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You guys made everything easier. Disrespect for old players.

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hello, I would like to express my dissatisfaction with the path the game has taken.

I've been playing this Game for 5 years, it's more than 10k hours of gameplay, and I've seen a lot of things here, and more and more, I see you making things easier, not only that, but literally giving them away for free to everyone, stay the question, what is the meaning of this? You are creating a community of slackers, who don't want to make any effort to get something, who don't want to spend a few hours in WvW to do ONE reward Track, to get a Gift of Battle.

First was the Prismatic Champion's Regalia amulet, which came to replace Transcedence (Literally replace, because today nobody wants to do it)

Aurene's Legendary Weapons, which spend less material than a generation 1 weapon, and the material you get for free from the npc.

Not to mention Skyscale, which is already the 3rd time you've made it easy to get him. And where is the compensation for those who already have it?

And to make matters worse, you're almost giving away a legendary weapon from the 1st generation through the Vault, what's the point of that? Is it for people to forget how poor and weak this update was? because the price paid was almost that of a Full Price dlc.

If you want to bring more players and keep the active ones, it's not facilitating and giving things away, much less abandoning content, how many maps and farms did you kill, Domain of Istan, Dragonfall, Dungeons, among other maps, not to mention that , now the longer you stay on the map the less XP we earn. what is the next farm you are going to kill? Fractal 42? You have already lowered the rewards for CMs.

In my opinion, what you are doing is disrespectful to players who have been playing the longest and have suffered to get things done in this game.

I say this because we go and kill ourselves to get it, now a new player comes and wins almost for free and after 2 or 3 months they stop playing and come back only in the next expansion, but we stay here.

And I'm sure of that because when a casual player gets the items they want they just leave the game, and the excuse is always the same "I already got what I wanted, I have nothing else to do in the game." I've seen it over and over again, and now you're giving them these items. "Ahhh but you can't make things difficult because nobody does it". Narrative is wrong because they do, and when they succeed they are happy, it generates a feeling of achievement (which is no longer in this game).

Here's a list of MY wishes.

. Improve the Marketing of the game.
. Improve existing content (Raid, Fractal, Open world).
. (I don't speak of Dungeons, because I understand that the code where they are is inaccessible right now.) .Rebalanced the aquatic combat. (It has a lot of Useless class) .
.And where is the Legendary Breather, 11 years and nothing .

.The aquatic legendary weapons of the 2nd and 3rd generation?
. Make more beautiful skins (there are a lot of ugly skins that nobody wants, isn't that what sells? cosmetics?).
. Improve the Functions of the Guilds (The game is called Guild Wars and the Guilds are useless, I spent 2 years playing without a guild and I didn't miss it).
. Home is abandoned.
. WvW rework has been going on for 2 years and is not out of Beta.

And for the love of God, stop making things easy, if somewhere needs a flying mount it was for the player to go there to get it FIRST, then do the expansion content. Yesterday a guy entered our Discord asking us to take him on a turtle to make the map of New Kaineng, because he didn't have any mounts. (He wasn't supposed to be there).

Anyway. thank you for your attention. this was my opnion, everyone has their own. And if you felt bad about something that I said, MMORPG is not for you go play LOL.


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I can't understand how people can be so negative towards new people having to grind less.. 

PvE leggy Amulet "replaced" Transcendence, because I could count the number of people going for that on a single hand over the last... ~7 years.

~15 months after EoD's release I crafted Twilight cheaper from scratch than finishing up the Aurene GS that I already had the precursor for, it was speculated it will be cheap when they showed them off since they weren't "unique", the only reason they were expensive are Summoning Stones and Jade Runestones, the latter dropped by ~20% since Soto's release.

I know it's shocking that the Skyscale is easier to get, only if there was motivation to do both collections, oh.. there is. It still takes time to do it, but instead of being ~4 days you can do it in a few hours if you have the materials.

Gen 1 Legendaries have been cheap for years, have you seen their price when EoD released MCs started to drop in price pulling everything that needs MCs with them, I don't remember you complaining about that. You're upset that people can get ~25% of a Gen 1 Legendary in exchange for 1k AA every 3 months?

