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General opinions toward the state of warrior


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I know forums are similar to restaurant/google reviews, where generally people go to express frustration and disdain rather than praise, which is why the community's outlook on the class seems so negative. That being said, I still run into a TON of warriors in every game mode, and surely not everyone playing the class is doing it purely from a loyalty standpoint. Personally, as a diehard GS spellbreaker player, I'm pretty happy with the state of warrior, especially in OW and sPvP. Warriors on the forums seem to possess such negative opinions on their class compared to other classes. Can anyone enlighten?

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It stems from some incredibly bad and uneven balance patches that warrior still suffers from to this day. I'm not saying warrior is the only profession in this boat, but it is clear that the balance devs have preferences, and those preferences for the most part don't overlap with warrior.

The profession has a solid and fun chassis though, but there are parts that are old and in need of change. Sadly, the devs can't figure it out, even when there is a constant and consistent drumbeat of feedback as to what is needed.

That isn't conducive to providing positive feedback in the long run.

I see warriors everywhere, I play mine everywhere. That doesn't mean that it wouldn't be easier with another profession though. My cele mechanist on one of my alt accounts has a ridiculously easy time clearing content for instance, and I am far from an adept engi player.

Edited by Lan Deathrider.5910
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1 hour ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

It stems from some incredibly bad and uneven balance patches that warrior still suffers from to this day. I'm not saying warrior is the only profession in this boat, but it is clear that the balance devs have preferences, and those preferences for the most part don't overlap with warrior.

The profession has a solid and fun chassis though, but there are parts that are old and in need of change. Sadly, the devs can't figure it out, even when there is a constant and consistent drumbeat of feedback as to what is needed.

That isn't conducive to providing positive feedback on the long run.

I see warriors everywhere, I play mine everywhere. That doesn't mean that it wouldn't be easier with another profession though. My cele mechanist on one of my alt accounts has a ridiculously easy time clearing content for instance, and I am far from an adept engi player.

Not to mention that while every class has a learning curve when initially embarking on ones journey to play it well in competitive modes, Warrior has a much more brutal time climbing said curve due to all of the tools it lacks that other classes have which make the learning curves of those other classes more easily overcome.

It is quite the frustrating experience, and quite the frustrating existence considering ANet either deliberately stating or otherwise just deliberately making other classes more "easily accessible" in that area. Fun, fun, fun.

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1 hour ago, Arklite.4013 said:

I know forums are similar to restaurant/google reviews, where generally people go to express frustration and disdain rather than praise, which is why the community's outlook on the class seems so negative. That being said, I still run into a TON of warriors in every game mode, and surely not everyone playing the class is doing it purely from a loyalty standpoint. Personally, as a diehard GS spellbreaker player, I'm pretty happy with the state of warrior, especially in OW and sPvP. Warriors on the forums seem to possess such negative opinions on their class compared to other classes. Can anyone enlighten?

Warriors have every justification for being negative. I will make the case.

Warrior, both as designed and within the context of the game, simply does not have the mechanical tools to compete. gw2's combat simply benefits more mobile classes like ranger, thief or elementalist. Also melee in general is simply more difficult to execute than ranged (due to distance and radius) and warrior simply does not have a viable ranged option aside from niche rifle usage. In the case of warrior, it is heavily dependent on landing its F1 bursts to receive any sort of benefit in combat. Warrior's skills and weapons simply do not close the gap against more mobile and equally skilled classes. The adrenaline mechanic is tied to the burst dependency. Its function is simply to PREVENT warrior from doing anything until a bar is filled. It has no other benefit. Adrenaline is an ALBATROSS around the warrior's neck. Traits are designed such that we sacrifice an arm for a functioning leg. Where as other classes are marginalized due to certain aspects of their profession, warrior is fundamentally marginalized by design.

The reason that people think warrior's current situation is "good" is because they see a couple of effective builds widely used at the moment that completely take them by surprise due to certain overtuned skills and traits. It's basically, culture shock. Of course, I'm talking about condi berzerker and bladesworn. If those traits are even touched, then those builds simply fall off a cliff. Warrior's structural flaws still remain.

