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The current boonball meta is a horrible disgrace. But there is an easy fix

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the current boon ball is boring, lame and overall makes people want to deinstall. So how to fix it?

Here are some easy to implement steps:

a) cut all boons in half. Duration, generation. Off they go. Make boons special and rare again. Rare is the important point here (maybe keep might where it is. We want some damage to cut through all the crap).

b) make spellbreakers strip actually strip massive amounts of boons.

c) remove barrier. Without compensation. It was a bad mechanic from the start. No reason to keep it alive. Just admit you made a mistake and take it away.

d) increase ele staff dmg by 2x.

e) increase rev hammer dmg by 1.5x.


There you go. You are welcome.


For bonus points: mesmer and thief teleports/portals reduced to range 900. Will stop most of the wall hacks.

For extra bonus points: make ranger have to adhere to line of sight like everyone else.

For extra extra bonus points: remove most of the heal builds. Keep heal ele, heal scrapper. Done.

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Are you assuming this wasn't an intended state of the game? I mean... the changes have been coming, telegraphed, incremental for years now. It's not like a sudden "Oh NO?!!!! WHAT DID WE DO????!!!"

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Most of what makes the boon balls seemingly unstoppable is that skill can win vs numbers but not likely vs those numbers and the clock. I get the sentiment but your list of things to slash would leave large squad and guild compositions that need to maintain wide open to most experienced pugs who can dismantle. I even know which Relic I'm going to wear to that party.  

Not saying I entirely disagree, but I wouldn't flip that switch before some serious review first. 

Edited by kash.9213
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46 minutes ago, kash.9213 said:

what makes the boon balls seemingly unstoppable is that skill can win vs numbers but not likely vs those numbers and the clock

So skill can beat numbers, but cannot beat numbers where time is involved... is what you're saying?!

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2 minutes ago, Chips.7968 said:

So skill can beat numbers, but cannot beat numbers where time is involved... is what you're saying?!

When people don't care about losing stuff, those boon balls get picked at and ultimately they need to scoot or they'll crumble unless the other side isn't showing up for that match. Once that circle is in trouble the defenders are probably going to scramble and get farmed or give it up. 

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54 minutes ago, Chips.7968 said:

Right. Guess you didn't see a contradiction in what was said. It's right there. 

All you did is repeat what I was saying. If you were trying to sound clever maybe give it another shot. There's a pretty clear difference in fights when there's not a time constraint like an inner wall or lord going down and when everyone has time to feel that blob out. 

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The only change that they haven't made yet, that I see them putting in at some point, is putting offensive and defensive protocols in SMC and making them only useable by the team that owns it.  If the castle flips you lose the buff.  But, this is the direction we are headed in and no one will be surprised.

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I have seen multiple ANET tags in various boonballs that are farming bags in my garrison. Not killing the lord just sitting there and farming the defenders while filling up chat with laugh emotes that we can't hurt their boonball. Eventually they get board and go troll somewhere else. Sometimes they even forget to kill the lord before leaving. 

Since I keep seeing buff after buff supporting boonball gameplay I believe that getting farmed is the intended WvW experience.

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18 minutes ago, Entara.3075 said:

I have seen multiple ANET tags in various boonballs that are farming bags in my garrison. Not killing the lord just sitting there and farming the defenders while filling up chat with laugh emotes that we can't hurt their boonball. Eventually they get board and go troll somewhere else. Sometimes they even forget to kill the lord before leaving. 

Since I keep seeing buff after buff supporting boonball gameplay I believe that getting farmed is the intended WvW experience.






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2 hours ago, Entara.3075 said:

I have seen multiple ANET tags in various boonballs that are farming bags in my garrison. Not killing the lord just sitting there and farming the defenders while filling up chat with laugh emotes that we can't hurt their boonball. Eventually they get board and go troll somewhere else. Sometimes they even forget to kill the lord before leaving. 

Since I keep seeing buff after buff supporting boonball gameplay I believe that getting farmed is the intended WvW experience.

Playing both sides here, don't assume that the Anet Guild member , note that member, may not be the driver, but an employee that plays the game and may be willing to sport Anet knowing that chat may be inc but they want to show that they play their game. That's on the plus side to me. Even when I roam while tracking an enemy zerg, it makes them a target. So good on them to me regardless. So in this case, I wouldn't attribute this to boonball since I have also seen them in roaming, so it's not a one size fits all in my book.

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12 hours ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

Playing both sides here, don't assume that the Anet Guild member , note that member, may not be the driver, but an employee that plays the game and may be willing to sport Anet knowing that chat may be inc but they want to show that they play their game. That's on the plus side to me. Even when I roam while tracking an enemy zerg, it makes them a target. So good on them to me regardless. So in this case, I wouldn't attribute this to boonball since I have also seen them in roaming, so it's not a one size fits all in my book.

Never seen them in anything but a zerg/blob. 🤷‍♂️

P.S I understand why they wouldn't cause they would get mob ganked, but doing it every once in a while for the sightings would show they have boots in our trenches. Although their biased balancing more than shows they don't anyways.

