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The limited inventory space and default equipment templates are really offputting, I rather spend my time elsewhere due to how detrimental this is to my enjoyment

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4 hours ago, evilcat.6817 said:

Cant we get like 20 slot bags from fractals? Otherwise 12gold per bag is ok money sink, and is probably needed in the end unless you delete your characters very often it is not that much money if you play long time.

Specialization templetes are in wizard vault in sufficient number, and that is actually cool, it even dont cost that much.

However... ANET really kitten up with lack of gear setup template in wizard vault, that is some serious kitten kitten policy and i am full kitten about it. There should be kitten gear templates in wizard vault, as without kitten gear the kitten build doesnt work, and non amount of kitten specialization would help. Kitten with you.

There is also a "solution" to make more character each alt having 2 gear slots, so if you need WvW character that is it. Or dedicated pvp. Or dedicated healer. However considering that not all maps have teleport scroll that could be annoying to repeat prologue to Path of Fire once again (and code 07...)

 Congratulations you just found out why build template expansions are in the wizards vault to get you to buy gear template expansions for gems and hopefully those gems was bought with cash.

Edited by Linken.6345
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14 hours ago, Luthan.5236 said:

I have slowly bought more bag slots and filled them up with only 20 slot bags. (Have all except the latest 2 bag slots unlocked in my main.) For most other chars you do not need that many slots - only if you play a lof of different game modes and want to keep a lot of different stuff there.

^ pretty much this. I have at least 18 slot bags on all my characters. Only 2 or 3 of my characters have used bag expansion unlocks, and only two have >20 slot bags.

That said, I do wish we had +1 more equipment template per character, though. Being kitten to 2 sucks, and it's almost (maybe is?) more price efficient to buy an additional character slot and make a new character than to buy equipment templates. :| 


Edited by QueenKeriti.5176
​​​​​​​Side edit: I have no idea what I typed that got autochanged to kitten? 😂
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49 minutes ago, QueenKeriti.5176 said:


That said, I do wish we had +1 more equipment template per character, though. Being kitten to 2 sucks, and it's almost (maybe is?) more price efficient to buy an additional character slot and make a new character than to buy equipment templates. 😐

Which I believe is the point. Either way, Anet has you buying something

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On 2/5/2024 at 10:19 AM, Urud.4925 said:

Experienced players will find a way to cope with the limited inventory space, especially for equipment/gear. The problem imo is more the huge amount of junk items for new players. Two days ago I did a dungeon with a new player that had to constantly stop because his inventory was always full. I sent him 2 bags after the dungeon, but still, this is a bad experience for new players (and even veterans actually, when we have to constantly open bags containing bags containing more bags...). Tip: rename "trophy" as "junk", many players think that a trophy is a valuable item and keep them in the inventory.

If you look at Trophy items you will see at bottom part of that item a value to indicate that you go to any NPC vendor, open "sell"  tab and use "Sell all junk". All Heart vendors and all vendors you can purchase items for Karma will take Sell all Junk item with one button when that tab is open.

When there is an item that need to be kept it will have it in its description and also in tooltip.

The real junk items in my opinion is those you can't sell to NPC vendors like this, can't salvage or even use in MF. Those items are often just starting gear (which you get when you farm in low level maps or are doing map completion as it part of that reward system for events and so on).

Those true junk items can be destroyed by right click options or dragged outside Character Inventory.

For any new player and even vets it can be useful to use at least one bag slot for Oiled Pack bags as Junk items will go there if there is empty slots. Link will show 20 slot version, but even a 8 slot (I've got a couple from starting new characters and you can purchase those from vendors, if I recall it correctly too) would be enough for a fresh player to keep those items in one place and by going to Heart NPC or any vendor NPC for using that option to sell all Junk items, it should be enough to keep junk items out of the way. 


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3 hours ago, kharmin.7683 said:

Which I believe is the point. Either way, Anet has you buying something

I don't disagree. I think OP is placing way too many expectations on the bags thing (maybe that's my "back in my day we had to walk" view in almost 20 years of playing MMOs, let alone GW2, lmao) because it is manageable, but I understand the frustration over the equipment templates. While I don't care about them as much (I mostly use 2 builds on characters, anyway, and use different characters in different situations), it is very silly that 2 is the starting amount when there are 3 elite specs + PvE/sPvP/WvW and the subcategories within those gamemodes. Three should have been the minimum.

At least the game is still playable without all the upgrades.🙃But I remember the "before times," before equipment templates at all, before unID gear (AB was extra fun!), before 24+ slot bags, before keys and stuff went to the wallet...😂

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13 minutes ago, QueenKeriti.5176 said:

I don't disagree. I think OP is placing way too many expectations on the bags thing (maybe that's my "back in my day we had to walk" view in almost 20 years of playing MMOs, let alone GW2, lmao) because it is manageable, but I understand the frustration over the equipment templates. While I don't care about them as much (I mostly use 2 builds on characters, anyway, and use different characters in different situations), it is very silly that 2 is the starting amount when there are 3 elite specs + PvE/sPvP/WvW and the subcategories within those gamemodes. Three should have been the minimum.

