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You guys made everything easier. Disrespect for old players.

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12 hours ago, Das Boot.9627 said:

And I'm sure of that because when a casual player gets the items they want they just leave the game, and the excuse is always the same "I already got what I wanted, I have nothing else to do in the game." I've seen it over and over again, and now you're giving them these items. "Ahhh but you can't make things difficult because nobody does it". Narrative is wrong because they do, and when they succeed they are happy, it generates a feeling of achievement (which is no longer in this game).

You would be right if Guild Wars was a widely established and popular title. It isn't. It can not bank on nostalgia nor attachment to the franchise keeping people around. Games using intellectual properties like Warcraft, Diablo, Elder Scrolls, Star Wars, and Lord of the Rings have the luxury of a sizeable core player base that will stick around no matter how boring, grindy, unbalanced or difficult said game is because they love the setting and characters that much. While the original Guild Wars was an excellent game it didn't draw crowds to the same extent as more well-known properties.

There is no emotional investment, especially for players who started or returned recently and are expected to pay for multiple living story seasons so they can understand what is going on. Already there is a barrier to entry there. Every annoyance throws up another a barrier and since these players are not invested into the game they quit after the first few barriers because there are plenty of other games in this genre to scratch the itch. 

What this means is that studios like Arenanet have to work extra hard to retain people and sometimes that means catering to what you call lazy players. In reality, a lot of them are uninvested players who, if the game hooks them by not throwing up too many initial barriers, can become invested and turn into regular players and spenders.

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14 hours ago, Das Boot.9627 said:

I've been playing this Game for 5 years

The fact that you have the nerve to speak as if you're the poster child for veteran players when you have been playing for HALF the time as most veteran players speaks for itself.

Don't presume how other players think. Making things easier for new players as time goes by doesn't "invalidate" anything that we had to go through in years past. Our reward for crafting legendaries the hard way 5 or 6 years ago is that WE'VE HAD LEGENDARIES FOR 5 OR 6 YEARS. What difference does it make to me that a newer player can craft a gen 1 legend cheaper than I did? I could also craft that legend for cheap now and sell it for profit, so it makes literally 0 difference.

Most veteran players are getting burned out of the game for content and balance reasons, NOT because "these kids nowadays get everything so easy so I have to be mad!" If that's your issue with it, then good for you, but stop pretending this is a problem that matters to most people. Most people don't care even remotely.

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14 hours ago, Das Boot.9627 said:

hello, I would like to express my dissatisfaction with the path the game has taken.

I've been playing this Game for 5 years, it's more than 10k hours of gameplay, and I've seen a lot of things here, and more and more, I see you making things easier, not only that, but literally giving them away for free to everyone, stay the question, what is the meaning of this? You are creating a community of slackers, who don't want to make any effort to get something, who don't want to spend a few hours in WvW to do ONE reward Track, to get a Gift of Battle.

First was the Prismatic Champion's Regalia amulet, which came to replace Transcedence (Literally replace, because today nobody wants to do it)

Aurene's Legendary Weapons, which spend less material than a generation 1 weapon, and the material you get for free from the npc.

Not to mention Skyscale, which is already the 3rd time you've made it easy to get him. And where is the compensation for those who already have it?

And to make matters worse, you're almost giving away a legendary weapon from the 1st generation through the Vault, what's the point of that? Is it for people to forget how poor and weak this update was? because the price paid was almost that of a Full Price dlc.

If you want to bring more players and keep the active ones, it's not facilitating and giving things away, much less abandoning content, how many maps and farms did you kill, Domain of Istan, Dragonfall, Dungeons, among other maps, not to mention that , now the longer you stay on the map the less XP we earn. what is the next farm you are going to kill? Fractal 42? You have already lowered the rewards for CMs.

In my opinion, what you are doing is disrespectful to players who have been playing the longest and have suffered to get things done in this game.

I say this because we go and kill ourselves to get it, now a new player comes and wins almost for free and after 2 or 3 months they stop playing and come back only in the next expansion, but we stay here.

