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Expanded Weapon Proficiencies Beta Feedback: Warrior

Rubi Bayer.8493

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I'll give some feedback about WvW and mainly roaming and smallscale/cloud fights (3-4h). The Weapon overall is quite nice, I enjoy it so far. I'll go over every skill separately:

1) Autoattacks: 

- Could feel a bit smoother animations-wise

- PLEASE REMOVE THE ANNOYING SOUND FROM AA3! Seriously it sounds way too magical for warrior and in addition is just plain annoying by itself.


2) Valiant Leap:

- Overall good skill, nice hybrid usage for support or offense

- Should deal more damage (like dagger2) or maybe reduce cd to 5sec

- Should be definitely a BLAST FINISHER

- That skill has serious trouble with different heights,  for example fighting on a slope. Your aoe will land on the same level you started your animation on and thus will miss if not fighting on a plain field. Very annoying and hope it's just a bug...


3) Line Breaker:

- Good Mobility

- Weak damage for 18sec cd

- As many already stated, same problems as Rush GS5. Hit registration is super weird/buggy.

- Ally targeting is stressfull

- Maybe consider giving the support part to the user if cast without target, neither enemy nor ally


4) Snap Pull:

- Simply great!


5) Bullet Catcher:

- Great Skill

- Block channeling is buggy and is very often interupted after 1/4sec without any inputs.


F1) Path to Victory

- Good skill, nice to have a Burst Skill with some range and aoe! But please delete that awful sound from it like the AA3 😧

- Bit more damage for a 2h weapon would be welcomed

- Please remove regeneration and give it a small 3sec waterfield

Primal Burst is practically the same as regular F1, but on this I'd say regeneration fits well.

Edited by Napster.8290
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Ehhh ... I dunno

It feels kind of fun to use bugs aside. Ally targetting and needing blocks for the more obvious support apects makes that side of it feel like a situational skill shot rather than something to build around. Regen, Might and Fury just dont feel valuable in any group content due to how common they are. So im left wondering how much damage this does compared to x because there isn't enough else to really sell it.

Animations - i basically like the character movements, bit of smoothing out here and there aside. Lighting effects on a couple of things feels a bit excessive, 3rd auto attack being the most obvious one that kind of bothered me.

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My take:

The sound effect on AA3, F1, and Staff 5 needs to go. I'm not fighting underwater and in need of Sonar pings to find where my allies are. You're going to end up with beached Quaggan if those sound effects remain.

Staff 5, the AA chain will auto cancel the block, that needs to be fixed. There isn't much use for the concentration boost while blocking, the only boons that will put out there are from banners or FGJ. Consider adding that into Tactics somewhere, gain 2% increased concentration when you heal an ally per stack up to 10 stacks.

Staff 3, using Rush as the chassis here was a mistake. Use the Rev GS charge instead as the chassis of the skill. Also, if you detarget, go past the target, and retarget then like Rush it will go to the target but will not attack at the end of the charge. I tested this several times to confirm. Please fix this as well. Please make both effects activate regardless if a foe or an ally is targeted. That way the warrior can gain the positive effects when alone. It should still have the option to target allies, just make the offensive and support options activate no matter who is targered.

Staff 2, this is a very nice skill. It would be better with 900 range and a blast finisher.

Staff 4, this is also very nice. It needs at least 900 range though.

Regen does not need to be both on the AA chain and on F1, replace one of them with something else. A small barrier on the AA chain, on all hits but more on the last one would be great. If you opt to replace the regen on F1, then other boons like vigor, swiftness, resistance, and/ore stability would work well.

Staff 2, and the flipover on Staff 5 need to have blast finishers.

Staff 3 could be a leap finisher...

Staff AA3 could be a whirl finisher...

Some people are asking for a water field on F1, but the light aura lends itself more to a light field.

Overall though it is nice and will be good if you fix the problems on Staff 3 and Staff 5. If you beef up Staff 2 and 4 to 900 range as well then it will be great.