To me, this is why warrior players left this game. Some, like myself, even left mmos entirely. It's like, people try to play these mmo things to have fun but we're supposed to be "patient" when there are serious fundamental problems who are being told, "Don't worry about it! We'll 'fix' it later in the next patch!" . Nah man, get out of here.

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I struggle finding fun Warrior builds these days. There is really only one and this build relies on a very specific trait/skill interaction that could be deleted any moment. 

Basically every patch for the last 2-3 years removed fun build options for me. I once had 7 core Warrior builds I was switching between. Now all that's left is one Berzerker build. 

And I pray that Anet isn't deleting this build too. 

Believe me, if there were a Class Swap in the gemstone, I would have swapped years ago. 

Every patch I hope that Anet  does interesting changes, which increase my enjoyment of the class. But nothing happens. 

Edited by DanAlcedo.3281
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14 minutes ago, JTGuevara.9018 said:

Warriors have every justification for being negative. I will make the case.

Warrior, both as designed and within the context of the game, simply does not have the mechanical tools to compete. gw2's combat simply benefits more mobile classes like ranger, thief or elementalist. Also melee in general is simply more difficult to execute than ranged (due to distance and radius) and warrior simply does not have a viable ranged option aside from niche rifle usage. In the case of warrior, it is heavily dependent on landing its F1 bursts to receive any sort of benefit in combat. Warrior's skills and weapons simply do not close the gap against more mobile and equally skilled classes. The adrenaline mechanic is tied to the burst dependency. Its function is simply to PREVENT warrior from doing anything until a bar is filled. It has no other benefit. Adrenaline is an ALBATROSS around the warrior's neck. Traits are designed such that we sacrifice an arm for a functioning leg. Where as other classes are marginalized due to certain aspects of their profession, warrior is fundamentally marginalized by design.

The reason that people think warrior's current situation is "good" is because they see a couple of effective builds widely used at the moment that completely take them by surprise due to certain overtuned skills and traits. It's basically, culture shock. Of course, I'm talking about condi berzerker and bladesworn. If those traits are even touched, then those builds simply fall off a cliff. Warrior's structural flaws still remain.

To me, this is why warrior players left this game. Some, like myself, even left mmos entirely. It's like, people try to play these mmo things to have fun but we're supposed to be "patient" when there are serious fundamental problems who are being told, "Don't worry about it! We'll 'fix' it later in the next patch!" . Nah man, get out of here.

Hence why I genuinely think the balance team needs to dedicate at least a month of any game time they partake in playing as Warrior as any number of the given builds that "functionally" work to some degree. Just so they can experience what it, as a class, has to contend with on the daily. I invite them to do roaming, zerg gameplay, duels in Armistice Bastion or elsewhere, play in Conquest Unranked and Ranked, Automated Tournaments.

This isn't to say things haven't been "improved" to some capacity with Warrior, honestly without the Defense rework I think it would be dead in the water with the Shout sustain nerfs that also happened. That within itself, however, is also a problem.

I've said this before and I will say it again, I have quite literally never seen a worse incarnation of the "Warrior" archetype class in any MMORPG ever in regards to viability when compared against other classes. Other MMORPGs at least give each class appropriate tools that solidify its class identity while also keeping said tools well in line with that of other classes so that it competes with them for a spot in a group or a place in competitive modes. ANet, unfortunately, falls really flat when it comes to this kind of tuning with their classes. Granted, Warrior is fine in PvE, but GW2 PvE doesn't exactly have the highest bar of difficulty, which is intentional and thats fine, but if its being used as the gauge for whether or not to rework hugely critical and core things of any given class then they need to rethink that approach. I enjoy the class, at least in theory because I do enjoy how the combat in GW2 in relation to Warrior where a lot of the time it can feel like the Warrior "flows" between weapon swapping and movement and everything, but that is not enough when it lacks the tools that other classes get when executing nearly the exact same or similar things during combat.

For instance if they choose to rework Adrenaline and Burst skills as a profession mechanic for Warrior, just as an example, and the concern is it will overtune it immensely in PvE content (depending on how they do it) then you know what the easiest, simplest and most direct solution to that issue would be were it to present itself? Tune the numbers down.

