkayun blades, my AA comes all from PvE, and I didn't mind a bit 🙂  Last night I went through all my alts getting rid of swords since I made Bolt from the legendary starter kit and now have two legendary swords.  No AA from that time either.  And I'm still filling up the 1300 cap on a regular basis by doing things that progress me in other ways (rift events are very handy for a lot of the AA tasks).

I know it's hard to convince yourself you don't need it all.  But you truly don't.  ANet hasn't made a FOMO machine (yet.  They could very well tighten things up once folks are hooked, but players *will* notice and *will* comment and possibly *will* give up on the game if they do.  Their blog on the system said they didn't want it to be a FOMO system.  Let's hold them to that.

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1 hour ago, Futeko.9405 said:

I'd just like to add: please stop suggesting "you just need to go to therapy" to anyone with anxiety or anxiety-related issues. This is neither constructive nor helpful. (Unless that's not your goal to be - then carry on).

Unfortunately you can't snap your fingers and change your mind and heart to whatever you want, wishing away your flaws like they never were.

A therapist helps you to learn to deal with those syndromes, and that includes recognizing their triggers so you can manage them better, as I've already explained. That is why I'm talking about the FOMO-inducing trigger that the WV added.

I'll reassure you: that FOMO-trigger is not going to kill me or paralyze me with panic. It's however sucking away my enjoyment of the game, which the previous system wasn't doing. Hence why I'm writing this feedback, not a call for help.

What I'm raising are three facts:

  1. The new system uses time-gated unique tasks and currency, which is a trigger for FOMO. The previous system didn't have that.
  2. The new system requires more daily/weekly time to complete all time-gated tasks than the previous one.
  3. The new system offers less choice for daily tasks than the previous one.

Whether or how much of an issue you feel those facts are, is up to personal preference. I appreciate many people do not feel #1 is an issue. I respect that. Please also respect my feeling of it as an issue impacting my enjoyment of the game (and be happy you don't have to deal with that same feeling).

I'm also not talking about other merits (or flaws) of the new system, such as reducing material farming through alt accounts. I'm saying I feel the above facts cause issues that can be mitigated.

1) This is also not true,  new daily weekly doesn't need more time to complete.

2) also already tried to tell you not to worry because even if you don't  complete the special task ins Wizard Vault,  you will have enough astral points to exchange for items in the vault.

3) less choices is true. 

The only way to fix this is to make it so everyone's reset time for the Wizard Vault reward claim is different, don't fixed it @ 72 days, let the players progress at their own pace, we need a  'CLICK OK IF YOU ARE READY TO MOVE ON TO THE NEXT VAULT" button 

Edited by babana.7521
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12 minutes ago, babana.7521 said:

1) This is also not true,  new daily weekly doesn't need more time to complete.

2) also already tried to tell you not to worry because even if you don't  complete the special task ins Wizard Vault,  you will have enough astral points to exchange for items in the vault.

3) less choices is true. 

The only way to fix this is to make it so everyone's reset time for the Wizard Vault reward claim is different, don't fixed it @ 72 days, let the players progress at their own pace, you need a  'CLICK OK IF YOU ARE READY TO MOVE ON TO THE NEXT VAULT" button 

That won't fix it, as the person will be worried about missing out on all the stuff that other players, who clicked ready, are buying.

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29 minutes ago, Donari.5237 said:

For those telling OP it is them doing it to themselves, they did agree with that, their brain just reacts that way.

OP, I also felt a lot of pressure to get every bit of AA at the start.  I didn't realize how incredibly generous they would be with it (and I hope they never nerf it).  I'm struggling to find things I want to spend it on and every update they keep giving out more Special category ones for hundreds of the stuff.  I have all the skins, all the armor and weapons, all the cheap gold, just tons of stuff.  I might buy some things that are considered "noob traps" at this point just to burn up the AA.

