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What do i do after getting top gear


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On my main I now have very good gear, but not sure what to do next.I have been playing gw2 since beta amd love the gameplay and story, but after getting top level loot i recently realized that there is nowhere to go after that in terms of upward progression. I hate pvp and i dont want to raid because Min/Maxing Dps ruins games for me (As proven by wow raiding). I dont know what to strive for now that my gear cant get any better, because the expansions dont bring higher level gear and the mastery ranks dont increase your damage capabilities im at a loss for what else to be shooting for in order to up my character.

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Endgame is basically grinding for gear (which you have), or skins (like legendaries), as well as PvP/WvW/Raid. That's about it. If you've finished all your story, dungeon master and world exploration that's about it. Honestly there's not much left after that.

Edit: Like at @Sylent.3165 said, I've actually gone back to guild wars 1 to try and farm out GWAMM. I'll switch between a few games until I feel there's something worthwhile to do in gw2. Nowadays I only log on for the daily rewards and for my static raid group.

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Guild Wars 2 is really a game that lets you decide on your own goals. It could be crafting one or more sets of ascended gear, forging a legendary, achievement hunting, fashion collecting, etc. There is no endless gear treadmill in which you constantly chase a more powerful set of items, because this frankly isn't that kind of game.

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Most traditional MMOs put you on gear treadmill at max level and you chase higher stats. In this one, instead of higher stats you chase Mastery points and their unlocked abilities, cosmetics, titles and achievements. It will depend on you if chasing these things instead of having a gear treadmill is a satisfying playstyle.


Be careful what you ask for. ANet might give it to you.

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Hey Flesh Wound, is that a signature or do you repost that in your messages? I don't think its the former because I have signatures turned off. Just curious!

Anyways, on topic, its a very 1st world issue isn't it! I realized recently, I have 6 sets of ascended gear across my characters, and another 6 unopened boxes of ascended gear in my bank. Its not much, but its more than I need. Now I'm making legendary gear too.

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I think more games should start adopting runescapes crafting with either gw type of levelling or no combat levels at all (once youre 80 you still want new content and they can make it for level 80s so in a way combat levels do become meaningless (so why not just start off max combat level), you can have other factors to limit bosses/dungeons than level). Runescape never dies and that type of crafting levelling works for mmos and makes top level items nice to be able to make and sell not everyone will be making them that easily if at all. Herblore used to be the skill not many people had it and potions were good business due to it. Leaderboard crafting.

On the topic of gear I'd really like to have guest-able world pvp servers with certain safezones (theyd have to be split multi combat and 1v1 combat) where if you die you only drop the armor/weapons you were wearing not your inventory which would make people buy rares/exotics/crafted armor/crafting materials for armor in higher demand keeping the prices/demand of crafted items higher which gives people a reason to craft and sell as well.

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@SeariphCake.6512 said:On my main I now have very good gear, but not sure what to do next.I have been playing gw2 since beta amd love the gameplay and story, but after getting top level loot i recently realized that there is nowhere to go after that in terms of upward progression. I hate pvp and i dont want to raid because Min/Maxing Dps ruins games for me (As proven by wow raiding). I dont know what to strive for now that my gear cant get any better, because the expansions dont bring higher level gear and the mastery ranks dont increase your damage capabilities im at a loss for what else to be shooting for in order to up my character.

I know that feel, I think Anet really needs to build a better more diverse end-game, with something other then just raids or the fractal climb to look forward to.

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@STIHL.2489 said:

@SeariphCake.6512 said:On my main I now have very good gear, but not sure what to do next.I have been playing gw2 since beta amd love the gameplay and story, but after getting top level loot i recently realized that there is nowhere to go after that in terms of upward progression. I hate pvp and i dont want to raid because Min/Maxing Dps ruins games for me (As proven by wow raiding). I dont know what to strive for now that my gear cant get any better, because the expansions dont bring higher level gear and the mastery ranks dont increase your damage capabilities im at a loss for what else to be shooting for in order to up my character.