If you keep the aweful sonar pings on the AoE effects then all of our ears will bleed. The Quaggans will declare war upon all the warriors. The Orcas patrolling the Unending Ocean will begin assaulting Joon's pleasure yacht. We do not need echolocation to find our way around, we are not Daredevil.

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Tried it on the golem, in raids and strikes, and it seems to be a very capable healer build. More so than I expected.


The main problem, as everyone has mentioned above, is the ally targeting on staff 3. Players dislike ally targeting already for its inconvenience and mismatch with the gameplay style cultivated by the game over 11 years, but here the problem is not just doubled - it's tripled: not only does the skill's functionality differ drastically depending on who you target (it's basically 2 skills shoved into one - you target the wrong agent and you lose out on arguably the best skill staff can offer), but it ALSO makes you charge towards the target. When you're playing a tank role in raids - this will often lead to you turning the boss towards the group, if the player you happened to target doesn't stand perfectly near the boss's center. And in general this leads to quite annoying gameplay of either frantically spamming your left mouse button over friendly names on the screen, or binding and pressing "Target Nearest Ally" keybind and praying that it won't betray you. And I also haven't tested if it worked properly if you target non-player allies, which is something that will happen often.

I urge you to do something about it. I get that you wanted to pack more function into this weapon than 5 skills could offer the space for, but this skill singlehandedly makes staff unfun to play and will be a major hurdle that turns players away from playing this build.

I can once again suggest using the tech of weapon skill switching that was made for untamed's hammer when used on other ranger specs. Let players choose whether they want to use the offensive or the defensive version of this skill. But I suspect you won't like this solution because you want to offer in-combat versatility in PvP/WvW by allowing them to choose which version of the skill to use by selecting the appropriate target.


Another issue is the inability to grant quickness on berserker if no enemy is hit by the F1 skill. And yet you're still compelled to keep bursting with F1 even during downtime in a fight, if not to upkeep regeneration, then at least to upkeep berserk mode's duration. Feels like the skill goes half-wasted when it doesn't give quickness. Hitting an ally (which includes yourself) should be considered a successful hit for the sake of Heat The Soul trait.

On that note, why is there such a dichotomy in how boons are applied between berserker and bladesworn? Why does bladesworn get to grant alacrity upon USING burst, but berserker requires to HIT AN ENEMY with a burst to grant quickness?


Besides this, I guess the only other things I could wish for would be for staff 4 pull to be a circular AoE instead of a cone (but the current version is already good enough for a class that previously had no pull whatsoever on its terrestrial toolkit); and for staff 5 block to be, well, better than it currently is in every respect. Because, let's be honest, even necromancer's Corrosive Poison Cloud is way better than this skill, and it's simply incomparable to guardian's shield 5, firebrand's F3>3, revenant's tablet, mesmer's feedback. And - for crying out loud - it's STILL not a reflect, just a mere block. Requiring to swap an entire traitline just to have access to a pityful tiny-sized 2 second long reflect in shield 5 and staff 5 is insulting. Hell, even holosmith has a better Photon Wall - it reflects, lasts 50% longer, and isn't channeled.

But even besides this, the current healzerker build you can make with staff is surprisingly competent, and even if the previous paragraph would remain unaddressed - I think it would see a decent amount of play in PvE. But ally targeting needs to go.


P.S. Just to be extra clear: the ability to target allies with skills is not the issue. It's great, in fact. Being able to execute a supportive skill without an enemy present is often handy. The issue is the split functionality on the skill depending on who's targeted. Make the skill always execute its support function regardless of who's targeted and that solves the issue in PvE.

P.P.S. Did you know that "Target Nearest Ally" keybind happily targets clones, shattered clones that are about to despawn, and even DEAD PLAYERS? Nothing quite like yeeting yourself off a cliff with staff 3 just because your "Target Nearest Ally" button targeted a shattered clone that was a fraction of a second away from despawning, right before you clicked that staff 3 skill. Make staff 3 and gs 5 interruptible already...