And I'm sure of that because when a casual player gets the items they want they just leave the game, and the excuse is always the same "I already got what I wanted, I have nothing else to do in the game." I've seen it over and over again, and now you're giving them these items. "Ahhh but you can't make things difficult because nobody does it". Narrative is wrong because they do, and when they succeed they are happy, it generates a feeling of achievement (which is no longer in this game).

Here's a list of MY wishes.

. Improve the Marketing of the game.
. Improve existing content (Raid, Fractal, Open world).
. (I don't speak of Dungeons, because I understand that the code where they are is inaccessible right now.) .Rebalanced the aquatic combat. (It has a lot of Useless class) .
.And where is the Legendary Breather, 11 years and nothing .

.The aquatic legendary weapons of the 2nd and 3rd generation?
. Make more beautiful skins (there are a lot of ugly skins that nobody wants, isn't that what sells? cosmetics?).
. Improve the Functions of the Guilds (The game is called Guild Wars and the Guilds are useless, I spent 2 years playing without a guild and I didn't miss it).
. Home is abandoned.
. WvW rework has been going on for 2 years and is not out of Beta.

And for the love of God, stop making things easy, if somewhere needs a flying mount it was for the player to go there to get it FIRST, then do the expansion content. Yesterday a guy entered our Discord asking us to take him on a turtle to make the map of New Kaineng, because he didn't have any mounts. (He wasn't supposed to be there).

Anyway. thank you for your attention. this was my opnion, everyone has their own. And if you felt bad about something that I said, MMORPG is not for you go play LOL.


"The reward of being able to tell stories every day is worth the effort required to make it happen, no matter how long it takes"

You have my full support

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People on this thread won't be happy until everything in the game is given away for free, and achievements or accomplisments or personal wealth gain will become irrelevant, and then they will complain the game is too easy and then quit.  The vet players will be left holding the bag of a dead game that was influenced by temporary players who want everything handed to them so they can play for a month.

Anet devs should really not listen to people advocating that content/rewards/gold/achievements should be easier to do/obtain. Disrespecting veteran players and their accomplishments is not a good idea.

Edited by Jumpin Lumpix.6108
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Hey, veteran player here, been playing since beta 3 and own every expansion and every living world episode and played through all the story content and most of the open world stuff. I think what the devs are doing by making access to things like the skyscale and legendary weapons easier is actually fantastic. I might actually start making legendary items because of the ease of accessibility of it all. You don't speak for all veterans, you certainly don't speak for me.

Is everything the devs are doing perfect? Absolutely not, i have several gripes of my own with gw2. But is increased accessibility one of them? Absolutely not. Increased accessibility means more players get to enjoy the game.

More players means more revenue, more revenue means more gw2.

Honestly, they're doing the playerbase a favour by making things easier to access. Again, not everything about gw2 is perfect, and there certainly is a lot i'd complain about given the space and time to do so, but ease of accessibility is not one of them.

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It is true that certain current rewards suck in terms of fractals and unique rare-ish drops.

I am fine with some things getting easier to do. There is so much content that if you make everything hard people won't try everything.

The lie that people who made Skyscale earlier wasn't compensated is being spread still?

Home has been abandoned. RIP the system that couldn't make the PoF cut.

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7 hours ago, Jumpin Lumpix.6108 said:

People on this thread won't be happy until everything in the game is given away for free, and achievements or accomplisments or personal wealth gain will become irrelevant, and then they will complain the game is too easy and then quit.  The vet players will be left holding the bag of a dead game that was influenced by temporary players who want everything handed to them so they can play for a month.

Anet devs should really not listen to people advocating that content/rewards/gold/achievements should be easier to do/obtain. Disrespecting veteran players and their accomplishments is not a good idea.

45 k achievement points here. Beat every raid boss, most of them on challenge mode. All the strikes except for the last one. Two legendary backpacks in full legendary and I don't sell gems for gold.  The assumption that I don't care if people have it easier, is ludicrous. I know I have all the time in the world, since I'm retired, and thus, I can get things done others can't because I can throw countless hours at it.  It doesn't mean I can't sympathize with those who work.

