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2nd PVE Legendary Ring?

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I personally loved getting the pve accessories and the raid legendary ring over the years. The return achievements leading to the legendary amulet got me super excited to see a completion of the trinkets set in pve, but it's been a while since I saw any rumor or news. 

Has there been any talk or hints of doing something like vision or aurora for a legendary ring in any previous content released after LS4, or maybe hinted in an upcoming expansion?

The journey I had obtaining the LSW 3 & 4 legendary accessories was one of many highlights I've had with this game since launch. I felt I really got to explore every map in great detail. (Similar to how I feel masteries in SOTO are now!)

I fondly look back on this and would love to see a ring that went back from Icebrood - Current; which could provide a deep dive back into those maps, or even incorporate some of the unused areas of all the maps going to back to core Tyria. I'm also really enjoying the collection for Hope right now, something like that could be incorporated for a new ring to give people a reason to go back to all the things. My last idea on this could be if they made another ring only obtainable through raids or partially through raids/strikes/fractals/open world, but it would be a double-edged sword. I Love the raids in this game but realize there is a barrier to entry for casual players without an LFR tier / automated group mechanic of sorts. (hint hint hahaha!)

I would be open to anything really! I just want to get a new option for a legendary ring I can nab through pve. My secret hope is that it gives a new completed look to all the pve trinkets which I fondly enjoyed seeing upgrade as I got each new piece from lsw 3/4 and raids. (still hoping the amulet from return is part of the plan at the end too, just didn't have the same impact to the upgrade as the first 3.)



Edited by Solaxo.7409
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I'd be for it. And no, not so that we have a full set of legendary trinkets obtainable through PvE. I wouldn't even need it because I already have 2 rings. But like you I loved the journey towards making them. It's similar to the first 4 gen 2 legendary weapons, my favorite weapons to make because it was connected to a story and lore. For that reason I'd be all for a 2nd PvE legendary ring and would go get it myself as well, even though I don't need to. Maybe making such a quest chain for 1 item will be feasible, as opposed to doing it for a full set of weapons (though I hope we do get more of that in the future).

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This expansion brought out OW legendary armour so its unlikely we'll get a new legendary anytime soon. Anet also said that LW story would be attached with expansions for no extra cost and with eod lw we did not receive any new legendary so I doubt they will do anything like vision or Aurora. Best bet is that they will release new pve legendary with next expansion in a year or so time.

Could possibly be a set of trinkets, maybe even backpack.

Edited by Dibit.6259
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Since we can have 2 of the same legendary rings, I don't have an issue with additional cosmetic options. Something to note is that raids/strikes don't have a legendary back item, fractals don't have a legendary ring, and PvP (not WvW) doesn't have a legendary ring. We also have as many legendary amulets as we do legendary rings, but most people just take the world PvE legendary amulet, since people like to avoid the PvP game mode. World PvE hogs all of the accessory slots.

That said, infusions tend to be better than legendary effects on trinket slots. The reason is because you can choose which gear sets in your gear templates use the infusions! The show toggle option is universal across all gear templates.

Edited by Quench.7091
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3 hours ago, Elricht Kaltwind.8796 said:

Other than the visual effect I couldn't tell you what the point is of having even one legendary ring, you can literally get free ascended rings with every stat

The same point of having any legendary: free stat change and upgrade removal, the ability to equip it on all your characters.

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3 hours ago, Elricht Kaltwind.8796 said:

Other than the visual effect I couldn't tell you what the point is of having even one legendary ring, you can literally get free ascended rings with every stat

In 5 minutes, I can delete a throwaway/meme/map comp light armor character, in my case, and make a new one and already have the ability to instantly fully kit out with whatever stats/class/etc it is that I need without having a ton of inventory/bank space taken up by cracktons of ascended rings/accessories. (gotta put these 20bazillion XP books + WvW currency to use, lmao)

The convenience factor on legendaries is unreal and is part of why people were/are upset that they lost functionality from their legendary runes + now have to grind a legendary relic, whenever Anet releases that.

I have 2x Conflux and disabled the appearance because it's meh. I like Aurora/Vision and the prismatic amulet's effects.

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"Other than the visual effect I couldn't tell you what the point is of having even one legendary ring, you can literally get free ascended rings with every stat"

For me each legendary piece I have has been a journey. It has given me such joy over 11 years chasing these. It took me at least half a year each chasing aurora and vision at a casual pace. I've got almost 700 LI from raids and enjoyed all the statics and friends I made along the way since they came out in 2015. I've also pugged half of my LI after getting my first set since it's easier to link the armor to get into groups. You get some crap groups but overall, it's been more enjoyable than not. I've got a friends list full of raiders I met along the way from pugs. (and some people on my block list too haha!)

Like others mentioned the convenience factor is also a super nice bonus since the armory went live a few years ago. I personally run multiple specs on multiple characters for raids or whatever and would love to complete the convenience factor for that ring slot. I know I could pick it up in other game modes (I chased the pvp back for example) but also that hope on the visual completion is something I'm holding out for as well with a pve set.

If you haven't tried chasing a legendary I would highly recommend giving aurora or vision a shot to start out, that or do one of the story Gen 2 weapons mentioned above. You need some patience getting through some parts, but its worth it imo!

Edited by Solaxo.7409
noob on the new boards for quoting :P
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2 hours ago, QueenKeriti.5176 said:

In 5 minutes, I can delete a throwaway/meme/map comp light armor character, in my case, and make a new one and already have the ability to instantly fully kit out with whatever stats/class/etc it is that I need without having a ton of inventory/bank space taken up by cracktons of ascended rings/accessories. (gotta put these 20bazillion XP books + WvW currency to use, lmao)

The convenience factor on legendaries is unreal and is part of why people were/are upset that they lost functionality from their legendary runes + now have to grind a legendary relic, whenever Anet releases that.