Edited by ZEUStiger.3590
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I really like the attack speed of the F1.

I appreciate the regen gained from F1 doesn't rely on hit, just activation... we need more of such things in our bursts.

I really like the ability to keep up perma regen and weakness w/o concentration/expertise. 

I really like that all core traitlines work well with staff.  This will make buildcrafting around it a lot of fun. (I didn't look at elites, because I have the unpopular opinion they're overrated)

The AA feels a little slow, but it's much better than other weapons.

I'm never going to use the ally-target function of Line Breaker... that's not a "frontline support" as advertised for staff.... that's a specter mechanic. And, there's always way too much going on during any major combat for me to switch to an ally target for such a thing.... I'm getting old and have my hands full making sure I'm attacking the correct enemy.

I had difficulties getting adrenaline past the first bar before the cooldown was up (I slotted discipline), and wanted to use F1 again.

I think it's very likely the staff will become my primary weapon once it's released.


Edited by EphemeralWallaby.7643
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I agree with a lot of the feedback posted already. Staff feels like a nice support weapon with skills that offer a lot of value when you use them properly.

1. Staff auto attack chain: AA 3 could synergize with Relic of Dwayna, but just raw healing/barrier as suggested may be a better fit. On the plus side, having regen on the auto does free up the slot that Banner of Defense would hold if you wanted a lot of regen in your build.

2. Valiant Leap: Excellent skill that can be used in a variety of different ways; for kiting, helping allies burst ect.

3. Line Breaker: The enemy/ally element is cool. Has some really good conditions/boons as far as Conquest SPvP is concerned. 

4. Snap Pull: This skill deceived me at first.. but it plays so nicely into the flow of staff as a support weapon. Being able to yoink stuff off of allies and disrupt the enemies' bursts is quite useful. Definitely feels skill shot-esque. A lower recharge..? hehehe

5. Bullet Catcher/Defiant Roar: Another thoughtful skill (s), like Line Breaker, with good payoff when used at the right time. The Inspiring Focus niche-buff somewhat resonates with how Tome 123-skill 5 effects feel on Firebrand, but I feel like something more could be done with it to flesh it out more. Maybe 5-10% bonus healing too? Maybe increase adrenaline gained from attacks? Also, prime spot for a blast finisher so we can blast dem smoke fields for stealth @ mid 😄

Burst : Path to Victory: The weakness being embedded into PtV is a high point of this skill, really allows for you to potentially control the amount of pressure coming out of power bursts. Synergizes with the weakness from Line Breaker.

Overall staff has a nice skill flow that hits the sweet spots as a support weapon. Just what warrior needed! Bug fixes and we gaming.

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Some thoughts about new HEALING/SUPPORTIVE weapons as a healer main


Warrior Staff:


1.      I understand that you want this weapon to solve the problem that warrior does not have enough HPS. However, in general this is too overwhelming. I am very excited about warrior healer, but I would say no if this will make all other healing professions relatively underpowered.

2.      Since warrior can easily get extremely high healing power from Vigorous Shout, please tune down your healing. This includes staff 3 and staff 5. Please make staff 3’s total healing about 50% lower, and staff 5’s total healing 33% lower at least. For now, staff 3 can easily provide over 6k healing with only 12 cd and so many bonuses. This is extremely unfair to Guardian, Ranger, Elementalist, and Revenant, who also use staff as healing supportive weapon.

3.      The way staff 3 charges could be improved since it is not very flexible and very easy to get stuck. You are basically hard CCing yourself for 2 seconds. If you cannot reach your target, this skill is wasted. It is powerful, but inconsistent. One way of changing it is to merge the two effects and make this skill a completely enemy-target skill. Then reduce its effects, like reduce the healing by 75%, remove group breakstun, remove all conditions.

4.      The might generation may be ridiculous with staff 2, you can basically take out all boons in staff 2, and warrior will still have a really good boon uptime.

