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Improve Magic Find

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Figure out some way to make magic find a stat that is worth working towards, besides the existing incentives (envelopes at canthan new year and precursor drops from mobs).

What do you guys think would improve magic find or make it more exciting?

My suggestion is to make gen 1 precursors used for other new items in addition to gen 1 legendaries, so that the value of them increases and makes "treasure hunting" with magic find more exciting.

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2 minutes ago, Omega.6801 said:

Remove the artificial 300% limit and let us consume luck infinitely.

The issue with infinite is there will be players will increase it to mind bogglingly high levels. Hundreds of thousand %. It’ll be a speed competition as to who can grind the most luck. I’m not sure that’s a healthy idea for the game

In the current system, I agree the cap is too low. I’m surprised it isn’t 1000

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5 minutes ago, Randulf.7614 said:

The issue with infinite is there will be players will increase it to mind bogglingly high levels. Hundreds of thousand %. It’ll be a speed competition as to who can grind the most luck. I’m not sure that’s a healthy idea for the game

In the current system, I agree the cap is too low. I’m surprised it isn’t 1000

On par with the rest of the stupid ideas that get thrown around on the forums these days but sure. I guess you're right and "infinite" is in fact too high. So a raise to, I don't know, 10'000% or something would be nice.

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16 minutes ago, Omega.6801 said:

Remove the artificial 300% limit and let us consume luck infinitely.

There's still the overall 700% cap limit. And seeing the reasoning they made when they introduced it, that one won't be removed for sure.

Also, a hint: increasing "baseline" MF veteran players run with does not make the drops better. It makes Anet adjust, either putting drops in containers unaffected by MF, or by decreasing droprates down to compensate (and thus making drops worse for new players).

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2 hours ago, Jumpin Lumpix.6108 said:

Figure out some way to make magic find a stat that is worth working towards, besides the existing incentives (envelopes at canthan new year and precursor drops from mobs).

Genuine question, do you think Magic Find only affect the 2 thing you cited?

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2 hours ago, Shuzuru.3651 said:

Genuine question, do you think Magic Find only affect the 2 thing you cited?

Genuine question: do you think the handful of other cases matter?

MF only mattered for stacking for opening envelopes for a moderate return. Now it's nerfed it's just another junk stat which exists because the junk that goes alongside it needs a reason to exist (luck). They could gut it secretly and no one would notice.

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Hmm.  I had been told that the most noticeable effect of magic find was that larger percentages of MF replaced grey and white equipment drops with something else in the loot table.  That would technically improve drop chances for better loot.  I vaguely recall that a MF score of 300%  would always replace a potential grey or white bordered equipment drop with something else.  

I did wonder what Magic Find was supposed to do if a critter's drop table didn't have trash tier equipment to begin with. 

This was a memory from years ago, it may have changed, or it may have been a rumor to begin with.

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4 hours ago, Randulf.7614 said:

The issue with infinite is there will be players will increase it to mind bogglingly high levels. Hundreds of thousand %. It’ll be a speed competition as to who can grind the most luck. I’m not sure that’s a healthy idea for the game

In the current system, I agree the cap is too low. I’m surprised it isn’t 1000

Isn't there a bug or something that breaks the magic find of a character if they go above 750% or so, so Anet capped it at 750%? 😂 (after all the buffs)

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27 minutes ago, QueenKeriti.5176 said:

Isn't there a bug or something that breaks the magic find of a character if they go above 750% or so, so Anet capped it at 750%? 😂 (after all the buffs)

Could be. I can't remember what they've previously said on it

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From the Wiki:

"According to player research before the 750% cap was introduced: "It apparently takes 1000% Magic Find to double your chances of receiving a higher tier item. Not 100% as may be expected and implied by prior quotes on the subject. It also implies that at 1000% you should stop getting junk as drops." "

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5 hours ago, Shuzuru.3651 said:

Genuine question, do you think Magic Find only affect the 2 thing you cited?

