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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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If the goal is , that some traits behave differently in each mode (skill splitting - some offer quickness vs not-quickess /scrapper) , shouldn't the area around that specific Trait in the UI have a hazardous-warning effect and a small tooltip in the bottom  that say this icon means different skills in different modes  ?

But it would better to create an ideology where , in PvE the placeholder spell  is Quickness/Alacrity , while in PvP/WvW it's  the proper spell (pvp centric or one trait ,change the mundane of many PvE skils(every skill that offer 0.25s fury into quickness and every skill that has "2" bleed into 1sec freeze and the skills that have "4" bleed into +20% damage boost) , while leaving aside the baseline 1 , 3 + existing bleed effect to continue to exist)

Edited by Noir.8561
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Just a quick suggestion for WvW.


● Add new weapon blue prints.


1. Bunkers.

Same hit points as a gate.

Holds up to 3 allies.

Ideal for ranged units.


2. Portable Mortar. 

Same hit points as a wall mounted mortar



● Add Siege Turtle



● Give each profession a special ability in WvW only.


1. Thief

Able to infiltrate enemy buildings and steal supplies or activate their tactics. 


2. Ranger

Send pet to seek out a specific target. 

HP and power massively increased while on a task.

Detect stealthed foes.


3. Engineer.

Able to hold a much larger anount of supplies.

Builds and repairs faster.


4. Elementalist 

Gains boosters according to the terrain is in.

Land augment earth attunement. 

Water augment water attunement. 



5. Mesmer

Create an AI clone that can travel to a designated point in the map or roam at random to serve as a decoy.


6. Necromancer

Re animate NPC corpses and use them as spies or other tasks.



Give extra protection to NPC allies.

Increase building defenses around.

Strenghten near by Guards.



Possess an NPC body and control it.



Increase near by ally NPCs Power and DPS.


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You all have been really great about giving us options to deal with annoying sounds and such, but a new one has popped up.

Would you please flag the sounds that minis and tonics make so that we can turn them off with "Other Player's Unique Item Sounds"?

The Halloween tonic(?) that changes someone from skeleton to spider, etc. was annoying enough, but the new Ghost mini sounds for the Jade Bot are driving me crazy. If I turn them off with the "Effects Volume" slider, I lose all action/spell effects as well.

I really think that extraneous fluff should be on a separate channel from important sounds like combat effects, the way environmental sounds are separate. On that note, I'd love to be able to eliminate the repetitive NPC comments without losing story dialogue. As it stand, if I want to hear new story dialogue, I also have to listen to "more violets, less violence" over and over again. One of the big reasons I bought the Mistlock Sanctuary was to get away from all the noise, but now the ghosts are everywhere and I've lost that peace. I can't even use the mute key on my keyboard as that kills the sound from Discord, etc., so I have to go into options over and over again.

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Please give us an Option to tick in the setting that prevents auto-filling the wiki chat code.


For example, if german type "/wiki" in chat it automatically adds it to "/wiki de:". Same for french and others. Please let us disable the "autofilling", because almost all wiki sites besides the english are bad.

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I'd like it if we could mute all items from other players.

Someone mentioned two of these things above, but I have something to add 

The new jade bot mini, all the currently available skins make noise. Which get annoying when you're in a place like mistlock sanctuary and six people around you all have various skins of that mini. Especially the new ghost skin. The giggling sound is cute, but not when all six minis play it on a loop at different times around you.

The candy corn gobbler also makes super annoying noises. I've had to listen as people use it every five seconds to build up their buff. Which has made me super aware just how much noise I'm making for the people around me every time I use it.

The Super Adventure Box minis also make the noises they make in SAB, and it would be great if they didn't.

I've also been led to believe that Pet Dog Whsitle: Basenji's Howl noise when given the Speak command can be heard by other players. But I cannot confirm this myself, as I never bothered learning the tricks.

ALL of these should be covered by "Other Players' Unique Item Sounds", and I cannot believe that they aren't, especially considering how old those SAB minis are. Minis should be muted for everyone but their owner by default, and the candy corn gobbler has been needing a rework for years. It should act like the snowflake or zaitan gobbler, where it's effectively a store transaction, and it should make no noise.

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Would love to see the sitting poses from the Someone In Need collection added to the hotbar when actually sitting in a chair, or when sitting in a novelty chair. Don't care about clipping, just love the new poses and need to have them available when actually sitting on a chair in the world.