I know that feel, I think Anet really needs to build a better more diverse end-game, with something other then just raids or the fractal climb to look forward to.

What do you have in mind?

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pvp or wvw or raids and fractals are the only things left to do in this game at the end . which is not good at all with its elitism and proisms DPS players which takes away a lot from the end game . at best all your really left with is just farming gold for the new things you might want from the gem store or something . or rerolling a new toon to just play to try to kill the boredom of end game nothingness . otherwise their is noting to really to do end game wise at all once you get to that point. this is why I got some other games I enjoy playing till they add something new content wise that interest me

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@SeariphCake.6512 said:On my main I now have very good gear, but not sure what to do next.I have been playing gw2 since beta amd love the gameplay and story, but after getting top level loot i recently realized that there is nowhere to go after that in terms of upward progression. I hate pvp and i dont want to raid because Min/Maxing Dps ruins games for me (As proven by wow raiding). I dont know what to strive for now that my gear cant get any better, because the expansions dont bring higher level gear and the mastery ranks dont increase your damage capabilities im at a loss for what else to be shooting for in order to up my character.

Do you also have all the shinies? Legendary weapons? Fractal backpack? Auras? WvW backpack? Exchange gold to gems and buy gliders, backpacks, minis, whatever?

If all else fails, start a new character and gear them...

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@Demeth.5816 said:

@STIHL.2489 said:

@SeariphCake.6512 said:On my main I now have very good gear, but not sure what to do next.I have been playing gw2 since beta amd love the gameplay and story, but after getting top level loot i recently realized that there is nowhere to go after that in terms of upward progression. I hate pvp and i dont want to raid because Min/Maxing Dps ruins games for me (As proven by wow raiding). I dont know what to strive for now that my gear cant get any better, because the expansions dont bring higher level gear and the mastery ranks dont increase your damage capabilities im at a loss for what else to be shooting for in order to up my character.

I know that feel, I think Anet really needs to build a better more diverse end-game, with something other then just raids or the fractal climb to look forward to.

What do you have in mind?

Well I would love to see 'Dungeon' like contents make a comeback, story driven 5 person instance based content, with a mode for fun (but not too difficult) re-playable yet continuing the base story style content. That was some really good design they had with their dungeons, pity it was dropped.

But, truth be told, I don't design games, so, I don't have any grand ideas of what to do to make the 'end game' fun, all I know is that what is there, is not really that appealing. to me. So I would like to see other things to do, other kinds of content added, maybe put in something that has not been done before in other games, try some new ideas, think outside the box, and be creative. That is what they are paid to do after all.

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I also have "top gear" but have too many things i still want to do.Currently i am working on my 12th ascended set (including weapons, armor, trinkets). I already have 2 vipers (warrior and ranger), 1 berserker/commander (mesmer) and 8 berserker sets for most of the classes. Still need a decent healing set like magi or minestrel for ranger. With pov i probably need to adjust some stats and change gear. Eventually i wanna be able to fulfill all the major roles there are in pve. When i am done with that i will probably get some asc gear for wvw as well.Beside that I am working on my 4th legendary, progressing story on several chars, just finished 193 mp grind, farm gold, spirit shards.The annoying part is, i always try to do dailies, farm some s3 maps for additional trinkets (like berries on 3-4 toons).Oh and i didnt speak about skins, dyes, pvp, raid, guild missions..just too much to do.

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@Torgal.8345 said:I also have "top gear" but have too many things i still want to do.Currently i am working on my 12th ascended set (including weapons, armor, trinkets). I already have 2 vipers (warrior and ranger), 1 berserker/commander (mesmer) and 8 berserker sets for most of the classes. Still need a decent healing set like magi or minestrel for ranger. With pov i probably need to adjust some stats and change gear. Eventually i wanna be able to fulfill all the major roles there are in pve. When i am done with that i will probably get some asc gear for wvw as well.Beside that I am working on my 4th legendary, progressing story on several chars, just finished 193 mp grind, farm gold, spirit shards.The annoying part is, i always try to do dailies, farm some s3 maps for additional trinkets (like berries on 3-4 toons).Oh and i didnt speak about skins, dyes, pvp, raid, guild missions..just too much to do.

all the major roles there are in pve ???????????????????????? what are these so called major roles you are speaking of in pve ?????????????????????

myself I just play by myself in pve and never noticed this thing your speaking of at all ????????????????? and yes I am being very serous asking you this question

as this is something I just not noticed or never seen at all in pve. and honestly I can not see the need for such a thing at all really . I do mean its pve after all myself the more solo this game is the better I like it and the game gets far more better for me .

or is it your talking about them meta events they stuck into the pve maps maybe ??????

