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Adding Heterochromia and Prosthetics to the character creation menu

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As someone with Heterochromia (I don't have any prosthetics though), I get sad when there's no heterochromia option when making characters, alongside that, I don't like that there are some armor skins that are prosthetics (like the Pirate Hook and Peg Leg). The ability to have Prosthetics (be it made from Jade Tech, or other means) and the ability to have eye colors split into one color for each eye would be very cool, and would be inclusive for people with heterochromia such as myself

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Well, there are pirate themed prosthetics that rotate into the gemstore, they are probably in the statuette vendor.  That being said, they aren't a simple hook, or a simple wooden peg leg.  They probably need to still be boot and glove skins though.  Otherwise they will be hidden whenever you wear boots and gloves.  Anet may release them as free skins, though I suspect players would prefer simple hook hands and simple peg-legs to the fancy ones we have now.

The eye colors probably could be added to character creation, They could add three heterochromia combinations to the free eye colors, and then add several premium heterochromia combinations (using the premium eye colors)  for the total makeover kits.

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More customisation options are always good, though I suspect prosthetics have to be armor/outfits because of game limitations (could be wrong, but this is an old game on an even older engine, so I'd rather see a anet employee pull a rabbit out of a hat than demand they perform the trick).

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22 minutes ago, Westenev.5289 said:

More customisation options are always good, though I suspect prosthetics have to be armor/outfits because of game limitations (could be wrong, but this is an old game on an even older engine, so I'd rather see a anet employee pull a rabbit out of a hat than demand they perform the trick).

I may be totally wrong about this but I suspect adding a prosthetic might not be that different to adding patterns or tattoo - just replace the skin for that limb with a pattern that looks like wood or metal or whatever. It wouldn't be totally realistic of course, as it would still move like an organic limb and not a mechanical one, but that might be ok. The most time consuming part for Anet (other than designing the prosthetics) might be creating a new tab on the character creation menu to choose them.

The downside is it wouldn't be customisable without using a Total Makeover Kit, and there might not be many options.

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3 minutes ago, kharmin.7683 said:

Does GW2 have to represent each and every type of person on the planet?

It doesn't have to, but I think GW2 is one of the better games for representation and when you're not used to seeing people like you acknowledged in media it can be really exciting and encouraging when it does happen.

A weird one for me was finding out that Jaime Lannister in Game of Thrones in dyslexic. I did not like him and if you'd asked me before then I'd have said I'd rather not have anything in common with him at all, but hearing him talk about it * was surprisingly emotional for me. It's incredibly rare that dyslexia is acknowledged at all by writers (especially in fantasy settings, admittedly maybe because it wasn't recognised until modern times) and when it is it's usually purely negative, presented as some kind of intellectual failing on the part of the character. So to have it presented about as positively as it can be - as a confusing frustration he had to learn to live with and which drove him to focus on things that he could do well, and with many of the problems being caused by other people's attitude towards it (especially his terrible father) was surprisingly nice for me. I don't think I realised how much a positive (or even neutral) portrayal of it would be until it happened. Especially since it was very definitely not me going "hey the cool fictional character I like is just like me!"

*I've only watched the TV show. The books are on my reading list but...dyslexia means I read slowly and there's a lot of books on that list, but I'm told this detail is much the same in the books.

That's different to a physical disability of course, but it's an example which stood out to me, and one where I can tell you from personal experience how it felt rather than trying to repeat 2nd hand accounts.

Add on the fact that a lot of people like to make their characters in games a representation of themselves, including making ones that look like them, and I can see why some players would want to have these options. I could also see other players wanting it who don't make their characters look like them. I like to make up backstories for my characters which define who they are and how they look and act and I could definitely see losing a limb influencing a character's story (as it did with Tybalt Leftpaw).

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12 hours ago, GlowDonk.5810 said:

the ability to have eye colors split into one color for each eye would be very cool

I just wonder how much it would actually matter visually, given that most of the time you're highly unlikely to have the camera even aimed at your character's face, much less zoomed in on it.

It would be a neat option to have, sure, but it just seems like something you would almost never actually see in practice.

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4 minutes ago, Teknomancer.4895 said:

I just wonder how much it would actually matter visually, given that most of the time you're highly unlikely to have the camera even aimed at your character's face, much less zoomed in on it.

It would be a neat option to have, sure, but it just seems like something you would almost never actually see in practice.

