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22 minutes ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

I don't think that the fact invalidates the criticism. Content quality and the fun level have changed drastically. It's easy so get bored by non-fun tasks and improper story-pacing and bland story-telling.

True, I played like 6K hours for the first 8–10 years in the game and don't play any more because of the arguments the OP posted.

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Dude, you have played 18k hours. Of course it's going to feel repetitive. I bet you got at least 100 good hours out of the expansion. For my money, that's worth the price of admission to this expansion. Try not think of this as the only game in town, go enjoy other games and hobbies, and come back when new content is released. I take about 6 months off every year, and every time I come back I am amazed at how fun the game is, and how much I have to do in order to catch up.

Edit: I don't want to invalidate your point. I agree with a lot of what you said, but doing Metas and crafting for fashion is the core game loop of GW2. Again, that's why I recommend everybody take time off or at least enjoy other hobbies/games to prevent boredom.

Edited by CAA.9653
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3 hours ago, kharmin.7683 said:

Anet has the metrics and knows what content will bring in the most profit.

Not quite.  First, we already know that they are not above padding content population numbers through use of some "creative" means (locking turtle behind a strike for example) which can significantly skew what they get out of those metrics. Second, tying those metrics to the metrics from income generation is definitely nontrivial, and something easy to make mistakes with. Especially, like mntioned before, they already have prior preconceptions about which content should be popular/supported. Third, they have been known to massively misread those metrics many times in the past already, and so far nothing suggests their ability in that regard has improved.

Anet sure may know how many players play what content, but that does not mean they know why they play it, and how it affects their loyalty to the game and spending habits.

Basically, metrics are good, but if you aren't all that good at reading and intepreting them, already know what answers you want to see from them, and tend to manipulate them to get the results you wanted, the interpretation you can arrive at can be wildly inaccurate.

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5 hours ago, Blackari.2051 said:

you cannot call that meta

Ofcourse you can. It is a meta event. You cannot call it anything else.


5 hours ago, Blackari.2051 said:

lege relic is kinda pointless rn, you need like 3 to 4 relics per class to cover all possible builds, only thing its doing is saving a bit of inventory space, and with current prices not worth it

"But I don't need it" is no argument against existing content. lol...

You really shouldn't argue facts with your personal opinion.


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13 hours ago, Nightcore.5621 said:

Guild Wars 2 for sure needs something else than legendary items as the goal each expansion. They are nothing else than just skins for most now days and yes if getting a skin or 2 u like each expansion is the only thing it offer than u get real quick bored and none motivated to play

But there hasn't really ever been anything besides skins, except legendaries of course. Skins and infusions are the end game goal. It was sort of advertised this way, because the other options is stats. And Stats were meant to be easy to get. The idea of always having to reinvent yourself and regrind stats in every game is part of the reason why many of us are here. Many of us don't want to do that. Having your legendary gear, means stats fall by the wayside.

Skins are optional. I can grind for one, but I don't have to.  We have masteries as well, but at the end of the day, many of those are optional too, leaving me with this question. Are you the type of person who wants the game to make you grind or you can't play it, or are you the type of person who can pick your own goals. This game is for people who want to make their own goals, not be given artificial required goals by the company that completely invalidates your efforts.

I prefer how this game is. There are plenty of options if you want required grind.

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These complaints are misplaced. The description of how the game works given by the OP ... that's generally how GW2 and most other MMO's have always worked. I mean, you play, experience the game and you get stuff. You stop playing when you experience everything you want and get the stuff you want.  If the whole reason you play a game is to chase its shinies and you quit once you get them, then it makes no sense to complain there isn't any content for you in the game. Sounds to me like you got EXACTLY the value from the game you were looking for. 

So it's not the game that has a problem that 'there isn't any endgame content', it's you because you didn't recognize what kind of player you are. Time to be honest, figure out why you play the game and adjust your activities accordingly. I mean, if you don't have a reason to play it, then don't ... but don't pretend that the MMO game model somehow broke suddenly for you once you got your gear and got bored. 