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10 hours ago, moku.9278 said:

The design of Staff 3 seems very inconvenient:

In group PvE, you'll have to re-target to an ally every few seconds - can't imagine that being much fun.

In PvP you can be more tactical, but since this skill uses the clunky Rush animation, you'll often end up missing your target if they're moving.

I very much agree with this.. that rush animation needs to go. it feels so slow and clunky,  if its possible a new fluid rush that goes the same distance but FEELS satisfying to use would be very much appreciated.  It needs an animation that starts abruptly and ends abruptly without the weird startup time and awkward finishing time the current one has. 

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6 hours ago, TwistedAlga.4235 said:

It's alright. Atleast it has a few unique animations aswell which is postive. Now I can somewhat use ''Scythe'' and ''Spear'' as melee staff finally.

Sooo much this!! It is my favorite by far, the new auto animation and bullet catcher spin animation alone made it feel more like an elite spec to me than all the cantha specs. Hope they make more animations going forward. 

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6 hours ago, Napster.8290 said:

I'll give some feedback about WvW and mainly roaming and smallscale/cloud fights (3-4h). The Weapon overall is quite nice, I enjoy it so far. I'll go over every skill separately:

1) Autoattacks: 

- Could feel a bit smoother animations-wise

- PLEASE REMOVE THE ANNOYING SOUND FROM AA3! Seriously it sounds way too magical for warrior and in addition is just plain annoying by itself.


2) Valiant Leap:

- Overall good skill, nice hybrid usage for support or offense

- Should deal more damage (like dagger2) or maybe reduce cd to 5sec

- Should be definitely a BLAST FINISHER

- That skill has serious trouble with different heights,  for example fighting on a slope. Your aoe will land on the same level you started your animation on and thus will miss if not fighting on a plain field. Very annoying and hope it's just a bug...


3) Line Breaker:

- Good Mobility

- Weak damage for 18sec cd

- As many already stated, same problems as Rush GS5. Hit registration is super weird/buggy.

- Ally targeting is stressfull

- Maybe consider giving the support part to the user if cast without target, neither enemy nor ally


4) Snap Pull:

- Simply great!


5) Bullet Catcher:

- Great Skill

- Block channeling is buggy and is very often interupted after 1/4sec without any inputs.


F1) Path to Victory

- Good skill, nice to have a Burst Skill with some range and aoe!

- Bit more damage for a 2h weapon would be welcomed

- Please remove regeneration and give it a small 3sec waterfield

Primal Burst is practically the same as regular F1, but on this I'd say regeneration fits well.

Auto attack 1 and 2 animations are perfect in my opinion. I would like a new auto attack 3 animation but I am so happy about the first two finally being new! .

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13 minutes ago, Arctarius.2649 said:

I very much agree with this.. that rush animation needs to go. it feels so slow and clunky,  if its possible a new fluid rush that goes the same distance but FEELS satisfying to use would be very much appreciated.  It needs an animation that starts abruptly and ends abruptly without the weird startup time and awkward finishing time the current one has. 

They have quite literally said in past streams that they know of Rush's infamous issues and that they wanted to "avoid them" when designing the dashes like Willbender have and Revenant GS has.

Why this has not been applied to Rush itself by now is frustrating knowing this, especially so now when they are basically trying to give us the same problematic "functions" on another skill on a newer weapon. I hope it is placeholder...I really do.

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So I played a bunch of Warrior staff and overall I think it is great! and almost feels like an elite spec thematically. below is a small list of changes i think should take priority, however. 

1.) Please change the rush skill 3 animation to something else.. that rush animation is so clunky and slow. It feels terrible and misses almost 80% of the time. it's almost useless in PVP or WvW. 

2.) I love the bullet catcher block spin before the second cast. however, if you are attacking while using it, it is canceled immediately. If this is fixed this skill is awesome. 

3.) A little nudge on some extra damage for the AA chain, skill 2, and skill 3 would go a long way. 

