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[Feedback] Legendary Obsidian Armor

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On 9/5/2023 at 9:16 PM, Hindenburg.3415 said:

Well, maybe people start to appreciate what they have already and acknowledge that making raid armour while doing even only 1-4 wings in 3hrs per week is much more simple and fun. 

Considering that this armor set doubles up on one of the major issues with the previous ones (having to extensively grind a specific, singular type of content you would not do otherwise), i'd say all it will do is just underscore why general design of Legendary Amor acquisition for PvE players is just plain bad, and that devs apparently have no uderstanding of their own community.

No. It will not make people that disliked the previous acquisition methods to change their minds. It will just make them, after the initial feeling of hope, to end up doubly disappointed.

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1 minute ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Considering that this armor set doubles up on one of the major issues with the previous ones (having to extensively grind a specific, singular type of content you would not do otherwise), i'd say all it will do is just underscore why general design of Legendary Amor acquisition for PvE players is just plain bad, and that devs apparently have no uderstanding of their own community.

No. It will not make people that disliked the previous acquisition methods to change their minds. It will just make them, after the initial feeling of hope, to end up doubly disappointed.

After learning the amounts of rift materials required, this new armor might as well not exist for me. Out of the available options to earn legendary armor, I find WvW the most attractive, because apart from buying or gathering some materials, it basically requires little other than just playing the game mode, albeit a lot of it. If that's your thing, great! If it isn't, well, it's probably a tall ask that you're not going to be comfortable with.

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1 hour ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Considering that this armor set doubles up on one of the major issues with the previous ones (having to extensively grind a specific, singular type of content you would not do otherwise), i'd say all it will do is just underscore why general design of Legendary Amor acquisition for PvE players is just plain bad, and that devs apparently have no uderstanding of their own community.

No. It will not make people that disliked the previous acquisition methods to change their minds. It will just make them, after the initial feeling of hope, to end up doubly disappointed.

3-4 hours per week for raid armour is nowhere near "excessive grinding".

But yes , they could have mixed acquisition methods.  For example you get a piece for X amount of random thingy and you can get that thingy from raids , wvw , pvp or dull rifts so go ahead and pick and mix your poison

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First they need to make rifts fun.

They could also give some essences from old metas and other activities. Either as direct drop or as exchange for some older currencies. Doesnt need to be alot, can be also weekly gated but at least some.

I have 2 leggy sets and will eventually get third in whatever mode ill get the currency first. It will for sure not be open world though because I cant even get myself to do enough rifts to finish the new Skyscale achiev. But I do feel sorry for those that  will grind it out. Potentially a good way to burn out your players. We have this amazing world with many activities and you funnel your players in one of the most boring activities.

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It would be nice if they added an alternative way to get these Rift tokens.

Today I tried this Rift farm train for the first time and after an hour I was falling asleep in front of the computer even after having coffee, it's so boring 

Maybe the next level of Rift T4 will give more of these tokens that you won't need to do these trains and just a few a day to have at least this 1000 or they will add this currency to new strike missions or wvw/pvp track.

Personally, I realize that it is not for me and I have no problem with it, but I give my suggestions, maybe it would help others if something was implemented.

I don't want a situation where all these new players will burn out after a month and stop playing because then we will all lose and there will be no one to play with. 

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On 9/3/2023 at 11:40 PM, Ashantara.8731 said:

I really hope the upcoming steps in crafting a set of Obsidian Armor will involve traveling the world and completing cool tasks along the way instead of the monotonous Essence grind we are seeing right now.

I hope not. Open world players asked for a grind. It would be unfair especially to players who got their legendary armors in WvW and PvP. 

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51 minutes ago, vares.8457 said:

I hope not. Open world players asked for a grind. It would be unfair especially to players who got their legendary armors in WvW and PvP. 

Are you for real? You don't want people to have fun in a game?? :classic_huh:

P.S. I also don't recall anybody "asking for a grind." Nobody enjoys grinding.

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4 minutes ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

Are you for real? You don't want people to have fun in a game??

Nowhere did I write that, please don’t spread lies. 
Maybe read what I wrote before replying 


5 minutes ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

I also don't recall anybody "asking for a grind." WTH?!