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3 maps, an hour of boring story and 2 strikes.  It looks like this is what we get from now on.

Now if these were Hot quality maps and events and Eod or raid quality strikes, I would be ok, although a bit sad for other modes like spvp and wvw.

But I guess Gyala was not a fluke. And also mostly recycled assets.

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6 hours ago, Bingus.4236 said:

The player character who has done years of fighting, commands the planet's armies, saved the planet, brought up an elder dragon, is now an inter dimensional legend is still  doing the same quests as the base game. Go find this and that for a low end NPC, follow someone far below your station into a cave to fight an enemy. This is really not immersive however many hours you have in the game.

this! 100x this! Anet! Read this post and think about it!

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37 minutes ago, VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig. said:

this! 100x this! Anet! Read this post and think about it!

And yet ... people play this game for 10K+ hours over many years so ... at SOME level, it is immersive, to LOTS of people. Enough people to call GW2 a reasonably successful game. 

This idea that the game doesn't draw people in with it's design, reasonable content breadth or  release cadence is just so faulty because it completely contradicts the reality of that the game is successful, likely for those very factors. 

So yes, please Anet, DO read that post and realize ... you aren't doing something wrong here. Whatever your formula is ... it works and you know it does because you're still here, making money and continuing to develop the game. 

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6 minutes ago, VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig. said:

I have almost 10k hours. And a lof them spend in lw3, lw4, HoT, PoF. A lot less spend in IBS or EOD. Almost none in Dyala - because it was a suckfest. 

But also lots and lots of it in wvw.


OK ... that has nothing to do with what I'm saying. This isn't about how you spend your time. I don't know why you are quoting me with this. 

If your trying to make some point about content you favour or not to comment about the quality of the game, then my response is: 

That's not a problem. Not everything Anet is going to release will appeal to everyone. To expect it would is unreasonable. 

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I am not expecting it. People like strikes. Anet delivers. I don't care about strikes, but I am fine with that.

I am not fine with some low level npc telling one of the greatest heros in the memory of the current Tyrian species' to do a 'fetch this' quest. If you are level 10, that is fine. If you are level 80 it is not. It was not in the past, it is not now. 

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19 minutes ago, VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig. said:

I am not expecting it. People like strikes. Anet delivers. I don't care about strikes, but I am fine with that.

I am not fine with some low level npc telling one of the greatest heros in the memory of the current Tyrian species' to do a 'fetch this' quest. If you are level 10, that is fine. If you are level 80 it is not. It was not in the past, it is not now. 

OK, you have that problem ... but that's not really relevant because there is a bigger picture here. People have different reasons to like the game ... or not like it. Some people have massive hangups about immersion. Some people don't even see the problem you are talking about. 

What's relevant here is that the game is going to offer something to people, regardless of whether it's collecting loot or immersion or ... whatever. The point is that it's reasonable that the game has limits to what it offers. If those limits are below people's thresholds for whatever they are looking for in the game, that's OK because clearly, the game doesn't need EVERYONE to get everything they want from the game all the time to be successful. 

People think this game is primarily about them and what they want. It's not. The sole reason this game exists is to make someone money and we can see that even with the limits the game has, it does that.  


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56 minutes ago, Obtena.7952 said:

OK ... that has nothing to do with what I'm saying. This isn't about how you spend your time. I don't know why you are quoting me with this. 

If your trying to make some point about content you favour or not to comment about the quality of the game, then my response is: 

That's not a problem. Not everything Anet is going to release will appeal to everyone. To expect it would is unreasonable. 

That seems unfair. What VAHN... (wow, long name) was saying is completely relevant to the topic and to what you were saying.

If a significant number of people truly feel that all the good repeatable content and fun maps are from HoT, LWS3, PoF, LWS4 then that indicates that while Anet have done an amazing job overall with GW2, they are not hitting the mark with their more recent content.

