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Please make more engaging story boss encounters

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Posted (edited)
15 minutes ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

I did? Link please. 

So you weren't banned, then. This confirms it. Otherwise you'd remember. I certainly didn't forget who you are, DanAlcedo.3281.

Edited by Buzzbugs.1236
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21 minutes ago, Buzzbugs.1236 said:

Who cares anymore? They don't want to talk about anything else and chose to hyperfocus on one thing I said and pretend like their assumptions are fact. They'd rather make sweeping generalizations about my ability as a player than face any kind of negative feedback about the game. It's typical fanboy behavior that you see all the time on subreddits.

The thing is, when it comes down to it I'm a huge fan of GW2. Why else would I have stuck around for 10+ years, and completed most of the content? The difference though is I'm not a white knighting fanboy. I can accept the games shortcomings and even speak out about it. Shocking, I know.

Perhaps if you had a valid criticism, but it's clearly established at this point that you don't.  You'd have to be performing very poorly in order for these story bosses to take that long to complete.  I provided you with video evidence of the veracity of that claim.  If what you say is true and these bosses are poorly designed such that they take inordinate amounts of time to kill due to excessive health, I shouldn't be able to do that.  But obviously I did and I did it on builds using sustain stats like trailblazer and celestial, not full DPS builds.  So, it can be done faster than that. 

The only explanation for you taking many times as long to complete story bosses is that you're either struggling with survival or mechanics or your DPS is very low.  You claim you aren't struggling, so your DPS must be very low.  Again, that is a "you" problem and does not indicate that story bosses are designed with too much health.

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19 minutes ago, AliamRationem.5172 said:

The only explanation for you taking many times as long to complete story bosses is that you're either struggling with survival or mechanics or your DPS is very low.  You claim you aren't struggling, so your DPS must be very low.  Again, that is a "you" problem and does not indicate that story bosses are designed with too much health.

This guy reminds me of a stereotypical entitled yet ignorant person, you know, the kind that goes "my opinions are more important than facts". Overall, his posts make you wonder if we should have natural selection back. The posts would also serve as a nice condom ad, just screenshot some of the more outrageous ones, post them one by one, and then add your choice of condom brand at the end. Granted, it would only entertain a very niche group of people, but would be a memorable one for us ^^.

Edited by Passerbye.6291
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Last time I spent 30 minutes on a boss fight was Mordremoth...and that's because I kept missing part of the mechanics and didn't fully understand my class (daredevil), so I'd die and have to start over. Once I got the hang of it, the next attempt took me far, far less time, and I got all the way through it without much difficulty.

Even the DRMs done solo take less time, and I'm not the best player, nor do I have a totally optimal build/gear. (And once I discovered you can use mounts in those missions...that sped them up even further. Yay.)

I'm just curious, which boss did you find to be such a slog to get through, OP? What tactics or mechanics do you think would be more engaging?

Edited by Batel.9206
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Just now, Buzzbugs.1236 said:

You're the stereotypical entitled yet ignorant person. You keep posting in this thread but don't actually add anything, you just repeat the same talking points as your fellow fanboys. And now you're bringing condoms brands into the discussion. Creep.

I don't take 30 minutes to kill bosses, at least one thing I know more about ^^

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1 hour ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

I did? Link please. 


1 hour ago, Buzzbugs.1236 said:

So you weren't banned, then. This confirms it. Otherwise you'd remember. I certainly didn't forget who you are, DanAlcedo.3281.

This is the discussion I think you to are talking about. It will be impossible to find evidence either way though. Since some responses where deleted.

Tbh, this tread is 1.5 years old at least. It would probably be better to just let the grievances from then go.

To OP, which bosses did you think felt boring?

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5 minutes ago, yann.1946 said:


This is the discussion I think you to are talking about. It will be impossible to find evidence either way though. Since some responses where deleted.

Tbh, this tread is 1.5 years old at least. It would probably be better to just let the grievances from then go.

To OP, which bosses did you think felt boring?

Jesus. Ofcourse I don't remember. 

But to be fair... Reading it again... Ohh boy that was a bad take. Ohh well. Let old stuff rest. 

Thanks anyway. ❤️

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Thread to be closed, OP clearly do not wan't to help, by His post I only see he is here to insult players.

@Buzzbugs.1236 You are keep claiming that there is some shady community of white knights that will defend ANet at all costs, but have You considered that maybe, just maybe, it is Your pov that is wrong this time? You lowered Yourself to insults and yet You tell others to look into the mirror, maybe it's You who should do that.

Also if forum is such a bad place, why are You keep answering all of this toxic peoples, You already made a topic, someone from ANet will surely read it, but after Your rude (delicatly speaking) behaviour, Your thread will be closed 100% in no time.