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I've clocked up thousands of game hours since the start of GW2 (and more in GW1 before that) but I'm a long way from running out of things to do. I don't PvP or RAID either; there's just plenty of PvE achievements, bosses and metas to keep me occupied. Running different characters (classes, races, specs) helps to keep things fresh. And I do make occasional forays into WvW for a change of pace.I guess everyone has a different boredom threshold when it comes to repeatable content. For example, my wife can watch the same movie many times whereas I can't.Also, there's nothing wrong with taking a break and playing something different if GW2 is getting stale. The joy of this game is its easy to come back again and you won't have to spend months trying to catch up to the latest gear.

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So to summarise, based on this topic so far your options include:

Further progressionTraining masteries & getting points to activate them

ContentPersonal story, Season 2 & 3 and HoT storyMap CompletionWorld bosses & championsDungeonsFractalsRaidsPvPWvW

OtherFarming goldCollecting skins and other cosmeticsMaking legendariesCollecting titlesCompleting achievementsMaking alternate sets of ascended gear to experimenting with stats/be ready for future balance updatesLevel an alternate character to learn a new profession

There's also multiple ways to approach many of the things on that list. For example I don't care about achievement points or completing achievements for the sake of it. But every so often I find achievements I really want to do - either because it sounds fun or because it has a reward I want or I'm using it as a guide to the content (like the Current Events achievements) so then I'll work on getting those ones.

The way I look at it is that at level 80 this game becomes basically free roaming. You're not longer restricted in what you are allowed to do, but you're also not directed to specific areas any more. You can go anywhere and do anything in the game, in any order you like. It's not about reaching the next 'checkpoint' to be allowed to progress to the next area - it's just about doing what you want to do because you want to do it.

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@SeariphCake.6512 said:On my main I now have very good gear, but not sure what to do next.I have been playing gw2 since beta amd love the gameplay and story, but after getting top level loot i recently realized that there is nowhere to go after that in terms of upward progression. I hate pvp and i dont want to raid because Min/Maxing Dps ruins games for me (As proven by wow raiding). I dont know what to strive for now that my gear cant get any better, because the expansions dont bring higher level gear and the mastery ranks dont increase your damage capabilities im at a loss for what else to be shooting for in order to up my character.

Good question. I've been wrestling with this issue for 5 months now. I don't really even enjoy the game anymore unless I can hop on discord and play it with someone else. Once I maxed my gear, I just had nothing left to do. I'd recommend finding a guild full of people you can actually talk to while you play.

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@Fallesafe.5932 said:

@SeariphCake.6512 said:On my main I now have very good gear, but not sure what to do next.I have been playing gw2 since beta amd love the gameplay and story, but after getting top level loot i recently realized that there is nowhere to go after that in terms of upward progression. I hate pvp and i dont want to raid because Min/Maxing Dps ruins games for me (As proven by wow raiding). I dont know what to strive for now that my gear cant get any better, because the expansions dont bring higher level gear and the mastery ranks dont increase your damage capabilities im at a loss for what else to be shooting for in order to up my character.

Good question. I've been wrestling with this issue for 5 months now. I don't really even enjoy the game anymore unless I can hop on discord and play it with someone else. Once I maxed my gear, I just had nothing left to do. I'd recommend finding a guild full of people you can actually talk to while you play.

If you don't have any goals you can send me all your Mithril and Ori Ore/Bars. I'm working on my first legendary and you apparently don't need it. ;)

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