I do

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To get back on topic, as someone whose account is already fully legendary, I would rather enjoy the rest of the journey leading to the acquisition of the Obsidian Armor rather than spending months doing only the same activity over and over again, namely Rift Hunting.

So if any of the devs reads this, please have mercy and let us have some variety. 😉

19 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Considering that this armor set doubles up on one of the major issues with the previous ones (having to extensively grind a specific, singular type of content you would not do otherwise), i'd say all it will do is just underscore why general design of Legendary Amor acquisition for PvE players is just plain bad, and that devs apparently have no uderstanding of their own community.


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6 hours ago, vares.8457 said:

I do

Then, please, show me those examples of people asking for the kind of grind we've got. So, farming a singular new type of content that is good for nothing else besides legendary grind. If you can't, stop spreading misinformation.

In reality, noone asked for that. Well, noone except for those few people that were from the beginning against the idea of OW armor, of course.

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9 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Then, please, show me those examples of people asking for the kind of grind we've got. So, farming a singular new type of content that is good for nothing else besides legendary grind. If you can't, stop spreading misinformation.

In reality, noone asked for that. Well, noone except for those few people that were from the beginning against the idea of OW armor, of course.

Most of the threads got closed but maybe you can use the search function to still find them. Have fun 

there were players that asked for the open world legendary armor to be a grind more expensive and time consuming than getting the armor from raid or WvW. 
We got this not very exciting grind because that is all (most) open world and casual players are capable of. They complained about the engaging and fun DE meta for months. 
You were among the few that wanted an open world armor, you got it so now maybe stop crying. 

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53 minutes ago, vares.8457 said:

Most of the threads got closed but maybe you can use the search function to still find them. Have fun

So, you can't.

53 minutes ago, vares.8457 said:

there were players that asked for the open world legendary armor to be a grind more expensive and time consuming than getting the armor from raid or WvW. 
We got this not very exciting grind because that is all (most) open world and casual players are capable of. They complained about the engaging and fun DE meta for months. 
You were among the few that wanted an open world armor, you got it so now maybe stop crying.

Notice, that the players you mention never asked for this kind of grind we've got. What people talked about was more like WvW approach, but in PvE - the path that  would be using already existing (and varied) OW content. Nobody asked for something like Rifts at all - grinding over and over and over again a specific content that is there only for the sake of legendary and is completely meaningless without it. In short, people wanted to have a path that would still allow them to play the content they find fun, and not be tunneled into content that is not. The current armor changed nothing - Anet might have added a new path, but still ignored a vast majority of players when designing it.

Sure, you think that's fine, but then you were against OW armor from the very beginning.

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15 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

grinding over and over and over again a specific content

Well, this is how legendary armor in this game works. In raids you have to kill raid bosses over and over again, in PvP you have to play ranked matches over and over again. Why should open world be any different? 


17 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

In short, people wanted to have a path that would still allow them to play the content they find fun

So now open world people don’t find open world fun anymore? Last time I checked rifts are entirely open world. 


18 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Sure, you think that's fine, but then you were against OW armor from the very beginning.

Because I knew exactly what would happen. No matter how they implemented the open world legendary armor, the same people who cried 24/7 that they want it are now crying 24/7 about how to get it. You are a very good example. 

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7 minutes ago, vares.8457 said:

Because I knew exactly what would happen. No matter how they implemented the open world legendary armor, the same people who cried 24/7 that they want it are now crying 24/7 about how to get it. You are a very good example. 

You knew they would come up with something boring enough to put people to sleep? Of course people are "crying" about this, because it's a sad thing. Crying is a very common response to sadness.

It was never going to be a good idea to completely tie legendary armor to a mini expansion, and then going as far as to tie it to a tiny otherwise forgettable aspect of it. Rifts aren't even a thing when I tell my lapsed GW2 friends about SotO. Rifts don't even register as a tiny blip when evaluating the expansion.

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10 minutes ago, Manasa Devi.7958 said:

You knew they would come up with something boring enough to put people to sleep?

