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Got bored with my Main.


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Been playing my Necromancer for almost 750+ hours now. Continously playing it for PvE and PvP contents everyday. Finished the story content and quests for mounts. Its my most played class throughout my playing time and already tried playing each of its elite spec for different contents. 

 But in the last 2 months, its been pretty repetitive and somewhat boring. The content of the game still gives me excitement but the repetitive throwing of the same skills from my necro is what it makes me bored. Quitted for a month and now I'm thinking to change my main for good.

I do have alts right now and narrowed down the choices. Either Revenant, Engineer or Mesmer but I'm still open for other suggestions. I also have Ranger and Guardian that I don't really play

My criteria would be:

1. Versatility. Can be pure DPS or Support DPS class

2. Not that complicated but a little challenging to use. 

3. Large AoE skills. I really like crashing a group of mobs

4. Would love to play a class that is not really popular but still somewhat useful in end game contents.

Any suggestions? Thank you.

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   Vindicator is rather easy to play and have some strong AoE burts (albeit used to be better). The celestial versions with condi damage are almost unkillable; the power builds are my favs but have much less self sustain. For support you can run Vindi or Herald, but I have no idea about thst variants...

   Celestial Mirage is very powerful at solo content and has great versatility in weapons of choice, but I'm not sure about the support variants.

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I would go for revenant then, pretty versatile in all content. I would say most versatile in pvp with different builds/roles to play. For pvp I have dps, teamfight, roamer and support builds. Some of those builds can have multiple roles same time for versatility upon situation. Feel free to pm if you decide rev 😁

Edited by arazoth.7290
spelling mistake
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Dont pick one. Dabble a bit with each. I think some specs within them classes will fit and others wont at all. The best fit for your criteria is probably necro really.

I'd say everything else breaks at least one of your criteria.

I'd say having a vindicator, virtuoso, mechanist would give you better more suitable options than any one class.

I haven't played Herald in a long time so i dont really know how the quickness version of it plays but it wasn't too hard before. Maybe a bit unintuitive at times. Revanant isn't a bad choice.

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I suggest Mesmer.....I'm not biased or anything, stop accusing me.

As far as the criteria you're looking for. There are a few DPS builds for mesmers but we are a more support class than others. THAT BEING SAID, mesmers don't really spike. Mesmers excel in that we're basically immortal. We don't spike because honestly we don't need to. We're hard to catch, hard to hit, and hard to kill, and we can outlast anything.

Second criteria, complexity. Mesmers are not a terribly difficult class to play but we are a difficult class to play well. If you button mash a mesmer you will fail. Timing is key, particularly with shattering clones. Chronomancer makes it even more complex with their ability to rewind time. THere's a low barrier to entry, but a high ceiling for mastery. You will never stop improving.

Large AoE skills. That depends on how you want to look at it. If you're looking for a nuker like a fire ele, then no, we don't have it. However, if you go with a shatterstorm build and you just shatter clones left and right, EVERY shatter has a radius of 240. 3 clones plus yourself, all shattering with a 240r AoE covers a LOT of ground. Very handy when you're either tagging or melting groups of trash.

And usefulness. Well, as for a class that's not very popular, according to this mesmers rank mid to bottom half, and if you look at the statistic from the Dev Team, they basically hate us. That being said, if you would like to play a support role no one does it better. Yes, we do it better than Firebrands I will die on that hill and mount their heads on the pinnacle of it. We are the OG alacrity class that EVERYONE wants, we give more speed than the twitchy guy on the street corner, and we JUST got a massive rework that increased our healing to levels that are absolutely unneeded, on top of a rifle coming that as of the beta test pretty much does nothing but heal. So you will always be useful. And as a mesmer, you are contractually obligated to look good doing it.

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In a similar boat with my asura necro and going down the mesmer route. Done some initial play with a sylvari mesmer which has been quite fun though finding the right sylvari look took some time but the class itself is fun so far with my great sword 🙂  Might swap Sylvari for a different race but looking forward to unlocking more abilities.