Magic find affects mob drops, and the only thing mobs drop that are valuable are precursors, the rest is negligible monetarily.

certain PvP/WvW reward track boxes, again the best those can drop is gen 1 precursors as a random exotic.

Some random loot boxes from silverwastes and heart of thorns, most of of which (if not all) gen 1 precursors arent even in the loot table, so the drops are monetarily inconsequential.

and lastly lunar new year envelopes which result in receiving more gold than you spent on them, if you have a lot of magic find when you open them.

So yah pretty much what I citied is all it affects, sadly gen 1 precursors arent worth hardly anything anymore which is why I suggested coming up with additional uses for them so that magic find is somewhat more interesting than how it feels today. Today when you do win the proverbial  magic find "lottery," it amounts to a whopping 30g when it used to net you around 700-1200g, about 8 years ago, so its not very exciting anymore.


Edited by Jumpin Lumpix.6108
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8 hours ago, LSD.4673 said:

Genuine question: do you think the handful of other cases matter?

MF only mattered for stacking for opening envelopes for a moderate return. Now it's nerfed it's just another junk stat which exists because the junk that goes alongside it needs a reason to exist (luck). They could gut it secretly and no one would notice.


5 hours ago, Jumpin Lumpix.6108 said:

Magic find affects mob drops, and the only thing mobs drop that are valuable are precursors, the rest is negligible monetarily.

certain PvP/WvW reward track boxes, again the best those can drop is gen 1 precursors as a random exotic.

Some random loot boxes from silverwastes and heart of thorns, most of of which (if not all) gen 1 precursors arent even in the loot table, so the drops are monetarily inconsequential.

and lastly lunar new year envelopes which result in receiving more gold than you spent on them, if you have a lot of magic find when you open them.

Well, actually, it matters more for mobs loot than the 2 cases you cited.

Prices of enveloppe on the tp are almost set at the result of opening them with maxed Magic Find, so Magic Find there simply give you a "fair" chance at the lottery, instead of a really defavored one.

For gen1 precursor, the loot chance is so low anyway that having Magic Find probably don't matters much, practically speaking.


On the other side, t6, rare material and rare/exotic are nice and reliable income source, and from my personnal experience, are way more frequent with a highter Magic Find

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No. Just for using that trope of a title.

A moot point anyway, as explained by Astralporing.1957. There is an overall cap of 700 anyway and the games loot reward system broke after that, which made the cap necessary in the first place.

His take on the developers just adjusting the drop rates is also spot on. It would simply make higher mf necessary to get back to "equal" drop rates.

The only thing I'd agree to would be increasing the cap so that less magic find buffs are necessary, essentially allowing players to invest into account wide mf versus boosters. Which still might result in a global drop rate decrease.

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Have magic find effect the rate at which unidentified gear is "upgraded" to the next tier when identifying it.
Increase the rate at which you get things like clovers from mystic coins, amalgamated gemstones from orbs/crests, gen 1 precursors etc. from the mystic forge crafting/gambling.

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33 minutes ago, firedragon.8953 said:

Have magic find effect the rate at which unidentified gear is "upgraded" to the next tier when identifying it.
Increase the rate at which you get things like clovers from mystic coins, amalgamated gemstones from orbs/crests, gen 1 precursors etc. from the mystic forge crafting/gambling.

As that would just be how unidentified gear worked when it was added to the game, we already know how this will end. The TP prices of things like ectos will crash again and people will be back and complain that drops and magic find are worthless again. The same would happen for the other directly or indirectly tradeable items you mentioned too.

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MF also already affects the quality of the unidentified gear you get.  With higher magic find, you will get more uncommon unidentified gear compared to common if you have low magic find.  One reason they removed MF affecting results of identifying gear (and also when opening containers except for a few specific ones) is that MF was already used once to determine the quality of that gear/container, so using it again was effectively giving a double bonus to MF for those objects.