Once you take a look at that, and do internalize that it's like missing out on one gold as you commented, you will hopefully be able to relax about it and use it as a guide to activities if you are looking for something to do or ignore it for a day or two if you have other projects.  I just spent my evening in WvW to finish getting the Tahkayun blades, my AA comes all from PvE, and I didn't mind a bit 🙂  Last night I went through all my alts getting rid of swords since I made Bolt from the legendary starter kit and now have two legendary swords.  No AA from that time either.  And I'm still filling up the 1300 cap on a regular basis by doing things that progress me in other ways (rift events are very handy for a lot of the AA tasks).

I know it's hard to convince yourself you don't need it all.  But you truly don't.  ANet hasn't made a FOMO machine (yet.  They could very well tighten things up once folks are hooked, but players *will* notice and *will* comment and possibly *will* give up on the game if they do.  Their blog on the system said they didn't want it to be a FOMO system.  Let's hold them to that.

Thanks Donari. I really didn't know what to say to the OP but you did, and you said some good things.
Appreciate it!


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I believe OP is misinterpreting the Wizards Vault system entirely.
Maximizing your AA gain =/= FOMO.

All cosmetic items will be permanently available within the 'Legacy' tab albeit at a slightly higher cost.
The current iteration of the Wizards Vault is the total opposite of FOMO.

I truly believe this to be a psychological matter.
If you absolutely 'need' to obtain every single AA that the game has to offer, then go for it.
But don't imply that the system is un-just because of your "need to have it all" mentality.

From personal experience 'Dailies' take no longer than 5 minutes on average, can be longer if 'Complete an Activity' is included.
'Weeklies' usually take around an hour or so.
'Specials' can take a couple of hours, depending on what is required.

If this amount of work is too much for you, I'm afraid this genre as a whole may not be for you.

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35 minutes ago, Hesione.9412 said:

That won't fix it, as the person will be worried about missing out on all the stuff that other players, who clicked ready, are buying.

well than what ever the op proposed isn't going to help either, because if they are FOMO, they gonna worry regardless. because some one out there already claimed everything in the vault. 

Edited by babana.7521
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6 hours ago, Futeko.9405 said:

I feel forced to get as much Astral Acclaim as I can, because (1) there are exclusive rewards you can only get with AA, (2) those rewards will disappear or get more expensive later, and (3) you can only get so much AA per cycle.


It's literally the opposite. We have like weeks left in current iteration and I already don't know what to do with AA.  I even bought griffon skin even though I don't own griffon and don't want to do it. 

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6 hours ago, Shaogin.2679 said:

And honestly, I am already at the point where I am running out of stuff that I even want to spend my AA on, so the pace seems fine.

That's true only of players that have already played through all the content/story. If you aren't finished with it yet, and want to play through it at your own pace, instead of skipping content or rushing through it, the amount of AAs you can get suddenly gets reduced by a massive amount.

All Specials are tied to SotO. With some requiring you to pass a certain point in story, and at least one tied to maxing a mastery line.

Even though weekly completion requires doing only 6 out of 8, it's often impossible without going into late expansions.

In fact, on some days you can't even complete dailies without going into later expansions (one of the previous dailies i've had had for example 2 things that were simple to do, but had to be done in Cantha).

So, if you are playing through story, and do not want to rush things, you will have nowhere as close to the amount of AAs some people use as baseline for judging this system. And that's even assuming you play on daily basis.

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5 hours ago, Hesione.9412 said:

I looked it up, apparently the term was coined in 2004, and it applied to social needs from other people. I don't know when it became associated with online game rewards: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8283615/

It's not strictly tied to online game rewards. It's just a marketing strategy - or at least a specific take on an even older marketing strategy called "artificial scarcity". It's being associated with online games because when online games market exploded, marketing departments in charge of those games didn't take too long to notice that it's a great strategy to use to prey on players. One of many great strategies (like lockboxes).

It's the very thing that forms the basis of sales rotation in GW2's gemshop, for example.

In short, it's nothing new. In fact the mechansm itself (if not the name) predates the existence of games by centuries (and i am being conservative here - it was likely known and used by at least some merchants long before even that)

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The only move towards mobile game GW2 is doing is the lack of content in a major expansion.