I have a skyscale on 11 accounts. Yep, I did that old collection 11 times. At the end of the day, I have no issue with people getting stuff faster, because they'll never catch up to where I am anyway (and if they do, good for them). You can not care how hard someone else works, even if you're  a hard worker yourself.  

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22 hours ago, Jumpin Lumpix.6108 said:

This is exactly what I said on my last post about them adding ascended armor/weapons to the dailies and its completely tanking the crafting market on the TP and deminmizing getting full ascended.  Now I assume the same players who are only here for about 6 months or less will bombard your thread and tell you that you're crying and that you're wrong and that you should get over it and who cares about vet players or LOL or "confused face emote".  ONLY you're not wrong. I'm a veteran player as well (played since gw1 launch solid till present thats 20 years of Guild wars.).

After all the naysayers who think these changes are great leave, you and I will be the ones still playing with our deminimized accomplishments, crafting market in tatters cuz "free ascended gear from dailies LOL" and "free legendareis from dailies BRO" as well as the EZ mode content because temporary newbies complained a lot. (only in this thread they'll act like YOURE the ONE COMPLAINING and give you a confused face emote.

Just out of curiosity, how does how someone else got something diminish what you did?  Were your rewards not adequate for what you were doing?  Were you left unsatisfied by what you "accomplished"?

Before you start with the finger pointing about "new player that wants things the easy way" or whatever, I'm not new, and, frankly, I couldn't care less about how easy, or hard, gear that I don't need for what I do in game is to get.  I'm just wondering if it somehow tarnishes your "badge of honor" or something that someone might do something in less time than you did, and curious also, how did you feel about people that used the exact same method you did, but accomplished it faster?  Were they "basement dwelling no lifes" or something?  Just curious.

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23 hours ago, Das Boot.9627 said:

I've been playing this Game for 5 years

Dude you are not even a veteran player, many of us have played twice as long as you did. When you started many things have gotten easier for you. 

Edited by vares.8457
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On 8/29/2023 at 10:00 AM, Das Boot.9627 said:

hello, I would like to express my dissatisfaction with the path the game has taken.

I've been playing this Game for 5 years, it's more than 10k hours of gameplay, and I've seen a lot of things here, and more and more, I see you making things easier, not only that, but literally giving them away for free to everyone, stay the question, what is the meaning of this? You are creating a community of slackers, who don't want to make any effort to get something, who don't want to spend a few hours in WvW to do ONE reward Track, to get a Gift of Battle.

First was the Prismatic Champion's Regalia amulet, which came to replace Transcedence (Literally replace, because today nobody wants to do it)

Aurene's Legendary Weapons, which spend less material than a generation 1 weapon, and the material you get for free from the npc.

Not to mention Skyscale, which is already the 3rd time you've made it easy to get him. And where is the compensation for those who already have it?

And to make matters worse, you're almost giving away a legendary weapon from the 1st generation through the Vault, what's the point of that? Is it for people to forget how poor and weak this update was? because the price paid was almost that of a Full Price dlc.

If you want to bring more players and keep the active ones, it's not facilitating and giving things away, much less abandoning content, how many maps and farms did you kill, Domain of Istan, Dragonfall, Dungeons, among other maps, not to mention that , now the longer you stay on the map the less XP we earn. what is the next farm you are going to kill? Fractal 42? You have already lowered the rewards for CMs.

In my opinion, what you are doing is disrespectful to players who have been playing the longest and have suffered to get things done in this game.

I say this because we go and kill ourselves to get it, now a new player comes and wins almost for free and after 2 or 3 months they stop playing and come back only in the next expansion, but we stay here.

And I'm sure of that because when a casual player gets the items they want they just leave the game, and the excuse is always the same "I already got what I wanted, I have nothing else to do in the game." I've seen it over and over again, and now you're giving them these items. "Ahhh but you can't make things difficult because nobody does it". Narrative is wrong because they do, and when they succeed they are happy, it generates a feeling of achievement (which is no longer in this game).