Probably some was that with containers/gear, people could earn it anywhere, then go to silverwastes, boost MF to 700+%, and then also get much better gear, which probably was not an intended design either.  Now, it really doesn't matter where you open those containers or identify your gear.


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4 hours ago, Solvar.7953 said:

MF also already affects the quality of the unidentified gear you get.  With higher magic find, you will get more uncommon unidentified gear compared to common if you have low magic find.  One reason they removed MF affecting results of identifying gear (and also when opening containers except for a few specific ones) is that MF was already used once to determine the quality of that gear/container, so using it again was effectively giving a double bonus to MF for those objects.

Probably some was that with containers/gear, people could earn it anywhere, then go to silverwastes, boost MF to 700+%, and then also get much better gear, which probably was not an intended design either.  Now, it really doesn't matter where you open those containers or identify your gear.


I thought the idea was that they changed it so that unID results are determined when acquired. So MF still determines what comes out when identified, but stacking MF before opening won't do anything to the results.

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22 hours ago, QueenKeriti.5176 said:

Isn't there a bug or something that breaks the magic find of a character if they go above 750% or so, so Anet capped it at 750%? 😂 (after all the buffs)

This is what I also remember. I think the statement was from a developer years ago. It broke something in the game.. but im not sure. 

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My recollection is the super high magic find had unintended consequence in terms of the items people were getting.  It wasn't crashing the game, but rather people were getting loot that was better than intended.

Thinking about how some RPG games work, where you roll on a table to determine quality of item, and then you roll on that next table, and so on - presumably magic find increased the roll on each of those tables, and is possible that with high magic find, rolls where getting to tables which were only meant to happen from people doing metas or world bosses or the like.

As far unid results determined when acquired - I can't believe that the game records what every unid item you get should turn into when you id it (the fact that unid items stack would seem that is really not going to be the case, because the items would not be identical in that case).  When they made the change, my reading is that the quality of the unid item was determined when you received it (common, uncommon, rare), and in some cases, you'd get a specific exotic item instead of an unid item - that is determined at acquire time, and when you id them, it just uses a standard table that is not affected by MF.

Before they made the change, people were storing up their containers and what not to open when at 1000% MF after doing silver wastes, so getting better drops from opening the containers - including higher quality unid gear.  Then they would id the gear, and get higher quality items when doing so, which was not what was really intended.  Going way back, there wasn't even an enrichment slot, so players could optimize for themselves (add MF to their amulet) or optimize for party play (add a stat boost to their amulet), but that wasn't seen as good for game play and grouping together.

I'm not sure what can be done to make magic find better - at least there are now some sinks for luck after you have maxed out magic find.


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34 minutes ago, Cronospere.8143 said:

This is what I also remember. I think the statement was from a developer years ago. It broke something in the game.. but im not sure. 

It broke the Envelopes fron Canthan New Year (after ~600 MF the loot started getting worse, and at the highest end it was significantly worse than at ~200-300 MF). That bug, btw, was never fixed. So, the very thing OP wants to increase MF for is broken and would not benefit from it.

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i feel like magic find works alot better than it seems, but 300% is only something like a 30% increase in the quality of loot rolls. even so, this is enough to push me from exotic to ascended quite often, and i have an entire mule full of nothing but ascended gear because of it.


i think veterans also don't realise how much better loot then get than newbies. an established account drops hundreds of more rares per week than a fresh one.

Edited by SoftFootpaws.9134
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40 minutes ago, Cronospere.8143 said:

This is what I also remember. I think the statement was from a developer years ago. It broke something in the game.. but im not sure. 

20 minutes ago, Solvar.7953 said:

My recollection is the super high magic find had unintended consequence in terms of the items people were getting.  It wasn't crashing the game, but rather people were getting loot that was better than intended.


Yeah, that might have been it. I couldn't remember if it was like a bug that would effectively send your MF back to 0% essentially or if it made things too good. 😂 Might have been another game I played where, if this one stat got to high, it broke the stat back to like a negative value. (Not the legend of Civilization 2 with Ghandi)

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