Besides that, the wizard's vault is a way better option for casuals then the old daily log-in reward since you can easily get way more laurels and other stuff like that, in a shorter time not to mention there's also a increase in ways you can acquire clovers.

If any, the vault encourage players to actually play the game instead of log-in multiple accounts.

Edited by Supernova Starr.2069
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This topic is sad and show us why older generation complain about younger generation and you can say nothing to them as defense.

First OP topics seems like "spend more time on forum than in game". Most of complaints I saw about wizard's vault go down to "I need to play game now and can not finish daily task in 1 min". Now in case having rewards from old system which were useless we got actuall rewards and you can even choose what you want, need or like.

I was doing daily, weekly and finished 2 sets of Special task from launch of SOTO and now I have nothing to buy from Wizard's vault. Overal daily tasks take 10 to 20 mins finish and weekly tasks take additional 1 hour. If there was no storage limit for AA, then with Wizard's vault reward reset I could just buy everything and have AA left. So new system is designed in mind with casual players.

Also GW2 is designed about not being able to miss anything. There is no gear treadmill in this game so gear you got 10 years ago is still relevant in 2023. GW2 actually feel like only MMO which you can finish.

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Thanks a lot for this topic. I feel that it is an important discusion. Several things that you talk about actualy bother me as well and make me think about quitting gw2 which sadens me.

The main difference is that i have unlock every map in the game, so i don't feel the pressure to play content or rush to a certain content as much as you do. This means actually that the Wizard Vault is mainly reducing my fear of missing out. Let me explain this point. There are actually several mechanics in the game that already generate a lot of fear of missing out. 

The first one i wanted to mention is fractals. I have been running those for over half a yeah and i still enjoy them. Never the less its one of the only places you can do to generate a decent amount of gold. This actually generates a pressure to do them every day and also generates expectation to do them rather quickly. In my experience this is the cause for a lot of the drama happening daily. People who do them to "farm" meet players who do them to enjoy them or players who are learning to do them. Those different expectation generate friction in the community. In Raids its the same story. You don't need to run them for long to see those kind of drama happening. This leads to Kill Prove requests which are used in the hope that this will filter players out who are "just" here to leech loot. Thats leads me to the main point, why are people leeching loot? In my Opignion there are 2 causes for this. The first one is because certains stuff can only be obtained in specific places. Isn't that actually against the main idear of Guild Wars 2 to let the players play the game the way they want? The other cause is exactly the fear of missing out. Those places generate a lot of value comparted to the time invested. Thats also the reasons why experienced players are doing raid, fractals and other stuff. Because they have to do them to get what they need/want. If they end up in a squad who is not performing they leave because they feel like they are wasting there time aka because they are missing out. I mean why is almost noone running dungeons? There is a hughe amount of content in this game which is simply not used by the community.

In my understanding gold and the traiding post where designed to allow player to play the game the way they want. Through those mecanics you can exchange the stuff you need for the stuff you get playing the game. But is this actually the case? I would argue that it isn't in the actual state of the game. Because they are hughe differences on how much gold you loot players feel pressured in playing only certain content over and over again. The main example is the Amalgamated Gemstone. This is worth a decent amount of gold and you only get it from certain meta events. This means that players are running daily meta train over and over again, doing only 1 event in 10 different maps. They don't do others events because they feel like its not worth doing aka because of the fear of missing out. This means that the community is actually doing only a small fraction of the content over and over again because of the fear of missing out. There are even websites listing the places where you can get over half a gold in a couple of minutes. Is that a game that promotes to play the way you want to play it? Is parking an alt in the Verdant Brink just to log in wen the Matriach Wyvern is spawning actually fun? Is going to events 10 min in advance, wait there 10 min and then do the event just to be sure the map is not full actually fun? My personal opignion is that it is not, yet i feel presured to do those things because there is no other way to get what i want in less than several years.