Here's a list of MY wishes.

. Improve the Marketing of the game.
. Improve existing content (Raid, Fractal, Open world).
. (I don't speak of Dungeons, because I understand that the code where they are is inaccessible right now.) .Rebalanced the aquatic combat. (It has a lot of Useless class) .
.And where is the Legendary Breather, 11 years and nothing .

.The aquatic legendary weapons of the 2nd and 3rd generation?
. Make more beautiful skins (there are a lot of ugly skins that nobody wants, isn't that what sells? cosmetics?).
. Improve the Functions of the Guilds (The game is called Guild Wars and the Guilds are useless, I spent 2 years playing without a guild and I didn't miss it).
. Home is abandoned.
. WvW rework has been going on for 2 years and is not out of Beta.

And for the love of God, stop making things easy, if somewhere needs a flying mount it was for the player to go there to get it FIRST, then do the expansion content. Yesterday a guy entered our Discord asking us to take him on a turtle to make the map of New Kaineng, because he didn't have any mounts. (He wasn't supposed to be there).

Anyway. thank you for your attention. this was my opnion, everyone has their own. And if you felt bad about something that I said, MMORPG is not for you go play LOL.


You have to be thankful they gave us an option to move on with our lives instead of endless staying in the game. And about the precursor reward from the vault. It looks worth more then it actually is. I have played hundreds meta’s without any reward. So its normal that we finally get something shiny. My effort done is not rewarded. 

true they have to get new players and dont let old ones go away. I havent bought soto because EoD was one big frustration to me. I said it many times i am a loot player. But no single meta rewarded me. Maybe the game was an addiction, and by not preordering soto (missing exclusives) and havent done anything in 4 winds event. To make it easyer to stay away. 

and what i hate the most is that all the Losers are showing off their expensive drops. Worth more then 7k gold. While i never get a reward for my effort done. Weekly seitung chests are a middlefinger to me. I feel they laugh at me and if i want something from store i have to use my wallet. Pinata, shatterer 2.0. Dragonstorm. Treasure mushroom, silver wastes, tarir, khan-ur chest. And all other things. This loot is a mythe. NEVER I GOT A REWARD. I better buy a sub based game and actually loot something nice. 

maybe they know its going in a bad direction. So they charge more for less content. And only making gemstore skins for easy money. (They know ppl call the game a fashion wars, so store skins sell very well) chairs, noveltys. They are out of ideas so they destroy old ones (runes) they make the easy gold alt accounts useless so ppl have to spend money on gems instead of using 30 alt accounts for free gold. And they make everything easy(er) to keep players ingme. Maybe steam was a flop. Slowly going down till they go in maintenance mode. And then going to the bahama’s with your money. 

Making new raids, wvw, pvp, new races, elite specs or whatever cost too much and maybe isnt worth the investment. So they play safe. Just let classes use all elite spec weapons. Yes its new but cheap. 

Edited by Holmindeboks.3490
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On 8/29/2023 at 7:04 AM, Lucy.3728 said:

But what you observe isn't the game. It's life.

Don't know about your country, but mine raises a community of slackers that may not even be a community anymore but a lazy mob of individualists that want their wishes fulfilled; not other's, other ppl are npcs even in real life; with low (self) effort.
We call it Gen Z.
(I'm Gen X)

I'm so confused by this sentiment. Community of slackers? Last I checked, I've got to spend more time working just to pay the bills, while my gen x mom was able to live off of minimum wage.

Wasn't your generation treated the same exact way by your parents? Why be the exact same way?

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On 8/29/2023 at 4:51 AM, Jumpin Lumpix.6108 said:

This is exactly what I said on my last post about them adding ascended armor/weapons to the dailies and its completely tanking the crafting market on the TP and deminmizing getting full ascended.  Now I assume the same players who are only here for about 6 months or less will bombard your thread and tell you that you're crying and that you're wrong and that you should get over it and who cares about vet players or LOL or "confused face emote".  ONLY you're not wrong. I'm a veteran player as well (played since gw1 launch solid till present thats 20 years of Guild wars.).

