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GEMSTORE REQUESTS: New Items; Items offered again - [Merged]

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1. New voices pack for your character race. If this is not possible, how about adding a "change your voice pitch" slider tool to character creation? This would keep the same voice but with different pitch options (very low to very high).

2. New poses and idle poses for your character race

3. New hairstyles, more hairstyles that cover more of sylvari's head specially.

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I'm furious, I'm angry and I'm hurt... 🔥

💕🔥Where is the Baby Aurene Plushy Skyscale skin ?! 🔥💕

I want this cuteoverload adorableness NOW! And, anddddd... .she should have a special skill that let's me play catch with her in the air.





but seriously, I want this!

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21 hours ago, Astral Projections.7320 said:


20% off

  1. Name Change Contract 640 gems
  2. Self Style Hair Kit 1@200 gems. 5@800 gems
  3. Total Makeover Kit 1@280 gems. 5@1120 gems
  4. Infinite Transmutation Charge 5@120 gems. 10@216 gems. 25@480 gems


Quote: Infinite Transmutation Charge - I wish!

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Please give us a multi-seater chair item that is a mad scientist's operating table.

The chair owner is the surgeon and gets a selection of actions to perform, ranging from steepling fingers, yelling at nothing and evil laughter (for when no one else is sat on the chair) to poking, pouring things on, or administering electrical shocks to the patient (unlocked when someone has chosen to also sit on the chair).

The other person who sits on the chair gets put on the table, of course.

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