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Astral Acclaim limit of 1300 in Wizard's Vault [Merged]


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At the very least, the AA cap should be set at the sum of the highest reward item, currently 1,000 AA, plus the highest AA task reward, which appears to be 500 AA for one of the story chapters in the Special section, so 1,500 AA for the recommended cap.  If someone was at 900 AA and wanted to buy an item for 1,000 AA, but only had that story chapter available to finish for 500 AA before the weekly reset, they would have to figure out what they can spend (or waste) 100 AA on before they could claim the 500 AA to not go over the 1,300 AA cap.  I think Anet is really just pushing us to improve our math skills with figuring out how to earn enough to purchase what we want without going over the cap. 😏

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1 minute ago, Sylvyn.4750 said:

At the very least, the AA cap should be set at the sum of the highest reward item, currently 1,000 AA, plus the highest AA task reward, which appears to be 500 AA for one of the story chapters in the Special section, so 1,500 AA for the recommended cap.  If someone was at 900 AA and wanted to buy an item for 1,000 AA, but only had that story chapter available to finish for 500 AA before the weekly reset, they would have to figure out what they can spend (or waste) 100 AA on before they could claim the 500 AA to not go over the 1,300 AA cap. 

"figure out"? Get an emote or a skin. Or a bunch of gold. Really, not much of figuring out is involved there. Also the 500 aa reward isn't weekly, right? And while I can't be sure weekly reset doesn't affect the special tab, I kind of doubt it does, anyone checked?

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Just now, Sobx.1758 said:

"figure out"? Get an emote or a skin. Or a bunch of gold. Really, not much of figuring out is involved there. Also the 500 aa reward isn't weekly, right? And while I can't be sure weekly reset doesn't affect the special tab, I kind of doubt it does, anyone checked?

The special tab resets quarterly, from my understanding, but my point was in this example that a larger source of AA earnings would not be available to this individual until the next weekly reset where they could earn the weekly chest, or at least have a few days of dailies to top them off.  It becomes a dance in figuring out how soon you can finish certain things to accumulate what you want without going over the cap.

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3 minutes ago, Sylvyn.4750 said:

The special tab resets quarterly, from my understanding, but my point was in this example that a larger source of AA earnings would not be available to this individual until the next weekly reset where they could earn the weekly chest, or at least have a few days of dailies to top them off.  It becomes a dance in figuring out how soon you can finish certain things to accumulate what you want without going over the cap.

What dance? It just comes back to the start of the post I wrote: "figure out"? Get an emote or a skin. Or a bunch of gold.
Spending 100aa is seriously not a problem that you're trying to make it into.

Buy one weapon skin -150aa. Buy 17 gold -102 aa. Buy an emote -not sure, I think it was 250aa. Buy whatever -whatever aa. Where's the huge block that makes you unable to get the big aa reward out?

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19 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

What dance? It just comes back to the start of the post I wrote: "figure out"? Get an emote or a skin. Or a bunch of gold.
Spending 100aa is seriously not a problem that you're trying to make it into.

Buy one weapon skin -150aa. Buy 17 gold -102 aa. Buy an emote -not sure, I think it was 250aa. Buy whatever -whatever aa. Where's the huge block that makes you unable to get the big aa reward out?

What if you're only wanting to save for the next big 1,000 AA item on the list after buying the first 1,000 AA item?  You're being forced to either spend your AA on things you don't want right now just because of an artificial cap, which makes it harder to save for that next item, or you're at least having to plan the timing on earning AA to make sure you're not having to spend AA on things you didn't want.

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17 minutes ago, Sylvyn.4750 said:

What if you're only wanting to save for the next big 1,000 AA item on the list?  You're being forced to either spend your AA on things you don't want right now just because of an artificial cap, which makes it harder to save for that next item, or you're at least having to plan the timing on earning AA to make sure you're not having to spend AA on things you didn't want.

What if you stop making up outlandish situations in an attempt to look for a problem where there's none? If you want to easly avoid that, obviously prioritize the big purchase first. That's it. That's your solution to this "issue" (because that was the "problem" you were initially talking about).
You can either "spend on what you don't want but still have it" or you can hit the cap of currency. Make your choice, I fail to see the issue. First you claim the cap should be increased because of the current big item, but now you apparently should be able to buy out the whole -cheaper, because the rest is unlimited- seasonal reward store AND keep 1k (actually more, because you want to increase the cap above 1,3k) for the next season allthewhile never finishing the special tab for this whole time? Now you're really visibly struggling to make it into an actual problem.

If you want to save for the next item then do exactly that. The cap is in place EXACTLY so you don't pre-emptively save too much, so simply: works as intended.

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34 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

What if you stop making up outlandish situations in an attempt to look for a problem where there's none? If you want to easly avoid that, obviously prioritize the big purchase first. That's it. That's your solution to this "issue" (because that was the "problem" you were initially talking about).
You can either "spend on what you don't want but still have it" or you can hit the cap of currency. Make your choice, I fail to see the issue. First you claim the cap should be increased because of the current big item, but now you apparently should be able to buy out the whole -cheaper, because the rest is unlimited- seasonal reward store AND keep 1k (actually more, because you want to increase the cap above 1,3k) for the next season allthewhile never finishing the special tab for this whole time? Now you're really visibly struggling to make it into an actual problem.

