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Disable Emotes in WVW

Glass Hand.7306

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40 minutes ago, Burnfall.9573 said:


I understand.

This is why the Golden Rule exist and is applied everywhere including in gaming. ""Do not do unto others, what you do not want others to do unto you""

I can go as far and ask; how would it feel if that that was you, your child, a Parent'schild player being taunted, while they laying dead on the ground? 

The game is rated for 13 years old and is promoted for children; from the link that I had posted. Anet is the one who is promoting the game

Also remember, time has changed. Children are given more access to contents more then ever. It is up to the Organization and Company like Anet to Enforce and to Promote a Safe, Healthy Competitive Experience for them including all range of players. 



Definition of Taunting

"Taunting is always one-sided and represents an imbalance of power that is intended to harm by demeaning, ridiculing or dominating the target.

It involves laughter directed at someone not with them. Usually with a sarcastic tone of voice involving cruel comments or humiliation and often exhibiting aggressive body language like shaking of the head, smirking or rolling of the eyes.

Taunting usually continues even after the target becomes upset or objects to the behaviour.  At this point it can be considered "bullying." "




Im sorry ,here is where i lose you. It seems to me that here we are trying to magnify a problem that is tiny, and you are trying to use every possible scenario to try to bring grist to you mill

What's the point of your question:" What if it were your son?"

If it were my son, he wouldn't have to be so upset if someone was taunting him because he lost in a video game, because I raised him that way.. But in the moment i see that my son is not able to manage a similar situation I would consider it a shortcoming of mine and I would try to fix it. But not by telling Anet that "you must guarantee that these situations do not happend to my son ever again"

Also if my son got to the point where he couldn't sleep at night because someone threw a catapult at him while he was in a downed state, IN A VIDEOGAME (the context we are talking about), I would most likely make him play less videogames and try to understand why such a small thing has such an enormous weight on him. .

So since "we" like to quote from the dictionary:

Definition of  Overreacting

": to react to something too strongly : to respond to something with too strong an emotion or with unnecessary or excessive action"



Edited by ilMasa.2546
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2 hours ago, Burnfall.9573 said:

This should have Never Been Allowed, Tolerated, Included and Nor Promoted in the game in the first place. Taunting In Any Form, Is Toxic And Must Be Removed!!


I found this article in Learning Works For Kids website which advertises Guild Wars 2 for chilren functioning and learning. My question to Anet is, if a children website is advertising and Promoting the game, why did you allow a Toxic Emote to be included in the game, which is also harmful to Children? 

"A Family who play together stay together" There are families who play the game, with having their Parents looking for advice on the forums. Not too long ago, there was a Dad asking advice to play with his son"



https://learningworksforkids.com/playbooks/guild-wars-2/#:~:text=With an engaging story%2C rich,to players 13 and older.



"The Hidden Danger of Taunting: How It Negatively Impacts Mental Health"


"On the surface, taunting may appear to be harmless, but it can seriously harm mental health. Taunting can create a hostile environment that can lead to anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues, whether it takes place in the workplace, at school, or even online. Let's look into the negative effects that taunting has on mental health and how we can stop it.


 Feelings of worthlessness and low self-esteem can result from taunting:

At the point when somebody insults someone else, it can prompt insecurities and low confidence. It can make the person being taunted feel like they are not good enough if it happens repeatedly. 


Anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues may result:

Insulting can cause a ton of profound misery, which can prompt psychological wellness issues like nervousness and gloom. It can even result in suicide in severe cases. As per a review distributed in the Diary of the American Foundation of Youngster and Juvenile Psychiatry, kids who are tormented are at a higher gamble of creating psychological wellness issues.


Additionally, physical symptoms such as stomach pain and headaches may occur:

Taunting can also manifest itself physically. Individuals who are insulted may encounter migraines, stomach throbs, and other actual side effects. Stress and anxiety brought on by being teased are frequently the cause of these physical symptoms.


A hostile work or school environment can be created by taunting, which can result in absenteeism or reduced productivity:

A hostile work or school environment can be created by taunting, which can result in absenteeism or reduced productivity. Someone may experience anxiety about going to work or school when they are being taunted. This can result in missed days that can have an impact on productivity.


Instead, let's cultivate a culture that is encouraging, uplifting, and supportive of one another:

The most effective way to battle provoking is to make a positive and steady culture. Respecting one another's differences and being kind to one another are the first steps. We can all cooperate to establish a climate where everybody feels esteemed and upheld.


Final Thoughts:

Insulting may seem like innocuous prodding, yet it can adversely affect emotional well-being. It can cause sensations of uselessness, lead to emotional wellness issues, make actual side effects, and even lead to non-attendance or loss of efficiency. Let's collaborate to create a culture that bolsters and encourages one another rather than taunting one another."




You're not even posting anything from a professional on the subject.  Get help for yourself, please.

Edited by Chaba.5410
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56 minutes ago, Burnfall.9573 said:


This is why the Golden Rule exist and is applied everywhere including in gaming. ""Do not do unto others, what you do not want others to do unto you"


This is shockingly, factually inaccurate. I would suggest revisiting the source material, lest it further impact your premise.

