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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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Now that Anet wants to force people to play Mechanist, another pet class...

How about improving the pets already?



If on 'Guard' setting:

Using weapon skill 2 immediatly forces the pet to attack the targeted enemy. Or whichever weapon skill would be most convenient for Engineer, Ranger and Necromancer.

Not at the next server tick.

Not after the mob is long dead. Immediatly.

This removes having to reach over to F6 / rebind. Yes, Mechanist got the Shift Signet, but...

  1. Giving a class a questionably designed ability, because nobody could be arsed to finally improve an almost ancient problem, should not be the solution.
  2. The Mech will still attempt to run back to its old position before acknowledging where it was supposed to be. Or, even worse, will just run back to the enemy halfway across the arena it was attacking, before the player presses F6 / rebind and waits for this input to actually take effect.

And the necessity for the Shift Signet brings me to my next point:

The path finding is atrocious. I take a single step, my Mech zooms a couple dozen metres forward. Why exactly?

A version of the Shift Signet without cooldown feels more often than not necessary to deal with this.


Queue 'Go back to your own country game', but maybe you could hire the folks who programmed the pet ai of WoW.

I'm sure they would be grateful, considering that their game is dying once again.


Yes, yes, I know, the reason Anet merged all suggestions is so they are easier to ignore. But still, what is the point of pushing a pet class if they can't program them for basket of kittens?

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7 hours ago, yoni.7015 said:

There are portal scrolls to Arborstone and to the eye of the north, there is a portal from Arborstone to LA. I don’t see the need for another portal. 

As I said, when running training groups this issue comes up frequently. It's a small thing that would make strikes more accessible to people who 1.) haven't completed the story and don't really want to, 2.) don't have a shared inventory slot, or 3.) have no idea where their portal scroll has gotten to. It just slows everyone down, and it comes up frequently enough that I've made my 6th (and 7th) whole post in 10 years on these forums.

If people who haven't done the story shouldn't be able to access the strikes, please do all of us a favor and make it so they *can't* so the entire squad isn't held up while one person who just bought EoD deals with the atrocious UI that is TP to friend in squads.

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Just for fun QoL.

Adding the following sounds to the Siege Turtle when you toggle to allow/disallow passenger.


(In a Radio communication voice)

● Get in the Mount

● Get out of the mount


Also, it may be a good idea as an optional feature, to automatically add the passanger to a team or squad?

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2 hours ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

Just for fun QoL.

Adding the following sounds to the Siege Turtle when you toggle to allow/disallow passenger.


(In a Radio communication voice)

● Get in the Mount

● Get out of the mount


Also, it may be a good idea as an optional feature, to automatically add the passanger to a team or squad?

Yeah! Boops would help to let u know if you turn it off or on without having to look down at the plethora of icons youll have. What about making it heard by nearby players too so they know to mount up?

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Hey y'all,
Me and a stranger who both got the new skiff skin chatted and grouped up to see what positions we the passengers were put in on the skiff. Turns out there are 3 more on the ground and 1 unique one on the side of the skiff, basically on the railing. Both me and the stranger thought it was super cool, but were also a little sad that we couldn't sit there on our skiffs.


I wanted to ask whether anyone else thinks it would be cool drivers could switch sitting positions on their skiffs (especially on this one where there is no actual driver animations). I, for one, think it would be cooler if I could sit on the side and my passengers would sit in the shade of the tree and enjoy the snacks. I know it's probably not all that easy to change, but it can't be that hard either. Otherwise, I would also find it nice if it were at least possible in the anchored mode of the skiff.


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Can we have system message about people leaving squad/party and sub #? To avoid toxicity just put what class/spec leaver had,no nickname needed.This will help alot in organized content.Those messages can be available only to commanders and lieutenants.

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Let me preface this by saying I know this post is long, but its an amalgamation of ideas I've had since I opened my guild in 2015. It doesn't encompass every idea or suggestion I've had or have nor are these ideas exclusively my own, but implementation of any number of these will improve the player experience imo.