I don't know enough to give my own opinion on this (I've only just reached LWS4). I've seen some people saying they really enjoy(ed) the EoD/Soto content, but I also see a lot of people saying HoT, LWS3, PoF, LWS4 maps are the best. So it's definitely something Anet should be aware of.

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4 minutes ago, Mistwraithe.3106 said:

That seems unfair. What VAHN... (wow, long name) was saying is completely relevant to the topic and to what you were saying.

If a significant number of people truly feel that all the good repeatable content and fun maps are from HoT, LWS3, PoF, LWS4 then that indicates that while Anet have done an amazing job overall with GW2, they are not hitting the mark with their more recent content.

I don't know enough to give my own opinion on this (I've only just reached LWS4). I've seen some people saying they really enjoy(ed) the EoD/Soto content, but I also see a lot of people saying HoT, LWS3, PoF, LWS4 maps are the best. So it's definitely something Anet should be aware of.

Sure ... and how do Anet measure that? It's not by individuals saying they like things or not. It's about measuring the general success of the game.

I mean, some people like things and some don't. Somehow people are convincing themselves Anet isn't aware of what those things are unless they are told? Somehow Anet's game data doesn't give them indications of those things or ...

... are people just of the belief that Anet should ignore their game data and just listen to the things they have issues with?

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1 hour ago, Obtena.7952 said:

And yet ... people play this game for 10K+ hours over many years so ... at SOME level, it is immersive, to LOTS of people.

It's mostly older content though. I do not have the same negative reaction to older content as i have to the last expansion. I cannot specifically pinpoint it, but there's something that is just missing that was there before. And if my response to different expansions is different, it's not just a general burnout on my side.

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4 minutes ago, Obtena.7952 said:

Sure ... and how do Anet measure that? It's not by individuals saying they like things or not. It's about measuring the general success of the game.

I mean, some people like things and some don't. Somehow people are convincing themselves Anet isn't aware of what those things are unless they are told? Somehow Anet's game data doesn't give them indications of those things or ...

... are people just of the belief that Anet should ignore their game data and just listen to the things they have issues with?

If Anet have any sort of analytical tools at all then they can easily measure this. They should have all the stats on what maps are being played most.

Maybe Anet are aware of it but their current team is just failing to produce maps which live up to the older content? In which case people complaining on the forums arguably serves a purpose as it increases the chance of it being raised to management level and prompting a discussion about what's different between the new and old maps and how to fix it.

There are many other possibilities too. It's quite likely Anet's numbers tell them that the long term future of the game is reliant on having expansions which will work well for new GW2 players and SOTO has been crafted specifically with this in mind, which may mean it's less satisfying for more experienced players.

I certainly don't know what Anet are thinking. But it definitely seems reasonable for players to point out their thoughts on the forums - that is arguably one of the key reasons the forums exist.

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1 minute ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

It's mostly older content though. I do not have the same negative reaction to older content as i have to the last expansion. I cannot specifically pinpoint it, but there's something that is just missing that was there before. And if my response to different expansions is different, it's not just a general burnout on my side.

It's quite possible that Anet's current dev team are struggling to identify the difference too.

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37 minutes ago, Mistwraithe.3106 said:

If Anet have any sort of analytical tools at all then they can easily measure this. They should have all the stats on what maps are being played most.

Maybe Anet are aware of it but their current team is just failing to produce maps which live up to the older content? In which case people complaining on the forums arguably serves a purpose as it increases the chance of it being raised to management level and prompting a discussion about what's different between the new and old maps and how to fix it.

There are many other possibilities too. It's quite likely Anet's numbers tell them that the long term future of the game is reliant on having expansions which will work well for new GW2 players and SOTO has been crafted specifically with this in mind, which may mean it's less satisfying for more experienced players.

I certainly don't know what Anet are thinking. But it definitely seems reasonable for players to point out their thoughts on the forums - that is arguably one of the key reasons the forums exist.

