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A natural satellite that orbits around the planet on which Tyria is located. And asura.


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If you look up, you can see in the sky a natural satellite of the planet we are on. The Asura have more technology than humans in the real world, so they could set up a science station on this satellite (that's such an interesting reserch!).

There were ancient races in Tyria that lived before the last, the last dragon awakening. Their traces on the planet have long since been removed. But maybe their traces are still preserved on the satellite! 

I'd really like to see that in the story. Well, what do you think?

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i think the races in tyria don't have space travel because its extremely inefficient when they already have literal stargates that can warp them to other worlds. there's basically no reason to explore the physical space around tyria whatsoever; we just do it in real life because we can't go any further.

Edited by SoftFootpaws.9134
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1 hour ago, SoftFootpaws.9134 said:

the races in tyria don't have space travel because its extremely inefficient when they already have literal stargates that can warp them to other worlds. there's basically no reason to explore the physical space around tyria whatsoever;' we just do it in real life because we can't go any further.

But on the moon of their world there may be something that is connected to their world!  Important!

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1 hour ago, FiveBunnies.5730 said:

We can have a moon station in more than one game.

True but it's more sci-fi than fantasy-steampunk, and that STO mission's story is exactly what you're asking for.

Besides, anything like that in GW2 would just end up being a gate to the Mists anyway; space travel ain't happening.

We've already had plenty of the "retrieve the ancient whatever" story type, why would traveling to the moon suddenly be involved?

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11 hours ago, Konig Des Todes.2086 said:

Rodents don't belong on the moon.

If the rodents can build big golems, they deserve their place on the moon.


11 hours ago, Teknomancer.4895 said:

why would traveling to the moon suddenly be involved?

It seems to me that would make sense. Tyria is progressing, they have new technology, prosthetics, other things. There's no reason why there shouldn't be more technology. Our world has become technologically advanced very quickly.

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15 hours ago, FiveBunnies.5730 said:

It seems to me that would make sense. Tyria is progressing, they have new technology, prosthetics, other things. There's no reason why there shouldn't be more technology. Our world has become technologically advanced very quickly.

Whatever. I'm sure your suggestion will get exactly as much attention from the devs as it deserves.

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On 12/11/2023 at 1:20 AM, FiveBunnies.5730 said:

If the rodents can build big golems, they deserve their place on the moon.


It seems to me that would make sense. Tyria is progressing, they have new technology, prosthetics, other things. There's no reason why there shouldn't be more technology. Our world has become technologically advanced very quickly.

It mostly has to do with motivations.

The primary reason why we on Earth ever landed on the moon was primarily because of the Cold War and the worries of the other side having access to space-faring technology would put their own at a massive disadvantage both militarily and economically. Without the Russian and USA going at it in a non-outright-combat manner that was avoided because both countries had access to nukes and were fully well aware that open war could lead to global annihilation through use of said nukes, the progression of space-fairing technology would be much slower, if even ever actually happening.

Tyria is progressing with new technology, but technology progresses in the ways that it does based on the needs and wants of the cultures at hand. And those needs and want don't really extend to "build a rocket to go to the moon physically". After all, why would they when they have portals to the Mists? So spaceships are unlikely to ever be a thing in Tyria because it's simply impractical - you can just take an airship into the Mists via portal, why build a spaceship to go into what's by all Tyrian knowledge just the Mists but the slow route.

Now could they build portals to take them to the moon? Maybe. If the Tyrian moon has breathable air. If they can properly calculate the distance from Tyria to their moon. If they ever actually have motivation to do so. And a bunch more ifs. Overall, the asura would be far more interested in exploring and colonizing the Mists than the moon - and they already did that, we see the fruits of that labor in Fort Marriner.

And to respond to your explicit example: Golems and spaceships are vastly different fields of study - one being pretty much purely magical, and basically just artificial humans but magic; the other being pure technological, and a means of transportation out of the stratosphere. Prosthetics are yet another entirely different field - closer to golems due to anatomy similarities, but a very far cry from spaceships. And airships are decades before spaceships, just as the zeppelin was for us.

Edited by Konig Des Todes.2086
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  • 2 months later...

If any species is going to the moon it would be the charr. The iron legion is all about building massive vehicles and I'm sure they have no problems with sending up  many ill fated missions before understanding things like lack of oxygen, zero gravity, re-entry without bouncing off into space, and of course safe landings. Lots of dead charr in their space program

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  • 4 weeks later...

There is pleanty of room on Tyria for entire civilizations that the humans just haven't traveled far enough to discover.

Tyria is actually a massive planet. If you look at the globe in the order of whispers headquarters, you will see that Tyria is mostly rock and sand.  There are large patches of water, but nowhere near as high a percentage as found on Earth.  When you look at one of those patches on the globe, then think about the bodies of water that we have encountered, the scale is surprising.  All of Magumma jungle is the green moss that grows around the edges of a mud puddle.

The Guildwars story has been focused around civilizations that are near the last human settlements.  Tyria is so large that we have only explored a small fraction of the surface.  We are ants that float across a puddle in leaf boats, and declare that we have crossed the entire world.

Edited by Zebulous.2934
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  • 2 months later...

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