After all the naysayers who think these changes are great leave, you and I will be the ones still playing with our deminimized accomplishments, crafting market in tatters cuz "free ascended gear from dailies LOL" and "free legendareis from dailies BRO" as well as the EZ mode content because temporary newbies complained a lot. (only in this thread they'll act like YOURE the ONE COMPLAINING and give you a confused face emote.

I'm going to buy an ascended armor chest from the vault right now actually.

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3 hours ago, bexo.9408 said:

Wasn't your generation treated the same exact way by your parents?

Treated like what?

I could write a wall of text, but that would be even more off-topic. I'll post a video instead:


3 hours ago, bexo.9408 said:

Last I checked, I've got to spend more time working just to pay the bills

In my country, no one has to overwork themselves to pay the bills. One can live entirely on our welfare system if morale is low enough to do so. Or one can work normally and get a little help from the welfare system if the money is not enough to pay for food, rent and health insurance. Most countries have a support system, in my country there is just no time limit for it.

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I have played this game since launch. I have played Guild Wars since 2005.

The two things Guild Wars 2 does well are:

1) Open world spectacle in terms of boss fights

2) Cooperative open world content so you don't feel alone while you are out doing stuff on the maps

When you make it harder for people to cooperate your game is going to suffer. They should make it 2-3x easier than it is right now for newer players to catch up. Lets see some double, triple experience weekends or something. Lets see requirements lowered for mastery points in HoT and PoF in particular.

It's not reasonable to expect many new people to stick around when they're facing a ~200 million XP grind.

If Guild Wars 2 is the game for the foreseeable future and there is no Guild Wars 3 or other project in development... the #1 focus outside of adding new content should be finding ways for those who aren't caught up to catch up.


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I have been playing since launch and things have changed a lot after the release of the first raids and the mandatory perma might, alac, quick, etc. We lost the theme of "play your way" motto. This game was built with the super casuals in mind before raids first came out. But saying that we're being disrespected as old players is kind of disrespectful in my books...

But anyways, I'm all for making things easier rather it being super grindy and actually go away from the "you must do this X build because its op" or "you must do this mandatory 12 hour task then work on task 2" sort of thing. It wasn't as grindy in the past because things were easy to get but then they went down the road of something different thus changing how things work and made it hardcore grind. But now it's much easier to do what you need to do now.

What stuck out for me for the GW franchise is the idea of "play your way" philosophy where it didn't matter what you do or how you build. Even if the grind is there whether it's hard or easy, it was pretty fun back in core days.

One thing I'm all for what Anet should do is revisit old content and bring them to modern standards and fix the old bugs. Modernize the HUD that it isn't a buff bar fest and not visible behind map. Easier to track your attack chains etc and so on. Not make things harder/grindier than it needs to be. But that's for another topic to be discussed.

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What's the reward for people that already have their skyscape you ask? That's called having had the thing for all this time.


You sound like one of those old kitten that complain that they had to deal with student debt so the new students should be saddled with it too.


Kindly touch grass

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On 8/29/2023 at 3:04 PM, Lucy.3728 said:

That ship's sailed years before you started playing.
The game at release was different than what you got to know. You already got it easier than the players before you too.
So don't throw your stones too far in your glass house.

Nail on the head. 😂 

This is the way of all MMOs, older content is made easier and some features may be removed entirely. 

I would have liked a little more reward for having gone through the skyscale grind (a free skin choice would have been nice lol) - but it is what it is and I don't begrudge anyone else having access to the mount. In fact, I'm completely the opposite, I welcome new players who joined with this latest expansion - new players is never a bad thing.

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On 8/29/2023 at 3:20 AM, Squee Squashington.5189 said:

Games don't survive when they're grindy/challenging.

Black desert online, warframe, ESO, WoW and so many others disagree. Heck even final fantasy online doesn't diminish its gameplay it does streamline the core game but the achievements remain as they are. 

To be fair... this game was always easy, its just more apparent now. It went downhill in terms of difficulty when we went to POF

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