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Are we loosing him ? Mighty teapot

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I hope they all leave. And take the playerbase with them. Like asmon did with WoW. Maybe then anet learn what they have done to the game. They destroyed it with greed. Besides beautiful maps there is nothing to do then looting junk boxes after every meta. Guildwars 2 is nothing then a farming simulator for gold. And for the gold you cant buy much. That means only the ppl who spend cash are able to buy nice store items. This is no lie or hate. Its my experience and feeling. Its called an opinion. I come back every week to buy the antique summoning stones and the 4 EoD meta boxes in seitung and then immediately quit after being disappointed again with the trash loot it drops. My love for the game is gone since EoD. The greed is ridiculous. Nothing in game drops have something worth gold. That means if i want something from store that cost gems i have to spend cash on gems or grind 24/7. They forgot that normal ppl have lives and tasks to fulfil. Not everyone draw something in a program for a virtual item and sell it thousands of times because the fashion is a hype. But they are not afraid to ask the playerbase to support some charity things. They get free and easy advertisement to let the world think how great they are. While they let ppl addicted to gamle waste their money for something from a black lion chest and some times they dont even get what they want from the chest. Greedy. They dont accept the less money and sell the skin for 10 bucks. They put it behind rng. If you are unlucky you have to buy 30 keys for €1,25 each to have enough stattues to buy it later. 

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17 hours ago, Holmindeboks.3490 said:

I hope they all leave. And take the playerbase with them. Like asmon did with WoW. Maybe then anet learn what they have done to the game. They destroyed it with greed. Besides beautiful maps there is nothing to do then looting junk boxes after every meta. Guildwars 2 is nothing then a farming simulator for gold. And for the gold you cant buy much. That means only the ppl who spend cash are able to buy nice store items. This is no lie or hate. Its my experience and feeling. Its called an opinion. I come back every week to buy the antique summoning stones and the 4 EoD meta boxes in seitung and then immediately quit after being disappointed again with the trash loot it drops. My love for the game is gone since EoD. The greed is ridiculous. Nothing in game drops have something worth gold. That means if i want something from store that cost gems i have to spend cash on gems or grind 24/7. They forgot that normal ppl have lives and tasks to fulfil. Not everyone draw something in a program for a virtual item and sell it thousands of times because the fashion is a hype. But they are not afraid to ask the playerbase to support some charity things. They get free and easy advertisement to let the world think how great they are. While they let ppl addicted to gamle waste their money for something from a black lion chest and some times they dont even get what they want from the chest. Greedy. They dont accept the less money and sell the skin for 10 bucks. They put it behind rng. If you are unlucky you have to buy 30 keys for €1,25 each to have enough stattues to buy it later. 

So wait, how people leaving the game would fix anets business model, mtx and gem store greed again? Its like you talk about one thing and just randomly throw in his community out of nowhere lol. I would say its the opposite, people who are loving mtx and gem store in this game mainly are the OW players or forum people who are literally hating teapot..

Edited by soul.9651
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On 10/11/2023 at 10:58 AM, Ashantara.8731 said:

By the Six, err, Five! Is this thread still alive? 😆

On 10/11/2023 at 10:59 AM, kharmin.7683 said:

Hey, spoiler tags dude!




Still six. We just don't know the identity of the new wargod. They've been the new one for a while now, since Balthazar got striped of his divinity and exiled.


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On 10/17/2023 at 3:46 PM, soul.9651 said:

So wait, how people leaving the game would fix anets business model, mtx and gem store greed again? Its like you talk about one thing and just randomly throw in his community out of nowhere lol. I would say its the opposite, people who are loving mtx and gem store in this game mainly are the OW players or forum people who are literally hating teapot..

