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is cerus cm possible? [Merged]

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What? If anything give people even more AP for completing the "Nightmare Mode". You work hard for something, you get achievements (Titles and a lot of AP) for it. Achievement hunters would whine if they have AP they don't feel capable of doing? Work for it, just like the groups who cleared had to. You can't do it? Well You don't get the AP.

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55 minutes ago, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:

I'm back with one more update!

Temple of Febe CM is one of the most difficult pieces of content we've ever released in GW2 and a lot of us here at ArenaNet have been watching the race for world first for the past week. To give you a little more information on what's next: We want to make this CM more widely accessible but also keep the current difficulty level available to those who want it. When we make this adjustment on March 19, we're going to keep the current version permanently available as an option in the Temple of Febe CM.

To celebrate those who successfully clear the current version, anyone who does so—before or after March 19—will be awarded the title Legendary Conqueror of Cerus. This title will be added in the March 19 game update and players who earned it beforehand will receive it retroactively when that update is live. 

That is literally the best decision you could've made. This satisfies the 1% of the 1% while also making the encounter way more accessible.
Hats off to whoever at ArenaNet came up with that idea, but hats off in general for not only this amazing fight, but also constantly exceeding expectations!

Really happy with this decision.🎉🎉🎉

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29 minutes ago, HotDelirium.7984 said:

Anet is screwed either way-

1 -If they nerf it it'll ruin the try-hard experience making "world first" obsolete and trivial.

2 -If its stays this hard and noone ever beats it it's an internal and untested mess and shouldn't have been made like this which then it will auto-revert to #1

Please read last Rubi comment.

They nerf it but nerfed version will be separate. You will get unique title for beating the original version.

Therefore it STAYS and it's NERFED at the same time, which makes everyone  happy

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1 hour ago, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:

I'm back with one more update!

Temple of Febe CM is one of the most difficult pieces of content we've ever released in GW2 and a lot of us here at ArenaNet have been watching the race for world first for the past week. To give you a little more information on what's next: We want to make this CM more widely accessible but also keep the current difficulty level available to those who want it. When we make this adjustment on March 19, we're going to keep the current version permanently available as an option in the Temple of Febe CM.

To celebrate those who successfully clear the current version, anyone who does so—before or after March 19—will be awarded the title Legendary Conqueror of Cerus. This title will be added in the March 19 game update and players who earned it beforehand will receive it retroactively when that update is live. 

Awesome News, love to hear this !!

Thank you

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4 minutes ago, NtNaTn.6590 said:

What? If anything give people even more AP for completing the "Nightmare Mode". You work hard for something, you get achievements (Titles and a lot of AP) for it. Achievement hunters would whine if they have AP they don't feel capable of doing? Work for it, just like the groups who cleared had to. You can't do it? Well You don't get the AP.

I completely agree, I just personally don't care about ap (and I would assume most people who actually do this encounter don't do it for ap either) so if removing ap can stop unnecessary commotion I think that could be something to consider.

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7 minutes ago, NtNaTn.6590 said:

What? If anything give people even more AP for completing the "Nightmare Mode". You work hard for something, you get achievements (Titles and a lot of AP) for it. Achievement hunters would whine if they have AP they don't feel capable of doing? Work for it, just like the groups who cleared had to. You can't do it? Well You don't get the AP.

I think the title does it a lot of justice already, I personally run 2 accounts because of either alt raid clears or alt strikes. I have never been called out even if I ran triple digit AP. And my main account sits below 10k AP too. I personally don't need to collect AP and therefore wouldn't be mad if we got 0 for the hard hard strike clear. The log and the title would satisfy just fine. 😄

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19 minutes ago, NtNaTn.6590 said:

What? If anything give people even more AP for completing the "Nightmare Mode". You work hard for something, you get achievements (Titles and a lot of AP) for it. Achievement hunters would whine if they have AP they don't feel capable of doing? Work for it, just like the groups who cleared had to. You can't do it? Well You don't get the AP.

That comes off as a bit stingy no? This is an impromptu solution and it's nice that they owned their "balance" decisions, but there's no reason to keep looking for things that highlight how exclusive and fancy the effort is - it almost sounds desperate putting it that way lol. People willing to do this will be satisfied with themselves more than anything else and a title is more than enough. It's not really an issue if Anet gives AP for it though. If they do, people will look around for sellers and someone will think of a way to sell it because the 40k+ AP crowd will pay any price, but it's not nearly as important to recognize effort in any way whatsoever. If anything, should the objective really be to make the legendary title a claim of "look how exclusive I am", giving no achievement points would make it more exclusive by virtue of not attracting completionists.