If you want to save for the next item then do exactly that. The cap is in place EXACTLY so you don't pre-emptively save too much, so simply: works as intended.

To keep in line with their claim that this is similar to a seasonal battle pass, ideally all AA should reset at the end of the season, no carry overs, no artificial cap needed...accumulate as much as you want and just make sure you spend it by the end of the season.  That would be a cleaner approach to what we have now.

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20 hours ago, Sylvyn.4750 said:

To keep in line with their claim that this is similar to a seasonal battle pass, ideally all AA should reset at the end of the season, no carry overs,

So now it's bad because you have the ability to carry over some currency? You're literally going from "increase the cap because what if I want to have some saved currency for the next big reward" in previous post to "ideally, all AA should reset" in this one?
You're really going all over the place with this.

Meanwhile, if you'll have a rare occasion of "grabbing 500 aa before you can spend 1k on that one big thing", just get one weapon skin for 150aa or 17 gold for 102aa. Again, that's it. That's the "big hard" solution for your made up (although not impossible!) scenario.

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1 hour ago, Sylvyn.4750 said:

What if you're only wanting to save for the next big 1,000 AA item on the list after buying the first 1,000 AA item?  You're being forced to either spend your AA on things you don't want right now just because of an artificial cap, which makes it harder to save for that next item, or you're at least having to plan the timing on earning AA to make sure you're not having to spend AA on things you didn't want.

Working as intended, it would seem.

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I am in the camp that wants to see the cap for astral acclaim raised, mainly for one reason that I found out the stupid way:

With the cap at 1300 it can happen that you are unable to buy the item you want because you can't claim the weekly reward AND at the same be unable to claim the weekly reward because the acclaim cap is in the way. This is especially bothersome if you are saving up for more than one big ticket item going for 1000 acclaim (e.g. mount skin plus legendary weapon starter kit) since then you can't even save the situation by swapping the order around. You are stuck with either having to wait for the next daily rewards (although I don't know what happens with the unclaimed weekly reward if there is a weekly reset in between) or buying something just for the sake of being able to claim the weekly reward at the cost of setting you back in your effort to get the items you actually want.

This seems easily avoidable by raising the cap to at least 1449 which would still block players from hoarding unreasonable amounts of astral acclaim while always allowing either claiming the weekly reward or buying the most expensive item available.

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3 minutes ago, Locce.8405 said:

I am in the camp that wants to see the cap for astral acclaim raised, mainly for one reason that I found out the stupid way:

With the cap at 1300 it can happen that you are unable to buy the item you want because you can't claim the weekly reward AND at the same be unable to claim the weekly reward because the acclaim cap is in the way. This is especially bothersome if you are saving up for more than one big ticket item going for 1000 acclaim (e.g. mount skin plus legendary weapon starter kit) since then you can't even save the situation by swapping the order around. You are stuck with either having to wait for the next daily rewards (although I don't know what happens with the unclaimed weekly reward if there is a weekly reset in between) or buying something just for the sake of being able to claim the weekly reward at the cost of setting you back in your effort to get the items you actually want.

This seems easily avoidable by raising the cap to at least 1449 which would still block players from hoarding unreasonable amounts of astral acclaim while always allowing either claiming the weekly reward or buying the most expensive item available.

You got 3 months to buy the big ticket items, buy some 6 aa gold bags until you can claim your weekly chests buy 1k item and save up for the other 1k item next week its quite simple.

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At a guess, they don't want someone carrying over 5000 AA onto the next cycle and buying all the new items the first day.  The 1300 cap is such that when the next cycle comes out, you'll need to do some of the dailies/weeklies to get enough AA to buy all the new items.

Though it would be nice if Anet actually explained some of their motivations behind this so we don't have to speculate.


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On 8/30/2023 at 10:27 PM, Zok.4956 said:

I know. But I don't want to hoard AA indefinitelyI just don't want to have to spend it on things that don't interest me at all. Because by actively playing the game, I complete the daily and weekly even if I don't pay attention to it.

So I think 1300 is way too low though. Especially in the combination that you can only buy many things once or a few times. Maybe with the hope that I could buy the things again next quarter and that there would be more things I would like to buy in the next quarter.

After I pretty much hit 1300 last week, I bought things I wanted (without spending anything) and this week after completing the weekly I've hit the limit again. Of the things that interest me, there aren't enough in the vault (because you can't buy them as often as you like) and everything else doesn't interest me that much. That's why I've now bought the legy starter kit, just so I don't hit the limit for a while.


Please don't move the topic, because that's not my point.


You can buy gold at 30 aa though and gold can be gems, and so you'd have gems long term if you wanted to convert.

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I was in danger of going over the cap yesterday.  I held off clicking any of my AA daily/weekly chests until I used up enough of the AA I already had so that I wouldn't go over the cap when I claimed the latest chests. 

I finally see why it was designed this way (making us click on each AA chest instead of automatically awarding them).   It's to give us a chance to spend what we have before getting any more if it would put us over the cap.