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4 hours ago, Blood Red Arachnid.2493 said:

I'm going to second the advice to not pick a main.  Just play a bit of all the professions, and do what feels right,  Personally, I play 8/9 professions, and I couldn't see myself sticking with just 1.  

Actually I'm thinking the same. But I can't really progress with the story if I can't pick a main. I also somewhat have limited time to play for a while and since I started to get lazy to play various classes. (I'm actually lazy to learn each elite spec mechanics)


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On 12/17/2023 at 9:44 PM, Caid.4932 said:

Dont pick one. Dabble a bit with each. I think some specs within them classes will fit and others wont at all. The best fit for your criteria is probably necro really.

I'd say everything else breaks at least one of your criteria.

I'd say having a vindicator, virtuoso, mechanist would give you better more suitable options than any one class.

I haven't played Herald in a long time so i dont really know how the quickness version of it plays but it wasn't too hard before. Maybe a bit unintuitive at times. Revanant isn't a bad choice.

Tried to play Vindicator and Mechanist. Both are fun in their own way.

Currently playing Condi Mech now and man, it's fun crushing those champs in open world.

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2 hours ago, ArkLightXXVII.4768 said:

Actually I'm thinking the same. But I can't really progress with the story if I can't pick a main. I also somewhat have limited time to play for a while and since I started to get lazy to play various classes. (I'm actually lazy to learn each elite spec mechanics)


Well you’re doing it to yourself then.  Easiest solution is make WvW/PvP alt to mess with classes, and just use one char for PvE. 


I just rotate chars on a whim. But I did have the foresight to have gear ready, and always have few hundred gold in the bank along with tons of tomes to power level a class. 

Edited by starlinvf.1358
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On 12/17/2023 at 8:48 PM, arazoth.7290 said:

I would go for revenant then, pretty versatile in all content. I would say most versatile in pvp with different builds/roles to play. For pvp I have dps, teamfight, roamer and support builds. Some of those builds can have multiple roles same time for versatility upon situation. Feel free to pm if you decide rev 😁

In terms of versatility, which one is more versatile for various builds and all around? Would I go for Engineer or Revenant?

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On 12/19/2023 at 12:14 AM, Blood Red Arachnid.2493 said:

I'm going to second the advice to not pick a main.  Just play a bit of all the professions, and do what feels right,  Personally, I play 8/9 professions, and I couldn't see myself sticking with just 1.  

Agreed.  I am a ranger main in that it is my preferred toon and the one I'm most familiar/comfortable with.  I'll use my ranger to open up new maps and zones, but once she's been through them I'll play a variety of other professions depending on my mood and what content I want to play.

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Revenant is good, but vindicator is more annoying now than before (since the last update, it's more annoying to play) and yes, it was better before for that.... Ingenieur is nice too, I'd say, but his little flaw, for me, is targeting skills, because he seems better with a grenade kit in general, all ground targeting, same for his mortar kit and soon maybe the bow.

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On 12/20/2023 at 4:01 PM, ArkLightXXVII.4768 said:

In terms of versatility, which one is more versatile for various builds and all around? Would I go for Engineer or Revenant?

The only role an engi can't effectively fill is condi quickness, so versatility is not a limiting factor for engi. And engi also has better capabilities when you have to go ranged, allowing you to do some mechanics in group content that a rev simply couldn't. Rev on the other hand has better sustain. If you got used to face tanking everything with your necro, and you can't live without it, rev is the next best thing for that.

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1 hour ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

Did Berserker or Bladesworn not float your boat?

If you like Spellbreaker, try it out with different setups.

I did try to learn both Spellbreaker and Bladesworn. I actually get the mechanics of those 2 specs but I don't have a good timing. I like how Spellbreaker bonks alot but yeah, I can't really manage to use them effectively.

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19 minutes ago, ArkLightXXVII.4768 said:

I did try to learn both Spellbreaker and Bladesworn. I actually get the mechanics of those 2 specs but I don't have a good timing. I like how Spellbreaker bonks alot but yeah, I can't really manage to use them effectively.

Well, Berserker is pretty simple in concept and pretty straightforward and can be both DPS and support.

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