OK but that's not what I'm questioning here. I'm simply establishing the reasonable expectation that the game has limits and it's not unreasonable for some people's thresholds for those limits to be different than others. So some people bored, some people not. The problem here is that this isn't an issue with the game like the OP is trying to frame it. That's simply personal preferences. 

I'm not debating if players should post their thoughts on the forums or not. I got no problem with that. I AM going to question if an issue someone raises is residing with players or the game itself.

Seems to me that players who don't recognize that the game limits are below their tolerance thresholds are mistakening that gap as a game issue. It's likely not unless we have significant departures in quality or frequency of content releases. I think especially true in this case where the OP is 'suddenly' got nothing to do  because they have legendary armor and falsely claiming no content to use it in. That doesn't make sense, considering legendary gear isn't there to unlock content in the first place. It's literally a QoL update from Ascended gear, so the OP's expectations are unreasonable. 

Basically, the OP played themself out if the game. That's not a problem with the game. 

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41 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

It's mostly older content though. I do not have the same negative reaction to older content as i have to the last expansion. I cannot specifically pinpoint it, but there's something that is just missing that was there before. And if my response to different expansions is different, it's not just a general burnout on my side.

Honestly, I think veterans of this game have to recognize the best days are behind us, whatever that 'best days' happens to be for any individual. It's just unreasonable to expect Anet to continue to release content that just gets better than the last thing we got because 1) we already have a lot of content to access and 2) veterans have little to continue farming for in terms of items.

Literally, what's left for must of us to do other than experience a new story or commit to mentoring new players? Not much, especially if you don't want to mentor new players. 

On the other hand, that's why I think we are seeing changes to the content release model ... probably a significant shift in player demographics. 

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so - how many people actually enjoy 'look in boxes' like in Gyala Delve?

How many people like to be commanded around by a minor npc? How many people like doing fetch-x-quests? And how many are just doing it because they have to to advance the story to the parts they actually like, so they bite the bullet and push through?

You see people being annoyed by it but noone saying it is fine.


And then there is you, a person who tried to invalidate what people are saying. For.... reasons? Why are you so aggressive about it?


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1 hour ago, Mistwraithe.3106 said:

If Anet have any sort of analytical tools at all then they can easily measure this. They should have all the stats on what maps are being played most.

Maybe Anet are aware of it but their current team is just failing to produce maps which live up to the older content? In which case people complaining on the forums arguably serves a purpose as it increases the chance of it being raised to management level and prompting a discussion about what's different between the new and old maps and how to fix it.

There are many other possibilities too. It's quite likely Anet's numbers tell them that the long term future of the game is reliant on having expansions which will work well for new GW2 players and SOTO has been crafted specifically with this in mind, which may mean it's less satisfying for more experienced players.

I certainly don't know what Anet are thinking. But it definitely seems reasonable for players to point out their thoughts on the forums - that is arguably one of the key reasons the forums exist.

I'll tell you the problem with why maybe older players don't like the new content, it's because of CHANGE, they don't like the change.  They go back to the old maps because they're familiar and they don't have to learn new ways to play, they are set in their ways and do not want to expand their thinking...that is the problem, the same problem you have with everything: NO ONE LIKES CHANGE, get used to change because it is here to stay.  Nothing can stay the same and survive, that is just the way of it.

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30 minutes ago, VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig. said:

so - how many people actually enjoy 'look in boxes' like in Gyala Delve?

How many people like to be commanded around by a minor npc? How many people like doing fetch-x-quests? And how many are just doing it because they have to to advance the story to the parts they actually like, so they bite the bullet and push through?

You see people being annoyed by it but noone saying it is fine.


And then there is you, a person who tried to invalidate what people are saying. For.... reasons? Why are you so aggressive about it?


Not invalidating anything ... again, I'm simply not assuming that 'some people' having a problem with an aspect of the game means it's a game problem. 

Like, SOMEHOW the content we get in SoTO is SOOO much different than what we seen before? No, it's not. It's following a standard formula that we have seen Anet apply for 11 years now. Yet ... NOW it's a problem and before it wasn't. Nope, not buying it. 

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