Dragonfall is not dead, it's still one of the most populated farming maps in the game. 

New players won't go for the Skyscale, they won't go for Legendaries either, they aren't going for the Legendary amulet either. If a player figures it's time to go for any of those that player has experienced the game enough.

Making things less of a hassle for those who play the game that are not sitting on thousands of hours is not disrespectful. Screaming "It shouldn't be easier for others!" and "New players don't deserve it!" is disrespectful.

Closing your rant with 

21 minutes ago, Das Boot.9627 said:

And if you felt bad about something that I said, MMORPG is not for you go play LOL.

is absolutely hilarious. If you don't like games that you don't have to grind hours daaily... GW2 is not for you, go play WoW. Then again, you'd be complaining there that anything other than current release Mythic is easy and new players get the old content you had to pay for.

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2 minutes ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

go play WoW

Funnily enough, I almost wrote WoW and FFXIV are 2 of the most (if not the most) successful MMORPG's on the market. And their target audience IS the casual player. Development teams have *tried* catering to the sweaty grind-loving "hardcore" players, and games like that, Wildstar, Rift, etc. end up shooting themselves in the foot.

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38 minutes ago, Das Boot.9627 said:

You guys made everything easier. Disrespect for old players.

Making things more accessible and giving players more choice is a good thing and has nothing to do with disrespecting old players.

42 minutes ago, Das Boot.9627 said:

how many maps and farms did you kill (...) what is the next farm you are going to kill? Fractal 42? You have already lowered the rewards for CMs.

So you want to grind/farm more/harder and don't want other players to have the choice to grind/farm less?


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This is exactly what I said on my last post about them adding ascended armor/weapons to the dailies and its completely tanking the crafting market on the TP and deminmizing getting full ascended.  Now I assume the same players who are only here for about 6 months or less will bombard your thread and tell you that you're crying and that you're wrong and that you should get over it and who cares about vet players or LOL or "confused face emote".  ONLY you're not wrong. I'm a veteran player as well (played since gw1 launch solid till present thats 20 years of Guild wars.).

After all the naysayers who think these changes are great leave, you and I will be the ones still playing with our deminimized accomplishments, crafting market in tatters cuz "free ascended gear from dailies LOL" and "free legendareis from dailies BRO" as well as the EZ mode content because temporary newbies complained a lot. (only in this thread they'll act like YOURE the ONE COMPLAINING and give you a confused face emote.

Edited by Jumpin Lumpix.6108
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21 minutes ago, Jumpin Lumpix.6108 said:

Now I assume the same players who are only here for about 6 months or less will bombard your thread and tell you that you're crying and that you're wrong and that you should get over it and who cares about vet players or LOL or "confused face emote".  ONLY you're not wrong.

Can you express your opinion without disparaging other players? Your opinion that you don't like the changes is perfectly fine and legitimate. But other opinions are just as legitimate. It has nothing to do with right or wrong.

P.S. I am an old/vet player, too.

Edited by Zok.4956
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32 minutes ago, Squee Squashington.5189 said:

Funnily enough, I almost wrote WoW and FFXIV are 2 of the most (if not the most) successful MMORPG's on the market. And their target audience IS the casual player. Development teams have *tried* catering to the sweaty grind-loving "hardcore" players, and games like that, Wildstar, Rift, etc. end up shooting themselves in the foot.

Yep. I see "if you want hard game go play FF14/WoW" way too often from people who never tried either. Other than the gear tradmill and a good chunk of stuff being character bound WoW is overall easier than GW2. Imagine being able to solo W4 or W5 like you can solo Mythic Legion Raids in WoW.

18 minutes ago, Jumpin Lumpix.6108 said:

This is exactly what I said on my last post about them adding ascended armor/weapons to the dailies and its completely tanking the crafting market on the TP and deminmizing getting full ascended.  Now I assume the same players who are only here for about 6 months or less will bombard your thread and tell you that you're crying and that you're wrong and that you should get over it and who cares about vet players or LOL or "confused face emote".  ONLY you're not wrong. I'm a veteran player as well (played since gw1 launch solid till present thats 20 years of Guild wars.).