I dont watch guildwars 2 content creators if there are no drops. And i dont hate any guildwars 2 streamers. I hate greed. But thats not a person. 


and what do you think about the following what i am going to tell. (it will be my vision on how it works, i am not sure if its right, but yes, opinions) 

you players all keep believing in the wishes you have. like new raids, more pvp. alliances. new races, new professions. new everything. but you can forget that (for a long time) because, anet is a business. they have to make money!! i mean, they have a team that create gw2 content. a team that has to make money. their team is small (i heard) so they spend their man power (resources) smart. and that means they mostly creating gemstore items or other things that generate cash. they know ppl will buy it. example, they create a cat chair, cats are overall a hype and many ppl love cats. also with other fashion skins. they are lucky that ppl call the game a fashion game, that means. more fashion is more money for them. 

they are smart. why would they spend their man power in making new raids, or pvp. or races, or professions? that cost much effort and that cost too much. and after all, if they make a new raid or a new race, thats part of the expansion, that means that they have to use man power to create something and then give it away for free. because its a part of the expansion. and they don't know if it will be a succes. and because of horizontal progression the raid get cleared within a week and then the elites whine already that there is nothing new. they can't sell a pass so ppl are able to do the new raid. because ppl will be upset if you have to pay to be able to raid. they are a smart business and the ppl keep believing. 
this is the reason we get strikes (i think) they are small. i mean, a raid is not just bosses. but a whole map with trash mobs and achievements and all. 

they then just tweak extended builds by using all weapons in all specs, this looks as new content but its just cheap to keep the players happy for some time. 

if i look back at content we got in the last few months, it was cheap content. sure the maps where beautifull, thats their power. but what did a meta give? no loot, 50 chests at the end looks nice but if its 50 chests full of junk its not nice. there is only 1 nice loot thing and thats not buyable for the most ppl, only old barons can affort it. infusions. or ppl who convert 1000 euro from gems in gold. for that one item you wanted for years but never dropped.

if you look at their earnings of this year (someone posted earlier) you can see they made billions of cash, that is because of gemstore skins. if they used their man power to create a new raid then the earnings would be much smaller because then the earnings would be most from sold copies of the game. 
ofc i loved the game once, but then i realised that if the game only want my money i can also play a subscription based game where loot actually drops. look at WoW, you can fish up mounts. pets (mini's) actually usedful. in gw2 it looks too much asked to even put something worth in the loot table for fishing, not even a mount or a mini. i call it greed, they just want to put that skin in the store or behind rng in a bl chest for the ppl that are addicted to gambling for even more cash. very smart move here. the fishing is just like all other meta loot drops low worth junk but then just with the icon of a fish, loot that makes nearly no money. we may not be get rich too easy, that means that we don't buy gems anymore. gems are expensive.

you have to grind months (if you have a busy life) to be able to get enough gold to buy that 1 skin from the store. BUT its time limited, that means. you have to use your wallet OR ignore it. but some skins only are in the store once a YEAR. so your choice would be spend cash for sure, because you want to keep up with the hype and can't stand the show off from others.

but the ppl that think real like me think its unfair. you players make anet big, and now they want you to spend even more. you dont get what you wish (content) your wallet gets abused.

and ofc you can just play for fun like i did for 7 years. but there comes a time where you also have real life goals and not only spend your time in a farming simulator. and the concept of buy expansions and play free looks nice, but because everything comes to the store and not the loot tables you already know you have to pay if you want something. sure there are ppl with a good job and can affort spending on gems every month or week. but everything in the world got more and more expensive. and then you come home and want to relax and start a game. then you see a new shiny but also you see its behind a paywall or behind an rng paywall. and its only virtual. 

if they just put new skins on loot tables it would be already nicer to do content, but then with normal droprates, i mean. some guildy have cleared dragonstorm many times and never looted the ascended sword. i have cleared it many times and never got an aurene chest. feels bad.

Edited by Holmindeboks.3490
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Back on topic:

He is just streaming on YouTube and made valid points on why he is currently enjoying WoW more: because it provides way more content and he is currently bored in GW2 for he's got nothing really to do and considers Rift hunting a completely mind-numbing activity that bores him to death.

