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Which professions have decent passive healing without needing to using your self heal?


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Been playing Daredevil so long, and have gotten so used to healing just from attacking (the signet and the trait that heals on crit), that the other couple of characters I have suddenly felt quite squishy and awkward to play, having to frequently use the healing key.

So my question is, what other classes/specs have the ability to heal themselves in a passive but reliable manner?

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Elementalist has a signet heal similar to thief but it’s better.  

Necro has many sources of life steal.  

There are a lot of specs that have passive healing but most of them don’t come from just attacking.  They nerfed those sources pretty hard.  

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All professions have the option for "decent" sustain without using their healing skill as long as you build and adapt your gameplay accordingly.

  • Elem: Water attunment, good access to regen, signet of restoration, Soothing mist... etc.
  • Engi: There are many trait dedicated to that ("on explosion", "on blast", "on using a kit", "on grantin yourself a boon"... etc.)
  • Guard: periodic heal on signet, periodic heal within a symbol, virtue of resolve passive... etc.
  • Mes: Signet of ether heal on summon if you add inspiration traitline you can get a lot of self sustain.
  • Nec: Life siphon from blood magic, vampiric signet... etc.
  • Ran: You got quite a few passives here and there that most people overlook but at worse there is also the druid spec.
  • Rev: Life siphon on devastation traitline. There is also some sustain in salvation and invocation...
  • Thief: I think you got it covered already.
  • War: Gain health whenever you gain/grant might (and warrior can produce might at a truly indecent rate when you know what to do)

If you still feel lacking you can even add food (+66% chance to steal fixed 325 life on crit, ICD: 2s) or sigils (450ish base life steal on crit. ICD 5s).

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Surprised to see so little mention of warrior. Healing Signet gives a non-trivial amount of health every second, and Adrenal Health in defense gives you more healing over time based on how much adrenaline you spend, which can stack on itself. There's also Might Makes Right, which heals when you grant yourself might, and I think a trait in Tactics that heals when you grant allies a boon/might. It ultimately ends up being a lot of passive healing just for hitting guys and playing like normal.

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I recommend Warrior too. Just on the trait side, Might Makes Right gives you health and endurance when you apply might to yourself, Mending Might heals you whenever you apply might to others, Phalanx Strength makes might you apply to yourself apply to allies as well while Marking Orders will basically make your burst skills sometimes grant might to yourself and allies through Soldier's Focus which itself combines with Soldier's Comfort which can make Soldier's Focus heal as well.  That's just some of the might granting traits you can combine with Might Makes Right to heal for every might stack you apply to yourself or with Mending Might, any might you apply to allies.

There are other traits like Adrenal Health that grants a chunk of healing over time for 15sec and you only have to build and spend adrenaline using your burst skills. Stack any might-granting sigils/relics for more might healing and burst often. On top of that, you can use food for some life steal and your healing signet for even more passive healing although I usually take Mending for the condi cleanse or one of the espec heals. It's my favorite aggressive passive sustain profession.

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Most classes have this as an option.

Warrior's been talking about leaning into Might Makes Right, Healing Signet, etc.

Revenant has the battle scars traits in devastation which makes it tough to kill.

Engineer gets heals off of explosions.  In conjunction with the barrier from scrapper, or the passive heals from holoforge, they have reasonable healing without needing to press their heal.

Thief has the critcal damage to heal conversion trait.

Ranger has built-in options in each elite spec.  Druid for obvious reasons, the heal on poison application for soulbeast, and the lifesteal from ambushes that untamed gives.  Untamed lets you lean into that even more by giving you a litany of wrath style heal after unleashing with a GM trait.

Necro has blood magic and parasitic contagion.

And as mention above, condi virt has a % of your condi damage converted to healing as part of the meta damage build.


All in all, a lot of options!

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Pretty much all of them.

Some that might have not been mentioned or are just very good.