After all the naysayers who think these changes are great leave, you and I will be the ones still playing with our deminimized accomplishments, crafting market in tatters cuz "free ascended gear from dailies LOL" and "free legendareis from dailies BRO" as well as the EZ mode content because temporary newbies complained a lot. (only in this thread they'll act like YOURE the ONE COMPLAINING and give you a confused face emote.

More like people caring about the game will bombard the thread. I can also go on about flexing how I started GW a few weeks into the release of Factions, but it's pretty much the equivalent of "I make X amount of money a year", If you feel the need to dip into the "I've been playing since X" to try to support whatever your argument is trying to be is a good indication that your argument is borderline pointless. 

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If you can't make money selling ascended items anymore, find another gravy train. GW2 has never been about grinding for stats, it has always been about skins and quality of life. Arriving at max stat items should be a relatively painless part of progression to the end-game. It's already incredibly easy to obtain ascended trinkets, and has been for a very long time, why not extend that to armour and weapons?

I am also a GW1 vet, and played GW2 since launch. I have no issue with ascended items becoming easier to obtain. I played enough to get most of mine after my first set from drops anyway. Not to mention the ones still gathering dust in my bank.

Stop gatekeeping new players just because things were different when you first played.

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4 hours ago, Das Boot.9627 said:

hello, I would like to express my dissatisfaction with the path the game has taken.

I've been playing this Game for 5 years, it's more than 10k hours of gameplay, and I've seen a lot of things here, and more and more, I see you making things easier, not only that, but literally giving them away for free to everyone, stay the question, what is the meaning of this? You are creating a community of slackers, who don't want to make any effort to get something, who don't want to spend a few hours in WvW to do ONE reward Track, to get a Gift of Battle.

First was the Prismatic Champion's Regalia amulet, which came to replace Transcedence (Literally replace, because today nobody wants to do it)

Aurene's Legendary Weapons, which spend less material than a generation 1 weapon, and the material you get for free from the npc.

Not to mention Skyscale, which is already the 3rd time you've made it easy to get him. And where is the compensation for those who already have it?

And to make matters worse, you're almost giving away a legendary weapon from the 1st generation through the Vault, what's the point of that? Is it for people to forget how poor and weak this update was? because the price paid was almost that of a Full Price dlc.

If you want to bring more players and keep the active ones, it's not facilitating and giving things away, much less abandoning content, how many maps and farms did you kill, Domain of Istan, Dragonfall, Dungeons, among other maps, not to mention that , now the longer you stay on the map the less XP we earn. what is the next farm you are going to kill? Fractal 42? You have already lowered the rewards for CMs.

In my opinion, what you are doing is disrespectful to players who have been playing the longest and have suffered to get things done in this game.

I say this because we go and kill ourselves to get it, now a new player comes and wins almost for free and after 2 or 3 months they stop playing and come back only in the next expansion, but we stay here.

And I'm sure of that because when a casual player gets the items they want they just leave the game, and the excuse is always the same "I already got what I wanted, I have nothing else to do in the game." I've seen it over and over again, and now you're giving them these items. "Ahhh but you can't make things difficult because nobody does it". Narrative is wrong because they do, and when they succeed they are happy, it generates a feeling of achievement (which is no longer in this game).

Here's a list of MY wishes.

. Improve the Marketing of the game.
. Improve existing content (Raid, Fractal, Open world).
. (I don't speak of Dungeons, because I understand that the code where they are is inaccessible right now.) .Rebalanced the aquatic combat. (It has a lot of Useless class) .
.And where is the Legendary Breather, 11 years and nothing .

.The aquatic legendary weapons of the 2nd and 3rd generation?
. Make more beautiful skins (there are a lot of ugly skins that nobody wants, isn't that what sells? cosmetics?).
. Improve the Functions of the Guilds (The game is called Guild Wars and the Guilds are useless, I spent 2 years playing without a guild and I didn't miss it).
. Home is abandoned.
. WvW rework has been going on for 2 years and is not out of Beta.