At least the game is still playable without all the upgrades.🙃But I remember the "before times," before equipment templates at all, before unID gear (AB was extra fun!), before 24+ slot bags, before keys and stuff went to the wallet...😂

Quite understandable since spvp dont use your equipment so no template needed for it.

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21 hours ago, Bladestrom.6425 said:

POE is also not a mmorpg.  ofc they intend to get money from you (i.e get paid for their work), but the point is Anet is far from greedy, hence no sub and hence they don't make  huge profits.  Players pay for the expansions and you get your value from that, then the game keeps going and people continue to enjoy the community, the CPU time, the memory, the state management, the security, the costs to maintain everything.  Too many people these days feel entitled to get exactly what they want without having to think about true cost.

So rather than looking for greedy corporations and dark conspiracies maybe consider we want things in the gem shop to be useful and desirable and we actually want to contribute something to the game to keep it alive.

And what does the fact this is not a mmorpg has to do with the economic model , you think because poe isn't a mmo there is less work to do , there balance system must be the most difficult to do with such a game where the possibilties of builds are near infinite and every 3 month they need to do a huge work for season content , we are comparing economic system , not the kind of game , i could compare gw2 system to warframe if i wish , even if it's not the slightest same type of game. Today's games have all service who need a team behind (except exclusively solo games who don't need near as much attention from their devs)

But as you said anet is far from being a greedy company, player can play the game and manage to do so without touching the cash shop , but have to admit build templates coupled with leg. stuff are the top notch convenience stuff if you like to switch a lot of character which is not common when you start the game.


21 hours ago, evilcat.6817 said:

However... ANET really kitten up with lack of gear setup template in wizard vault, that is some serious kitten kitten policy and i am full kitten about it. There should be kitten gear templates in wizard vault, as without kitten gear the kitten build doesnt work, and non amount of kitten specialization would help. Kitten with you.

Well was kind of obvious they wouldn't add this in the vault (who knows maybe next , but i doubt) i was surprised they put build templates into the vault though.

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12 hours ago, ShadowCatz.8437 said:

If you look at Trophy items you will see at bottom part of that item a value to indicate that you go to any NPC vendor, open "sell"  tab and use "Sell all junk". All Heart vendors and all vendors you can purchase items for Karma will take Sell all Junk item with one button when that tab is open.

When there is an item that need to be kept it will have it in its description and also in tooltip.

The real junk items in my opinion is those you can't sell to NPC vendors like this, can't salvage or even use in MF. Those items are often just starting gear (which you get when you farm in low level maps or are doing map completion as it part of that reward system for events and so on).

Those true junk items can be destroyed by right click options or dragged outside Character Inventory.

For any new player and even vets it can be useful to use at least one bag slot for Oiled Pack bags as Junk items will go there if there is empty slots. Link will show 20 slot version, but even a 8 slot (I've got a couple from starting new characters and you can purchase those from vendors, if I recall it correctly too) would be enough for a fresh player to keep those items in one place and by going to Heart NPC or any vendor NPC for using that option to sell all Junk items, it should be enough to keep junk items out of the way. 


The blue gear (with customizable stats) you receive in the low level areas is also a pain, you are right. It will fill the inventory very fast, probably faster than when new players realize that can be discarded. I watched videos of people that kept it in the inventory because they wanted to try to sell it to a couple of different NPC merchants first. It could make sense if you are new to an MMO.

There are the means to figure out what to do, sure: the selling price of a trophy, reading carefully the description of quest items that you pick up during dynamic events, oiled bag, it all can be helpful. But who is going to tell them that there are oiled bags? I wouldn't expect such level of commitment from a new player. Most of them don't even read the pop up saying that the next chapter of the story will be at level 10, I wouldn't expect them to read the description of a junk item. Most of them equip the blue gear without selecting the stats, despite the red notification.

It's all known stuff for us, and it's not a matter of making the game dumb-proof. But the first 20-30 minutes of a new game are super important. And clogging the inventory with stuff that you don't even know what it is, it's often an annoying experience. Asking lv.80 players to buy an inventory expansion from the shop makes sense, to make some money, but no one will buy an inventory expansion while they're trying the game for the first time. Same goes with the icons advertising the new expansions: no one playing on a f2p account for the first time will buy them just because they see the icons as soon as they log in: remove them and let them trigger when you reach lv.80, when you are more invested in the game. I would simply reduce the drop chance of all the items in the 5 lv.1-15 maps. By the time a new player reaches lv15, they should have a slightly better idea of how it works.

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5 hours ago, zeyeti.8347 said:


But as you said anet is far from being a greedy company, player can play the game and manage to do so without touching the cash shop , but have to admit build templates coupled with leg. stuff are the top notch convenience stuff if you like to switch a lot of character which is not common when you start the game.

Yeah absolutely.  Anet have a couple of choices to generate an income beyond the expansions:

- A Sub - aka £200 a year give or take.

- Gem shop items.  Some of these will need to be highly attractive items like templates, It will be nice if most are fluff, and it would be nice if you can buy with in game currency, 

- Gem shop items where you cannot buy using in game currency.

- A manipulative cynical buy-to-win model. For e.g, the only way you can get ascended food is via the shop etc.

Option 2 is the best for customers and lowest cost/highest convenience BY FAR

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