Scrapper has Impact Savant that converts some of your strike dmg to barrier which is just baked in, no sacrifice. And Rapid Regeneration that regenerates health while affected by swiftness or superspeed. Although you probably don't need to take the second one as you can just take more dmg and thus get more barrier anyway.

Mechanist with mace just doesn't die. You can take the healing signet which is just passive healing and you get barrier while attacking. And engie in general can also get a trait in explosion traitline that heals when you hit with explosion.

Revenant has battle scars in Devastation line which are passive life steal. In general rev is just tanky af and full of passive, semi-passive and active defences.

Warrior has some passive healing option in half of it's traitlines including the dmg ones. They also made Defence Spellbreaker a dps spec now. So you take the Defence trait line (speaks for itself includes passive healing) and Spellbreaker elite spec which is the "tank" elite spec and have top dps while keeping half of the defensive perks that come with those traitlines. Also healing signet is good option on warrior (straight up passive healing).


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On 9/9/2023 at 5:24 AM, Stx.4857 said:

Elementalist has a signet heal similar to thief but it’s better.

Mhm wouldnt say its better.

Ele one is 200 but for each attack.

Thief one is 130 but for each hit. 

So i wouldn't say its better but it depends on what skills you use.

Double pistol attack, rifle 3, staff 2 and every attack with 2 or more Hits work better With thief heal signet. 

Almost all thief skills which deal good damage have more than 2 hits. The ele signet on thief would make the heal worse.

Edited by SeTect.5918
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ele, but also not ele. They have a bunch of healing skills in water weapon skills that you can fit into you're rotation, but it's not technically "passive". Just passive in regard to the rotation. But the soothing mist passive that grants a healing buff while in water, having a bunch of restoration buffs, traits that heal on aura, etc. You can definitely get away with it, tempest might be the more passive elite spec for this. throw on some celestial stats and you can run basically anything with moderate success with moderate survivability.  Celestial stats is a godsend for elementalist and making it not a wet piece of paper.

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18 hours ago, SeTect.5918 said:

Mhm wouldnt say its better.

Ele one is 200 but for each attack.

Thief one is 130 but for each hit. 

So i wouldn't say its better but it depends on what skills you use.

Double pistol attack, rifle 3, staff 2 and every attack with 2 or more Hits work better With thief heal signet. 

Almost all thief skills which deal good damage have more than 2 hits. The ele signet on thief would make the heal worse.

That’s true you’re right.  I’m just used to playing with the earth signet trait and also thief is just so squishy in general I feel like the trickle heals have less impact.  

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A better option is pick a class that just kittens out thousands of barrier through traits for free.  No need to heal when you slathered in thousands of barrier at all times.  These classes get a ton of barrier at all times for simply existing:







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On 9/12/2023 at 5:32 AM, Sonork.2916 said:

A better option is pick a class that just kittens out thousands of barrier through traits for free.  No need to heal when you slathered in thousands of barrier at all times.  These classes get a ton of barrier at all times for simply existing:







I tried scrapper, and while im always getting barrier, its always such a small amount it doesnt really prevent me from taking health damage. It just slightly lessens it.

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Scrapper has lost quite a lot of survivability after Anet nerfed the barrier generation from 15% to 5%. If you are fighting in a pack of trashmob, it is still pretty decent as far as survivability goes but if you're fighting a single elite or champion yes the barrier is definitely not going to save you.


As far as Engineer goes, only Mechanist can kinda keep a passive heal without using the healing skill. Of course you can just camp kit and spec big boomer+regen bagpack but I wouldnt recommend doing that as you're loosing quite a lot of damage. But it should works against trash and veterant.

Edited by Alcatraznc.3869
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Holosmith has excellent passive survival as well.  Corona burst can apply barrier for every event hit.  You heal for every % of heat lost, and hard light arena gives 75-100% uptime on protection which is huge for survival.  Spectrum shield is also one of the best stun breaks in the game!

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