Here is a comparative example from another MMORPG; The Slayer class (female counterpart to the Berserker) in Lost Ark released and was outputting an absolutely insane amount of damage, now when it comes to their "gender unlocked" versions of classes they tend to have the same abilities with a few differences and their Class Engravings (think Specialization) are also a bit different. The Slayer just outclassed the Berserker in terms of raw damage output by miles and a lot of that damage was loaded into its Ultimate Skill and its Identity Skill which made it very, very easy to execute. You know the solution they came up with? Tune the numbers down on those particular skills and slightly adjust the scaling it had with one of the chief DPS stats associated with that particular Class Engraving. It by far did not neuter the class or build, in any capacity, it just made so that if you were already good and had a good deal of DPS uptime while playing Slayer then you saw little to no impact on your numbers and brought the class more in line with the others.

It was almost just a better Berserker, much like how Willbender, basically any Revenant melee build, Holosmith and Scrapper are almost just better Warriors than the actual Warrior class due in large part to the tools they have access to that Warrior simply lacks (Boons...mainly).

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Warrior is stuck in 2012 design, while all the other professions have moved with the times.

The game has (d)evolved into an AoE, condition and boom spam game, with Warrior having little of these to offer.

Adrenaline just feels bad. In decays outside of combat, takes too long to build up as a mechanic and most Bursts just feel bad for the hoops you need to jump through to use them. On top of that, they recently made Arc Divider feels worse to use.

The game is based on active movement, yet Warrior still has abilities that root them for needlessly long times. Instead of removing these roots, for example on Hundred Whiffs on your beloved Greatsword, they doubled down on it and gave is the super-rooted Engineer-leftover that is Junksworn.

Spellbreaker's main function was Boon removal, yet it constantly gets nerfed directly (by nerfing the numbers of removal) and indirectly (by increasing boon vomit) in sPvP, making that function more and more useless. In PvE, there hardly are any boons, which makes boon removal unnecessary there, too.

Berserker just feels bad. Why does Berserk require Adrenaline to use, when it's not a Burst and those doesn't trigger Burst-related traits? If Berserk uses Adrenaline, it needs to count as a Burst. If they don't want it to count as a Burst, they need to remove the Adrenaline costs.

Also, Warrior heavily relies on hitting in melee range, because the too ranged weapons aren't good, so the continuously growing movement creep does Warrior no favours.

Other than these points, there are other things people don't like, like me despising the passive particle effects on Signet of Rage and Soldier's Focus.

Warrior used to be the most fun part of the game, but being left in the dust more and more with every expansion slowly drained the fun out of the game. You read that right, Warrior being left behind didn't just drain the fun out of the profession, Warrior being drained affects the whole experience of the whole game for me.

Using the Renegade's superior damage to experience content at an adequate pace only worked for so long.

Edited by Fueki.4753
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It could be they know what they lost and what other classes gained. It'll be safe to say that every hit that warrior warrior took  another class gained a means of taking advantage of it

We lost our speed while aoe radius was increased and others had speed increase, changed our stab while increasing condi affects, changed banner then changed it again when warriors started packing banners on the move..... It goes on and on. When we adapt folks start complaining, when we push back folks wonder what's the problem instead of asking why do others complain so much, why do they need to be carried throughout the game.

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From a PVE perspective, I'm just frustrated how Warrior has barely increased in scope since launch. We've been running the same melee bruiser build since launch. You look at other classes like Guardian and they have expanded their build archetypes across the entire gamut of defense, offense, speed, and support across their especs.  

And make no mistake, having options IS a form of power. Every class (and increasingly in recent days, it seems like their goal is every spec) in 2023 deserves a top tier DPS build. Look at condi Druid constantly pulsing cleanses and heals while executing it's DPS rotation. Condi Scourge being our highest benching build in a decade while providing Barrier and cleanse for free with free access to Necro's insane utility skill pool. 

Meanwhile Warrior builds consistently restrict any form of utility on a class that was already suffering from offering more than baseline DPS. Berserker needs an entire bar of Rage skills to upkeep berserk. If you don't take the extremely specific set of utilities (plus elite!) that the meta Bladesworn build runs you run out of Arenaline/Flow and absolutely tank your own DPS. If Spellbreaker didn't thankfully exist with no such restrictions (thank god they nerfed Peak Performance from 33%!) I would go insane with how unfair the situation was. 