As a bonus, I finally crafted my first legendary weapon using the starter kit!

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Having things that cost 1000 and having rewards of 500 means someone has to fenagle their way (buy things they may not want) just to cash in something they've done to get the thing they actually want.  If Anet wants a cap to control how people use the system, they should bump it to at least the cost of the highest priced item plus the amount of the highest cash in.   Based on the initial release items, that would be 1500 points. 

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3 minutes ago, Blockhead Magee.3092 said:

Having things that cost 1000 and having rewards of 500 means someone has to fenagle their way (buy things they may not want) just to cash in something they've done to get the thing they actually want.  If Anet wants a cap to control how people use the system, they should bump it to at least the cost of the highest priced item plus the amount of the highest cash in.   Based on the initial release items, that would be 1500 points. 

And even with that cap, you either spend "on something you don't want" or you start losing AA, either by overcapping or skipping objectives. So I don't see how "buying something cheap you don't want in order to collect more aa" is supposed to be the worse solution here.

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On 9/3/2023 at 10:27 AM, Kaliwenda.3428 said:

I was in danger of going over the cap yesterday.  I held off clicking any of my AA daily/weekly chests until I used up enough of the AA I already had so that I wouldn't go over the cap when I claimed the latest chests. 

I finally see why it was designed this way (making us click on each AA chest instead of automatically awarding them).   It's to give us a chance to spend what we have before getting any more if it would put us over the cap.

There was no danger, clicking on the chest just does nothing if it would put you over the cap, with a message explaining why.

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On 9/3/2023 at 11:24 AM, Blockhead Magee.3092 said:

Having things that cost 1000 and having rewards of 500 means someone has to fenagle their way (buy things they may not want) just to cash in something they've done to get the thing they actually want.  If Anet wants a cap to control how people use the system, they should bump it to at least the cost of the highest priced item plus the amount of the highest cash in.   Based on the initial release items, that would be 1500 points. 

Maybe I'm misunderstanding.  So, the scenario is: Someone's got 900 AA and just completed the 500 AA task in the Special section.  That someone wants a 1000 AA item.

Someone could just not click on the 500 AA reward for a couple of days.  Yes, 2 days.  If someone does three dailies on those two days, s/he'd collect 130 AA, putting him/her at 1030.  Collect the 1000 AA reward item, claim the 500 AA reward and s/he'd have 530 AA.

Is the scenario about someone realizing on the last day of the cycle that they are at 900 and just got the 500 AA task done?  That could be a problem.  But, rejoice!  You've ID'd what could happen long in advance,  so you can plan ahead to prevent that from happening.

So, either I'm missing something critical, or someone is taking counsel from their fears.

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2 hours ago, IndigoSundown.5419 said:

Maybe I'm misunderstanding.  So, the scenario is: Someone's got 900 AA and just completed the 500 AA task in the Special section.  That someone wants a 1000 AA item.

Someone could just not click on the 500 AA reward for a couple of days.  Yes, 2 days.  If someone does three dailies on those two days, s/he'd collect 130 AA, putting him/her at 1030.  Collect the 1000 AA reward item, claim the 500 AA reward and s/he'd have 530 AA.

Is the scenario about someone realizing on the last day of the cycle that they are at 900 and just got the 500 AA task done?  That could be a problem.  But, rejoice!  You've ID'd what could happen long in advance,  so you can plan ahead to prevent that from happening.

So, either I'm missing something critical, or someone is taking counsel from their fears.

Thats sounds awfully complicated when you could just buy gold for 120 AA, claim the reward and buy the 1000AA thing you want. It takes like 30 seconds.

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8 hours ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

Thats sounds awfully complicated when you could just buy gold for 120 AA, claim the reward and buy the 1000AA thing you want. It takes like 30 seconds.

Or if they raised/removed the cap, then it would only take 10 seconds to buy the one thing you want and you could get back to doing fun things in game instead of playing the AA math mini-game...but apparently some people like those games, so I don't expect it'll change.

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10 minutes ago, Sylvyn.4750 said:

Or if they raised/removed the cap, then it would only take 10 seconds to buy the one thing you want and you could get back to doing fun things in game instead of playing the AA math mini-game...but apparently some people like those games, so I don't expect it'll change.


On 9/3/2023 at 8:29 PM, Sobx.1758 said:

And even with that cap, you either spend "on something you don't want" or you start losing AA, either by overcapping or skipping objectives. So I don't see how "buying something cheap you don't want in order to collect more aa" is supposed to be the worse solution here.

If your point is still about "not buying something you don't want" then in the end you're still losing aa. Either you care about that or you don't. If you care, you'll spend it anyways. If you don't, you might as well lose it by reaching the cap. You're REALLY trying to make a problem where there isn't one.

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9 hours ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

Thats sounds awfully complicated when you could just buy gold for 120 AA, claim the reward and buy the 1000AA thing you want. It takes like 30 seconds.

30 seconds?  It takes no time at all to decide to wait to click the 500 reward...  It does take awareness, willingness to defer gratification and self-control, though... OK, maybe a big ask.

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