And for the love of God, stop making things easy, if somewhere needs a flying mount it was for the player to go there to get it FIRST, then do the expansion content. Yesterday a guy entered our Discord asking us to take him on a turtle to make the map of New Kaineng, because he didn't have any mounts. (He wasn't supposed to be there).

Anyway. thank you for your attention. this was my opnion, everyone has their own. And if you felt bad about something that I said, MMORPG is not for you go play LOL.


Completely agree, couldn't say it better myself.

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In general, most MMOs tend to make older content easier to attain as new content comes out that needs attaining. Always been that way. I was here when ascended/legendaries were introduced, and back then there were only a handful of them so they needed to take forever to get. But now there's quite a few options, so they have room to make it easier for new players to catch up. That's generally a good thing!

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Im a pve player so i dont go in WvW to make a gift of battle, so why dont bringt another way to get this stuff
Skyscale new track is better then the old one, i find it better old was was vor me boring, find 21 of these know 15 of these know again 21 eggs and so on
The voult precursers are acc bound mby the legy also, and do you think how is dropprate about precurser? in my career from 11 years i got 1 pre out of mystic forge , so i dont have any legy weapon and i know i can do the archiment vor do it. Vor me its pretty fine to get a precurser
And it counts as a ascendend armor/weapoons i get full stuff out of fractals and they are fast to do so, so why not there, we have many chars to equip with all stuff
Im fine with all, we have more ways to get stuff like precurser/ascenden armor/weapons

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6 hours ago, Das Boot.9627 said:

You are creating a community of slackers, who don't want to make any effort to get something, who don't want to spend a few hours in WvW to do ONE reward Track, to get a Gift of Battle.

That ship's sailed years before you started playing.
The game at release was different than what you got to know. You already got it easier than the players before you too.
So don't throw your stones too far in your glass house.

But what you observe isn't the game. It's life.
Don't know about your country, but mine raises a community of slackers that may not even be a community anymore but a lazy mob of individualists that want their wishes fulfilled; not other's, other ppl are npcs even in real life; with low (self) effort.
We call it Gen Z.
(I'm Gen X)

The game industry probably does not target the old generations like me, so they adapt to the new one.

In this game I actually don't care. It's a game, meant to entertain. If some want it easy, then why not give them easy? As long as there is still a hard way for those that like it the hard way.
Some do the jumping puzzles step by step and jump by jump.
I fly with the skyscale and hop off.
Both player types may even teleport others to the chests afterwards.

Isn't the game awesome?


6 hours ago, Das Boot.9627 said:

And where is the compensation for those who already have it

What compensation? You kept it, it's not taken away from you.

Are you one of those guys that begrudge other ppl every little thing?

Edited by Lucy.3728
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6 hours ago, Das Boot.9627 said:

this was my opnion, everyone has their own.


This is the main point of all and the end.
I personally do not need a second job when I want to enjoy a game,that's it.

I got many things on the hard and long way when I had the time for it but now I want to enjoy the game and the things offered by the game with much less time for playing,am I guilty ?

I do not envy the things new players get easier I got my time to flash with things other not had back in time now I only want to enjoy the game and not doing a second job and that's my opinion on this matter.

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Folks, lets at least be honest with ourselves for a moment- we're playing a video game here, so we're all slackers. Any "achievement" we get from a video game is going to be for personal gratification only, and those who completed this stuff beforehand will have already gotten that.

Looks, I get it- not only am I an older player, but I'm also the kind of guy that does stuff like play Skyrim with survival mode, and with fast travel turned off. To most players that stuff sounds ridiculous, but I don't care how other people play the game; I get satisfaction from playing that way. But it's honestly silly to sit here and moan that other people are slackers because they didn't grind a video game like it's a job, when we're all sitting here being unproductive by playing this game vs accomplishing actual achievements in real life.

Come on... don't be that guy lol.

Edited by Ganogati.8963
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