Overall thoughts are that I love it and am maining Warrior for the first time since launch after this. Just pleeeeassse make a new animation to replace that god-awful, clunky rush once and for all! and then apply it to greatsword rush too! 

Edited by Arctarius.2649
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Feedback: The staff is nice, but by and large Warriors simply do not have the traits to synergize with staff. Currently staff is incredible healing which is fine but it's hampered heavily by two specific problems:

Problem1: The biggest problem with Staff isn't the Staff itself, it's the fact that no other weapon in the Warrior's kit provides the kind of support necessary to cover the 10 seconds of weapon swap cooldown, which is more than enough time to get your party killed in both instanced & competitive content. By swapping out of staff you almost entirely cut off healing support to your team.

Proposed Solution1: Mending Might - Applying Might to an Ally heals the affected target. This would allow Warriors to provide ongoing healing through Might Generation even while swapped to a different weapon set while maintaining the priority of Staff being THE support weapon.

It also instantlymakes Marching Orders, Phalanx Strength, and Empower Allies (all Tactics traits) into a solid healing build foundation, makes other traitlines (Discipline, Strength, Bladesworn) potential alternative choices for support-hybrid builds, and additionally turns to Banner of Strength into a secondary a healing utility for both the Warrior and the party.

Problem2: Adrenaline generation is awful. Staff simply does have the effects (immob, disable) or number-of-hits to generate enough Adrenaline to reasonably access Burst. Warriors live and die by their ability to access Bursts, and Staff is taking that problem and making it everyone else's problem if Warriors attempt a support role. 

Proposed Solutions2: Adrenaline on Healing via Staff Skills (Regen does not count) -  There's unique mechanics in specific weapons (Elementalist Pistol, Ranger Maces) so it's not unprecedented for the new SotO weapons.

By making it so the Staff itself provides the ability to gain Adrenaline on healing allies, it prevents abuse of "adrenaline on healing allies" traits coexisting either Proposed Solution1 or using a specific trait combined with traits such as Forceful Greatsword & Might Makes Right.

Plus, the various Staff heals are already capped at 5-targets, meaning Warriors would have reasonable access to T1-T2 Bursts, with T3 requiring trait investment to access. 

Another potential solution would be to make Inspiring Focus accessible via Auto-attack 3, and make that effect be the requirement for Adrenaline on Healing via Staff Skill, although such a rework is unlikely.


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I Actually quite enjoyed staff, so here's some feedback:

-Autoattack-chain feels pleasantly impactful, but the third one needs a different Sound-effect. It doesnt really fit.

-Jumping animation on 2 is sometimes a bit wonky, but other than that very solid skill

-Please just ditch ally-targeting on 3 and give us both effects all the time. Like seriously, this mechanic messes more up than it benefits anything. We are going to rush to an enemy with this in 95% of all cases, were our allies should be anyway.

-Finally a pull on Warrior with 4! Animation is a bit weird for my taste tho.

-5 is Bugged and triggers the second skill early. Overall situationally useful


Perhaps a bit more polishing in the animation and sfx department as well, but overall I am pleasantly surprised how much I enjoyed it.
Looking forward to using this one!

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I agree with Lan, a boon duration bonus whilst blocking is useless. If you cannot transfer that into a trait, then simply move the boon duration bonus to after the block. Increase its duration per block, so both our flipover skill and any potential boons we give out, take full value from it.

Furthermore Valiant Leap needs to be a blast as I said. Leaps are good for aggressive weapon sets, blasts are better for supportive ones. 

A second blast in either the F1 or the flip over to skill 5 is essential. Then we can have some good synergy. 

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Some more feedback from a conversation with PoH ingame last night. The offensive and support ranges not being the same is weird. Having them be the same radius, so that the offensive portion has the same range as the current support range would make a lot of sense.

I realize that you guys are probably worried about it being too good, but raw numbers can be tweaked later. I think what is important now is to get the functionality right.