This actually leeds me to an other point in the game which bothers me. It is the way to get legendarys. Those are often presented as quality of live stuff you don't really need. Yet everybody only talks about them. Since I have started working on them the fun I have playing the game, actually decreased considerably. I have ignored them for long and build up all classes to 80 and stuffed them with ascended gear just to notice that half the builds I made went from listed as recomanded down to not even viable any more because of patches. So my experience is that ascended gear is half of the time useless and a waste of gold. This means that i am acutally feeling presured to work on legendarys. So today i have to choose between keeping my gold for legendarys or spend it to have fun in the game right now. I end up saving my gold for legendarys like a lot of players do, doing boring gold farm stuff. I do this because doing fun stuff makes me feel like missing out.

For me personaly fun stuff would actually include help newer players to learn how to do fractals, raids etc. I enjoy doing stuff like this. But wen I log in, having 1 hour before I have to leave, and end up in a fractal party who doesn't know what it is doing, i get frustrated as well. This part is what bothers me the most. Those mecanics actually favor a toxic community and a farming game instead of a fun game. Those are game design choices of arena net, so they have the possibility to change the game experience for a lot of players! 


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2 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

It's not strictly tied to online game rewards. It's just a marketing strategy - or at least a specific take on an even older marketing strategy called "artificial scarcity". It's being associated with online games because when online games market exploded, marketing departments in charge of those games didn't take too long to notice that it's a great strategy to use to prey on players. One of many great strategies (like lockboxes).

It's the very thing that forms the basis of sales rotation in GW2's gemshop, for example.

In short, it's nothing new. In fact the mechansm itself (if not the name) predates the existence of games by centuries (and i am being conservative here - it was likely known and used by at least some merchants long before even that)

This game is throwing AA at us. Where is the scarcity? Everything in the WV will be available to buy down the track. There are three months for the current items. I'm not seeing scarcity. There is no "missing out" on the gemstore, there is merely the inconvenience of the item of interest being unavailable until a later date, assuming it's in rotation and not always in the store. Anet have even put blc items on sale at a vendor, for statuettes.

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2 minutes ago, Aliblabla.3670 said:

Thanks a lot for this topic. I feel that it is an important discusion. Several things that you talk about actualy bother me as well and make me think about quitting gw2 which sadens me.

The main difference is that i have unlock every map in the game, so i don't feel the pressure to play content or rush to a certain content as much as you do. This means actually that the Wizard Vault is mainly reducing my fear of missing out. Let me explain this point. There are actually several mechanics in the game that already generate a lot of fear of missing out. 

The first one i wanted to mention is fractals. I have been running those for over half a yeah and i still enjoy them. Never the less its one of the only places you can do to generate a decent amount of gold. This actually generates a pressure to do them every day and also generates expectation to do them rather quickly. In my experience this is the cause for a lot of the drama happening daily. People who do them to "farm" meet players who do them to enjoy them or players who are learning to do them. Those different expectation generate friction in the community. In Raids its the same story. You don't need to run them for long to see those kind of drama happening. This leads to Kill Prove requests which are used in the hope that this will filter players out who are "just" here to leech loot. Thats leads me to the main point, why are people leeching loot? In my Opignion there are 2 causes for this. The first one is because certains stuff can only be obtained in specific places. Isn't that actually against the main idear of Guild Wars 2 to let the players play the game the way they want? The other cause is exactly the fear of missing out. Those places generate a lot of value comparted to the time invested. Thats also the reasons why experienced players are doing raid, fractals and other stuff. Because they have to do them to get what they need/want. If they end up in a squad who is not performing they leave because they feel like they are wasting there time aka because they are missing out. I mean why is almost noone running dungeons? There is a hughe amount of content in this game which is simply not used by the community.