Other matter that is curious is how much You despise this game and yet seem to clinge to it from the release till now. Maybe it's time for a break or even time to move on, becouse if this game is somehow turning You into person so enormously toxic, than maybe it is not game for You.

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1 hour ago, Biziut.3594 said:

Also if forum is such a bad place, why are You keep answering all of this toxic peoples, You already made a topic, someone from ANet will surely read it, but after Your rude (delicatly speaking) behaviour, Your thread will be closed 100% in no time.

To any Anet employer who may be reading this, I apologize on behalf of everyone else. I only wanted to provide some feedback to the game and how I think some of the encounters could use a re-tuning to be more enjoyable. But unfortunately it must be difficult for you to read through all the noise and get anything useful out of it, as there is a particular mechanism in this community to attack people who even suggest the game might have a shortcoming. To this end, providing feedback is pointless.

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20 minutes ago, Buzzbugs.1236 said:

To any Anet employer who may be reading this, I apologize on behalf of everyone else. I only wanted to provide some feedback to the game and how I think some of the encounters could use a re-tuning to be more enjoyable. But unfortunately it must be difficult for you to read through all the noise and get anything useful out of it, as there is a particular mechanism in this community to attack people who even suggest the game might have a shortcoming. To this end, providing feedback is pointless.

The feedback isn't "difficult for anet to read through" because of "all the noise", the feedback is hard to read through because you provided none. You've been asked for details plenty of times and all you keep responding with is the equivalent of "I could list things, but I won't!". You don't want to provide feedback to make the encounters better, you just want to repeat empty, generalized complaint. This has no chance to change anything, not sure what you're still not understanding about this.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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Posted (edited)
15 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

you just want to repeat empty, generalized complaint.

Maybe you need to read through the thread again. I made a few examples where I think the content is repetitive, but I never went into more detail about any of them because everyone else was only invested in making claims I had a bad build or sucked at the game and it's a skill issue. 4 whole pages of people saying the same thing.. but you tell me I'm the one repeating empty stuff? Okay..

Since that's all you'll do, why would I waste my time?

Edited by Buzzbugs.1236
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11 minutes ago, Buzzbugs.1236 said:

Maybe you need to read through the thread again. I made a few examples where I think the content is repetitive

Ok, quote or link it all in one post (maybe even in the first one in this thread) then, so anet has easier time seeing actual feedback.


11 minutes ago, Buzzbugs.1236 said:

but I never went into more detail about any of them because everyone else was only invested in making claims I had a bad build or sucked at the game and it's a skill issue. 4 whole pages of people saying the same thing.

Well, that's a lie. Multiple people simply asked for details and you provided nothing. Multiple times I tried to drop whatever annoyed you, to go back to getting any details and you kept repeating that you could but you won't. Don't try turning yourself into a victim now, you're not one.

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7 minutes ago, Buzzbugs.1236 said:

Maybe you need to read through the thread again. I made a few examples where I think the content is repetitive, but I never went into more detail about any of them because everyone else was only invested in making claims I had a bad build or sucked at the game and it's a skill issue. 4 whole pages of people saying the same thing.. but you tell me I'm the one repeating empty stuff? Okay..

Since that's all you'll do, why would I waste my time?

Reading back as you suggested I found you mentioned 3 things:

-1. Boss health is too much for you that it takes too much time to take down. People's response: that is abnormal OP, you might want to check you build or you might be missing mechanics? Give us more details so we can see if we can help you and you might have a better experience of the game onwards.

-2. You seem to find that fight mechanics are same throughout the game? Ok, but I can't really think of any boss fights from the top of my head that do this unless they're related to each other in story. Can we get some examples so we can look into this and make a more informed decision as to whether we agree or not?

3.You complain things always happen in 3's in this game. (Ironic you list only 3 things yourself, also HT 11 phases says hi)

So far from what I've read from your comments in this thread you refuse to give any detailed or constructive criticism that anet could possible use to improve their game and just insulted people to the point no one will take you seriously other than to try to point out your bad behaviour. 🤷‍♂️

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Posted (edited)
16 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Well, that's a lie. Multiple people simply asked for details and you provided nothing. Multiple times I tried to drop whatever annoyed you, to go back to getting any details and you kept repeating that you could but you won't. Don't try turning yourself into a victim now, you're not one.

No, I'm not lying. What I've got from this thread is that you are nothing but a bunch of elitists who jump at any opportunity to flex how good your DPS is, or some sort of ego stroking thing you get by trying to school everyone. Well I hope it's clear that I'm not impressed at all. In fact it's extremely toxic, which is what the GW2 community is known for and I was well aware of going in. So go figure.