Here is a list of things to change to get the weapon where it needs to be functionally:

  • Normalize the attack and support ranges on the skills to match the current support range.
  • Either bake adrenaline on healing into the weapon directly, of via a trait somewhere.
    • If on a trait this can be something like gain 5-10 adrenaline when you heal a target, 2-4s ICD.  Moderate amounts on a short ICD so that one cast of a shout doesn't fill the adrenaline bar.
  • This weapon needs to have blast finishers. At minimum on Staff 2 and the flipover on Staff 5. F1 is also a candidate. Blasts are key for things like AoE condition cleansing, AoE healing, AoE Might, etc...
  • On Staff 3 please Phantom's Onslaught's animation type and not Rush. You know the issues with Rush, and you fixed it with PO, so use PO as the chassis for the skill. Please make the offensive and support effects activate no matter who is targeted.
  • Staff 2 and Staff 4 really need to be 900 range for PvP/WvW at least. I would not say no to them having 900 range in PvE, but for the competitive modes those two will need that range to be effective.
  • Remove the Regen either from the F1s or from the AA chain, it is not needed in both places. Either but barrier on the AA chain, or boons like vigor, swiftness, stability on the F1s while keeping the regeneration on the unchanged skill.
  • The increased boon duration during the block on Staff 5 is limiting. Have it be an effect that increases in duration per block that persists after the block and flipover skill are used. Not sure what the max duration should be, but just make it usable during and after the block please.
  • Fix the block cancellation on Staff 5.
  • Fix the bugs on Staff 3 not connecting. Using Phantom's Onslaught as the base of the skill may fix that more quickly though...

Not as important, but you will never hear the end of it if it is not changed: the SFX sonar ping... At least make the pitch MUCH lower, as more of a bass sound, but it could be removed entirely and not be missed.

A light field may be useful on it, possibly on F1.

Overall, it is a pretty fun weapon and very nice. It needs a few bugs fixed, better adrenaline gain from somewhere, and a few additions like finishers to really make it great.

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Staff 3 is just a variant of Rush, which is tied with Hundred Blades for the worst weapon ability on Warrior. You should have taken Revenant's Phantom Onslaught as its base.

And if you get around to fixing this, can you finally also fix Rush? It's unfathomable that you let it fester for over a decade and even publicly joked about it.

Also, the leap needs to be longer. It's range should be at least 900.

Bullet Catcher being interrupted by auto-attacks should not be a thing.

Despite these glaring problems, Warrior's Staff ended up being the second-most fun weapon for me, being just a bit behind Ranger's Maces. But that says more about the other weapons than it says about Staff.

Edited by Fueki.4753
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@Lan Deathrider.5910 Summary from your posts is just spot on - on every level.

2 hours ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:
  • This weapon needs to have blast finishers. At minimum on Staff 2 and the flipover on Staff 5. F1 is also a candidate. Blasts are key for things like AoE condition cleansing, AoE healing, AoE Might, etc...
  • On Staff 3 please Phantom's Onslaught's animation type and not Rush. You know the issues with Rush, and you fixed it with PO, so use PO as the chassis for the skill. Please make the offensive and support effects activate no matter who is targeted.
  • Staff 2 and Staff 4 really need to be 900 range for PvP/WvW at least. I would not say no to them having 900 range in PvE, but for the competitive modes those two will need that range to be effective.
  • Fix the block cancellation on Staff 5.

The bold and underlined parts in the quote are the minimum needed to finally have a warrior support build for PvE, PvP and WvW.

Edited by Max Out.5732
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12 hours ago, Drag You Down.2615 said:

Some thoughts about new HEALING/SUPPORTIVE weapons as a healer main


Warrior Staff:


1.      I understand that you want this weapon to solve the problem that warrior does not have enough HPS. However, in general this is too overwhelming. I am very excited about warrior healer, but I would say no if this will make all other healing professions relatively underpowered.