In my understanding gold and the traiding post where designed to allow player to play the game the way they want. Through those mecanics you can exchange the stuff you need for the stuff you get playing the game. But is this actually the case? I would argue that it isn't in the actual state of the game. Because they are hughe differences on how much gold you loot players feel pressured in playing only certain content over and over again. The main example is the Amalgamated Gemstone. This is worth a decent amount of gold and you only get it from certain meta events. This means that players are running daily meta train over and over again, doing only 1 event in 10 different maps. They don't do others events because they feel like its not worth doing aka because of the fear of missing out. This means that the community is actually doing only a small fraction of the content over and over again because of the fear of missing out. There are even websites listing the places where you can get over half a gold in a couple of minutes. Is that a game that promotes to play the way you want to play it? Is parking an alt in the Verdant Brink just to log in wen the Matriach Wyvern is spawning actually fun? Is going to events 10 min in advance, wait there 10 min and then do the event just to be sure the map is not full actually fun? My personal opignion is that it is not, yet i feel presured to do those things because there is no other way to get what i want in less than several years.

This actually leeds me to an other point in the game which bothers me. It is the way to get legendarys. Those are often presented as quality of live stuff you don't really need. Yet everybody only talks about them. Since I have started working on them the fun I have playing the game, actually decreased considerably. I have ignored them for long and build up all classes to 80 and stuffed them with ascended gear just to notice that half the builds I made went from listed as recomanded down to not even viable any more because of patches. So my experience is that ascended gear is half of the time useless and a waste of gold. This means that i am acutally feeling presured to work on legendarys. So today i have to choose between keeping my gold for legendarys or spend it to have fun in the game right now. I end up saving my gold for legendarys like a lot of players do, doing boring gold farm stuff. I do this because doing fun stuff makes me feel like missing out.

For me personaly fun stuff would actually include help newer players to learn how to do fractals, raids etc. I enjoy doing stuff like this. But wen I log in, having 1 hour before I have to leave, and end up in a fractal party who doesn't know what it is doing, i get frustrated as well. This part is what bothers me the most. Those mecanics actually favor a toxic community and a farming game instead of a fun game. Those are game design choices of arena net, so they have the possibility to change the game experience for a lot of players! 


I make choices. I choose to have an alt parked at mat. I choose to have two alts parked at jadestone farms. I choose to have something like 10 alts parked at a flax farm. I choose to do tequatl, and drakkar, and leyline anomaly, and drakkar because they're relatively fast and fun. I choose to do WvW so I can be with friends doing an activity I like. I choose not to do fractals and raids as I don't find them fun. Just like I chose not to do the fractal rush. I've chosen to do a meta in EoD because I happened to be on the map when one started. I even chose to do crab toss today.

These are choices. We all have to make them.

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7 minutes ago, Hesione.9412 said:

I make choices. I choose to have an alt parked at mat. I choose to have two alts parked at jadestone farms. I choose to have something like 10 alts parked at a flax farm. I choose to do tequatl, and drakkar, and leyline anomaly, and drakkar because they're relatively fast and fun. I choose to do WvW so I can be with friends doing an activity I like. I choose not to do fractals and raids as I don't find them fun. Just like I chose not to do the fractal rush. I've chosen to do a meta in EoD because I happened to be on the map when one started. I even chose to do crab toss today.

These are choices. We all have to make them.

So you are saying that having 10 alt parked at flax farm is fun for you. In this case i am happy for you. But actually your argument of choice is an oversimplyfication. Would you do the flax farm if it woudn't give you gold? I would argue that you woudn't. So you don't do them because they are fun but because you feel presured to do them and because it doesn't bother you to do them. This is a big difference.

The thing is that i enjoy doing stuff like fractals, raid etc. I mean i help people train even without getting any loot at all. Which means that i am confronted with the drama in there caused by the presure to farm gold. And this part takes a lot of fun out of the game for me.

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3 minutes ago, Aliblabla.3670 said:

So you are saying that having 10 alt parked at flax farm is fun for you. In this case i am happy for you. But actually your argument of choice is an oversimplyfication. Would you do the flax farm if it woudn't give you gold? I would argue that you woudn't. So you don't do them because they are fun but because you feel presured to do them and because it doesn't bother you to do them. This is a big difference.