Guild Interface Improvements:
- "Admin Lower Ranks" permission needs to be broken up into multiple permissions. The ability to promote, demote, kick, and invite people should not be in the same permission. It forces guild leaders to make decisions on who can invite people purely because of a concern of also allowing that person to control people's ranks or kick users from the guild.
- The permissions to allow users to scribe also allow users to use consumables and that has to have some sort of rework. This forces guild leaders to have to decide at what rank to allow people to scribe, what should be a relatively harmless permission, while taking into account those users can burn through Ascended Feasts and Banners. This has happened to my guild and I know to others that try to limit the use of Ascended Feasts to structured guild events like Raid Trainings and not for T4 fractals and the like.
- Separate the permissions for the Treasure Trove and Deep Cave guild bank tabs so guilds have the option to create tiers of access through ranks with potentially more expensive resources available to higher ranks. This can also be a QoL upgrade for small, family guilds who may want to dedicate each tab to a different person as well.
- Add the option to ban players from your guild, not just kick. In addition, add a button to access the "ban list" potentially in the Rosters tab of the guild panel for visibility. Players banned from guilds will not have the "Guild Invite" option upon being right clicked to ensure guild members don't unintentionally invite previously kicked players who were malicious.
- A new permission that allows users to send "Guild Mail". Guild Mail would be the option to send the same mail to all guild members, offline and online, to improve communication regarding guild changes, guild rules, a guild newsletter, etc. Currently we rely on word of mouth in guild chat and discord announcements. Not everyone will catch it through guild chat nor can every guild expect their users to both have and use discord or other third party social apps. The Message of the Day is not sufficient for reporting changes or announcements. Guild Mail with the necessary cool down limits, be that once every x amount of hours or something to that effect will fix a lot of communication issues guilds face.
- Ability to send a guild broadcast to everyone online similar to squad broadcasts, but with a necessary limit so it isn't abused. This will help improve communication during guild activities as well as get people's attention when a guild activity is happening like missions, WvW raiding, etc.
- Display guild members' rank next to their name in guild chat when they send messages. Adds more weight and/or pride to climbing the ranks seeing a visible progression of ranks. Also easier for people to know which people of moderator ranks are online.
- Possibly add integration for Discord and/or TeamSpeak 3 so players can click a button on the main guild interface to be taken to their guild's third party app.
- Move Siege consumables in storage from Consumables to the War Chest for consistency.
- Potentially add the ability for guild PvP teams to queue for sPvP and tournaments within the existing guild PvP team interface.
- Viewing guild log will sometimes result in not being able to whisper people for upwards of 30 mins then your chat will play catch up as it opens up to whisper the people in the order you tried to whisper them 30 mins ago or however long ago the bug kicked in. This has been an issue I remember since I began playing in 2015. I know it's been reported dozens of times by others too.

Guild Hall Upgrades & Improvements:
- Guild Halls have largely been unchanged since being introduced in Heart of Thorns other than the occasional new decorations. I think it's time we explore options for new upgrades both for making guild halls more useful as well as new upgrades for players to sink gold into to help the economy:
          - Trade Post merchant, Black Lion merchant, and Bank Access merchant as market area unlocks.
           - Add a fourth guild bank tab at a substantial unlock cost also with its own permissions for access.
           - Tier 4 material synthesizers at a substantial unlock cost.
           - An additional discount to waypoint costs for guild members representing to accommodate for the size of the map now after the addition of Cantha.
           - Guild Portal upgrade to take you to the home city of each race as well as the starting zone of each expansion if the player owns that expansion OR at least allow the guild portal to open to the starting zone of the expansion that hall exists in (Windswept Haven to Crystal Oasis, Isle of Reflection to Seitung Province, and Gilded Hollow/Lost Precipice to Verdant Brink).
           - Gliding, mount, and skiff rental unlocks for guild halls. This will allow players to engage in activities like skiff and mount races with their guild members as free-to-play accounts.
           - New guild hall music and anthem unlock options. Existing songs from zones in each expansion, all festival music, and other popular tracks from the game would be nice options.
           - An upgrade to the War Room that is somehow incorporated in the pending Alliances release. Maybe a shared meeting area for members of an alliance?
- Increase the global decoration limit of guild halls from 2,000 to 3,000 to allow guilds to create more large projects, like beetle race tracks and jumping puzzles.
- Increase the 20 decoration limit in an area to 30 or more if possible as I know I and many others have ran into the limit while creating seating areas and other projects.
- The ability to change the size of every decoration you place to 0.5x or 2x the original size to add variety in how we can use decorations.
- Change the Guild Decoration Trader's purchase limits to allow users to input how much they want to buy at once, rather than having to buy everything one by one.
- Increase the Scribing Assembly Queue limit of 250 per item to allow for additional stacks of items, like Guild Banquets and Banners. I often find myself dropping Guild Banquets as often as I can to create space for more as guildies craft them to level up scribing quickly. Having stack limits makes it difficult to do so and seems unnecessary.
- Change how guild hall instances operate on the back end or increase the limits before the game asks you to swap instances. If enough guildies hop into the guild hall at once, the game opens more than one instance at the same time splitting up your squad during guild missions for example causing issues using the guild portal also then will begin to downsize causing players to swap instances before they are allowed to decorate again.
- Make the Teleporter Entrance/Exit decorations work both ways.

