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I wanted to buy infinite gathering tool set but decided not to because...


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Right now 6 infinite gathering tool sets are in the gem store, 5 of which are on sale. I already have the gems to buy a set - it's a nice QoL (or so I thought) and a bit of money boosting due to glyph value.

However, after spending 2 hours to research which set I should get I instead decided to not buy anything at all.

  1. It's one set - only one character can use it. To make it multi-character I have to buy 3 shared inventory slots (basically doubling the gem investment) and even then I have to manually swap those tools on every login/logout. So you want to buy a QoL improvement but end up paying double the price and receiving another QoL problem which you didn't have.
  2. Not all tools are made equal. Every tool has different gathering speed. What are those speeds? Game doesn't tell you. Internet doesn't tell you. You can find info on which tool is the fastest and maybe speeds for the older sets, but not for all. I cannot make an informed decision.
  3. Some tools are bugged (according to the Internet). E.g. some tools sometimes fail to make last gathering strike or whatever. You have to go and research yourself which tools are "safe". The fact that you're paying real money (well, premium currency, at the very least) and can get an inferior item is just mind boggling.
  4. Tools are expensive. A set of tools is among the most expensive items on the gem store - it costs around 30-35 EUR.

So in the end, you are paying a lot of money for potentially inferior and/or bugged items which don't fully solve the QoL problem.

Thanks, I'll pass.



  1. Make them "legendary".
  2. I imagine different gathering times for different tools is a feature, not a bug. If that is the case list the gathering speed in the description. Otherwise, fix the bug - normalize speeds.
  3. Fix the bugs


P.S. I almost purchased the skyscale hatchling tools because animations were so cute but then I found out that the logging tool is bugged supposedly /facepalm

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2 minutes ago, DarcShriek.5829 said:

Unless you're really into that sort of thing, harvesting speed isn't something that needs to be considered.

It's not one thing that stopped me, it was the combination of all 4 points. I would've made the purchase if it was the only thing.

3 minutes ago, DarcShriek.5829 said:

As far as bugginess is concerned, the more popular sets aren't buggy.

They are probably popular BECAUSE they are not buggy. In any case, how do I know which sets of the ones available for purchase right now are popular/not buggy? The fact that I didn't find any info about bugs doesn't mean there are none. It bothers me now that know that it's a thing.

8 minutes ago, DarcShriek.5829 said:

If you can't bring yourself to spend the gems, then what good are they?

Equipment tabs, build tabs, bank tabs, etc. Anything that provides concrete value with no strings attached.

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I got a set on this sale for the first time since 2012

I doubt I'll ever do the shared inventory switch

That's very inconvenient

WIll just be for my main I think

Better to just buy tools on other toons when needed imo

VIP passes and permanent vendor makes this pretty easy


I agree that they should have been usable on all characters

I feel like it's too late now though

There have to be some guy who have purchased 20 gathering sets by now

Edited by jokke.6239
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The Consortium Harvesting Sickle is probably the fastest tool in that class, but it looks like it only hits the BLT once or twice a year. I have it on a dedicated resource-gathering toon, and it really does speed up her routes by a lot.

It's totally worth getting if you can, especially if you plug a Glyph of Reaping into it. You can clear out any "patch" groupings of plants with one quick swipe and be back on your mount in 2 or 3 seconds. It's a huge time-saver for node groupings like the cauliflower patch above Thistlereed Grove, the strawberry patch in Nolan, toxic sprouts in Kessex Hills, the garden in Uplands Oasis, etc.

Edited by Teknomancer.4895
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15 minutes ago, divineDerivative.5194 said:

Equipment and build template slots are also per character.

They are cheaper, they don't have any bugs associated with them, I clearly understand what exactly I'm buying.

Once again, it's not that every point in my initial post is a deal breaker, it's that all of them combined are a dealbreaker.

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As a user of 3-4 sets for about 2 years, I wouldn't want to miss those unlimited tools.