Edited by XenesisII.1540
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2 hours ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

Playing both sides here, don't assume that the Anet Guild member , note that member, may not be the driver, but an employee that plays the game and may be willing to sport Anet knowing that chat may be inc but they want to show that they play their game. That's on the plus side to me. Even when I roam while tracking an enemy zerg, it makes them a target. So good on them to me regardless. So in this case, I wouldn't attribute this to boonball since I have also seen them in roaming, so it's not a one size fits all in my book.

I was not implying that ANET was in charge of the boonball just that they are obviously aware of how the boonball can sit there undefeated and yet they keep buffing it. This leads me to conclude that the boonball is the intended state of gameplay in WvW.

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25 minutes ago, Entara.3075 said:

I was not implying that ANET was in charge of the boonball just that they are obviously aware of how the boonball can sit there undefeated and yet they keep buffing it. This leads me to conclude that the boonball is the intended state of gameplay in WvW.

Question, but have you ever seen or participated in the game action and deleted a guild group of 30 players in Boomballs formation? And don't say no to me, because it happens all the time in WVW. We continue to write about these immortal groups as if the more we write it, the more true it becomes. But it's not, at least from what my eyes see every day in WVW.

I also think that groups of players who organize, who train for a long time, who go on vocals, who learn well how to move and how to be more effective to face other players, is a good thing. it would be much worse if it were the other way around.

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3 hours ago, Mabi black.1824 said:

I also think that groups of players who organize, who train for a long time, who go on vocals, who learn well how to move and how to be more effective to face other players, is a good thing.

And then they all stack on one place while generating all the boons passively and/or by spamming skills because it’s only a matter of exponential gain inside the boonball.

Don’t try to tell us that someone with no boons, barriers and bubbles trained to become skilled with all the boons, perma 30%+ barriers and bubbles up the wazzo.

Edited by Dawdler.8521
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1 hour ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

And then they all stack on one place while generating all the boons passively and/or by spamming skills because it’s only a matter of exponential gain inside the boonball.

Don’t try to tell us that someone with no boons, barriers and bubbles trained to become skilled with all the boons, perma 30%+ barriers and bubbles up the wazzo.

No, but dont expect a group of uncoordinated pugs to beat a coordinated comped group on voice  that trains for this ever.

People like to say how braindead and easy is to boon fart in a squad (and I agree to an extent). But increasing the skill cap for proper boon generation and timings will not help them win. It will have the opposite effect, the disparity will be even bigger because good groups will manage their CD on point. And randoms will not manage them at all.

And its similar with strips. Bad groups dont coordinate strips, like at all.

Straight up decrease in boon effectivness would do the job much better.

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19 minutes ago, Cuks.8241 said:

And its similar with strips. Bad groups dont coordinate strips, like at all.

Increasing boonstrip wouldnt change any dynamics of boonball vs not a boonball, no. The boonball just insta-reapply everything far, far faster than any incoming boonstrips. It would only have a marginal effect in boonball vs boonball.

I still say enable friendly fire to solve the problem though.

It may not be the best solution but it is unquestionably the most funny solution.

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1 minute ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

I still say enable friendly fire to solve the problem though.

It may not be the best solution but it is unquestionably the most funny solution.

Or player colission. FF would be funny but wouldnt last long. Player colission would be actually cool, I've played massive pvp mmorpgs with colission before.

And they already have it in place with fractal instability social ackwardness. 

Wvw social ackward event pls.

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12 minutes ago, Cuks.8241 said:

Or player colission. FF would be funny but wouldnt last long. Player colission would be actually cool, I've played massive pvp mmorpgs with colission before.

And they already have it in place with fractal instability social ackwardness. 

Wvw social ackward event pls.

Friendly fire or collision detection would be great job security for enemy server plants who mostly just pull tacts right now. I think a week event for them would be great though and might actually be a lot of fun figuring out formations and approach and all that. Or just dedicate Red BL to it for a while and see how it goes. 

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13 hours ago, XenesisII.1540 said:






I feel like it should be obvious when a blob is just delaying the cap to farm bags. And indeed, some tags actually yell at people for trying to cap. For some reason Willbenders are pretty good at dps'ing scaled lords anyways. Just saying

For the most part it's a good way to tell if the guild is trash though, if they're content with just farming the same 15 zombies that keep running in. Sometimes they're so lazy that they don't want to break in so I just tell people to leave them at the door and ignore them. That sometimes works

On the other hand, it's pretty daft to see people not realize any of this. I can understand if they fall for it once or twice but the definition of getting farmed is to be a dummy and do the same thing over and over again expecting different results. But then again we've been telling people there are 3 exits out of EB (and it's not the only map)  for years and that has fallen on deaf ears.

Maybe I should be like a spvper and report them for being bad. But then again stupidity isn't a punishable offense, as most of humanity would be doomed

Normally I would say to just moa pull snipe devs but then they'd just nerf mesmers again. This is why I do it on guardian; they certainly can't do it there can they?

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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