Guild Missions Rework:
Guild Missions still have importance because of the Favor required to upgrade new guild halls and several useful purchases made using Guild Commendations, but the content is dated and tedious having been largely unchanged for a decade:
- Add new options for existing mission types. New races, challenges, puzzles, treks, and bounties will make the content feel refreshing.
- Update existing missions to bring them more in line with power creep and game direction. Save Our Supplies and a few of the other challenges for example take substantially longer than most missions when you consider they have the same rewards as other missions within the same difficulty tier. Races can possibly be spruced up, but don't have to inherently change much. Existing puzzles can use a face lift, but also don't need much changing. Treks are fine as is. Bounties can become more difficult fights on par with elite or champion difficult mobs in meta events.
- Possibly a new mission type revolving around a scavenger hunt of sorts. Having guilds find x items in a particular zone can be an entertaining new mission idea without too much difficulty implementing. The idea would work similar to treks, but a series of items or spots to find in the same zone.
- Improve the rewards slightly by increasing the silver obtained to be a flat 1 gold per mission per week as opposed to 70s/75s/80s. Also expand upon the commendation trader's offerings by adding other base game ascended trinkets like rings and amulets as well as other potential QoL purchases. This comes in line with the developer's approach to provide more access to end game for new players by having more ways to gear characters.

Idea for Guild Achievement System:
Guild Wars 2 is full of completionist players who aim to do every achievement possible to increase their achievement points and unlock new rewards at each tier. As such, it might be a fun idea to implement a guild achievement system that resets on a weekly, or preferably, monthly interval.
- Guild achievements can include slayer style achievements (kill X amount of Ettins), gather style achievements (gather X amount of ore, wood, etc.), map complete X amount of zones, clear X amount of raid bosses, win/participate in X amount of ranked sPvP matches, and capture X amount of keeps, towers, and camps in WvW.
- Individuals completing the tasks listed above contribute towards the overall progress of the guild towards the goals set by the system and their participation will correspond to how much of a reward they will receive based on a tiered participation reward system. This can be titles, unidentified gear, gold, and/or a new currency that goes towards unlocking new guild weapon and armor skins.
- The system resets at the end of the week or month with all the guild achievements progress reset back to zero.

Guild v Guild Queue:
With alliances pending, I think there should be the exploration of other ways to have guild-based PvP. Guilds sometimes use EotM and Obsidian Sanctum for Guild v Guild fights, but not having it formerly supported leaves the scene rather barren.
- Introduce a new GvG queue to either the PvP or Guild interfaces or even a brand new interface where guilds can form squads to queue for matches.
- Provide a new button in the squad interface to go into "GvG Mode" with a 20-member limit.
- Can possibly recycle existing PvP maps or portions of existing zones to fit the scale necessary for 20v20's.
- There doesn't necessarily have to be monetary prizes as proper implementation of a leader board to track your guild's progress in GvG's as well as titles and visual representation of your guild's GvG rank on your nameplate when you rep can go a long way towards motivating players to participate in the content. However, figuring out some sort of monetary reward structure possibly on a weekly limit may suffice.
- The matches can be spawn ticket based, last team standing elimination based, or capture the points like sPvP so there's variety in how the mode is played and the strategies necessary to win each type.