1) Easiest way to collect magic (volatile/unbound tools)

2) Fastest way to harvest plant node patches since everything within range is harvested along (skyscale hatchling tools)
2.1) This is a charm in wvw since leather and other nodes, but wood/ore, are considered plants too and with luck you harvest once and got everything from the tower/keep
2.2) For the same reason it's awesome in the guild hall

3) Sure thing to get your orichalcum income maxed since every mithril = orichalcum (skyscale hatchling tools)
3.2) The skyscale hatchling pick mines 10 units of rich or with 2 turns and not 3 like my other tools - if that's important.

I use the skyscale hatchling sickle, and for wood a magic gatherer axe, and for ore either magic or also skyscale hatchling pick (depending what I want or come across).

I have other tools too, like some that give me random extras but I don't use them anymore, apart from the watchwork pick.

But ofc switching them is annoying, I use 6 spots of my shared inventory (was 7 until recently). My shared inventory is maxed, so it's not so much of a big deal but the switching is annoying because I sometimes forget it and then have to log around. I wish I could place a dummy on my other chars so they equip/unequip them automatically. Or better have them linked.

I wish someone would have told me not to invest a gem in unlimited tools that have no glyth. Those are a waste of gems. And those tools rot in some char I don't even know where. And time reducing glyphes may be a waste too. Have this axe that has a chance to get the wood instant. Waste.

Edited by Lucy.3728
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I only personally consider points 1 and 4.

I never cared about the .5s delay (or something) on some animations because it really has sooooo little bearing on efficiency, unless you have mapped out the next nodes.

I have never experienced the bug or any bug regarding harvesting tool and I have 3 sets + 1 mining pick that I did not know where it came from lol.

So it brings me to point 1 and 4.

Point 4 - expensive. No arguments. I agree. Should ANet change price? No, I do not think so.

Point 1 - I kind of agree. But then again, having 100,100,50 of the harvesting tool is not so bad in QoL.. So QoL depends on the user. I don't buy much cosmetics on TP. I buy gold and this.

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For some reason a lot of useful information for the website I'm about to post is nolonger found on google search and you have to search it on the site itself, otherwise it would have likely been the result of your search some many months ago.


though some of the numbers are missing now it seems

Edited by Doggie.3184
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3 hours ago, Doggie.3184 said:

For some reason a lot of useful information for the website I'm about to post is nolonger found on google search and you have to search it on the site itself, otherwise it would have likely been the result of your search some many months ago.


though some of the numbers are missing now it seems

Yeah, I found this info and I did note in my initial post: "You can find info on which tool is the fastest and maybe speeds for the older sets, but not for all". More than that and all you find are speculations on the topic.

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You would think they'd of done a Legendary Gathering Tool grind by now.  Imagine the mats they could require given the target audience!  I would have loved to have this as another grind in the game since I gather nearly more than any other activity in the game (I like doing it obviously).  

Even though I've bought several sets from the gem store, I wouldn't mind if they did this.  In fact, they could make those the precursor (specifically the glyph) and each set offers a different legendary type effect so I'd end up turning all my sets into Legendaries. 

Edited by illuminati.8453
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I have two sets of infinite tools and I've really come to adore them.

It's just a nice QoL that makes your account feel cozy.

I have a set of volatile magic tools for one character and then a set of Choyas that came with Prospector/Herbalist/Forester glyphs built in, but in random configuration so that it produces extra mats of the other types.

I keep one on my PvE main and one on my WvW main so I don't feel pressured to move them around or use shared slots. For other characters I just put on consumable tools because who cares. But if you are more dynamic than me, i can see how the unlimited tools would cause some stress. But you'll find a system that works for you.

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20-35 bucks for ONE set of tools on ONE character is beyond kitten.. then sell over priced partial solution, shared inventory slots. 

It is pure money grubbing over priced microtransactions. 

Create problem, sell solution. 

Unfortunately it is too late now. To many suckers who overpaid for these items would freak if they ever adjusted it to a reasonable price or made them account wide. 

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Just now, Mortayia.7651 said:

20-35 bucks for ONE set of tools on ONE character is beyond kitten.. then sell over priced partial solution, shared inventory slots. 