Eye color is usually only visible on the character portrait of certain races, sexes, and faces. Female charr, asura, and sylvari with wide eyes. Everyone else is like a pixel of color. It's a problem even on the biggest UI scale setting. I'd say that this assessment is accurate for most characters, given how many human and norn characters there are.

That said, there is a live case that you can notice heterochromia in a character portrait.

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I want you to know that I thought for a long time about what you said. I slept on it in fact. I wasn't going to respond to this. Figured I'd probably get myself in trouble, figured you wouldn't listen anyway, but then I thought about it a little more and I decided that this doesn't have to be a bad experience. This could be a learning experience, and so that's what I aim for today. I'm going to try to teach a lesson.

The first thing I'm going to come out and say is I don't care about Diversity, Inclusion, or Equity, and in fact I find the whole thing distateful. The cold, unfeeling fact of the world is this: Everybody's got something. Everyone has something wrong with them, everyone has things about themselves they like or don't like, we all have our burden to bear. And this idea that you cannot bear your burden unless someone else puts in the legwork to make sure you feel good, or at least less bad, about your unique situation is the whole problem with the entire DIE movement: It's taking the responsibility off yourself and putting it onto someone else, someone else whose responsibility it never was, never should have been, and now has them in a position of either doing something about it or looking like a worse person for having not done it.

But I don't want to go on a long diatribe about that. This isn't the place nor does anyone but a select few people around here care. Instead, I want to take your two opening posts here and I want to tell you exactly what you did wrong and what you could have done better about it. I am not going to tell you that I can give you the secret recipe to make the devs implement that, because they're not. But I can teach you how to make a better arguement. SO without further adieu...

13 hours ago, GlowDonk.5810 said:

As someone with Heterochromia

The very first words you put in here are the root of your problem. This is what we would call "Poisoning the Well" in a debate. You came in here with a very straight-forward premise but before you could even get to that premise you've already slanted the field. You've declared yourself as part of a minority and thus as someone with a special position that should be more protected from either debate or criticism, whether that was your intention or not. I'll assume not by Hanlon's Razor since this kind of thing is basically reflex by now. But now you're aware of what you've done, and you can do better in the future.

13 hours ago, GlowDonk.5810 said:

I get sad when there's no heterochromia option when making characters

This is not an argument. This is what we would call an "Appeal to Emotion". The fact is that if you want to convince someone to do something for you, like adding Heterochromia into a game, you should give them reasons to do so that would benefit them in some way, or benefit a larger good in some way. You could argue that it would be a neat feature to attract more players, or even that adding it as a gemstore option might bring in more money(which we will get to in a moment). But this arguement that you used comes off as petulant. It sounds childish and it implies that your not being happy in this game that you bought and played by your own volition is somehow on the fault of others, again referencing the above opening. This isn't an arguement; this is a manipulation tactic designed to get someone else to do something by making them feel bad that you feel bad.

13 hours ago, GlowDonk.5810 said:

The ability to have Prosthetics (be it made from Jade Tech, or other means) and the ability to have eye colors split into one color for each eye would be very cool, and would be inclusive for people with heterochromia such as myself

Then we get to this part. On its own there's not a lot wrong here, though we must take it in context. We've already seen part of your post that poisoned the whole arguement and tipped the scales, and then a manipulation trick used to try and convince the dev team to give you what you want, so when we take this arguement in context with those it comes off as disingenuous. Having the ability to have prosthetics and heterochromia would be very cool, I actually agree with this, but when you add on the "inclusive for people with heterochromia such as myself" you've now reduced the arguement to "I and people like me deserve it because we are different and special". And if you disagree with that, you've already stated that you are different. You are a person with heterochromia, and that you should get something on request implies that you are at least deserving, and that could be called special. So let's get to the last point.

12 hours ago, GlowDonk.5810 said:

I do NOT want these to be paywalls, because it'd be really dumb to lock these things behind such a thing

Here is where we see the true arrogance of your arguement on full display. Not only have you come in making an emotional, manipuliative arguement for people to do things for you but now you've made a demand that these things be given to you for free. For what reason do you believe that you are deserving of this treatment? Why should they do this for you, for free? Because you were born into a select 0.0006% of the population? Where do you get the right? This one line here absolutely nukes your entire arguement and is guaranteed to make sure that no one that read the first post will ever give it a second thought. I know that I didn't at first, but as I said, I thought long and hard about this and wanted to turn this into a teaching moment.

