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Split birthday gifts between account age and character age

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18 minutes ago, Gehenna.3625 said:

I do want to thank you for starting this thread though

I'm not the one who started it. I just supported OP's suggestion.

18 minutes ago, Gehenna.3625 said:

I had no idea that these feasts were reusable.

Why would anyone care if they weren't? Then they would indeed be a worse version of the ascended ones.

18 minutes ago, Gehenna.3625 said:

I doubt Anet is impressed by your complaint nor are people here

You know, there is a tendency on game forums of people "not being impressed" and pushing back against suggestions that are an obvious improvement of a system, and then the devs implementing them a few years down the line, either because they went through the logic steps to get to the same conclusion as the person making the suggestion, or because they were clearly more impressed than the players, many of whom are just against any kind of change on principle. And once they do implement those changes, all those haters suddenly love those changes, because they were indeed an obvious improvement.

Edited by Sindust.7059
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19 minutes ago, Sindust.7059 said:

It's not your wording, it's the context of your statement. Because the guy I was replying to where you quoted me accused me of making strawmen. And if the statements I made were strawmen, then definitely the things I quoted were too, because he did his typical thing of not responding to the actual point, but picking only some part of it and going on his own barely connected tangent.

Whenever your reasoning got answered, you dropped it and tried coming up with a new one, including swapping into things like spending money, legendaries or salvagomatics, because I guess talking about cake when the thread is about cake is somehow too hard?
Then you claim that because someone doesn't want to bother with your bad strawman attempts, it somehow means they "misinterpreted what you said" (because that's what you claimed before linking refusal to respond to your strawman attempt, which has nothing to do with "misinterpreting" anything or everything you said). Funnily enough, the "because you keep misinterpreting what I'm saying all the time!" came right after your failed justification for the insults you keep throwing in this thread, where at first you tried claiming it's because I started insulting you. Overally you're wriggling all over the place and the last pages are quite a ride where you're clearly not even sure what accusation you want to throw out when the previous one failed. Again, the whole thing is just ridiculous. Use blaster or actual food.

Also lets not forget that the very moment your requested strawman got addressed, you "stopped reading after first sentence" (or so). That sure is convenient and totally drives your point home. 🤷‍♂️


6 minutes ago, Sindust.7059 said:

Why would anyone care if they weren't? Then they would indeed be a worse version of the ascended ones.

They objectively already are. Ascended feasts are simply better and that's a fact whether it fits your narrative or not.
As it was already pointed out multiple times to you (which, ironically, is something you also dodged every time btw), people rarely use cakes in instanced content because if they care, they use regular food.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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3 minutes ago, Sindust.7059 said:

You know, there is a tendency on game forums of people "not being impressed" and pushing back against suggestions that are an obvious improvement of a system, and then the devs implementing them a few years down the line, either because they went through the logic steps to get to the same conclusion as the person making the suggestion, or because they were clearly more impressed than the players, many of whom are just against any kind of change on principle.

The system works just fine. You want to redo a system that works fine for your sake, because you're too impatient to wait a year or whatever for your cake, and too stubborn to accept "there's better feasts you can use" as an acceptable answer.

Redoing a system will take time and resources away from something that can actually use those time and resources, like a new event, system, or bug fixes. Either do what everyone else who doesn't have their cake already does and use something else (such as a much better feast) or suck it up. Preferably both. You aren't getting anything remade for you just special.

People aren't impressed with you because you're acting like a child who was told "no" to candy at the store.

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4 minutes ago, Sindust.7059 said:

I'm not the one who started it. I just supported OP's suggestion.

Why would anyone care if they weren't? Then they would indeed be a worse version of the ascended ones.

You know, there is a tendency on game forums of people "not being impressed" and pushing back against suggestions that are an obvious improvement of a system, and then the devs implementing them a few years down the line, either because they went through the logic steps to get to the same conclusion as the person making the suggestion, or because they were clearly more impressed than the players, many of whom are just against any kind of change on principle.

Listen, I'm not pushing back. I don't care either way, but it seems to me that some people just waste their energy on things that aren't realistic, that's all I'm saying. GW2 has had these birthdays for years and I don't see them change it all around retroactively. I mean, sure, getting the queen Jenna mini on all characters is annoying etc., so in that sense I do agree, but do you really think that Anet will do this? I just can't see it.