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i think this is such a great solution ❤️ really! thank ya for this. I am sure, this is great for the hardcore raiders- and also a nice solution for the average squad ❤️

(and for people who are mad still that its maybe something they dont manage to clear- not every type of content has to be for everyone. I will likely never get the harder version cleared, doesnt mean i am not happy for those who work hard and *do* get it, and do enjoy it. its great seeing people progress towards it and i for one am happy its here to stay. And who knows, maybe ill get it eventually after some years too haha)


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While I Like this change, there is still the problem that this is only going to be doable by stacking and playing specific specs/builds ONLY in order to make this check? The 'current' version of this is still going to need an HP nerf to actually be accommodating to people who don't want to be shoehorned into Condi virt/wait for power creep to make other builds possible.... 

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6 minutes ago, DeferentUrchin.7064 said:

While I Like this change, there is still the problem that this is only going to be doable by stacking and playing specific specs/builds ONLY in order to make this check? The 'current' version of this is still going to need an HP nerf to actually be accommodating to people who don't want to be shoehorned into Condi virt/wait for power creep to make other builds possible.... 

Why should the extra hard challenge mode be accommodating to anyone?

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10 minutes ago, sbr.8170 said:

Why should the extra hard challenge mode be accommodating to anyone?

Because that's a design failure? The check is so tight there is no chance you can even bring anything else to this fight and succeed? Why do you think the only two groups to be even close have identical comps? Even HTCM, you don't need to bring an exact composition of 10 (sadly it requires portals, just like this one!) to make the checks. 

Edited by DeferentUrchin.7064
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1 hour ago, Jokuc.3478 said:

This. This is not to be understated, they should avoid attaching achievement points to these extremely high end titles or the ap hunters will whine (as already seen in this thread). Plus "unobtainable" (to them) APs is a massive reason for why people who buy clears.

feeling a bit targeted Joey lmao 😛

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2 hours ago, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:

one of the most difficult pieces of content we've ever released in GW2

I don't think you need to hedge on this one. 🙂

Cool move though, hope you consider doing more 3-difficulty systems in future. 

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On 2/27/2024 at 4:47 PM, Assolador.3598 said:

thats it lol, is it possible? the dps check seems impossible to reach
edit: after the bug fixed, yes, still impossible xd, just  remove hp or increase time already
edit2: well it is *maybe* possible by having all virts, boss is def getting nerfed (along with virts, noooooooooo)
edit3: prepare ur virts, we hopping into cm cm cerus, its now official o7

u r casual player and thats ok, let opele who enjoy hard content to be happy, if u cant with the CM maybe you need to do the normal one.
people is so used to easy things that think this is impossible, how sad is that. the damage Ante have done to the PVE players

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5 minutes ago, kiobamm.4627 said:

u r casual player and thats ok, let opele who enjoy hard content to be happy, if u cant with the CM maybe you need to do the normal one.
people is so used to easy things that think this is impossible, how sad is that. the damage Ante have done to the PVE players

the problem isn't difficult content - it's the missing middle ground between easy stuff like Dagda CM and this CM. These are the only 2 encounters we get for a whole year. It's missing the difficulty level of something like KO CM or OLC CM, which is a level that a lot of the usual raid audience enjoys. Being able to clear raid CMs and stuff like KO CM shows that someone is clearly NOT a casual anymore.

I like how they plan to handle the nerfs for this fight. Original will stay available with extra special title, but it might become clearable for the majority of the raiding/strike CM playerbase (which isn't a large playerbase to begin with). Let's be real here - the NM is boring as hell.

Edited by ZenDrake.8316
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2 hours ago, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:

I'm back with one more update!

Temple of Febe CM is one of the most difficult pieces of content we've ever released in GW2 and a lot of us here at ArenaNet have been watching the race for world first for the past week. To give you a little more information on what's next: We want to make this CM more widely accessible but also keep the current difficulty level available to those who want it. When we make this adjustment on March 19, we're going to keep the current version permanently available as an option in the Temple of Febe CM.

To celebrate those who successfully clear the current version, anyone who does so—before or after March 19—will be awarded the title Legendary Conqueror of Cerus. This title will be added in the March 19 game update and players who earned it beforehand will receive it retroactively when that update is live. 

Really really good decision. Some games do not preserve such challenges and it's nice to see that you guys are not doing that.

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2 hours ago, Lucinellia.9247 said:

Current title is pretty much unobtainable anyway so Original Sin will likely be based on the rebalanced version, leaving the mega hard difficulty title for that.

As long as it is a valid approach, someone will clear it if they are preserving the difficulty.

It also depends on how good Anet is able to prevent power creep from happening in each release.

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