Edited by Tovera.4039
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3 minutes ago, Tovera.4039 said:




The Golden Rule Around the World  

"The same essential golden rule has been taught by all the major religions (and philosophies) of the world going back approximately 3500 years.'

Edited by Burnfall.9573
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1 minute ago, Burnfall.9573 said:

“CHRISTIANITY (c. 1st century AD) 

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

Luke 6:13

So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you.

Matthew 7:12”


Apparently not getting past the first line of a reference explains a lot about your posts. Surprisingly words and the order of said carry meaning. Who knew. 

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6 minutes ago, Tovera.4039 said:

I always enjoyed displays of morning after downing another player. Via /cry and /sitting beside them in wake until their spirit returns from the great beyond. 

They in turn of course offered many tokens of salt in mail. 

Th circle of life. 

I always loved this guy's response to getting BM'd:


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3 minutes ago, Burnfall.9573 said:


It is not about being responsible to your own response. Like I had posted previously, the game is promoted to children including age 13 years old. Are you going to tell that child who is being taunted that, 'he/she is responsible for her/his response to it"?

Who dictates how a person, child should respond? The one who Taunts them? The  abuser?

Are you a parent?  Are you a professional psychologist?  What you previously posted was some non-professional screed.  This game isn't going to give children trauma.  Be serious.

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4 minutes ago, Chaba.5410 said:

Are you a parent?  Are you a professional psychologist?  What you previously posted was some non-professional screed.  This game isn't going to give children trauma.  Be serious.


Let's say If am.  Perhaps I am both. Who makes the call that the game isn't going to give children trauma? Who dictates a child emotions? Cetainly, not I

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10 minutes ago, Burnfall.9573 said:


It is not about being responsible to your own response. Like I had posted previously, the game is promoted to children including age 13 years old. Are you going to tell that child who is being taunted that, 'he/she is responsible for her/his response to it"?

Who dictates how a person, child should respond? The one who Taunts them? The  abuser?

YOU as a parent have the right to tell your son: "Son i dont want you to get emotionally hurt in a videogame,so you are not going to play Gw2 instead you can watch me watching the Price is Right

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Just now, Burnfall.9573 said:


Let's say If am. Who makes the call that the game isn't going to give children trauma? Who dictates a child emotions? Cetainly, not I

Let's not say you are.  Even if you were a parent, that doesn't make what you posted right or whatever you're trying to argue for correct.  You're still posting fluff and not anything that is supported by any actual professional.

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1 minute ago, ilMasa.2546 said:

YOU as a parent have the right to tell your son: "Son i dont want you to get emotionally hurt in a videogame,so you are not going to play Gw2 instead you can watch me watching the Price is Right


A Parent does have the right to protect their son from any form of Toxicity especially when it is not being disarmed nor dealth with 

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6 minutes ago, Burnfall.9573 said:


A Parent does have the right to protect their son from any form of Toxicity especially when it is not being disarmed nor dealth with 

What are you going to do?  Protect them their whole life from the big mean outside world?  Just get that basement ready.  Going to be a long haul for you.

Edited by Chaba.5410
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Burnfall you are trolling.
It's impossible that this discussion is real...

I understood it the moment I realized that Chaba and I are of the same opinion, which has never happened in 10 years of posting.

So exactly how I would teach my child to "don't feed the troll any longer, because it's a waste of time"...

...im out lol

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7 minutes ago, ilMasa.2546 said:

Burnfall you are trolling.
It's impossible that this discussion is real...

I understood it the moment I realized that Chaba and I are of the same opinion, which has never happened in 10 years of posting.

So exactly how I would teach my child to "don't feed the troll any longer, because it's a waste of time"...

...im out lol


ilMasa you and Chaba know me long enough. I am not a troll. My history proves it and it hasn't changed.  The only thing to feed is Truth.

Edited by Burnfall.9573
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On 12/18/2023 at 3:02 AM, Glass Hand.7306 said:

The taunting over a downed player is seriously not cool.

But how will you disable corpse/downed jumping, siege throwing on a corpse/downed and finisher spam with stow cancel? Those arent emotes.

Though clearly the plan is to disable dying in wvw, just look at boon vomit, cele and mobility post eod.

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This thread reminds me of what I read about trees grown in a biosphere. The trees grew up quickly, but because there was no wind in the biosphere they did not fully mature. They were thin, weak, and had underdeveloped root systems. They grew quickly, and then collapsed under their own weight. All because there was no wind to stress them and force them to mature and develop strong trunks and strong roots.

It's just like how we need to lift heavy things to grow physically stronger and more resilient. The same is true for our emotional wellbeing. If you never experience anything emotionally difficult, then you will grow to be emotionally weak and find everything around you that discomforts you to be toxic.

All that is to say, if you're crying over a /dance over your dead corpse in WvW, you probably need that in your life and you need to put your big kid breeches on and mature a bit more...

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Ah long ago There was once a time I dawned my marriner's horn and would play taps over my defeated foes and promptly salute them. If the battles were well fought and on the verge of Legendary status I would dawn the defeated foe with a marker of siege to let all know that a glorious battle had once occured there. But I've  changed.  https://youtu.be/HyytJyAHDJI?si=rasBMF0c7G2T0byF

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