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1 minute ago, Kiki.9450 said:

Redoing a system will take time and resources away from something that can actually use those time and resources

Luckily it's not you who decides what system is worth allocating these resources to, because if you did, your main's profession would be the only viable one, and only the content you care about would be getting updates.

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1 minute ago, Gehenna.3625 said:

Listen, I'm not pushing back. I don't care either way, but it seems to me that some people just waste their energy on things that aren't realistic, that's all I'm saying. GW2 has had these birthdays for years and I don't see them change it all around retroactively. I mean, sure, getting the queen Jenna mini on all characters is annoying etc., so in that sense I do agree, but do you really think that Anet will do this? I just can't see it.

They probably won't. But people here disagree on principle, not practicality.

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Just now, Sindust.7059 said:

Luckily it's not you who decides what system is worth allocating these resources to, because if you did, your main's profession would be the only viable one, and only the content you care about would be getting updates.

Actually if it was up to me, the professions would be balanced against various points of data and not just highest benchmarks, and WvW and PvP would get a lot more development than they have been. Raids wouldn't have settled with Emboldened mode either as their attempt to bring more life into them.

But ok. Cute strawman. (Do you know what that word means yet?)

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3 hours ago, Sindust.7059 said:

If you build a new house in a region that historically did not have any tornados, but in 5 years a tornado completely destroys it, is it your fault that you don't have a house now?

Yes, if I was to delete my oldest char now, it would indeed be mostly my fault, because now I know that despite prior historical data, the metaphorical tornados do happen here. But it was not my fault back then, before I knew about tornados, despite doing all due diligence.

Historically ANet rewards character birthdays.

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Just now, Gehenna.3625 said:

So what? Opinions are a dime a dozen, especially on the internet.

We're here in a place specifically made to discuss those opinions. It's not like I go to the supermarket and start shouting at random passersby who are just there to do their shopping that their opinions are wrong.

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3 minutes ago, Sindust.7059 said:

We're here in a place specifically made to discuss those opinions. It's not like I go to the supermarket and start shouting at random passersby who are just there to do their shopping that their opinions are wrong.

Exactly -and people do discuss, so stop trying to say they somehow disagree with you "on principle", because that's false. It's not a place for discussion only when it suits you.

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2 minutes ago, Sindust.7059 said:

We're here in a place specifically made to discuss those opinions. It's not like I go to the supermarket and start shouting at random passersby who are just there to do their shopping that their opinions are wrong.

It is a place to discuss topics from GW2 indeed but then, when it gets to a back and forth that doesn't go anywhere, I wonder what you get out of it. You can of course do this, not telling you to stop, but it seems like it's pointless at this stage.

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My account is from the 2012 beta pre purchase...   due a gaming addiction y deleted 10 characters I had, as a measure to quit playing so much.

it's unfair that I lost the advantage of old characters rewards for that. Account age is what should matter.

Edited by Axelteas.7192
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1 minute ago, Axelteas.7192 said:

My account is from the 2012 beta pre purchase...   due a gaming addiction y deleted 10 characters I had, as a measure to quit playing so much.

it's unfair that I lost the advantage of old characters rewards for that. Account age is what should matter.

Why is it unfair that someone who chose to not get rewards does not get those rewards?

If a company says, "if you do X you will get Y," it is perfectly fair that those who chose to not do X will not get Y.

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Whoaaa. Cake talk is still rolling. Man... it's just useless item in video game just move on. Like I can't remember even my 5 year old nephew to be stucked to wanting something for so long, and when he wants something it's at least more useful than this cake.

Like literally what will it change. Good luck with using it in raids. It's called "Poor people food" for a reason. For high end content You are expected to run the best food that suit the role You are performing, be it exotic or from some feast. If You would throw a cake in front of a raid/harder strike cm, peoples would firstly choke from laughing and secondly kick You out.

Any other content that do not qualify as high end content, does not require ANY food to finish. You will be fine without food. Now of course it helps a little when You have something on, but it can as much be a few copper food that You can buy stack of. It will never run out, and it will work better than cake becouse it will boost the stat that You actually need.