I can 100% relate to all of that. I have been back to my daily routine as well, waiting for the next content drop. We are indeed back to the boring Living World cadence of months between content. No wonder players turn to other games in between content releases.

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On 10/17/2023 at 12:34 PM, Holmindeboks.3490 said:

I dont watch guildwars 2 content creators if there are no drops. And i dont hate any guildwars 2 streamers. I hate greed. But thats not a person. 


and what do you think about the following what i am going to tell. (it will be my vision on how it works, i am not sure if its right, but yes, opinions) 

you players all keep believing in the wishes you have. like new raids, more pvp. alliances. new races, new professions. new everything. but you can forget that (for a long time) because, anet is a business. they have to make money!! i mean, they have a team that create gw2 content. a team that has to make money. their team is small (i heard) so they spend their man power (resources) smart. and that means they mostly creating gemstore items or other things that generate cash. they know ppl will buy it. example, they create a cat chair, cats are overall a hype and many ppl love cats. also with other fashion skins. they are lucky that ppl call the game a fashion game, that means. more fashion is more money for them. 

they are smart. why would they spend their man power in making new raids, or pvp. or races, or professions? that cost much effort and that cost too much. and after all, if they make a new raid or a new race, thats part of the expansion, that means that they have to use man power to create something and then give it away for free. because its a part of the expansion. and they don't know if it will be a succes. and because of horizontal progression the raid get cleared within a week and then the elites whine already that there is nothing new. they can't sell a pass so ppl are able to do the new raid. because ppl will be upset if you have to pay to be able to raid. they are a smart business and the ppl keep believing. 
this is the reason we get strikes (i think) they are small. i mean, a raid is not just bosses. but a whole map with trash mobs and achievements and all. 

they then just tweak extended builds by using all weapons in all specs, this looks as new content but its just cheap to keep the players happy for some time. 

if i look back at content we got in the last few months, it was cheap content. sure the maps where beautifull, thats their power. but what did a meta give? no loot, 50 chests at the end looks nice but if its 50 chests full of junk its not nice. there is only 1 nice loot thing and thats not buyable for the most ppl, only old barons can effort it. infusions. or ppl who convert 1000 euro from gems in gold. for that one item you wanted for years but never dropped.

if you look at their earnings of this year (someone posted earlier) you can see they made billions of cash, that is because of gemstore skins. if they used their man power to create a new raid then the earnings would be much smaller because then the earnings would be most from sold copies of the game. 
ofc i loved the game once, but then i realised that if the game only want my money i can also play a subscription based game where loot actually drops. look at WoW, you can fish up mounts. pets (mini's) actually usedful. in gw2 it looks too much asked to even put something worth in the loot table for fishing, not even a mount or a mini. i call it greed, they just want to put that skin in the store or behind rng in a bl chest for the ppl that are addicted to gambling for even more cash. very smart move here. the fishing is just like all other meta loot drops low worth junk but then just with the icon of a fish, loot that makes nearly no money. we may not be get rich too easy, that means that we don't buy gems anymore. gems are expensive.

you have to grind months (if you have a busy life) to be able to get enough gold to buy that 1 skin from the store. BUT its time limited, that means. you have to use your wallet OR ignore it. but some skins only are in the store once a YEAR. so your choice would be spend cash for sure, because you want to keep up with the hype and can't stand the show off from others.

but the ppl that think real like me think its unfair. you players make anet big, and now they want you to spend even more. you dont get what you wish (content) your wallet gets abused.

and ofc you can just play for fun like i did for 7 years. but there comes a time where you also have real life goals and not only spend your time in a farming simulator. and the concept of buy expansions and play free looks nice, but because everything comes to the store and not the loot tables you already know you have to pay if you want something. sure there are ppl with a good job and can affort spending on gems every month or week. but everything in the world got more and more expensive. and then you come home and want to relax and start a game. then you see a new shiny but also you see its behind a paywall or behind an rng paywall. and its only virtual. 

if they just put new skins on loot tables it would be already nicer to do content, but then with normal droprates, i mean. some guildy have cleared dragonstorm many times and never looted the ascended sword. i have cleared it many times and never got an aurene chest. feels bad.