The thing is that i enjoy doing stuff like fractals, raid etc. I mean i help people train even without getting any loot at all. Which means that i am confronted with the drama in there caused by the presure to farm gold. And this part takes a lot of fun out of the game for me.

I'm there because it takes a lot of linseed oil to level up parts of a guild hall. I chose to have a personal guild hall, and I choose to level it up by myself.

What I choose and choose not to do in this game is my own business. I'm leaving the above in there in case someone is quoting me. I don't have to justify why I do things in a game. The point is that we all choose to do what we do. We all have our reasons.

Back to the OP's comments about FOMO. This is a you problem. The game throws things at people. There is nothing else the game can do other than just hand stuff out willy-nilly.

Edited by Hesione.9412
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FOMO is all about personal perception imho. I never care for events/rewards with a time-limit nearly enough for a sentiment like fear to motivate me to do something I'm clearly not in the mood to do. If I'm not in the mood to do a specific meta e.g, well I've got the week to see if I change my mind or just keep doing what I care about ingame.

Personally I perceive Wizard Vault like Warframe's Nightwaves and will end up treating them the same way. Meaning after awhile I'll forget about it and only check them if I see I've done some that day or if I'm bored atm 🤷‍♂️

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2 minutes ago, Hesione.9412 said:

I'm there because it takes a lot of linseed oil to level up parts of a guild hall. I chose to have a personal guild hall, and I choose to level it up by myself.

Semantics. Ok you don't want gold, but something else rare in the game. But you still didn't answert my question if you would do then if it gave you nothing at all. Sure you choose your goals and yours is to farm for a personal guild hall. If that makes you enjoy the game i am happy for you. But you have to addmit that this is rather an expection and not a main part of the players.

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Just now, Aliblabla.3670 said:

Semantics. Ok you don't want gold, but something else rare in the game. But you still didn't answert my question if you would do then if it gave you nothing at all. Sure you choose your goals and yours is to farm for a personal guild hall. If that makes you enjoy the game i am happy for you. But you have to addmit that this is rather an expection and not a main part of the players.

I don't have to explain myself to you, nor does anyone else. I'm not the one with FOMO. This isn't semantics, I - along with most people here - don't have FOMO. We know that when we choose to do X it means we cannot do Y. I play this game because I enjoy it. And when I don't enjoy it any longer, I will stop playing. And once I stop playing, I will definitely miss out on things. But so what?

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5 minutes ago, Hesione.9412 said:

I don't have to explain myself to you, nor does anyone else. I'm not the one with FOMO. This isn't semantics, I - along with most people here - don't have FOMO. We know that when we choose to do X it means we cannot do Y. I play this game because I enjoy it. And when I don't enjoy it any longer, I will stop playing. And once I stop playing, I will definitely miss out on things. But so what?

Heathen that I am, I've even taken breaks from the game even though I've only been playing for two years. I'm sure I'll keep taking breaks too, and miss things ingame. Same way I'm sure I'm missing things irl when I'm ingame. Like fresh air and grass 😉 I'm alright with that because those are consequences of choices I've made knowingly.

IMHO if you stop caring too much about time in a game that's supposed to make you forget about it, and start caring more about having fun and doing what you want, that fear just won't develop. With or without dailies/Wizard Vault/time-limited events etc. If you're in a hurry, everything has a time-limit anyway... one you put on yourself coz you'll burn out.

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38 minutes ago, Sirvaleen.1379 said:

FOMO is all about personal perception imho.

Yes. Targeting psychological vulnerabilities like that is at the core of this marketing strategy. Notice, that for FOMO to work it's not necessary to you to miss anything out when you do not "take bait". All that is needed is to make you feel you will lose out. Promotional "one of a kind" occasions that try to sell to you things you do not need and would not even think of buying otherwise also use that approach. Logical reasoning might tell you that there's nothing to "lose out" on, but the marketing specifically aims at making you not think calmly and logically, but make emotionally driven, impulsive decisions.

And, unfortunately, this approach works extremely well against a lot of people. Which is why it's so popular.