As for the sharing feasty part. Why the kitten do You care? If it's high end content you can demand from peoples to come prepared with food fitting their roles, if it's low tier instanced content You can also type in LFG that You want peoples to have some nourishment up, altho it's not necessery coz with current power creep, everything just melts. Open world? Like who the hell cares about food in OW, first days of DE meta perhaps. Now someone will ocassionaly throw this God forsaken cake or if they are a good boy/gerl an ascended feast, but it's not like it's gonna be meta saver or something.

To conclude @Sindust.7059, take all this words to your heart please. This cake is by all means nothing special. Peoples are not going to fawn all over your existance if You put it in front of them. (This is what full line of varied ascended foods and banners are for xd ). Better food than cake, for personal use, you can buy for coppers. Food for instanced content every player should have in their private stash, becouse feasts are only a good will of it's owner and is not a necessity. Other stuff does not need any food at all.

You can of course ignore all of this, but all You gonna gain is a cake made of anger, smeared with the envy flavoured cream, and with a big cherry on the top, but this cherry shall not be sweeter than any other part of this cake. For this will be the bitter taste of disappointment, after You finally get it, after all this years, You will realize how useless this item truly is, and how useless all Your anger was, and how much time You have wasted bothering yourself with it. Regards.


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11 minutes ago, Biziut.3594 said:

Whoaaa. Cake talk is still rolling. Man... it's just useless item in video game just move on. Like I can't remember even my 5 year old nephew to be stucked to wanting something for so long, and when he wants something it's at least more useful than this cake.

Like literally what will it change. Good luck with using it in raids. It's called "Poor people food" for a reason. For high end content You are expected to run the best food that suit the role You are performing, be it exotic or from some feast. If You would throw a cake in front of a raid/harder strike cm, peoples would firstly choke from laughing and secondly kick You out.

Any other content that do not qualify as high end content, does not require ANY food to finish. You will be fine without food. Now of course it helps a little when You have something on, but it can as much be a few copper food that You can buy stack of. It will never run out, and it will work better than cake becouse it will boost the stat that You actually need.

As for the sharing feasty part. Why the kitten do You care? If it's high end content you can demand from peoples to come prepared with food fitting their roles, if it's low tier instanced content You can also type in LFG that You want peoples to have some nourishment up, altho it's not necessery coz with current power creep, everything just melts. Open world? Like who the hell cares about food in OW, first days of DE meta perhaps. Now someone will ocassionaly throw this God forsaken cake or if they are a good boy/gerl an ascended feast, but it's not like it's gonna be meta saver or something.

To conclude @Sindust.7059, take all this words to your heart please. This cake is by all means nothing special. Peoples are not going to fawn all over your existance if You put it in front of them. (This is what full line of varied ascended foods and banners are for xd ). Better food than cake, for personal use, you can buy for coppers. Food for instanced content every player should have in their private stash, becouse feasts are only a good will of it's owner and is not a necessity. Other stuff does not need any food at all.

You can of course ignore all of this, but all You gonna gain is a cake made of anger, smeared with the envy flavoured cream, and with a big cherry on the top, but this cherry shall not be sweeter than any other part of this cake. For this will be the bitter taste of disappointment, after You finally get it, after all this years, You will realize how useless this item truly is, and how useless all Your anger was, and how much time You have wasted bothering yourself with it. Regards.


There's a reason cake's Nourishment buff will get overwritten by other foods, but not the other way around. 😄 

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54 minutes ago, Ashen.2907 said:

So I did not say it, but you chose to imply that I did....and you wonder why people think you are engaged in fallacious arguments?

You jumped into the middle of an ongoing conversation, and started quoting things that you didn't understand the context of. I'm sorry dude, but that's 100% on you. I can't include the summary of the entire thread in every post I make.

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All this over a feast?  I never even use that thing and it's just wasting space in my bank. That being said, it's not the commander or anyone else's responsibility to make sure players have food. Not to mention Cele stats aren't that great for many people in instanced content anyways.

It costs 50-60 silver to make an ascended feast, assuming you buy everything and don't grow anything. Assuming you drop 3 types of ascended food (already rather overkill), you'd spend less than 2 gold per run. Most content worth running gives you much more than 2 gold. Even doing WV dailies already covers for it. And of course, these feasts are better than the birthday one.