2.      Since warrior can easily get extremely high healing power from Vigorous Shout, please tune down your healing. This includes staff 3 and staff 5. Please make staff 3’s total healing about 50% lower, and staff 5’s total healing 33% lower at least. For now, staff 3 can easily provide over 6k healing with only 12 cd and so many bonuses. This is extremely unfair to Guardian, Ranger, Elementalist, and Revenant, who also use staff as healing supportive weapon.

3.      The way staff 3 charges could be improved since it is not very flexible and very easy to get stuck. You are basically hard CCing yourself for 2 seconds. If you cannot reach your target, this skill is wasted. It is powerful, but inconsistent. One way of changing it is to merge the two effects and make this skill a completely enemy-target skill. Then reduce its effects, like reduce the healing by 75%, remove group breakstun, remove all conditions.

4.      The might generation may be ridiculous with staff 2, you can basically take out all boons in staff 2, and warrior will still have a really good boon uptime.

I am not saying the basic concept and design is bad, but it needs to be balanced, big numbers does not make this a better weapon for healing. Seems like ppl didn't calculate with their gears, let me tell you.

When you have 1500 healing power and 60% boon duration, you staff 3 has 6500 healing with 6.5 sec aegis and protections, with group breakstun with group 3 unblockables, with only 12 sec CD, this will be 9 secs with alac. your staff 5 has 5500 minimum heal and maximum 10k+ healing and 9.5 sec resolution with 20 sec CD, 16 secs with alac.

I can't find anything that can compete with this number. See what Ranger staff has, and Revenant staff has, less than 1/3 of this heal with the same healing power, and even longer CD, and not that many bonuses. Even they have more healing skills by nature, but they need time to activate, the HPS, healing per second will still be lower than this. I am not sure if this is the real BALANCE. When Warrior is going to have a 5 digits number healing, Engineer is having a weapon healing skill with only 180 radius and 500 each pulse, how pitiful.

If there is ascended gears, with a combination of stats, you can get 1650 healing power and 75% boon duration very easily, the number will just be higher. Just tell me if there is any other weapon can do the same thing. This number is ridiculous in PvE at least. But the numbers are reasonable in pvp and wvw tho.

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3 minutes ago, Drag You Down.2615 said:

Seems like ppl didn't calculate with their gears, let me tell you.

When you have 1500 healing power and 60% boon duration, you staff 3 has 6500 healing with 6.5 sec aegis and protections, with group breakstun with group 3 unblockables, with only 12 sec CD, this will be 9 secs with alac. your staff 5 has 5500 minimum heal and maximum 10k+ healing and 9.5 sec resolution with 20 sec CD, 16 secs with alac.

I can't find anything that can compete with this number. See what Ranger staff has, and Revenant staff has, less than 1/3 of this heal with the same healing power, and even longer CD, and not that many bonuses. Even they have more healing skills by nature, but they need time to activate, the HPS, healing per second will still be lower than this. I am not sure if this is the real BALANCE.

If there is ascended gears, with a combination of stats, you can get 1650 healing power and 75% boon duration very easily, the number will just be higher. Just tell me if there is any other weapon can do the same thing. This number is ridiculous in PvE at least. But the numbers are reasonable in pvp and wvw tho.

Those professions have especs to bolster their support, as well as profession mechanics that provide extra utility/support. For this weapon to work in order to make warrior support possible, it has to do a lot.

Like I said above though, lets focus on getting the functionality of the weapon right. Raw numbers can be tweaked easily later.

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At this moment I would just like to add a small thing that bugs me (maybe just me), but I would love for the new trait Stalwart Focus to be moved to the Tactics trait line.

Maybe swap the places between Stalwart Focus and Warrior's Cunning as I do not see any logic behind that one, where the heal trait is in a non-healing trait line (Discipline).

I believe the builds will be more fun if they make that small change.

I will continue testing to see what else can be improved in my opinion.

What I am testing so far is the build that involves Tactics, Discipline and Spellbreaker and it works really nicely in my mind.

Swapping the above mentioned traits would allow for the Discipline to be swapped with the Defense trait line and that might be an even better build option.

Cheers, all.

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