You've been paying attention....well done

I like how you put it nicely

Edited by Burnfall.9573
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52 minutes ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

Back on topic:

He is just streaming on YouTube and made valid points on why he is currently enjoying WoW more: because it provides way more content and he is currently bored in GW2 for he's got nothing really to do and considers Rift hunting a completely mind-numbing activity that bores him to death.

I can 100% relate to all of that. I have been back to my daily routine as well, waiting for the next content drop. We are indeed back to the boring Living World cadence of months between content. No wonder players turn to other games in between content releases.

Well, we could have let this thread die. Because 1) the fate of GW2 does not hinge on a single youtuber, 2) Teapot playing GW2 or not, says nothing about the health of the community and 3) the man is a grown up who can play whatever he wants.

But yes, I completely understand him/you. Rifts are boring, the Kriptis are boring and I found myself doing mostly non SotO content again a week or so after release. I try to remember what I did at this point after EoD or PoF release, but I can't. Probably collections and achievements. Breaking the expansion up into four releases will only work, if the core gameplay loop is interesting/exciting and that definitely does not apply to what we have with rifts, i.e. grinding one type of event with a variation of 7 or so Kriptis who all look alike (undefinable mass of grey, black and red spikes). Sure SotO has two metas and two strikes, but both are neither profitable nor interesting enough to keep people engaged.

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1 hour ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

He is just streaming on YouTube and made valid points on why he is currently enjoying WoW more: because it provides way more content and he is currently bored in GW2 for he's got nothing really to do and considers Rift hunting a completely mind-numbing activity that bores him to death.


WoW does not give "more content"... it's the same gear treadmill every. single. patch. Every patch is the same formula and it's all so artificial because it's just chasing the latest catch-up/seasonal gear...that's it! If you don't enjoy the 2-3 raids per expansion, the 8 new mythic+ dungeons, and incredibly inaccessible PvP unless you're a sweatlord who plays 14 hours a day or buys carries...you are not going to enjoy WoW. The "open world" content they've been releasing lately is laughably bad and becomes irrelevant weeks after launch (see the caverns...)

The real problem here is burnout, the same as a WoW vet who's been playing since Vanilla for almost two decades...

You have vanilla players there coming here and vice versa... this has nothing to do with "content" and everything to do with some people just playing too dang much and not diversifying their time. These games are MMO's but they weren't designed to be played 8 hours per day everyday, I don't think any game ever created has that much unique replayable content... at some point you're replaying existing content within a standard gameplay loop...

Edited by Marikus.1875
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On 10/16/2023 at 9:14 PM, Holmindeboks.3490 said:

hope they all leave. And take the playerbase with them. Like asmon did with WoW. Maybe then anet learn what they have done to the game. They destroyed it with greed

Greed? Lol anet have one of the cheapest models on the market?! What are you on about. 

They're not leaving because of "company greed" their leaving because GW2 doesn't present enough challanging content to keep players like mighty Teapot engaged with the game lol. 

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8 hours ago, Marikus.1875 said:


WoW does not give "more content"... it's the same gear treadmill every. single. patch. Every patch is the same formula and it's all so artificial because it's just chasing the latest catch-up/seasonal gear...that's it! If you don't enjoy the 2-3 raids per expansion, the 8 new mythic+ dungeons, and incredibly inaccessible PvP unless you're a sweatlord who plays 14 hours a day or buys carries...you are not going to enjoy WoW. The "open world" content they've been releasing lately is laughably bad and becomes irrelevant weeks after launch (see the caverns...)