We are talking about open world here. Casuals and open world players didn’t want an engaging meta event like DE, for some reason many of them seem to prefer content where they just have to do auto attack. So yeah I think these rifts is exactly what they deserve. 

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15 minutes ago, Manasa Devi.7958 said:

You knew they would come up with something boring enough to put people to sleep? Of course people are "crying" about this, because it's a sad thing. Crying is a very common response to sadness.

It was never going to be a good idea to completely tie legendary armor to a mini expansion, and then going as far as to tie it to a tiny otherwise forgettable aspect of it. Rifts aren't even a thing when I tell my lapsed GW2 friends about SotO. Rifts don't even register as a tiny blip when evaluating the expansion.

We all knew it has to be at the very least be more grindy than the existing PvP/WvW/Raid options and none of the legendary armor options are quick and simple. The fact is all 3 of the existing effort requires more effort, even if you are counting just afking in wvw you still need to gain participation. So if you want to get it via easier activities, then the grind needs to be longer.

Ideally it will be a mix of legendary amulet option where you have to do a mix list of open world items AND huge grind. Right now is just a huge grind, but that was always a factor.

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4 minutes ago, Warscythes.9307 said:

We all knew it has to be at the very least be more grindy than the existing PvP/WvW/Raid options and none of the legendary armor options are quick and simple. The fact is all 3 of the existing effort requires more effort, even if you are counting just afking in wvw you still need to gain participation. So if you want to get it via easier activities, then the grind needs to be longer.

Ideally it will be a mix of legendary amulet option where you have to do a mix list of open world items AND huge grind. Right now is just a huge grind, but that was always a factor.

There's grind and there's grind. There is 11 years of content they could've thrown into the mix. They went with an insignificant aspect of  a tiny expansion. It just boggles the mind.

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15 minutes ago, Manasa Devi.7958 said:

There's grind and there's grind. There is 11 years of content they could've thrown into the mix. They went with an insignificant aspect of  a tiny expansion. It just boggles the mind.

I am honestly just not sure what you are expecting here. What non boring open world activity grind do you think will be much better? There HAS to be a grind and it has to be longer than the existing methods given reasons above. Rifts force you to travel all over which is their compromise. You can tell very obviously they don't have the resource to literally consider everything in game and make you do everything like the some sort of giant scavenger hunt that you think this will be. They are barely putting out releases as it is.

Look, the entire reason they did this in the first place is because open world players complained that raid is too hard/time consuming/whatever. Any sort of activity that requires literally anything beyond go to X and auto attack will defeat that purpose. What do you consider to be open world, jumping puzzles right? Adventures in HoT? Races in general? Living story achievements? Metas? Bounties? Activities? If anything that requires too much effort beyond go X and press auto attack then you will get the exact same complaint that was seen before. Not to mention again, they simply don't have the resource to do anything beyond the minimal implementation. 

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14 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

So, you can't.

Notice, that the players you mention never asked for this kind of grind we've got. What people talked about was more like WvW approach, but in PvE - the path that  would be using already existing (and varied) OW content. Nobody asked for something like Rifts at all - grinding over and over and over again a specific content that is there only for the sake of legendary and is completely meaningless without it. In short, people wanted to have a path that would still allow them to play the content they find fun, and not be tunneled into content that is not. The current armor changed nothing - Anet might have added a new path, but still ignored a vast majority of players when designing it.

Sure, you think that's fine, but then you were against OW armor from the very beginning.

It's not he can't, we just don't bother the effort to bring pack the past 3 years of garbage - in which you too contributed a significant portions of - simply because you too claimed something in which you haven't prove.

And I have a surprise for you - nobody felt the WvW approach was any fun either in any of those threads.

More importantly, you really need to review your own history - a series of negativity rants pissing nearly every SOTO threads for the last three months.


You hate SOTO, you made your point clear, I don't like the design either, Legendary Armor included, but I rather see how others voice about it rather than going through several dozens of negative interruptions made by your BS to "correct people".

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34 minutes ago, Vilin.8056 said:

More importantly, you really need to review your own history - a series of negativity rants pissing nearly every SOTO threads for the last three months.

This is basically all he does here. 

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