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(I apologize for any error, i don't speak english perfectly, and I hope that here is the right place to post this)


I really wish some animation changes, but i will talk only about one:

Scepter - Skill 1 - Elementalist - Fire Attunement: That animation is absolutely terrible, and even if sometimes this is not a problem because it's used on occasional skills, on the first skill of a main weapon is painful to watch, same on Dagger, Earth Attunement, first skill. Just anything else would be better.

Anyway Elementalist animations bounce from absolutely amazing and totally garbage, I love this class but sometimes I find miself to avoid some attunement or weapons for this reason. Still, the one animation I talked about above is the one that i think requires a restyle for shure.


Another thing that the game requires by now is a remastering of the free-to-play personal story, especially all the stuff from Claw Island and after that. The whole campaign against Zaithan is getting old vary badly, and all episodes are full of visual glitches like NPCs that vanish during cinematics or worst, NPC models that change during dialogues, like Maeva's during the mission where you set on fire the Risen Ark. Anyway there are a lot of updates that the personal story requires, all of Zaithan campaign needs more pathos, more stimulating fights, a better dubbing for Zaithan minions (the Mouth or the Eye are absolutely pathetic to hear, not because of the dubbing itself, well, kinda, but mostly because the texts are embarassing), glitch fixing, and some improvement that can make the whole free-to-play personal story more appealing. I think that now that the dragons storyline has come to an end and the game has been released on steam, it is a perfect moment to work on this stuff. Ah, and there could be added some story-achievements like the ones of every LW and Expansion too.


Also I want to talk about the new experience boost achievements that came out with game release on Steam. Everyone could use some tutorial-like achievements, and the experience as a reward it's nice, but they give you TOO MUCH experience in my hopinion. It became almost pointless the map completition, last time i leveled up a character i found myself leveling from 1 to 25 in less then a hour, and it's not only during low level, it's the same on high level, I get from Lvl 70 to 80 just by crafting some low level stuff and compleating an achievement tier, achievement that are something like "use the bank", "level up", "pick up some flowers", it doesn't make any sense. It's ok the experience reward, it's fantastic using achievement as a tutorial because they could push you to try and learn basically everything, but there's too much exp, i think those achievement need to reduce the amount of exp given by a half at least; still, tier 4 and 5 of those achievement are basically useless because you can reach lvl 80 during tier 3, or at least that happened to me.

Edited by Val.7826
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Heres a suggestion for you... STop it with the jumping puzzles!!! Not everyone likes them and not everyone can do them!!!  We are seriously missing out on content and achievements because someone on the dev team thinks we all want jumping puzzles.  ONce again I cannot do an achievement (Someone in Need) because its got so many jumping puzzles!!!!!!  Whats ironic is this is part of the Extra Life 2022 content and yet the jumping puzzles are virtually impossible for those with disabilities involving their hands or perceptions!!!!  Really Anet....come off the jumping puzzles!!! I and i know alot of others would love to be able to complete evvetns and achievements !!

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3 hours ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

And what?  What did the CS Team say?  Did you have trouble proving the account was yours? Or what? 

Many players have posted about having changed their Account Name. 

Well, I tried again, and this time it worked. They must have upped their game in the last few years.

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While Weddings aren't as big a thing in GW2 as other MMO's like FFXIV, it still happens and there are a lot of stories(and even a few NPCs based on real people) that have tied the knot in-game.
but beyond the Gemstore Wedding attire outfit, and the valentines roses and Chocolates gizmos, there isn't much to show off these connections.

it would be nice to have a Craftable upgrade for jewellers(either as a Jewel or an enrichment) that would add a small cosmetic effect to the left hand, similar to how the Prototype position rewinder adds a purple sparkle to the payers hand when it use.

Edited by Parasite.5389
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Not sure if this topic has been brought up before but an Infusion preview added to the Wardrobe would be such a great idea. It would also encourage more people to buy infusions or complete achievements involving infusions. Plus a way to view multiple infusions together to see the stacking effect. Instead of watching YouTube videos)

Just a thought since the Devs have been upgrading the wardrobe under the radar with great stuff.

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I've read some of the messages regarding a new set of legendary armor.  It doesn't look like anyone has my suggestion which is to make Aurene sets of legendary armor.  Most of the ground work is done.  An Aurene set would go with 3rd gen legendary weapons.  They could even give them the different dragon variations. 

Edited by GinsuChef.3765
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13 hours ago, Silent.6137 said:


Please have all with "Skip to End". Really don't need to watch them over and over just to try for an achievement. Too many have no options to skip.

Dude... its so bad. like you try to get flow to play a mmo and its just.. stop story, effects all over the ground... could be toned down by like 400%... dam. really want to enjoy the game but it disallows flow.

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