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1 hour ago, Borked.6824 said:

Maybe that's why I like my warrior so much.  Didn't consider it until I saw this...

At least, that's why I love Warrior more than the other professions.

I liked the combat in 2012 a lot more than I like now. It was slower, more methodical and more telegraphed. Now it's mostly just effect vomit, effect vomit, effect vomit.

Boon were a nice bonus for people who played the mechanics to their advantage. Now, boons are expected and the game is designed around them always being up and with Might at maximum stacks.

The balance between active defences and base health + passive defences actually mattered. These days, base health and passive defence mean little.

Back then, Warrior's utilities doing little in comparison to other professions was meaningful due to their higher base health and passive defence. These days, there's no valid reason excuse to leave our utilities as they are.

Edited by Fueki.4753
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46 minutes ago, Fueki.4753 said:

These days, base health and passive defence mean little.


What I've realized is defence means little unless it's protection + weakness you're spamming. But health means everything. There's was a time I could run Rabid Amulet on my Engie, now, I wouldn't dare.

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To summarize warrior, as a warrior main: Extremely Outdated.

Other classes give themselves an incredible amount of boons with little to no downtime, and warrior gets like 10 stacks of might.

Too many useless weapons

Underpowered weapons and trait lines

Unbalanced boon support, alacrity has no cooldown and caps without boon duration, whereas quickness is less than 5 seconds base with a 5 second CD.

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2 hours ago, Kitty.4806 said:

To summarize warrior, as a warrior main: Extremely Outdated.

Other classes give themselves an incredible amount of boons with little to no downtime, and warrior gets like 10 stacks of might.

Too many useless weapons

Underpowered weapons and trait lines

Unbalanced boon support, alacrity has no cooldown and caps without boon duration, whereas quickness is less than 5 seconds base with a 5 second CD.

The all mighty power budget thingy is at it again. Technically it would make sense that quick application should be lower than alac since the first is more of a dps increase than the other (i think).

But we all know how the power budget translates badly for warrior weapons... So yeah...

Edited by WeshGros.9043
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1 hour ago, WeshGros.9043 said:

The all mighty power budget thingy is at it again. Technically it would make sense that quick application should be lower than alac since the first is more of a dps increase than the other (i think).

But we all know how the power budget translates badly for warrior weapons... So yeah...

It does kind of feel like ANet sort of misunderstands how the power budget philosophy "interacts" with Warrior and its options for builds and how their actual gameplay plays out in competitive modes.

For instance sure, maybe you can land a hefty 9k+ Arcing Slice...but at that point the "power budget" is basically all loaded into the burst skills and the perceived frequency with which they can be used, but it possibly ignores the fact that its  telegraphed in a way akin to holding up a neon sign saying "THE FUNCTIONALITY OF OUR ENTIRE CLASS RIDES ON THIS ACTUALLY HITTING YOU" and then they just dodge, evade, block, invuln or blind it and the Warrior is left to then try and recoup from that which is why its utilities skills rarely budge from survival oriented or adjacent options. No Burst hit? No Magebane on Spellbreaker which can subsequently mean no healing from MMR if running Strength as well. No burst hit? No Adrenal Health when using Defense. No Burst hit? No stacks of Berserker's Power to get the often times very needed damage increase from it. No Burst hit? No Weakness application from Cull The Weak, yet another vital damage bonus.

Basically most of Warriors tools rely solely on your burst hitting and ANet seems to assume "Oh, it hits 90% of the time" probably because they are looking at metrics and statistics the game likely gathers when registering these things in the game world so they probably don't see how there can be an issue. Granted thats just a theory and if that theory is correct it means ANet is ignoring a crucial part of any kind of balancing; how it actually feels to play. Numbers only tell you so much.

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On 9/4/2023 at 12:57 PM, Arklite.4013 said:

 surely not everyone playing the class is doing it purely from a loyalty standpoint.

That's where you're wrong. Even if warrior is bad its cool, and that's all that matters in video games. 

Alao condi zerker is strong right now so that might have something to do with it. 


Personally, as a diehard GS spellbreaker player, I'm pretty happy with the state of warrior, especially in OW and sPvP. Warriors on the forums seem to possess such negative opinions on their class compared to other classes. Can anyone enlighten?