I have 2x Conflux and disabled the appearance because it's meh. I like Aurora/Vision and the prismatic amulet's effects.

The rings don't take up any inventory space, you just buy them as and when

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1 hour ago, Elricht Kaltwind.8796 said:

The rings don't take up any inventory space, you just buy them as and when

orrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr I could just pop my legendary rings in from the armory and not have to bother farming map currencies if I don't want to. 👍On every character on my account. 😄 With any stat I want, instantly, no swapping! The only reason I've visited Bitterfrost since I got full trinkets is to do some of the kryptis rifts and maybe loot the chests. 😂

So, yeah, I don't see your point. Legendary gears are a 10/10 convenience item that make it so I don't have to look at ascended gear ever again, and it's great. 🙂If you want to get your ascended stuff, good on you. Go for it! 👍

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11 hours ago, QueenKeriti.5176 said:

orrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr I could just pop my legendary rings in from the armory and not have to bother farming map currencies if I don't want to. 👍On every character on my account. 😄 With any stat I want, instantly, no swapping! The only reason I've visited Bitterfrost since I got full trinkets is to do some of the kryptis rifts and maybe loot the chests. 😂

So, yeah, I don't see your point. Legendary gears are a 10/10 convenience item that make it so I don't have to look at ascended gear ever again, and it's great. 🙂If you want to get your ascended stuff, good on you. Go for it! 👍

Right but like it took weeks of farming to get a legendary ring so surely you see my point 

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48 minutes ago, Elricht Kaltwind.8796 said:

Right but like it took weeks of farming to get a legendary ring so surely you see my point 

But you're forgetting one thing when you said that rings don't take up inventory space. There are plenty of people who don't play the same build/gear all the time. Sure, they could buy all the extra build and equipment templates and equip all those different builds, but not everyone is happy about those templates being gemstore items you need to pay for (besides, it's cheaper to buy an extra character slot, which gives you 2 built in build and equipment templates and costs as much as 1 equipment and 1 build template combined in the gemstore). Those people will have their ascended equipment for other builds in their inventories, taking up space. Legendary gear eliminates that problem entirely. Yes, it might take longer to farm the materials, but you only have to farm them once per item and you can equip them on all your characters for as long as the game is live, as opposed to farming for new ascended gear every time you create a new character or build.

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From another thread one week ago: "Open-world players can now obtain legendary armors, weapons, accessories and amulet while only being required to WvW a tiny bit. What's next? Open-world rings and backpiece to complete the collection? Do note that currently other game mode players (WvW, PvP, instanced PVE) can only farm a trinket, backpiece and armors in their preferred game mode and need to come outside their funzone for weapons and other trinkets."

Guess Kitty's one away from the jackpot with her guesses.

But more seriously, if we're going to make last 2 pieces available from easy PVE as well, it'd be nice to see a Legendary Insight sink (weapon stuffs or accessories) for peoples who've been raiding after obtaining full raid armors and ring. WvWers would also probably appreciate getting amulet, necklace, accessories and weapons from their gamemode.

And no, Kitty wouldn't really profit from those personally as she's full legendary minus a few weapons as well.

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5 hours ago, Elricht Kaltwind.8796 said:

Right but like it took weeks of farming to get a legendary ring so surely you see my point 

And it took many more weeks of farming for me to get full ascended rings/trinkets for every character/build I play(ed) pre-legendary and for every time my builds changed stats, and now I can change stats at a whim on every character, including with weird stats like dragons/ritualists, which YOU COULD NOT GET outside of items from EoD content or legendaries until sometime this year. I still have to do winterberries/blood rubies on my alt accounts, and it's torture after getting full trinkets on my main account.

I think it took me ~5.5? weeks per ring playing with guildies and generally having a good time. I think you can do it in something like 4.5 now if you do the weeklies.

I'd have no complaints if they added a complicated and involved method of acquiring another PvE ring to go with the PvE ring from raids. Not right now because SoTO is getting legendary armor/relic, but maybe in a future expac to have it be the featured shiny item.

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8 hours ago, LadyKitty.6120 said:

From another thread one week ago: "Open-world players can now obtain legendary armors, weapons, accessories and amulet while only being required to WvW a tiny bit. What's next? Open-world rings and backpiece to complete the collection? Do note that currently other game mode players (WvW, PvP, instanced PVE) can only farm a trinket, backpiece and armors in their preferred game mode and need to come outside their funzone for weapons and other trinkets."

Guess Kitty's one away from the jackpot with her guesses.

But more seriously, if we're going to make last 2 pieces available from easy PVE as well, it'd be nice to see a Legendary Insight sink (weapon stuffs or accessories) for peoples who've been raiding after obtaining full raid armors and ring. WvWers would also probably appreciate getting amulet, necklace, accessories and weapons from their gamemode.

And no, Kitty wouldn't really profit from those personally as she's full legendary minus a few weapons as well.

I agree with you! I think it makes sense to add all the legendary stuff to all game modes including spvp. With the onset of new xpacs every year for the foreseeable future this could be a nice hook for launch or quarterly updates like the legendary relic this go round.

I personally wish they would add something like profession armor to raids by wing (like some wow raid armor) to bring more players into the raid fold. It would be a great way to use LI after wrapping everything up. If resources are tight with the new xpac model they could even do a community event to have player design raid armor for wing 1 to kick things off. (I've been dreaming on something like this for a while haha!)

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