Player Owned Housing:
The current home instances leave a lot to be desired as I know many players who have left GW2 or have never tried it simply because they wanted the ability to own a house that other MMO's provide. There are ways to implement player owned housing in GW2 that provide players an opportunity to express themselves while also bolstering the game's economy.
- Add around three to five different layouts of homes purchasable in each race's home zone and potentially the starting zone for each expansion. Players purchase these homes with gold and possibly some other currency
- Once purchased, a player receives a scroll or other item that teleports them to their home.
- Standing outside a home plot will bring up a menu that will have a button to enter your home if you own that specific layout as well as a drop down list of all instances of that home you can enter or ask to enter as long as the owners of the home are inside their home at the time.
- Once you own a home, the same nodes you have unlocked for your home instance are available in your home with the ability to rearrange them like the decorating system of guild halls so people can arrange the nodes for their ease of access. This also provides an alternative to home instance farming.
- Expand Scribing to 500 and make it both for personal and guild use as it becomes the main method for creating decorations for one's home.
- Possibly make decorations for homes separate from guild hall decorations while also making them tradable to introduce a new market for the economy.
- Utilize underutilized materials in the recipes for these new decorations to create a new supply and demand.

Accessibility Improvements:
- Ability to turn off other player's infusions, legendary effects, and other shinies to improve visibility in end game content for players with accessibility issues as well as potential performance boost.
- Increase the visibility of attacks in end game content to accommodate for the skill effects that happen in 10 man content. An example would be the arrows signifying where Minister Li dashes to on Kaineng Overlook strike are rather light in comparison to all the legendary trinket effects and skill effects during the fight. This will improve accessibility for players who have visual impairments. At least provide an option to increase the contrast for these like the changes to cursors recently.
- Update feasts to describe the buffs provided when consumed. This will be useful for the guild storage as well as the random feasts players get as rewards from the game occasionally. Additionally, it would be handy to be able to click a feast on the ground and see a nourishment buff at the top of your screen displaying the buffs as well without having to consume the feast to know what it provides you.

- Make it so players you have blocked can't still add you to their friend's list and be able to see where you are.

- Have items stack into existing stacks in guild banks.
- Change current mail cool down restrictions to allow users to mail more often. Currently we can send two mails in quick succession, but then have to wait several minutes where we are stopped for excessive messaging. I know other guild leaders and I get frustrated with this measure as sometimes we hit that limit mailing prizes to guild members who won prizes from guild events or in my case, I hit mail limits notifying guild members they are being removed for an inactivity kick with the option to rejoin the guild.
- Potentially add the ability to change dyes on Mechanists' Mechs and Rangers' Pets.
- Potentially add the ability to dye weapons or at least specific tiers of weapon skins to add more individuality in player's fashion choices.

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1 hour ago, Mr Paul.8247 said:

- Have items stack into existing stacks in guild banks.

Ha - that is a really odd (lack of) feature currently. If someone doesn't have permission to withdraw from the bank, then all they can do is start a new stack, which means in no time a tab is filled up with duplicated small stacks of various mats.

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Ablitity for the Squad Commander to create a new map instance when having a certain amount of people in their squad.
When making a new instance all players that confirm their readiness will be instantly transported. Random players can't join the map for X amount of time allowing those in squad that didn't confirm readiness, to enter the map. After the time passes random players can enter automatically.

This way will help with getting clean meta maps and making sure the squad will get the priority so everyone get's in.

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Able to solo Raids on my own, or with my own other characters as helpers.

I never ever done any Raids in this game, and I'd like to try it at least. 

But I don't wanna be rushing around like a headless chicken.

I want to take my time and savour it, as I did with dungeons.


Which brings me to my next request. 

I did solo dungeons once with a Scourge, then Reaper Minion Master.

Why am I not able to do now?

The difficulty was increased somewhere along the line.

Please make this adjustable to the number of human players, or just give us the helpers so many of us have been asking for so many years.


I want to create a team of my own characters to do this sort of thing.


I never experienced Raids, Strike Missions, and the other one... only once, only for the turtle.



I think it's time you give us the helpers and make content more solo-able friendly.

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It's the suggestion everyone's been waiting for!  Superior Rune of the Angler!


(1) +5 Fishing Power

(2) Caught fish look bigger.*

(3) +10 Fishing Power

(4) Caught fish occasionally greatly impress others.**

(5) +15 Fishing Power

(6) Gain +30 Fishing Power for 30 seconds after catching a fish.  +15% casting range.


* = This would increase the size of the 3D model of fish you are holding after being caught by 25%.

** = Occasionally you would hear people (not the character's voice) be verbally impressed with the catch.  Ooohs, Aaaahs, Wows, etc.  You get the idea, fishing is a big deal and your catches please the crowds.


The purpose of the final buff is to give you a boost to FP, but only if you can catch a fish fast enough.  Sort of like an on-kill buff, good buff but you need to capitalize on it.