I would rather it be cool AND good. 

Also warriors traits depend on arbitrary skills that can easily be blocked or evaded hitting to give benefit. See post above. Most classes arent held to this standard. The one arbitrary skill that doesn't need to hit anyone on war to activate traits is unsurprisingly part of one of its strongest builds.


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From all the time ive put into warrior i've found its builds to be limited, always linking back to the same weapons and the same builds we've been using for a long long time, its specialisation weapons appear to really perform only in their own specialisations which other classes have not have this issue with.

The offhand torch only works with Berserker.

The offhand pistol functions out of gunbre Bladesworn but is heavily limited from the loss of traits.

Dagger appears to be one of the only weapons that functions out of Spellbreaker, then again dagger mainhand is just mace with a leap, offhand dagger appears to show little to no show in many many builds due to it competing against Shield, Axe and Pistol while giving nothing more than what is already on the table for these options.

Warriors builds seem to be very limited for playstyle and styles of combat. 90% of all builds revolve around melee play, you'll see your abundance of greatsowrd builds slapped in with bullsrush, you'll see your axe/axe builds your axe/shields, axe/pistols with the occasional sword. However every single one of these builds has next to the same playstyle, creating no unique game play with the build types. Warriors ranged weapons feel horrible to use, rifles skills honestly feel like a different speed auto attack on every button press. As ive said before, make rifle a shotgun for warrior, give it that brawler/bruiser style play to it with a form of AOE on some attacks. Longbow appears to be more suited for your condi playstyle but is trapped in a 2012 design.


Warrior still and appears to forever will lack a 1 handed ranged weapon seriously holding back warriors build options and playstyles. And the thought process to make an offhand pistol melee is honestly mindblowingly infuriating. Build options would open up, you'd see more weapons being used in the offhand, such as sword (blocks + ranged attack), mace (ranged CC + damage increase). Its infuriating to know what warrior could of had to what we actually got. I stood by it when it was announced and I stand by it now Warrior needs one handed ranged pistol! It is soon to become the only class in the game who can not use one handed ranged weapons. Please address this. Even if it means retrospecively bladesworn gets access to a mainhand and an offhand (which it should of had when it got made(and not a melee weapon to boot!)), at least then we'd see a balance in total number of skills gained via weapons provided in Elite specialisations to each class. Warrior may have the most weapons open to be used, but has the least numbe of usable weapons from the selection (Yes we see the odd niche build by 1-2 players using weapons that are in the game but not seem to perform on the meta scale).

Every time I try to play support it feels off, it feels lacking where is its midrange weapon to go with this? How can you reasonably support others and make supportive decisions when you're stuck in the middle of the affray? Anet is holding the warrior class back by this silly choice to keep it 'non magic' and stuck in 2012 with even every new toy it gets, we got physical skills 2.0 with Berzerker, we got stances/shouts 2.0 with Spellbreaker and an odd physical/stance combo with Bladesworn. Where are summons? Movement skills that arent limited such as teleports? (next to all classes bar warrior have the means to teleport, creating this bais in movement speed and escape, when the warrior gets swarmed, its dead, when any other with a means of teleport gets swarmed they can LoS with a teleport). So really we find warrior overall to be stuck in a 2012 playstyle, while all the other classes have huge playstyle changes and toys to use, warrior has had the same weapons with a new skin on them. Who's ready for Greatsword/hammer stick in 2-3 months time?!

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I think the best solution for warr not having many ranged weapons is to decrease cds on ranged type skills (such as throw axe or bladetrail) put them on 2nd slot of weapon skills so it would function more like a hybrid between ranged and melee weapon with main dmg coming from melee encounters.

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2 hours ago, Aaron.1294 said:

I think the best solution for warr not having many ranged weapons is to decrease cds on ranged type skills (such as throw axe or bladetrail) put them on 2nd slot of weapon skills so it would function more like a hybrid between ranged and melee weapon with main dmg coming from melee encounters.

Not having many ranged weapons wouldn't even be an issue, if the ones we have weren't so bad.

There's no reason for our Longbow to not be as strong as Renegade's Shortbow. Longbow's abilities being a bit clunkier to use balances out that Longbow has more reach.