So why don't we get to that lesson then. The simple truth is this: You never needed to give them a reason at all, really. A good arguement will give points of leverage, either financial or public gain of some kind, a reason for them to want to do it for their own good, not just yours. Remember, the best way to make someone do something for you is to make them think it was their idea, and then benefit from it. You didn't even need to go that far in this case. As you've seen in this thread most people are on board with having heterochromatic eyes, you didn't need to sell them on it, and the devs can and do sometimes read these forums. If they saw enough support for it who knows, you might have got it. Might have been in the gemstore but you strike me as the kind of person that might spend a few gems just to see your character look more like you. You could have made the whole thread simply "Hey, could we get heterochromatic eyes for our characters?" and left it at that and gotten a much better response. Instead, you got this:

2 hours ago, kharmin.7683 said:

Does GW2 have to represent each and every type of person on the planet?

And that's a valid response. Because the game will never cater to everyone on the planet. To every genetic variation, to every disability, to every dysmorphia, and that's why so many people's patience has run its course with the Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity crowd. Including those words is a guaranteed way to make a growing slice of your audience automaticly tune out, and it's not needed. I understand the want for inclusion. I have dysmorphia myself and my projection online is my way of....handling that. But if there was something I wanted to see the last way I would go about doing it would be to put my issues out there and then demand that I be accomodated, because that doesn't work. Instead, I would just start an interest thread, test the waters, see if there was enough interest and if there was take that interest straight to the devs themselves. Which is what I encourage you to do. You made a mistake. It wasn't your first and it won't be your last but you will learn from it. So take what you've learned here, go back, try again. And with any luck, fingers crossed, we'll see a new gemstore item soon for different colored eyes.

Good luck to you.

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2 hours ago, kharmin.7683 said:

Does GW2 have to represent each and every type of person on the planet?

Which is impossible.  Games go with the majority average, and it's not to be exclusive.  It's just not possible to make every single person happy.  And I am someone who celebrates inclusiveness and diversity and loves to see representation, but it's just not always feasible for every situation to have everything.

I would love to see more options, absolutely.   My character currently sports different colored eyes with the tempest gaze skin in fact.   I love how it looks on Annka in EoD as well.  But it's less than one percent of the population who have different colored eyes.  We also do not have different body types to represent everyone and not every skin/fur/leaf color.  

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I don't see why, other than technical limitations, this should be treated as something Anet cannot or should not do. We get all kinds of requests for additional customisation on this forum and we've even gotten some of the more outlandish ones (like tails for all races), so I don't understand why as soon as someone mentions an idea reflecting real-life it shifts from being a cosmetic choice that's just a question of whether it'd sell enough to justify the time required to make it to some sort of statement which Anet cannot be expected to make.

If the OP had just come along and said "hey guys I think it'd be fun to pick 2 different eye colours, could that be possible?" I suspect the reactions to exactly the same idea would be very diffrent.

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5 hours ago, Westenev.5289 said:

More customisation options are always good, though I suspect prosthetics have to be armor/outfits because of game limitations (could be wrong, but this is an old game on an even older engine, so I'd rather see a anet employee pull a rabbit out of a hat than demand they perform the trick).

Its all fun and games until you realize you’ve fallen face first into a cyberpunk dystopia where people augment for the sake it, and make their bodies into weapons; tools of violence and intimidation. 

Do not trade your humanity for the empty promise of fulfillment and power. 

This message brought to you by your local friendly neighborhood flesh bags.  

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1 hour ago, Danikat.8537 said:

I don't see why, other than technical limitations, this should be treated as something Anet cannot or should not do. We get all kinds of requests for additional customisation on this forum and we've even gotten some of the more outlandish ones (like tails for all races), so I don't understand why as soon as someone mentions an idea reflecting real-life it shifts from being a cosmetic choice that's just a question of whether it'd sell enough to justify the time required to make it to some sort of statement which Anet cannot be expected to make.

If the OP had just come along and said "hey guys I think it'd be fun to pick 2 different eye colours, could that be possible?" I suspect the reactions to exactly the same idea would be very diffrent.

Because where does it end?  If the devs do something for one group then another will want the devs' attention to their wants. And then another group.  And so on.

I'd rather the devs spend their time/resources on things like ... fixing bugs, for example.  Something that will be beneficial for the entire player base rather than a very small subset.

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