The easy thing to do would be to make this rune available at the vendors once you've maxed out your fishing mastery.  But really, where is the fun in that?  A collection or achievement-style chain would be fun, make the rune more rewarding and enjoyable.  Or, maybe make the runes out of some obscure and hilarious components.


Anet, I would totally use this.  I'm willing to bet a lot of people would.  It would be the perfect addition to a fishing set!  Thank you for your consideration. 🙂

Edited by supermanboy.4592
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Sure, for the fishing hat and vest only, just to really add to the humor.  I'm amused, especially by the increased size of our fish tales.  

I'd welcome some more fishing related achievements or a fun storyline for a skin or glyph for a fishing rod..."the one that got away".  

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They could also add to the armour pieces. 😉


Boots would look like rain boots sailors/fishermen use.

Pants could be cargo shorts with belt.  Belt could have a fillet knife on it, small bags, gear, ect. (Yes boots with shorts, because people who fish are on the forefront of fashion)

Gloves would look like leather gloves, the type people use to hold fish without cutting themselves on the sharp bits.

The shoulder piece could be a folded net draped over one shoulder.


I'm tearing up thinking of it!


You could even make fishing weapons:


Rifle would be an "Illegal Fishing Rod"

Dagger would be a Fillet Knife.

Sword would be an Epic Fillet Knife.

Great Sword would be an even more outrageous version of the sword, with an even more humourous and unbelievable name.

Just a starter list, Anet is extremely creative and I have no doubt they could easily fill out the rest of the weapon types thoughtfully and  humourously.

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I'm just going to drop this here since I've recently suffered this and its just not right to suffer like this after putting in so much effort:


Add a grace period for re-joining map instances if you disconnect! I bet almost everyone has suffered from a random disconnect (or game crash) here and there, whether it be to bad internet, a server hiccup, dx11, or something else. I just went through the WHOLE Dragon's End meta, 2 hours of prep and 1 hour of the actual meta only to disconnect right before the end of the Soo Won fight. Was at the last 20% phase with plenty of time left when it happened. My internet was working perfectly fine, as I always test it out when the game randomly kicks me out. But it still takes some time to re-open the game back up and load back in. Even though I can get back in the game fairly quickly, the game would NOT let me back in the specific map instance I was in! 😢


All my time and effort, WASTED. This is just so wrong considering DE is one of the longest meta events in the game!

Edited by Huffinator.4598
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Probably suggested several times previously but : adding a « return to previous map » feature (as well as including them on the world map to be able to use wp from there) on all lounges, not just Mistlock’s, Thousand Seas Pavilion and AB ? It would actually convince me to get it another lounge other  than the three mentioned above (that remain nice tho) ^^ and I am pretty sure these two are much more purchased than all the others because of that feature 

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Hi there,

As more and more mount, and equip/build template is now up to 8

I'm running out of shortcut on my keyboard to keep the shortcut not using more then 3-keys combination

(yeah I'm now start using Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Something for non-combat shortcut)

So I'm wondering if GW2 can identify the Ctrl, Shift, Alt on the left, and Ctrl, Shift, Alt on the right as 2 sets of keys?


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46 minutes ago, chris.9142 said:

why would you need a shortcut key to chnage build templates?



are you chnaing that often dont see the point espeically when you only do it out of combat


because it is more easy for me using a shortcut then that little tiny button, or go through the hero panel.

especially some OOC gap only have a sec or 2 between combats.

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I know that the game is really old, but if they want to put in on steam I don't think that the new players are going to let it all slip by just because it's old. 
As a veteran player, going back to the core Tyria to do daily events (for the 2daily gold) or trying to get some rare drops made me want to make this thread. 


I will focus on defend (an area) and escort events. They take too long and/or are too slow. Giving an NPC slight speed aura, that speeds up nearby players can cut the 5-10 minute escorts into 3-6 minute escorts. Those NPCs can't even be sped up by the player spells, which makes things even worse. That is why I recommended aura (source NPC) instead of letting the players speed them up (some classes don't have spells that can do that, especially not on early levels). Even for a new players those events are really not that fun and there are tons of them in the core Tyria. 

Defend/keep an area from not being taken by the enemy mobs takes too long. Some take up to 10-15 minutes, just standing there. Wave after wave. It's boring. Cutting the timer on all those events up to 5-8 minutes would be a good fix. 

Edited by corwin.3495
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