"Look everyone!! the NOOB can't kill a boss in solo in less than 30 minutes!!! Let's all show them how pro we are!"

And the rest of you find the whole affair amusing. That's the sad thing.


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4 minutes ago, Buzzbugs.1236 said:

No, I'm not lying. What I've got from this thread is that you are nothing but a bunch of elitists who jump at any opportunity to flex how good your DPS is, or some sort kind of ego stroking thing you get by trying to school everyone. Well I hope it's clear that I'm not impressed at all. In fact it's extremely toxic, which is what the GW2 community is known for and I was well aware of going in. So go figure.

"Look everyone!! the NOOB can't kill a boss in solo in less than 30 minutes!!! Let's all show them how pro we are!"

And the rest of you find the whole affair amusing. That's the sad thing.


Sometimes, it's about how the message is delivered. You are not very adept at delivering your message. You are great at doubling down and making no one agree with you though. 🤷‍♀️

Dibit.6259 actually took the time to go though what you provided, besides insults. You haven't provided any constructive criticism or suggestions so far. Not sure what message you want to the developers to receive.

Suggestion: stop interacting with others the way you might in the Spvp lobby and start interacting with others in a meaningful way IF you have something of value to provide.

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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16 minutes ago, Buzzbugs.1236 said:

you are nothing but a bunch of elitists who jump at any opportunity to flex how good your DPS is

You got it wrong, we're saying your dps is too low, not that ours is good.

16 minutes ago, Buzzbugs.1236 said:

"Look everyone!! the NOOB can't kill a boss in solo in less than 30 minutes!!! Let's all show them how pro we are!"

Interesting, didn't you say you had over 6 thousand hours in the game? 

16 minutes ago, Buzzbugs.1236 said:

And the rest of you find the whole affair amusing. That's the sad thing.

You got me there bud, it is pretty hilarious.

Edited by Passerbye.6291
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1 minute ago, Buzzbugs.1236 said:

No, I'm not lying. What I've got from this thread is that you are nothing but a bunch of elitists who jump at any opportunity to flex how good your DPS is, or some sort of ego stroking thing you get by trying to school everyone. Well I hope it's clear that I'm not impressed at all. In fact it's extremely toxic, which is what the GW2 community is known for and I was well aware of going in. So go figure.

"Look everyone!! the NOOB can't kill a boss in solo in less than 30 minutes!!! Let's all show them how pro we are!"

And the rest of you find the whole affair amusing. That's the sad thing.


If you said 10min, that would be believable and we all could work out a solution. 

But 30min is simply mathematically improbable. 

It is barely even possible to get a low enough dps for that to be the case. 

I tried, the lowest I could possibly get is 452 dps. 

Your claim is so far off reality, of course people go HUHH!?!? 


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Posted (edited)
19 minutes ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

Sometimes, it's about how the message is delivered. You are not every adept at delivering your message. You are great at doubling down and making no one agree with you though. 🤷‍♀️

Dibit.6259 actually took the time to go though what you provided, besides insults. You haven't provided any constructive criticism or suggestions so far. Not sure what message you want to the developers to receive.

I'm pointing out that the content is repetitive for 2 reasons. One is the overemphasis on drawn out combat encounters with trash mobs and bosses. I have no problem with the combat system in the game, and I have no problem fighting trash mobs and bosses in general. But the formula that Anet uses for several expansions now has become predictable and repetitive.  And things are often done in 3's, samey boss mechanics, and fighting hordes of reskinned trash mobs. I understand it's an MMO and there's an expectation of quantity of content. But I would honestly prefer 50% less content for 50% more quality. That's probably going to be an unpopular opinion, because from what I understand most people complain that GW2 doesn't have enough content. But look at the big picture; the game already has 10 years of content behind it. Would it really hurt the game in the long term if we went with a quality over quantity approach from here on?

SoTo is guilty of this. The re-used assets is bad this time. I'd rather the story be cut into 2 parts if it meant I don't have to see a Path of Fire mob reskinned into a Kryptis. It's very disappointing when I see it. I want to see GW2 be the best it can be. But these kinds of shortcuts are not it.

The other part that needs improvement is on the story front. Fighting the big bad ominous boss who towers over you and you have to combine powers with your Allies etc etc is quite frankly old and played out. I'm not a writer. But maybe Anet needs a new one. Or fresh look at encounter design.

I thought the beginning portion of IBS was really cool. The politics of the Charr factions and the rivalry's between more grounded characters. It felt fresh when contrasted with much of the rest of the story where my character and my allies are at the center of it all as we are always trying to fight some big bad threat that's going to destroy the world. I'd rather have stories that make the world feel more believable. We just got done with the Dragon Cycle yet here we are in SoTo saving the whole world again and having the same type of encounters again.

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