Similarly, there's no reason for our Rifle to underperform so much in comparison to Deadeye's Rifle or Ranger's longbow.

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1 hour ago, Aaron.1294 said:

@Fueki.4753there actually is, we're by default more durable than rev. If they would made lb on pair with rev sb it'd be a mess to balance and prob nerf to the ground.

Longbow and rifle need a rework, but they should stay slightly worse than melee weapons ,so there is some level of drawback to them.

Warrior is only "more durable" than Rev on paper. In actual gameplay in competitive modes that is highly subjective and also not even accurate most of the time. With the amount of damage any given class can put out, the "default" durability any class has just by virtue of its base health pool or perceived durability of heavy armor or lower is...irrelevant, class design has gone in such a way that durability of anything now comes from amount of access to blocks, evades and invulns as well as uptime on boons, either protection or resistance/resolution depending on if you have traits that give you damage reduction while the latter boons are active, or from barrier. Also this default durability tends to get entirely negated by the stacking amounts of damage increases traits provides while under the effects of certain boons, as well as just the general might uptime a lot of classes have that are also working right alongside Vulnerability stacks being applied during combat.

The concept of "Heavy armor class tankier" and "these higher base health classes are tankier" got lost a long time ago. Warriors and Necromancers both equally can be exceptionally squishy when running into basically anything and conversely you can have exceptionally tanky Guardians and Elementalists that still output insane amounts of damage. The only class that would still follow this old launch concept is technically Thief but only because it has Stealth and its immense mobility to fall onto and their drawback is that if they get caught it hurts.

Their core game concepts that existed at launch do not exist in the modern GW2. The game has shifted heavily towards boons and conditions as a focus which has made those concepts entirely outdated. This is why its bad for MMORPGs that last for years and years to not ever iterate on their designs and initial launch concepts, it creates environments where considerations are being made for outdated ideas that no longer apply in what the game has become. Sure they are iterating now (supposedly), but they are really late and they have years of catching up to do with it, and we also don't know if that iteration is even going to involve profession's core mechanics/functions. I hope so, but I doubt it.

Edited by KryTiKaL.3125
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@KryTiKaL.3125warr is better at mitigating direct burst than rev. that makes it more durable. Can get more hits while doing nothing etc. Sure blocks, evades, stuff like this matters but if we want proper reworks to our weapons we NEED to adjust them so they aren't overwhelming and open to nerfs. Right now w/o taking weapon and utility skills into consideration with just evades/healing skills warr is more durable than rev and always will be. 

Edited by Aaron.1294
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4 minutes ago, Aaron.1294 said:

@KryTiKaL.3125warr is better at mitigating direct burst than rev. that makes it more durable. Can get more hits while doing nothing etc. Sure blocks, evades, stuff like this matters but if we want proper reworks to our weapons we NEED to adjust them so they aren't overwhelming and open to nerfs. Right now w/o taking weapon and utility skills into consideration with just evades/healing skills warr is more durable than rev and always will be. 

Except you can't ignore those things on the class, because just going by that "default" is ignoring the rest of the context of the state of balance in the game and where things have proceeded with regards to class design and balance philosophy.

Sure, if Rev and Warrior went at it, only fists and both zerker stat armor and nothing else not even traits, sure, Warrior is "more durable". Factor in the everything else and it becomes highly subjective often times with Warrior having less and Warrior just has less tools than even Revenant does for those things. Revenant, by default, actually gets benefits from its profession mechanic when it wants. Spend energy? Get benefit. Swap legends? Get benefit. Warrior does not have that on demand and its tools are very directly linked to it, including its durability. Its why if you have any PvPer worth their salt just negating your Burst hits the fight very quickly and very easily goes very negatively for the Warrior.

However I am curious; Why do you think Warrior is better at mitigating direct damage than Revenant? I am curious as to your elaboration on that, I genuinely would like to know.

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@KryTiKaL.3125why? if you make a weapon on warr that is very similar in power to rev's weapon warr is gonna get more value out of it than rev. things such as :adrenal health or healing skills being prob best ones in the game makes warr more durable. And things dat rev gets from legend swapping or energy usage is not amazing in comp to what warr gets from hitting burst. If you believe your own words that rev gets insane things from them that are game changing you're wrong. Warr has it.

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