The real problem here is burnout, the same as a WoW vet who's been playing since Vanilla for almost two decades...

You have vanilla players there coming here and vice versa... this has nothing to do with "content" and everything to do with some people just playing too dang much and not diversifying their time. These games are MMO's but they weren't designed to be played 8 hours per day everyday, I don't think any game ever created has that much unique replayable content... at some point you're replaying existing content within a standard gameplay loop...

1 WoW expansion delivers more new instanced content than 10 years of GW2. That's a fact.

Yes most of that is invalidated when the next expansion drops but at least that's a lot of new content too.

GW2 gameplay loop is "finish expansion in a day then farm old content for gold to buy gemstore skins".

I enjoy GW2 more than WoW but the rate, quantity and quality of new content is only getting worse here.

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10 hours ago, Puck.3697 said:

Greed? Lol anet have one of the cheapest models on the market?! What are you on about. 

They're not leaving because of "company greed" their leaving because GW2 doesn't present enough challanging content to keep players like mighty Teapot engaged with the game lol. 

I quit because of greed. But thats what all addicted ppl do. Defend something where they are addicted to. But new example. They removed the daily login rewards. Because ppl paid for many alt accounts for easy gold. Thats an investment that just got destroyed by anet. Its kind of greed because they dont want ppl to make easy gold. Now you actually have to play for the rewards. A guildy has 29 alt accounts. Let say they where 15 bucks each. Its useless now. And why? Because the ppl who made that 1 time investment doesnt buy gems anymore. Some got a few thousand gold a month with this. I never did this because gaming had to be relax. And logging in 30 accounts is not funny. 

and what about the afk farms some ppl do? If the effort ingame would be rewarded then ppl dont have to do semi afk farm. I mean. I have worked my … off in dragonstorm and always get a middlefinger for my support. Its just wasting time. Sure the battle looks awesome for first few times but then you go and aim for some loot. So effort balance ratio is very unbalanced. Working hard gets nothing. Semi afk farm means do nothing and get the same reward as when you work your … off. 

they can easy fix this. But why would they? 

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4 minutes ago, Andy.5981 said:

It's been 53 days and something hours since this Chicken Little prophecy was created, has he gone yet? Has this thread actually run its course if indeed it had one?

Adding another post to the thread asking this question only serves to bump the thread back to the top.  If people stopped posting to it, it would fall back to page 2 and beyond.

Aw, kitten......

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On 10/16/2023 at 10:14 PM, Holmindeboks.3490 said:

I hope they all leave. And take the playerbase with them. Like asmon did with WoW. Maybe then anet learn what they have done to the game. They destroyed it with greed. Besides beautiful maps there is nothing to do then looting junk boxes after every meta. Guildwars 2 is nothing then a farming simulator for gold. And for the gold you cant buy much. That means only the ppl who spend cash are able to buy nice store items. This is no lie or hate. Its my experience and feeling. Its called an opinion. I come back every week to buy the antique summoning stones and the 4 EoD meta boxes in seitung and then immediately quit after being disappointed again with the trash loot it drops. My love for the game is gone since EoD. The greed is ridiculous. Nothing in game drops have something worth gold. That means if i want something from store that cost gems i have to spend cash on gems or grind 24/7. They forgot that normal ppl have lives and tasks to fulfil. Not everyone draw something in a program for a virtual item and sell it thousands of times because the fashion is a hype. But they are not afraid to ask the playerbase to support some charity things. They get free and easy advertisement to let the world think how great they are. While they let ppl addicted to gamle waste their money for something from a black lion chest and some times they dont even get what they want from the chest. Greedy. They dont accept the less money and sell the skin for 10 bucks. They put it behind rng. If you are unlucky you have to buy 30 keys for €1,25 each to have enough stattues to buy it later. 

Sounds like you don't actually like gw2, otherwise you would know there is more than gold grind. You can play World v World, PvP, raids, strike missions, fractals, meta event trains etc.

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