I think it would be reasonable to expect players that have really been around for 10 years and wish to optimize in this manner to have Chef ready and have like, 5 gold available, , or if one is in a guild, to simply compensate some as needed. But somehow I suppose there has been poor time management and planning going out if you're deleting established characters.

tl;dr Don't be stingy with your play money. You can't take it with you.

Though I suppose it's never occurred me to delete a character with investment in it. I have deleted non-80 characters, but at the least a 80 toon can be parked anywhere.

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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I was going to tell a joke about cakes, but it felt a bit half baked. And It seems like someone needs to practice the game of patience.

Even if I had this cake, I would still place ascended food for others to enjoy. And every time I do, people choose that over the cake. I guess the flavor of the cake is subpar. Perhaps anet could try chocolate next time. Don’t get me wrong, placing the cake is a good thing when no one places other food, but it will not be eaten when people have better options. 

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9 hours ago, Ashen.2907 said:

Why is it unfair that someone who chose to not get rewards does not get those rewards?

If a company says, "if you do X you will get Y," it is perfectly fair that those who chose to not do X will not get Y.

The birthday rewards content weren't announced in 2012. In fact from 1st to 6th birtday the gifts were trash. How I was gonnapredict the 11th gifts would we good if the first was a useless  minijenna a scroll and a meh booster? Do you predict the future?

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25 minutes ago, Axelteas.7192 said:

The birthday rewards content weren't announced in 2012. In fact from 1st to 6th birtday the gifts were trash. How I was gonnapredict the 11th gifts would we good if the first was a useless  minijenna a scroll and a meh booster? Do you predict the future?

It wasn't exactly trash.

Birthday boosters were pretty strong, especially back then, and still are decent. And they were per character. It was perfectly reasonable just to keep a character for the booster if you were building multiple characters, and if you deleted any, then you did. 

It wasn't much, but it was going to add up over time.  Nowadays I don't even play without a birthday booster.

Also leveling was much harder back then, so deleting a established character was an even worse idea then it is now unless one truly hated playing it and didn't invest anything.

Either way it's not much in the long run. And even if I knew the future and wanted to delete a character, the existence of easy access to a second-tier food in 9 years isn't going to change my mind. I'd take those 9 birthday boosters though.

I suppose if I really knew the future I would have made alts quicker for more boosters but you don't see me crying over that.


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10 hours ago, Axelteas.7192 said:

My account is from the 2012 beta pre purchase...   due a gaming addiction y deleted 10 characters I had, as a measure to quit playing so much.

it's unfair that I lost the advantage of old characters rewards for that. Account age is what should matter.

yea, at one point I deleted all of mine and remade them out of anxiety.

And before that I deleted them because I was deleting so I could try something else. Most everything was good, but there are many things to try and I had just 2 character spots.

But I should qualify for cake in approximately the same way as players who do have cake--I had a character I was playing the game with 10 or more years ago. The only difference between me and them is that I don't have that specific character, any more. I have different characters. Back in the day I didn't see deleting toons as a problem since nothing was unique to birthday gifts. But that has since changed and some of the gifts now are indeed unique. 

I feel like there could be a way to solve this, maybe one of these:

  • recover an old toon--they have undeleted so much stuff for LWs1, maybe they learned how to undelete old toons while they were working on that
  • presumably they have a way to verify account age, so just grant 1 toon your account age. Maybe write it into the programming so they don't have to do stuff on an ongoing basis. Keep track of both the character's actual birthday and their imputed birthday, but give gift on the basis of imputed birthday.



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5 minutes ago, ArchonWing.9480 said:

Also leveling was much harder back then, so deleting a established character was an even worse idea then it is now unless one truly hated playing it and didn't invest anything.

or unless you were f2p and didn't know what to have the character do after they got to level 40 and maxed out beginning maps

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10 hours ago, Ashen.2907 said:

Why is it unfair that someone who chose to not get rewards does not get those rewards?

If a company says, "if you do X you will get Y," it is perfectly fair that those who chose to not do X will not get Y.

What I heard was "are you sure you want to delete your character" and we advise against for undisclosed reasons. 

which I interpreted the same as "are you sure you want to salvage some random stat yellow gear that your character can't even equip" , for undisclosed reasons

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