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On 9/27/2023 at 8:13 PM, Futeko.9405 said:

(2) Fear Of Missing Out syndrome - "if you don't get it now, it'll be unavailable/more expensive later and/or everyone else will be ahead of you and you'll never catch up to them".

What the blogpost about the Wizard's Vault said was actually the opposite: 

"Those rewards will refresh on a quarterly basis—but fear not! As new items cycle in, any Wizard’s Vault–exclusive rewards will simply move into a legacy section of the vault, where they’ll remain available for the same type of currency indefinitely." (https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/new-rewards-in-guild-wars-2-secrets-of-the-obscure/)


On 9/27/2023 at 8:13 PM, Futeko.9405 said:

This is all based on addiction mechanisms and not on what makes a game fun or enjoyable. You're completing tasks because you "need" your rewards, not because the task and/or the rewards are fun. In other words, the fun over time invested ratio is very small and you're playing more because you feel you "have to" rather than because you want to.

The dailies are divided by game mode, if you play a specific one you will do them anyway. The PvE dailies are the only ones that sometimes requires you to do things that will be out of your way.. such as jumping puzzles or a mini dungeons.. which each take less than 5 minutes to complete and most of the time there are people at the end of them that let you teleport to friend in case you don't want to go through the hassle. So your rewards should come somewhat naturally, by playing your favorite game mode(s).


On 9/27/2023 at 8:13 PM, Futeko.9405 said:
  • I feel forced to complete content I was not planning to complete (yet), because some dailies/weeklies/specials lead me to zones I have not yet reached in the story.
    • Most importantly, I feel forced to complete the current content in SOTO now, even though I'm not yet done with the story up to there, because of the Specials WV tab. Combined with my limited game time and the fact the WV tasks have me perform tasks e.g. in Cantha when I'm barely starting LW4, I'm spending most of my time rushing content out of order because of the time-limited nature of WV rewards.

I guess Anet assumes that people who bought the games will actually play the games they bought? By giving people dailies on yet-undiscovered areas it may actually push you to want to visit them soon because they want people to want to be up to date with the current state of the game. Honestly, you have to do very little of each expansion to get to where they want you to do said dailies. The dailies that are bound to a specific expansion can be completed in the first map of each expansion, only weeklies may require you to go further than that, and they are completely optional since you can get them done without doing every task.


On 9/27/2023 at 8:13 PM, Futeko.9405 said:
  • Dispel the FOMO-feeling by ensuring AA can get you exclusive rewards earlier/faster, with the legacy tab using other currencies so you never "get behind" on AA.
    • For example, have legacy rewards also offered for spirit shards, gold, materials, etc.
    • That way, even if you miss out on AA, you know you'll still be able to get the exclusive rewards through other means. You won't feel that if you miss on 1000 AA, that's 1000 AA you'll never get back, and a reward you'll never be able to buy because new rewards for AA are constantly getting added.

Dude, all exclusive rewards will be there waiting for you no matter how long you take to get said amount of AA. Also, the rewards will keep being added every 3 months.. they offer so many options to get huge amounts of AA. There is a healthy amount of time given to players to get their AA to trade for the exclusives.. it's not like it rotates at a weekly basis.


On 9/27/2023 at 8:13 PM, Futeko.9405 said:
  • Go back to offering all PvE, PvP and WvW dailies/weeklies to everyone, but only award AA for the first 4 dailies/6 weeklies.
    • Further tasks can be completed for non-AA rewards (like a chest with materials, unidentified gear, etc.) like the previous system.
    • That way, you actually have a choice in what you want to complete on a specific day/week, and you can more easily skip what you don't like and/or don't have access to.

That would just lead to the issue that made them change the dailies, which was the fact that new players often come to the forums and reddit to say that they got to level 80 and don't know what to do from that point and on. The dailies direct players to do specific things so they can find things to do that they may like while still getting cool rewards. With the old system people would just get the easiest each day and never try something different/new.

Edited by leila.7962
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