It is pure money grubbing over priced microtransactions. 

Create problem, sell solution. 

Unfortunately it is too late now. To many suckers who overpaid for these items would freak if they ever adjusted it to a reasonable price or made them account wide. 

It's a B2P game with no subscription.  How else do you expect the studio to keep the servers running?

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I buy gems, I interact with the market to support the game that I love. 

I do not buy the specifically egregious overpriced items.

The tools in particular are very "mobile game slimy" (sell partial overpriced solution, create new problem and sell partial solution. repeat cycle) IMHO.  

This specific genre of item is a little too "engineered with built in inconveniences" to push people to purchase half solutions from the cash shop.

If I purchased these items, it would show Anet I approve of this horrible price point and predatory practice. (vote with wallet

I support the game monetarily regularly. 

I do not waste money via gems on the items that are predatory in function / design.


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I have something like 4 full sets and 2 partial sets (missing a pickaxe) because when they were first introduced they were soulbound. They thankfully changed that and now I have one set on my current main character and a set on my secondary "main" and a set in shared inventory. The shared inventory set has a glyph of reaping that I move around to the different tools if the character is parked at flax or wood (I'm not buying multiple reaping glyphs). It is worth it to get a single set for your main if nothing else. My only wish is that they sold the skins separate from the tools. I'd love more skins but I don't need more tools. Also...where is my candycorn/snowflake glyph?

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35 minutes ago, Mortayia.7651 said:

I buy gems, I interact with the market to support the game that I love. 

I do not buy the specifically egregious overpriced items.

The tools in particular are very "mobile game slimy" (sell partial overpriced solution, create new problem and sell partial solution. repeat cycle) IMHO.  

This specific genre of item is a little too "engineered with built in inconveniences" to push people to purchase half solutions from the cash shop.

If I purchased these items, it would show Anet I approve of this horrible price point and predatory practice. (vote with wallet

I support the game monetarily regularly. 

I do not waste money via gems on the items that are predatory in function / design.


Then don't buy them.  Use the tools that you can purchase from the vendors.

Seems a bit counter-intuitive to not support a game that you purport to love thus risking it shutting down.  I guess you do you.  /shrug

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This game is not really f2p. Sure you can login without any cost. But thats it. Imagine how many meta’s you have to farm before you made enough gold to buy 3 sets unlimited gathering tools.(maybe 3 gold a meta) But instead you can use real money to obtain it instant. This game is for rich ppl. I once had a guildy did web development. He said 2 hours work for 100 euro. He bought gems for 100 euro every month. But if you just only buy the game plus expansions then its a huge grind for some Qo(ingame)L items. I once bought a set for 35 euro (in a sale) 


if you have a sub based game you are able to get rich in many ways. Wow is just 27 euro for 60 days. As an adult thats not so much. But for 27 euro you have not so much in guildwars 2. A mount skin and a shared inventory slot maybe. As example. Thats all. 

and ofc i had fun in this game from 2016 till EoD. I made some gold. Some legendary’s. But it was all because my own effort grinding gold. Loot wise it was very bad. And thats one of the the reasons i dont like the game anymore. You are only able to get something if you no life grind for gold. OR USE your wallet. I hate the feeling of having to spend even more After buying the expansion. Loot is worthless. I mean, not worth enough to be able to buy something from the store. Reason 2 what made me quit is the show off from ppl on meta. With their shiny bl chest loot while i never got something worth more then 1k gold. 

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Thanks for your permission allowing me not to waste my money on a specific predatory cash shop item.... I guess....   

I do buy gems and support the game I love. I don't know how even with base reading comprehension you could think otherwise. Maybe not native English speaker, if so I am sorry that I wasn't clear.

That does not mean I (or anyone else) has to blindly support bad practices/pricing on specific items. 





Nothing is going to change on this subject, the price and predatory design regarding these tools will not change. To many players have already

wasted to much money to make it rectifiable now. Anet is to deep into abusing it's customers on this item to change it. 




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