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GEMSTORE REQUESTS: New Items; Items offered again - [Merged]

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I would love to see some more festival/holiday related gathering tools. Perhaps with festival related glyphs? Idk, I mean some of the gathering tools would kind of work, like the minion type one for Halloween or the glacial ones for Wintersday, but I'd love some specifically designed for that purpose. Fashion wars, you know? Also, more holiday/festival themed mounts would be fun. And at least a return of the Mad Realm etc mount packs because I am wishing I had bought them when they were in the gemstore not all that long ago.

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16 hours ago, Zape.2094 said:

A discount on additional character slots would be great to match the spirit of the upcoming Mad King Realm event.... I'm super excited to level my alts and spend time in the event, but I sadly only have one character below 80, other slots are full.... Id definitely buy a couple of additional slots if they were discounted! 🙂


I was soooo sad to not see character slots on sale today. I too was going to get a few but I don't get to play very much right now so I cant see paying regular price for them. I've honestly been disappointed by the lack of good sales in the store for weeks now.

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Please, before you release it let us choose where the buttcape goes on Foefire Chestguard and Foefire Legwraps. On Light/Heavy armor it attaches to the Legwraps but on Medium armor it attaches to the Chestguard. If both forms can exist why aren't we allowed to chooce which one we want to wear or go without it?

The skins are great but why does it exist in such a way without choice when the designs are right there?

Edited by Doggie.3184
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On 10/4/2021 at 4:46 AM, Wookins.1468 said:

Does anyone from Anet actually check this thread, or is it just where requests get filed to be forgotten? I wrote that ⬆️ in a thread that got moved here. The anniversary sale came and went, now all of September without character slots once going on sale. Not even slightly discounted. Come on, guys. Really? Character slots were a staple in every anniversary sale from 2016-2020, and quite a few more times besides. Please put it up for sale, ideally sooner rather than later? I'm not above begging.


Second this. Wondering if these suggestions are being reviewed regularly?....


Would be good to get a response from moderators.

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Definitely haven't seen any gliders requests posted in here over the past few weeks but yet they keep returning to the gem store.... Hopefully this is actually checked.... Dunno why y'all would turn away gems on what players actually want....


  1. Dark Monarch Skyscale Skin
  2. Shared Inventory Slot
  3. Bank Tab Expansion
  4. Storage Expander
  5. Recharging Teleport to Friend
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i know my request will 90% be rejected but its a desperate one my cat just died and i just wanted to request from anet to create a pet or mini cat that looks the same in the gem store and i ll buy it i just want to memorize my cat and have it with me even if its virtually and i can provide pics of my cat if you kindly agree ofc

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It very likely will indeed be refused, as this has happened I believe once, with the Mini Ramona, that was a dev's pet if memory serve.

As something that may be more likely to succeed, may I suggest seeking an artist in the Fan creation subforum and maybe ask for a drawing or something similar ? I think some artists would be receptive to that type of commission

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